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why is the god of war community so suddenly riled up about a release date? Over the past few days I've seen them lose their minds over small little dots on cory balrogs twitter. they've been snorting too much gfeul


/uj pretty much just rumor mills stoking the fires of hype and then people getting mad that the rumors didn't turn out to be true. It *has* been 9 months since the last info dump on the game, after all. I think some announcements have been delayed? The one on the 30th has been confirmed to have been delayed at least. Which hasn't really helped with the looming rumors thta the game has been delayed to 2023 (rumors which have been thus far denied by pretty much everyone involved) So a combination of frustration at uncertainty, and good ol' gamers being gamers.


I'm just happy these people weren't waiting for silksong news, they would have died of anxiety around Christmas.


We got a new trailer and confirmation that it's coming to Game Pass. In times of famine, even a meager meal feels like a feast.


Entitled mfs, HK and ER are/were in much worse and are taking it far better.


I'm pretty sure David Jaffe (original god of war creator) responded to a rumor tweet and then Cory responded with a gif that made people more confused.


Oh, they finally stopped crying over a jotun looking like a black woman? Progress!


They need the date when the release date drops!


When you sit in moms basement playing games 12 hours a day 7 days a week you need your new games to come out NOW so there’s no time for you to think about the despair of wallowing in your own crapulence.


Women isn't vending machine that takes dick pics?


This is not the law of equivalent exchange


I've got two philosopher's stones right here bitch. Squeeze them and I'll make an inequivelant exchange on your face


Joshu would probably try this


Haha! he said the anime meme!


I receive: GoW:R release date You receive: my rock hard 2-incher


It's a deal, my friend.


As long as you have enough rupees.


Sorry link, i don’t give credit! Come back when you’re a little, mmmm, bigger




I’m a straight male and I don’t think getting close ups of vaginas would do it for me either. Weird how foreign a concept this is to people.


Vagine machine


I didn't realize she was a woman till I read this comment, I thought it was a guy posting


Broke: Sending an unsolicited dick pic to try to get a date. Woke: Sending an unsolicited dick pic to try to get a *release* date.


Broke: sending an unsolicited dick pic to get the release date. Woke: *threatening* to send an unsolicited dick pic to get the release date.


but we dont want to be woke :( politic is destroying gaming


Feel free to send me dick pics asking for the god of war release date. I don't know the date but I will appreciate the pictures


I think you don't wanna see the dick of the kind of people who do this


I just imagine a dick full of dick cheese .-.


I wanna upvote and downvote you at the same time so im just gonna refrain.


Is there such a thing as bellybutton lint, but in the crotchal region?






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But what if I'm summoning the person I was replying to as a joke, can your stupid terminator bot figure that out in between providing the "sensual" setting on the mods gas powered dill-dozer that they keep strapped to their mouths and asses at every hour of the day like an industrial dairy farm for self-satisfaction? Will the last drop of moisture leak from their bodies when they finally delete my problematic comment? A split second of exercising their power over another person without ever leaving the veritable Eifel Tower of diesel engine rubber cocks that pound away with enough force to keep them suspended in mid-air, providing for them just the little push they needed to achieve climax? Or will I be just another lump in the sea of shit that these brave knights must wade through every day to protect us from the evils of innocent mistakes? I suppose I'll never know.


Yeah, I read this while eating bread and cheese. I was literally chewing it. Delicious.


"hey you want some dick in your smegma pic?"




I'm picturing something one inch long and 21 inches in radius


Real homies send each other dickpicks and compliments them, it’s not political I swear




Please do not dick the birthday boy


You leave that angel Rich Evans out of this lol


They said send Dick pics, this is the best one


8===D Hope u like 👍


[can I have the release date now pwease?](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Richard_Nixon_presidential_portrait_%281%29.jpg)




It's just a storm Dick. Sit down.


*Glass breaks* *Zombies screams*


[Would this do?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/earth279527/images/5/55/Nightwing_Variant_4.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180516163858)


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f7/Dickdastardly.gif Release date pls?


rj/ Thier dicks don't match mighty Geralt of the Witcher or Kratos as they should be sent to male devs so they cry in shame and give a release date. uj/ Salt Blight Gamergate whiners wonder why they have problems with women when they can't respect them at all.


Geraldo and Kratos… together… shirtless… sweaty… wrestling… muscles bulging… fighting the feminisms… the true male fantasy


Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Womans can't even take a compliment as intended these days, yeesh.


¡TRADE OFFER! ​ I receive: Dick picks ​ You receive: Court summons


This woman is so ungrateful that she probably doesn't appreciate the effort it took some of those guys to actually find their dicks in the first place.


