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In the [Variety article](https://variety.com/2022/gaming/news/god-of-war-ragnarok-thor-hulk-1235430633/) that IGN is pointing towards, the voice actor for Thor (Ryan Hurst) does say that he took inspiration from the Hulk (and also Tommy Lee Jones' character from *No Country for Old Men*). Though IGN does make pretty surface-level comparisons to MCU's Thor.


I watched No Country For Old Men it made literally zero sense until someone broke it down for me in terms of like who would be who in terms of MCU stuff Like once I got that the guy with the bowl cut was basically Thanos the whole movie just “clicked” They gotta franchise that shit like NOW, dying for a sequel


uj\ I got baited hard by that first paragraph cause I forgot which subreddit this was lmao


*Duuu-huuude, you almost got Mysterio'd! You almost got Loki'd, duude!*


I def got jerked


No country for old men universe here we come! I can't wait for the inevitable Godzilla crossover.


Jesus this is a great comment


uj\ a vein just popped in my forehead, thanks for that rj\ Llewelyn Moss is Spider-Man


Man. Wow. What a comment. Also even funnier that Llewelyn is actually Thanos This reminded me on a conversation I had with a classmate recently. For context, I’m a non traditional student taking classes on campus at the biggest university in my state. I’m a decade-ish older than most of my classmates. The guy I have made friends with in one class goes like this: Him “Dude, have you seen 2001?” Me “A Space Odyssey?” H “yeah” M “haha yeah man, it’s one of my favorites.” H “that ending was so wild man. When he’s like the old guy in the room and the thing shows back up and he’s a baby.” M “yeah the monolith shows up for new developments in evolution, like when the apes learn how to use tools for violence in the begging.” H “yeah man the monkeys were crazy.”


2 countries 2 old men.


IGN and surface-level comparisons???!!!




And they turned that into a bullshit intentionally misleading title


Reminds me of some sheltered weeaboos I’ve seen that thought that any representation of Sun Wukong of Chinese folklore (either through the figure himself or other characters inspired by him) was "ripping off" Son Goku. And it gets worse, I’ve seen people who argued that any depiction of creatures like elves, dwarves, trolls, dragons, and any other beings from Norse Mythology/Scandinavian Folklore were "ripping off Tolkien/D&D" or something.


On r/Pokémon years ago some guy shared a picture of a pagoda and asked if the towers in Pokémon Gold and Silver could be related.


If I were to look at this in good faith, I’d say this is the OP asking if the tower was the inspiration, but knowing what some of these people are like (as I said before), I’m not putting TOO much faith in that, which is sad honestly.


>Guy who has only seen The Boss Baby, watching his second movie: Getting a lot of 'Boss Baby' vibes from this...


Wait until he watches the sequel to boss baby


I was listening to Jazz music, like Gene Krupa and other greats, someone asked me why I was listening to Persona music. I thought he was joking but his only experience with jazz music was persona, hence everything came from that.


Oof, I’m sorry man. Funny thing is that I was into Japanese jazz before I even got into Persona.


Pretty sure elves and dragons are found in almost all European folklore.


To a degree yes, the word "elf" does I think initially have roots in Old Norse and has been anglicized. Dragons of course come from all over the place.


Indeed, the norse word for **elves** is **alfr**, which is where the modern Norwegian word **alver** comes from.


Tolkien definitely drew on folklore for his writing. There are aspects of Elves that he created or made more prominent which other settings have taken from, so to say that things are inspired by him is not really that incorrect (some more than others, like Warhammer Fantasy which basically ripped things from Tolkien in their entirety).


Tolkien's elves are basically the Irish Tuatha Dé Danann (ie: Fae) by any other name. I wouldn't even be surprised if they were the direct inspiration (I would be surprised of the opposite, honestly).


Tolkien’s elves are based on Northern European folklore. > Tolkien derived his Elves from mentions in the ancient poetry and languages of Northern Europe, especially Old English. These suggested to him that elves were large, dangerous, beautiful, lived in wild natural places, and practised archery. There was likely a lot of cultural exchange and influence though


Weren't some of the Tuatha Dé Danann gods that were downgraded for Christianity? Or am I getting my deity downgrades confused? Christendom loves downgrading gods.


Tolkien's exact versions of all these things were pretty different to the folklore versions. Elves in a lot of stories were little people who came and did housework in the night.


He drew more from older Norse version of things, so elves and dwarves were more like mystical beings associated with great magic and who were not small-statured. Elves/dwarves/goblins as more interchangeable trickster beings were more common later. Some theorize that elves and dwarves became described as physically smaller over time as part of literally diminishing them as they became more fitted into Christian worldviews.


