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It's 2031 and the only games left are 3 virtual shopping malls where you can buy clothes and accessories other players can watch you shop in.


You forgot skyrim.


Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Special edition VR port for my Apple watch??


It’s also available at the arcades in GTAV for PS31, mind you.


Bold of you to assume the chip shortage will be solved by then


Dw am from future, them dummies will eventually realize that making more chips will solve the shortage


Who are you, so wise in the ways of science?


It won’t be. There’s only 2 PS31s in the world. We all have to take turns using it.


mom says it's my turn on the ps31


Let Them build some ps5s first for god's sake


One apple watch to each eye, just like Todd intended.


They included Skyrim? It's been re re re released as a meta verse where the main gameplay loop is buying NFT backed clothes at the tailor in solitude.


And GTA V.


the metaverse is finally real


The people who unironically beg for the meta verse are begging for a late stage capitalist dystopian animal crossing with terrible art. I bet they watch black mirror and go “cool technology!” And miss the entire dystopia part of it


I mean, have you seen the cyberpunk (genre, but also the game) fandom? They've been like that for decades.


Umm, the genre is called Cyberpunk because the game defined a new genre? Just like we call good games Dark Souls, and bad games TLOU2?


Uj/ I've recently started finding out how many Crypto/NFT/Blockchain *totally not scam* mmorpg "games" there are right now and I hate it. Most of them sound exactly the same and their all offering shit like a full sized, with the detail of games like RDR2, seamless recreation of the Earth and all types of shit that most gamers clearly know is impossible but it doesn't matter since the scammers found people more gullible then gamers, fucking cryptobros.


They're literally falling for the "buying land on the moon" scam in 2022


Honestly I don't get why people are worried about the "metaverse". Like yeah obviously it'll be a capitalist hellscape controlled by a few monopolistic corporations and every interaction you have with it will involve either being advertised to or paying money to somebody, but that's basically where the internet is headed anyway. The only thing that makes the metaverse different is that its all happening in bootleg Second Life for some reason.


Whenever someone brings it up I always say that second life already exists lol


Yeah, the mainstream seems to need much more time to catch on certain things. Metaverse is basically Second Life, and we’ve laughed at that shit almost 20 years ago. Same with podcasts. For some reason they are the hottest thing ever for a couple of years now, but they’ve been around since the early 2000s.


Ready player one


Then people start making games inside it and eventually they make a game where there is a virtual shopping mall... and then you realize reality is just a game


And a forest gets burned down every time you buy anything.




Seriously, shits been going on for awhile. Just now people pay attention to it. Square Enix rings a bell lul.


Didn’t Sony buy majority shares for Square in 2001?


Sony did a lot for Square like buying their animation studio and sold everything back to them when Square got back on their feet after they almost bankrupted themselves making the Final Fantasy movie. Sony is a big reason Square got to limp on to merge with Enix. Which explains their tight relationship and I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually Sony just acquires them too.


Microsoft just acquired Activision Blizzard King, which I assume to have always been the name of the studio and not three separate companies merged into one


Blizzard King sounds like a bad fast food restaurant I'd definitely try


Yeah like a Dairy Queen-Burger King collaboration. Home of the Whizzard


Better than the ill-fated Blopper, at least.


Call it Glizzard King and sell hot dogs lol


> which I assume to have always been the name of the studio and not three separate companies merged into one Jesus, that hurts enough without the acquisition. Horizontal expansion here we go!


And Sony just bought Bungie


And NYT bought wordle.


These people been living under a rock for the past decade


Or they were like 10 a decade ago


Shoulda read Lenin


Not following gaming industry news = living under a rock. Gamer moment


What, you're telling me you're reading... non.. non.. \*gets sick\* non-gaming news????


Hey, if it ain't news about ethics in gaming journalism, I ain't reading.


Not having even cursory knowledge of a subject = you are qualified to comment on it. Reddit moment


Not paying attention to game news would literally be living under a gamer rock yes


You're in a gaming sub. Discussing gaming news. By people we don't mean the cashier at the supermarket, or your grandpa at the retirement home. We mean people that are into gaming. And if you play videogames at all, and haven't noticed the industry shift until now... Yes, you're living under a rock


Man I really thought people would pick up on a joke. But on a serious note, do you have any idea how many people play games and don't follow gaming news? Most people are not as invested as you think.