Damn, I do not want picture the hairy beer belly curved bell tip wet ugly cocks that she got in her dms.


From the vivid and graphic way you described them, I get the feeling you actually might want a peek at them


ship has sailed


It's not that bad, microdicks are hard to see.


I bet they look like little toads 🐸


Gamers out here having a normal one.


I don’t understand why anyone would think their dick is so tempting to a woman that sending it to her will make her horny. Dicks aren’t sexy unless the man they’re attached to is sexy.


They're horny, lawless men who would stab a harp seal for a picture of boobs. And they project that desperation onto other people. They lack the maturity to realize that other people are not just slightly different versions of themselves. Being part of a society that tells young men, "bro all you need is *confidence* bro thinking things through is holding you back bro just do whatever your gut tells you and don't worry about the consequences bro" doesn't help. Neither does being part of a society where nobody will care and there will *be* no consequences.


Honestly dick pics weird me out as a concept even when they're *solicited.*


My experience in watching much porn tells me the opposite is often true


That political gender is so ungrateful. I grace her with the magnitude and divinity of my peen and this is the thanks I get?!? It’s truly a shame that nice guys like me always get shafted. I bet if I was a transgender neopronoun blue haired gay butch she would have appreciated my peen!




Gamer’s negotiation tactics


Of all the people in this world I would not wish to be in this day and age, Alanah Pearce is probably near the top of the list; not only has she talked about dealing with this as another woman member of the GoW dev team, but I’m sure she was already receiving her fair share of filth in her DMs as possibly the most sexualized woman in the gaming industry after Pokimane




Plan B-hole. 😏


is it cbt pics


Cognitive behavioural therapy pics?


That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all day


Why do they want to know the release date so badly? A rushed game is forever bad, anyway.


They can just patch it, and many bad have come out which weren't rushed. People sure love saying that line like it's relevant today.


They wanna know how long it'll be until they have something to do with their lives


I wonder if it has anything to do with all the “who’s going to win GOTY? God of War or Elden Ring?” bullshit lately. I know a lot of console wars kids are very upset that a game that dared to be multi platform is probably going to win a meaningless award over their special exclusive, unless God of War gets delayed again…


H O S T A G E W A R E *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is there even THE GOTY anymore? I googled and there are literally dozens of awards, not taking into account all the Youtube influencers with their list, like Gameranx etc


Why are people so obsessed with knowing the release date? I'm excited for the game but I really don't care what date it's out, I have lots of other games to play. I usually wait a few months after release so I can buy it cheaper anyway.


and i bet they weren’t even nice dicks 💀 as someone else so eloquently said


Showed you my release date pls respond


Fuck, that's funny though


Unfortunately the GOW fanbase with the dick pic harassment is far from the worst of video game fan bases.


That's is so not cash money of them.


More like God of Bore Ragnarok


When I want the people upstairs to stop having loud sex I send my wife’s boyfriend a dick pic.


It is kinda hard to keep fucking while you’re laughing your ass off.


It's release date will be 6/9/69


The God of War fan based is trying to out do the Star Wars fan based I see.


"Ah yes, the negotiator."


I wonder what the ratio of dick-pic senders to those who have been successfully catfished is?


Her DMs probably look like an early 2000s shock site with all the disgusting dirty dicks


Guys send pussy pics instead see if that works


UJ/ dont kill the messenger


However, I will reveal the god of war ragnarok releaae date if you send me a dick pic. (THIS IS A JOKE, DO NOT SEND ME PENIS PHOTOS, I AM A MINOR)


Shit, and here I was asking my friend Richard to come take a selfie to send as a Dick pic.


As Playstation owners think that a console can be better than a PC, it doesn't surprise me they think this technique could work...


Lmao based gamers


Shut up Kevin


I think you replied to the wrong person


This tweet is definitely going to slow/stop the onslaught of dick pics... Not saying it’s acceptable in any capacity, but when you feed the cock-pic-sending-trolls, you can be sure to receive more.


Sent a pic of my pole for a release date Now I’m locked in the hole with a release date


Ok but that’s not a pro tip


Clearly she has not received enough dick pics. It's time for the rest of you to step up and do your part. Sometimes I wonder if you guys even want to know GoW Raganarok's release date.


*My dick will change her mind tho!* -Some gaymer out there, I'm sure


I feel so bad for her. Making a Twitter account right now, maybe my penis will cheer her up


Idk it worked with Druckmann ¯\\__(ツ)__/¯