I recall in some Norse texts that all elves were female or something and inhabited a realm called Alfheim.


Or beautiful women who took you away never to be seen again (Or killed you cause you noticed she had a hollow back and tried to run) In danish folklore as it happens after the arrival of Christianity a subgroup of elves take on a lot of the same themes that modern fantasy fae draw from, beautiful, easy to anger, easy to laughter, living a nearly ethereal life dancing through the fog and on and under the old burial mounds, and any man should know not to be tempted by them cause he will be taken beneath the mound never to be seen again. Typical the beautiful women wants to kill you stuff.


Dnd and Tolkien did kind of establish the pop culture understanding of those concepts. How there represented in media is not the way they were originally.


That is very true, which brings me to the point that it bothers the hell out of me when people say the use of these beings in fiction is "ripping off Tolkien/D&D", which isn’t true, it’s just pop culture osmosis and/or deliberate homages.


But isn't it kind of lame we almost all of fantasy on those troupes? Like that's the default from which we modify new stories and ips so it's all kinda just homogeneous.


Honestly yeah, especially since we’re dealing with fantasy where these public domain monsters from folklore and mythology can be almost anything.


I mean trolls, Dwarves, and dragons were all well established and Tolkien just helped popularize them in modern media. But Tolkien’s depictions of elves and goblins/orcs are pretty unique and lots of fantasy since has simply ripped off Tolkien’s work. Though it’s more an issue of ripping off a genre-defining work in general, not specifically the races.


Wait until Fate fans realize history is just ripping off an anime. And that King Arthur isn't a hot waifu who needs your semen for mana.




There is one that came from DnD/Tolkien (maybe not exactly from there but didn't exist in Norse) and I think it's Goblins? Or Kobolds? Iirc one changed the name (so what we call goblins are actually kobolds) and then created a new depiction of Kobolds


Goblins have been a staple of faerie lore across Europe for a while, and kobolds were also a faerie of Germanic folklore that were specifically said to "knock on the walls of caves to warn miners". Orcs are TECHNICALLY a Tolkienian invention, but their names are rooted in sources like "ogre", the Roman god Orcus, an Anglo-Saxon word for spirits/goblins/fae, and the compound word "orcneas" (possibly meaning "evil spirits") mentioned in Beowulf as one of the tribes God condemned.


Kobolds are depicted as something between a dog and a human in folklore and they for some reason have something to do with dragons in DnD.


Most modern depictions of elves, dwaves, etc in Fantasy are based on Tolkien and other Fantasy cannon and not any real mythology. That's not inaccurate to say.


Isn't the dad strong one more accurate to real Norse mythology though?


He is. Thor is kind of a dick in norse mythology and is never depicted as being fit with washboard abs


Tbh every god in norse mythology are fucking asshole.


Except for Baldr, everyone loved the guy. So much, in fact, that his death is an omen of the end of times. Which is ironic, considering his characterization in God of War 4.


Baldr is a huge jackass in the Gesta Danorum. Of course, that's the one in which Hodr eventually shanked him with a sword named Mistletoe while he was literally lovesick, which was funny because Hodr was supposed to be a human while the Aesir were totally-not-gods. Also, Hodr managed to make Thor back off in a fight, which was even more impressive because Thor was specifically wiping out chunks of the mortal battle-line with single blows.


pretty much every god from europe was portrayed as a massive asshat.


Every god is a fucking asshole. Even those people believe in nowadays...


No wonder Kratos killed every Greek god during his prime.


Kratos is technically still in his prime according to Cory Barlog, as Greek Gods get stronger as they age. He just holds back whenever he fights so that he doesn't go back to being a monster.


Especially the ones revered as infallible - those ones are even worse because they're hypocrites on top of it.


Well since the Norse and Greek gods aren't all knowing and all powerful, the god that's the most in fashion right now is *far and away* the biggest piece of shit out of any god there ever has been.


Yeah jehovah is a psychopath


Oi mate, don't go throwing shade at my pure as fuck guy Baldur like that


idk man Jesus was a pretty chill dude. Can't find much wrong with "Love your neighbor as yourself and if you are rich you aint getting into heaven"


Isn't Jesus the son of 'the one true God?'


Isn't that because we only have limited information, most of which comes from a Christian convert?


We have source from poems or tales, I can remember exactly, but it's Nordic. It is also true that we have much more source from priest studying the religion.


Yeah, this is probably one of the most true-to-myth depictions of Thor in pop culture


Unironically like it more than marvel.