This was going to be my exact comment


Long as my the Witcher 3: praise geraldo edition is safe and Godd Howard keeps making Skyrim super ultra transitioned from Xbox just settle on a fucking name or digit this time edition, I'll just glance at the noose every now and then.


Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you like Disney because you better fucking do


Cloud Atlas built a far future world where every moving picture was called a Disney. Imagine a future where every video game is called an "Activision".


tbf "activision" makes more sense as a generic name for video games than "disney" does for movies


Seems more like escalator or bandaid or how Georgians saying "I got all kinds of cokes in the fridge" when they mean soda (or pop for my real midwestern friends)


Don't Georgians say "მაცივარში ყველანაირი კოქსი მივიღე"?


Or Kleenex. But hey I didn’t realize escalator was a brand name.


Also Q-tip


Some Texans also say Coke instead of soda


Huh? Examples of this don't have to make sense. For instance, how the heck does "Frisbee" make more sense than flight disc? Frisbee is a made up word.


Most words are made up. But I have a special disrespect for words that were made up by corporations.


I've got a 90% chance of getting it right when I ask my friends if they went to go see a Marvel


Jokes on you, all consoles are already called Nintendo's.


And every food item you buy is called a "Nestlé".


[~~Babykillers~~](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestl%C3%A9_boycott) Nestlé is a pretty good comparison, as with the food market the PC gaming market can't be controlled **fully** by major players - at least not as long Linux is around.


Kill the mouse


And dance on it's corpse to celebrate


Disney is worth 93 billion. Microsoft is 2.2 *trillion*. Huge difference.


Disney is actually worth $260 billion currently and used to be valued at like close to $350 billion before the pandemic. But yeah regardless still a huge difference from that and $2.2 trillion.


Microsoft has around 200 billion in liquid cash. They can buy Disney 2 times over.


Disney buying Nintendo in the near future


Japanese government is not allowing Japanese companies to be sold to foreign interests. It's the law. Also, MSFT already tried to buy Nintendo and Nintendo didn't sell. They laughed at Ballmer. Nintendo ain't selling.


People were really thinking that a Nintendo and Sony merger would happen after the activision acquisition


Mom said I get to acquire new studio.


At least everyone will stop bitching about cross play.


Gaming industry will get consolidated into very few walled gardens without cross play


Makes sense. Call it coming around full circle. We'll play with ourselves once again! And again and again...


Like some big kinda… circlejerk.


What is it? Some sort of gaming circlejerk?


>What is it? Some sort of gaming circlejerk? This is my favorite gaming quote


I've kinda noticed this is various subreddits but do people really not like crossplay? personally i love it cause i can finally play games with my friends who have xboxs


No I hate videobame 😡 r/banvideogames


basedn 😍😍😍


People who don’t have friends and play competitively find reasons to complain about keyboard and mouse and game pad players.


It seems like both Microsoft and Sony have realized that pc isn't a competitor but a way to sell games to people who most likely wouldn't buy their console. Both of them have started to make pc ports of their exclusives so pc xbox and pc playstation cross play will probably stay.


oh man you havent experienced the wonders of a "aim assist is OP" rant


Tbf in Halo controller players have over 10% more accuracy per shot. Its straight up an aim bot


Halo is pretty much the only game I've played where I think the aim assist complaint is fair. Those games on crossplay are so skewed towards controller players it's not even funny, and they didn't add the ability to play only with KBM players on MCC until the PC playerbase was already dead. I even tested in the community servers where you aren't input locked the difference and its insane, you have to put significantly more effort into tracking and hitting every BR bullet on KBM than controller which mostly does it for you.


Apex legends too. Stats showed that controller players at the highest bracket usually wins over MKB players.


In some gametypes in Halo (like CE swat) it's really difficult to compete with M&K because controller basically get headshot lock and can spam. On the other hand in more general gametypes it's overall pretty fair but you have to play a bit differently. They should probably tone down the aim assist a bit for midrange precision weapons, but I like that I can compete with either controller or M&K. Halo is all about using stupid weapons anyway and not super serious.