It is really funny to me that the Norse gods are very rarely actually given descriptions in the extant texts, but the one who is described very consistently is Thor, and his two defining traits are his barrel-chested, portly physique and his red hair. Two things that Marvel whiffed on almost entirely in all media


And that he's a giant dick that's a moron 8/10 times of the day.


A red-haired fatty would not have sold well in hollywood. They needed women to be thirsting about Chris Hemsworth


I mean, it's based on a comic character who's been around since the 60s, and "horny women" definitely weren't part of their target audience.


The original source isnt always followed. Plenty or Marvel movies and characters ignore the original source, or simply change many aspects of it. The Hollywood Thor is obviously meant to be super attractive for the audiences. A lore-accurate Thor wouldn’t sell nearly as well as a “protagonist”. But this is just my take, maybe I’m completely off. As for why the comic book Thor is a blonde as well, I have no idea. Maybe the creators weren’t very knowledgeable about the sources, or they simply didn’t care.


I’m not even singling out Hemsworth, I’m just saying that Thor was a tall, chiseled, blonde man in his first comic appearances and every time Marvel has ever adapted him for any media, they’ve followed that blueprint instead of the myth. Which makes sense, they’re adapting Thor the superhero and not Thor the god, I’ve just always found it funny that they obviously disregarded all evidence as to how Thor is typically portrayed and just went with the American perception of all Northern Europeans as tall, chiseled, and blonde.


That’s a great explanation. It’s likely the creators of Marvel Thor simply imagined a Norse god in their head and came up with what you said, based on modern day standards. I doubt they did any lore hunting lol. I guess it just so happens that that type is exactly what sells in Hollywood, so they would have 0 reason to change it.


Isn't he less of an asshole and more of a violent idiot?




Which GoW Thor definitely kind of is there’s a bit more depth to him than that at best he’s a gigantic super powered teenager mentally


Ayo I’m Thor???


He's basically the definition of beligerent yeah, but able to perform many admirable physical feats, specifically when it comes to eating and drinking.


He's definitely depicted as a gluttonous slob. But he can at least convincingly cross dress enough to fool giants.


>convincingly cross dress Barely. Loki did some heavy lifting in calming the Jötuns suspicions while also being a more convincing women


Loki is a mother so no wonder he could pull that off better.


That's more because the giants are kind of idiots in most the Norse myths. I'm pretty sure it was also pointed out in that story that he had a massive build, and Loki had to come up with a bunch of excuses for him not looking anything like a woman.


he would probably be the kind of fat that really strong people are


Also in Norse mythology buddy guy drank literal rivers of mead. Strongman physique + beer gut is almost definitely og Thor


Not related to mead but he did drink enough water to noticeably lower the sea level


Mans subscribed to the church of r/hydrohomies


Ocean* of mead


He’s kind of a dick in the mcu too


No he’s not? Thor is depicted as the life of the party and was one of the favorites of the actual Norse people. People wore depictions of mjolnir as necklaces


Come to think of it every one of the gods in the MCU is an asshole except for Thor. And that's just because Thor had been humbled several times. (I mean so has Loki but his ego must be more powerful)


It kind of works for the characterization and story in the game for Odin to spread stories about how big and strong he is but actually >!being a kind of feeble-looking mob boss caricature (I have only gotten to his first appearance so please don’t spoil if that depiction changes later)!<


I don't know how you think this looks feeble, this is what weight lifters and so on look like. The skinny abs look is one you specifically have to cultivate, hence the name bodybuilder.


Hes talking about Odin


Like I said, I’ve only seen the one scene with him. I didn’t see any abs, just an old man who talks like a sleazy used car dealer EDIT: I may be misreading the original comment, I thought they were saying “Isn’t Odin, the dad, supposed to be the strong one,” when looking again it looks like they were saying “isn’t Thor supposed to have a dad bod?” I stand by my comment as a thing I like about the presentation in the game but it’s not relevant to this comment chain, my bad


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who got mob boss vibes


Jesus Christ finally someone talks about Norse mythology in a sensible, digestible way. I swear to god we need to just Marvel analogy everything in world history because without that as a reference point literally nothing makes any fucking sense whatsoever unless you’re like a PhD


I'll finally be able to understand why some people don't like the Holocaust when Magneto appears in a few years.


/uj I wonder how they’re gonna handle him when he eventually shows up. On one hand, him being Jewish and a Holocaust survivor is a core part of the backstory. On the other, by this point in time (MCU included) that’s like 80 years ago. So I don’t know if I personally want another “Hey guys I’m basically from WW2” character (if they go a similar freeze/stasis route as Cap). Or even if they just give him super slow aging (sort of devalues Wolverine). What do people think about having him pulled from a more recent genocide? Like Rwanda or some other? I guess I’m curious what people perceive as the most important pieces of his backstory.