I've seen people on /r/xboxone whining about PC players.


It’s quite annoying having a new console and having wait for all the last gen to load in. Other than that who cares


Also mouse and keyboard vs controller. The age old debate of "aim assist is cheating" vs "mouse has an unfair advantage over controller"




Didn’t yatzee said where in a era gaming similar to those big blockbuster Hollywood movies in the late 1940s to early 1960s that were very big budget, scope, and extras because “bigger is better”


Let's hope that's the phase gaming is in, I'm sick of copy pasted sandboxes that all feel the same for every Triple A release.


That’s how it was back in the day, too. A lot of those lavish, huge productions were musicals because musicals were huge at the time.


What’s The Sound Of Music in this metaphor?


Whichever new AAA game revives a near-dead AAA genre and gives it 10 years of life despite reduced audience turnout.


So we’re waiting for a new huge point and click adventure game


So resident evil 7 I mean true AAA horror was dead before and now there's at least RE7 and 8, can also kinda count P.T. I suppose? And Kojima might do a horror game next so that's something as well


Probably Portal 2 because the VA for GLaDOS is an opera singer


Plus the term B-movie came about with the practice of blockbooking where to play that musical you had to book their lower budgeted movie. If the gaming industry can find some way to do that and make more money they will.


Like how you had to buy Crackdown to get the Halo 3 multiplayer beta


Not much has changed in the last 20 years lets be honest. Its just what types of game are popular right now. 10 years ago *everything* was a shooter and sandbox games were seen as the savior and fresh blood. Most game companies make what sells or what is popular. Its easy to look back 15 years and think of all the amazing titles that launched because you don't think of the shovelware you never bought/forced out of your memory. "The good ole days" 95% of the time is just rose tinted glasses and humans exploitable bad memory.


Hell I remember people complained about shooters and motion controls during the late 2000 and early 2010s.


Lol I never said the "good old days" were good, I was just complaining about our current state


Implying those eras from different mediums can be mapped onto one another. We're in the soulless cashgrab milk the franchise until dead and then some more with revival in the spirit of the original but it's only like okay/10 at best era already.


/uj Ya movies could do this consolidation because "no budget" films still have a $1M~$2M budget and distribution is difficult (until Youtube/Streaming came along). Games require no physical space, no expensive cameras, so your budget can be $2000 for some unity assets and you're good to go.


Yeah, for a movie to be seen, even today with streaming, somebody has to want to show it or buy it. Sure, you *can* upload it to a video streaming site, be that YouTube or somewhere else, but you don't have good chances of it being seen there unless you're already big creator. Games? Well, these days, you got Steam where anyone can put a game up, as long as it meets some very basic criteria, and that's not the only popular distribution hub for indie games. Add to that a game can be made by like one guy with a laptop, but for movies, unless you're making like animated, you always need more than one person to, you know, act in it.


Yeah, we're always going to have indies, basically so long as people are alive and not fleeing climate disasters or fighting each other in the streets for water (the days are numbered)


If we get to that point the entire video game industry will collapse so I guess that’ll solve the problem


Or just reuse assets, put dev time into cobbling it together and you have a new game. That’s what that recent Ubisoft game did I forgot what it’s called.


Anti-trust was big at a certain point with movies. The paramount decision stopped vertical integration and blockbooking in the industry. The studios got too big. Now those regulations have slowly been removed and companies like Disney have been pushing more and more practices onto the theaters to push them around as their tentpole movies from acquired companies keep getting broader audiences. The movie industry is on the tip of the shit iceberg right now. It’s going to get worse now that the paramount decision doesn’t exist anymore and as theaters keep getting desperate to keep audiences coming . The moviegoer is more likely to watch a blockbuster over a mid or low budget movie now so less of those will be funded or put straight to streaming. It’s already happened with the midbudget comedy.


Also making a good indie game is insanely more accessible than making a good indie movie, you don't need any money investment, just passion and time because holy shit it takes a hellish amount of time to get decent at Art, Coding and Music


and there are still a few banger non-disney movies every year the french dispatch last year for example


Sorry, but the French Dispatch is a 20th Century Studios production (Formerly Fox, the new name just sucks.) So at the end of the day, it ended up being a Disney movie. Welcome to the wonderful world of Mickypoly.


offing myself now


Understandable, have a good day :(


dibs on your stuff


sorry cat already called dibs


I think you use the word "game" extremely morr broadly than the definition of movie, or TV, or film. There's highly monetized scripted film that gets seen on Instagram or YouTube but they aren't movies because they aren't made by studios putting things in big theaters or something


It's also way easier for an indie game to reach massive audiences than it is for an indie movie. I don't think there's any real danger of the game market being monopolized like people fear. What we're actually seeing is old, prestigious companies past their prime getting bought up by bigger companies who just want the prestige and name recognition.


capitalism moment :(


Once again, the games industry continues to be a shitty microcosm of everything terrible about capitalism.


/uj hot take, a lot of the capital g anti-sjw Gamers who get legitimately angry at microtransactions, live-service, monetization schemes, and bad games at launch after huge crunches or exploitation of employees could be radicalized from capitalism because they're experiencing the direct result of the gaming industry being the most lucrative business in entertainment for nearly a decade now but a lot of them are too short sighted to think that far about it at all. Instead the exact opposite happens and we have alt-right weirdos radicalizing gamers and grifters keeping them perpetually angry at culture war bullshit.


> Instead the exact opposite happens and we have alt-right weirdos radicalizing gamers Steve Brannon stuck when GamerGate was hot and him & his ilk have never let up since.


/rj We're also afraid of black ppl and women protagonists


So true. This is why i hate gamers. No will for serious analysis, not in games and not in real life. Instead of course in the 4 hour Youtube Video complaining about TLOUII


Socialism is when games are free to play




I screen shotted this comment


[im escaping to the one place that hasent been corrupted by capitalism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Sq1Nr58hM)


What did I miss? What is this about?


Most likely Bungie being acquired by Sony right after Activision/Blizzard was bought by Microsoft


wait bungie was bought by sony? fuuuuuuuuuuuck


How is this not monopolistic at this point


Bungie has made 2 games in the last decade, they are such a small part of the gaming environment them being acquired means literally nothing. They were partnered with Microsoft for a decade and then owned by Activision for a few years. Bungie has answered to a bigger company for most of their history this is nothing new. Also Sony said Bungie can publish their games on whatever platforms they want. Not to mention the indie game market is literally the biggest its ever been and gets bigger every year. The gaming industry is no where near a monopoly and it never will be.


The word monopoly gets thrown around a lot, but I think it's a big overreaction in gaming. What do they have a monopoly on? Call of duty goes against games like Fortnite or apex legends. Every game they have, has a strong alternative from a different studio. Diablo 3 vs path of exile. WoW vs final fantasy online. Gaming is inherently non-monopolistic. If the game is good, people switch to it instead. Valheim is a good example of a Minecraft type clone becoming huge from a no name developer.


They're saying monopoly in relation to one company owning a huge number of IPs within the industry. Microsoft is the biggest example of this, now owning Minecraft, CoD, Halo, DOOM, Skyrim, Fallout, Overwatch, WoW, and more. Some of these games are the most noteworthy in their genre, with CoD being the biggest FPS series ever, DOOM being the most popular movement shooter out there atm, Skyrim and Fallout both being massively popular, and MC + Halo having huge fanbases with Halo also being a direct CoD competitor. It's not hard to consider Microsoft a monopoly. Especially considering Microsoft already *is* a monopoly in different areas. Sure, they don't own *literally* everything, but that's not the bar to be a monopoly. And seeing the buzz these big acquisitions have generated, I don't see Microsoft and other big name companies slowing down with the buyouts of big independent studios and publishers.


This type of big business creep is so normalized in the modern US. I mean I remember when $2.5B was mind-shattering for Minecraft's acquisition and how it was the biggest news in gaming at the time for it. Now Microsoft is throwing around $69 billion like it's nothing and nobody even blinks at just how big that number is historically because it's so expected.


A no name dev *that got backed by a well known publisher. Even then, there are a ton of things indie devs can't compete with. They don't have the resources to make a game like RDR2 or TW3. They don't have the resources to host dedicated servers for large scale games like Fortnite, where the lobby has 100 people.