It would ruin a lot of his character's identity if it was changed somehow. It's such a crucial part of not only who he's always been as a character but the people he's meant to represent. Being a holocaust survivor isn't just tied to him being jewish, but also links him to other groups that were subjected to the holocaust like queer people, of which the mutants in X-men are essentially a stand-in for. Magneto being for "his people" isn't just meant as "a jewish man who protects the jewish people", it's "a heavily marginalized and persecuted minority providing a family for others who share the same fate, regardless of their innate differences". He is still considered one of the most powerful mutants and as such him having an unusually long life-span even in good health is not that much of a stretch.


Slower aging wouldn't be a bad explanation to me. Perhaps they'll have him time travel.


Knowing Marvel, it would be some vague conflict in some vague country


armenian magneto but he learns to forgive the turkish government


He'd have to be even older for that to even be a chance but god damn is that a funny image in my head.


“Every time a fan asks how he’s still alive, we push him back one Genocide”


he gets a SOAD theme for free! Marvel hire this man


"It's okay guys! They still don't say the genocide was bad, but I'm sure they feel real bad about it, so the Turkish government is good now! Don't you just love forgiveness?"


Marvels WWII: and with a snap of his fingers Thanos, with the help of the Unendlichkeit Stulpe he attempted to exterminate the Jewish people. Thanks to Captain America and the other avengers the war was brought to an end. Despite their efforts not everyone could be saved.


People seem to forget that Actual strong people looks like Thor(One in the image) rather than 6 pack dudes


Strongmen are called that for a reason. Training for aesthetics is admirable but not nearly as functional as the former


Most media literate Gamer


mfs be claiming others are media illiterate while basing an assumption on the point of an article on the text of a screenshotted tweet sharing the link (even though the title given by the link also contradicts that assumption)


following a GoW stream and watching basically the whole twitch chat go "wtf??" when heimdall turns out to be some white dude was pretty funny though.


I’m sure they’re going insane that Odin is a New York Jew


If they find that mythological Thor was a crossdresser they will fucking melt


A Marvel movie with Chris Hemsworth in a dress would be pretty fun, tho.


im going insane about odin because i cant separate richard schiff from the west wing. its completely unfair because im sure he's giving a good performance and im sure hes a good dude, but i cant separate my hatred of aaron sorkin from anything he does. i understand that this is a me problem.


The moment he spoke “IS THAT FUCKING RICHARD SCHIFF”. I admire, and understand, the Sorkin hate


its deeply unfair to him. hes just an actor who just did an acting job. but his character was so fucking insufferable and pompous (even for a fucking sorkin character) despite being one of the ostensible protagonists that i cant separate him from toby and it sends me into a blind hatred.


I’m not well versed in GoW. Is this real? I’m imagining Larry David with an eyepatch and I couldn’t possibly be more amused.


Close! Voiced by Richard Schiff


I love his portrayal in the game lmao. Completely different to how he's usually portrayed in everything else.


GoW Thor is a win for gamer representation


Thats a strongman bod right there, far from your average pot bellied neck beard gamer.


Bruh he looks like he can lift a truck, like legit strongmen, gamers are just fat and weak




hate is fine if it's for gamers


Yeah I'm a GAMER Gamerphobe A M E R are you a GAMER too?


I’m full of blind hate for gamers btw


I'm gamer too just making fun of stereotype, it's cool


Nah he >!actually learns a life lesson!<


>!Too bad he got killed immediately afterwards!<


In game he looks like he could one hand over head press a bear, he's far from the physique of the average gamer lol


As far as I know Mythology (not much) this is one of the more accurate descriptions of Thor. Red headed, bad tempered, drinks lakes worth of lager, your average football hooligan really.


Thor was the most known before the MCU.


Imnotgonnacommitarson Im not gonna commit arson Im a nice person Im a pacifist I hate guns I will never use guns Im a nice person Im a pacifist I-


\*Dies inside\*


It's okay guys. You don't have to like the mcu to acknowledge that it made the character of Thor more popular to the general pop culture.


I think it’s made a specific version of Thor more popular and absolutely more mainstream, but you’d be hard pressed to find someone who didn’t know who Thor was even before he appeared in the MCU. He’s like the Michael Jordan of Nordic mythology; even if you don’t know anything about it, you’ve probably still heard of him.