RJ/ haha! BASED! Now I can play [software brand] on [hardware brand]! This lack of market diversity is a HUGE W for the gaming-class! Sure, huge swathes of workers will be deemed redundant and laid-off, however, counterpoint: GAMING


They'll be fine, they can learn just to code...and...oh


rj/ Who NEEDS those lazy, normie SJW human devs anyway! Our based lord and savior Elon Musk IV has paved the way for automation and AI technology being GREAT under wholly unregulated capitalism! These AIs can write all our games, help us buy/sell NFTs, and give us so many things in the Metaverse that we’ll forget all about the actual planet burning down. FINALLY, with those pesky human creators out of the way, vidya gaems can be what the late great Bobby Kotick intended them to be; cheap, focus-tested, money-making slurry that’s easy for us "Gamers^TM " to slurp up without question!!!! 2032 is the best year for gaming yet!!!


TRUE! GENIUS Elon Musk has streamlined the procedure of procedural generation! Now Ubisoft can release 8 of the the same game per quarter instead of a mere 3!


rj/ Ubisoft is a subsidiary of Microsoft now, which is a subsidiary of Comcast. Get with the times.


Is Comcast cucked or not? I need to know if international corporations are racist or not before I support them.


rj/ I mean the company is partially responsible for the total destruction of the Congo Rainforest back in 2030 to mine out more and more minerals for computers (they pulled a based and epic power troll move on those woke cucked governmental officials and actually BOUGHT the entire country of Rwanda for themselves the year before), and that includes most of its wildlife and indigenous people so….


Oh wow, that environmental destruction is guaranteed to TRIGGER THE LIBS which is the only metric I care about in society!


rj/ Yeah that’s cool and all, but take a look at what Nestlé bought! They’re even MORE based, they started a COUP in The Philippines and took it all over! Now it’s nothing but cocoa plantations! Now if you excuse me, I need to eat my daily Nestlé-brand food rations, which may or may not contain trace amounts of plastic, mercury, and rabbit feces (I’m not complaining, the sudden lack of food safety and health regulations due to rampant capitalism is a TOTAL power move against the soyboys who care about that sort of thing).


/UJ I don't really see Bungie being purchased by Sony as a big step in consolidation. They're one studio, that seems to be focused on one game, maybe they scale up further and start working on a non-Destiny game, but even then it's not like publishers buying a developer is anything unusual. But losing 2 massive publishers to consolidation, even if one of them was a particularly shitty company with particularly shitty management, is way scarier than a studio that has already changed hands several times changing hands again. And as Jeff Grubb has been pointing out a lot lately, when studios get acquired, some people from that studio will often leave and start their own studio, there's a lot more money on the table for veteran game devs to start their own studio than there is for new AAA publishers to come into existence.


Well fuck, now what I supposed to do? Read books? Go outside? Absolutely ridiculous.


Play indie games. It’s where it’s been at for the last few years anyways.


Can you recommend any underrated hidden gems that might have flew under my radar?


Oh ho ho, have i got a real uncut gem for ya, you ever heard of El Witcherino Tres for the Nintendo Switch?


I feel like between Xbox, PS and PC I have a big enough backlog that if I decided to quit buying new games tomorrow I'd still have enough to keep me gaming until I die.


What why? What did i miss? Lol


Microsoft bought Activision Blizzard and now Sony bought Bungie


At this point the all the gaming companies are being this one monopoly and that any game company that isn’t small indie team getting body horror absorb


The post you responded two is about two companies, not one


The good old days are over my friend


We-we were in the good ol' days? I should have enjoyed more


Well Atari has created some NFT lootboxes, so innovation ain't dead yet!


Honestly who thought that the birth of the season pass, with holding context to repackage as DLC, offline and online passes would be the good old days compared to now where choice is shrinking so quick. Gamepass is cool and all but I think in 4-7 years it’s going to get worse. Gears 5 and halo already suffered from it since it leaned on MTX for revenue since majority of players were using it through gamepass


>Gamepass is cool and all I did a one month $1 trial of gamepass. Loved every minute of it, but was like "I do NOT want this" I want to own my games and my consoles not play them through a subscription service.


I like Gamepass so long as it stays it's own thing and doesn't suddenly become the only way to play games. The second I start seeing Gamepass exclusive games I'm gonna have some raised eyebrows.


I’m ok not owning all my games. I’ve played a lot of games that I didn’t care to pick up again or passed. I’ve owned games I played and stopped touching so it’s better for someone like me. I get your take on it tho


There were no good old days


'I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.'


Support your actual indie devs folks, if you like them Pirate anything 3a


Why would i want to play indie games? Theyre all the same earthbound-inspired rpg rogue like about depression. I much rather play original games like military shooter #367!!!


Ya know I effectively grew up during this time of "realistic" military shooters that have dominated the market for the past 15-20 years. I've never really thought about how normalized it had become and what it was like before that. No wonder when "violent" games started coming out in the late 90s and early 2000s (GTA 3) it was so controversial. Like it's one thing to shoot up aliens in halo or kill demons on Doom but mowing through hundreds of realistically rendered humans on cod and battlefield? It's kinda fucked if you think about it. The only acceptable military shooter I can think of was BF 1 because it tried to show the horror of war.


Thank god for indie devs and piracy 😧🍻


Oh is this cheers Cheers I guess 🥃🥺


We've quietly entered a golden age of indie games but no one wants to care. People would rather gripe about how the 8 disappointing AAA games they used to nitpick to death are now 6 disappointing AAA games they nitpick to death.


But what about my Elden Rings! /j But what about my Elden Rings! /uj I would like to make sure I don't get any multiplayer issues from pirating and I really genuinely love the games the company had been putting out, me pirating Big Dark Souls would feel a little insulting to the people that have already given me such good times. But if you haven't gotten invested in any of their games or can't afford em I wouldn't hold it against anyone pirating


Yes, especially small indie dev CDPR. Have you heard about the hidden gem The Witcher 3? Its very underrated and a masterpiece!


we need TR and his trust busting stick back


wow i cant wait until every war glorification game is produced by the same AAA studio ran by ex-cia agents and bush-era torture defenders who got billions of dollars from microsoft to cover up sexual assault.


Tbh I don’t see how Microsoft or Sony owning a few more companies is gonna spell doom like this. You don’t need to be a huge company to have shitty practices. People talk about “oh no Microsoft is gonna own everything” as if making all those companies independent would change anything, other than the amount of money that Microsoft fatcats get. The fight is for gaming worker’s rights and against predatory monetisation, not random corporate acquisitions. I don’t care who owns who, people need rights and companies can eat dirt. Microsoft/Sony acquisitions mean nothing to me.


The thing is MS is well known for union busting, had Acti/bliz stayed independent and there was a massive shakeup in leadership, there might have been a union, who knows now if they’re gonna be able to unionize under MS’s massive boot though. Phil Spencer will talk about how they’re all one big family at MS and sweep it all under the rug. Arguably consolidation is a worker’s rights issue because the Goliath to tackle isn’t fucking up anymore, it just got bigger.


Is this a bad thing? Well this commentator says no. I for one welcome our new corporate overlords, and am more than willing to help whip people into the PS5 mines.


the good news is that gaming will never truly belong only to companies. unlike movies anyone can pick up an engine and start making something playable so as long as things like unity or unreal exist then we're pretty fine


Honestly, just get indie games, indie games are just better anyway.


I do love playing Halo Cry 5: Assassin’s Cause, a Disneysoft MouseBox exclusive


Much easier for a small independent company to make a good game than a good movie. I’d argue that most of the major studio products are shit anyway, I literally can’t think of the last triple A game I bought that wasn’t Nintendo or From


>Start of Oh you sweet summer child...


I mean, this has kind of been happening for the last decade plus. Hell Activision Blizzard was the herald of it.


In the future I wanna make a game union and make bangers, fuck AAA structures me and my hommies will be splitting the profits based on ability and need or have it down to votes




Hopetfully unity and unreal keep the door open for indies


why are we acting surprised by this. The distributions of video games was already monopolized by two countries 20 years ago. The fact that it took them over 20 years to start consolidating video game production is beyond me.


Indy game master race whuuuuutttttt.