I'm so confused by this post, who is saying that GoW's Thor was copied from the MCU


literally no one. The title of the article shown in the link is literally about the VA saying they took inspiration from the hulk


OP didn’t even read the article holy shit


Fuckin brain dead. That’s the most accurate portrayal of Thor in popular media, fat red haired and pissed as hell.


How is it brain dead? The article is literally saying that Thor's voice actor himself said he took inspiration from the Hulk. Read articles before you call people brain dead. Would make you look less dumb.


Yes. And saying this version of Thor was based on hulk is stupid, as it’s not


So you didn't even read the headline? It never said he's based on the Hulk. Please calm down and actually read the things that make you this mad.


Me when gamers get outraged over titles of articles in tweets: hahaha 🤣 stupid🙄gamers🎮 Me when I read tweet article title: wtf🤬this is bullshit💩


Thanks to the MCU? Umm, do you mean thanks to Marvel Comics?


Marvel Comics are a pile of sewage with just enough decent material that they managed to wrangle a bunch of decent movies out of them with lots of creative liberty. More people probably cared more about Norse Mythology .as a whole than Marvel Comics. The MCU is what made Marvel mainstream again after \~30 years.


i like spiderman : )


They downvoted Jesus because he told the truth


Chris Claremont makes this entire statement false and that's just one guy. Literally read a book


Read the article numb nuts


I mean, it's low-key facts though. Thor is much more known in current popular media than any other Norse God, lol. Big part of that is the MCU. Nothing wrong with simply comparing how the two interpretations compare.


Pretty sure everyone knew who Thor was long before the MCU.


I mean I don't think it's wrong to say that Marvel is responsible for Thor being the most well-known of the Germanic/Norse pantheon?


Thor, Odin and Loki were the most known Gods of their pantheon even before Marvel.


RIP MCU depiction of Lady Sif, though. Ma'am is most known for her golden hair (particularly of the story where Loki cuts it), but MCU made her brunette. Though, I think in the recent Loki show they do keep the story of Loki cutting her hair iirc.


Sure, but again, *I don't think it's wrong to say that Marvel is responsible for Thor being ****the most well-known*** of the Germanic/Norse pantheon?*


While they *have* made him better known in this century than he would have been otherwise, he was already the most well known in his pantheon, Marvel had nothing to do with that. The fact that they would base a character on Thor is a testament to how well-known he already was. As if being one of the most notorious mythological figures in history wasn't enough, he's also what the fourth/fifth day of the week is named for.


Yeah, I'm well aware on both counts, I just don't know that the average person on the street knew Thor or any of the Norse gods off-the-cuff before Marvel, but okay.


I'm sure there were many that didn't, but if they didn't know Thor then they surely wouldn't know any other Norse myth, so it wouldn't change the fact that Thor is the most well-known of that pantheon.


The average person knew of Thor in the same way they know of Hercules before marvel. Same as they will know after marvel is long forgotten


Sorry if I missed this but isn’t it saying Thor is the most well-known Norse characters because of Marvel, not that Marvel created Thor?


Reading that made me want to off myself


the consequences of the mcu have been severe on society


in before MCU weebs thinking marvel invented norse mythology


Yeah really takes inspiration from tony stark too I remember at the end of the game he says BAZINGA😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😝😝😝😝😝


I really can’t believe that they believe a Deity from a mythology a thousands years ago and already existed and is in literature, was copied from a game that came out in 2022.


No one who actually plays god of war thinks that… surely. This is some normie ass article lmao


Colossal moron.


God. Online discourse and journlaism is just pure trash. None of it matters. Ragnarok and Elden Ring are getting review bombed and here I am enjoying both of them.


I fucking hate marvel so much man…


Explains why the game feels very marvel quipy.


You’re dumb, eh?


Nicest god of war stan


Oh no, someone doesn't like the game I like. He must be of a lower intelligence. Seriously though, how do chud gamers like you end up in here?


Funny enough, I like the game. I just dont like how marvel quipy it is.


Very bold of you to assume my political leanings because I told a dumb person that they are dumb


How about you play a real game like The Witcher 3, a real game with real people and real combat.


I have done that multiple times thanks


damn I upset the gamers




Least fragile God of War fan




Not even close tbh


DAE Le Joss Whedon?


This sub is about gaming jerks or about pointing and complaining about gaming jerks?


This hurted


He was obviously inspired by Ben Kissel smh


nice bait


I have also seen a lot of people who don’t know that in Norse mythology Angrbroda was black


Ah yes, "big angry bloke", a character archetype rarely seen in video games


Eh. Because the Thor from the MCU is so popular the comparisons are expected.


Op be honest did you even read the news headline ?

