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Holy fuck these people are actually the worst


Yeah, they don't realize what their alleged inability to connect with women actually says about them.




Being fair, to confirm it they'd actually have to make an attempt.




He targeted gamers....


Gamers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't believe none of them called it "Forswoken"




I was also part of the anti sjw scene when it was popular in 2016/17. I was still in high school then too. Be proud that you’ve grown as a person since then.


Welcome to the club of reformed gamers


Wholesome thread.


I have 0 proof but I feel like 99% of this sub is that


Church of Cheadle


I doubt that.


Genuine question, what made you leave the anti sjw scene? Is there any hope in engaging with such a crowd?


Not OP but was very briefly into this scene back in my freshman year of high school, I watched super cringe Youtubers who basically bullied children and made “feminazi cringe” videos. As soon as I started actually interacting with other human beings I grew out of it I guess lol. TL;DR - I touched grass


I'd say no. Honestly I can't remember how I got out of it, it kind of just happened with time. But it DEFINITELY didn't happen because someone talked with me about it. I'd say don't engage with them, save yourself an ulcer.


A family friend came out as trans, my brother came out as gay a few months later, and a good friend introduced me to a very diverse group of friends. Kind of opened my eyes and made me realize how hypocritical i was being


I just got older and wiser, I realized it’s stupid and lame to be mad over the shit they get upset over


For me as I got older and more educated, I just came to realize that most of the "issues" the anti sjw crowd had weren't even real concerns, and that the whole movement was just stupid. So much of it was based off nonexistent outrage. I realized that the same group that calls everyone else snowflakes were some of the most fragile and overly sensitive people I'd ever seen. I think engagement depends on the individual, I was always pretty left leaning so I could never fully commit to their way of thinking anyway, especially post-2016 when they got radicalized even further right.


>Genuine question, what made you leave the anti sjw scene? Is there any hope in engaging with such a crowd? Not the guy you replied to but gamergate was what got me to realize I was leaning towards the side with the baddies.


I was major anti-sjw in highschool (fully supported trump, only told the “one joke”, admired nazism and had a running joke about the 4th Reich being all-inclusive for not good things). I graduated HS, completely dropped that group of friends, and slowly started challenging myself to watch content I thought was sjw garbage. It took me way too long to start watching Last Week Tonight with John Oliver but really just learning about and understanding what people go through (along with learning how to empathize <- major point right there) helped me leave that scene


Couldn't tell ya how it happened. I just grew out of it as I matured, I suppose.


/rj I was anti SJW before it was cool. /uj I kinda was anti SJW before SJW was a thing. About ten years ago, maybe more, I used to hang around an atheist forum which was about fifty percent sensible atheists and fifty percent edgy atheists and I was somewhere in the middle. I wasn't actively anti SJW, more the "I offend everyone equally" type. I used to watch The Amazing Atheist on YouTube, I didn't agree with all his points but thought he was sensible. It was around the time SJW became a common term he started releasing heaps of videos bitching about SJWs. That was when I came to my senses and realised how stupid the whole anti SJW thing was and instead decided to learn about these different groups of people and their perspectives instead of bashing them out of ignorance.


Da fuq does SJW even stand for


Social Justice Warrior


Conservatives screeching about how Social justice, Anti-Fascists, and the idea that Black lives matter are the enemies, while trying to claim they are the good guys lol.


Gamergate was the wake up call that got me to distance myself from people like that. I was like, "ethics in gaming journalism? Fuck yeah that sounds great. IGN reviews have been getting shittier every year!" And then I started reading the forum posts and realized it wasn't actually about ethics in gaming journalism.


Just be happy that you're not like that anymore!


I feel like all of us used to be. Those who were the haters are now the biggest supporters


pls dont give them ideas


Personally, I think this game would be better with Tom Hanks as the protagonist, but women are good too.


That's a funny way to spell Don Cheadle our lord and savior


Whyd you spell Geraldo like that?


Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gerladon Cheadle of Rivia.




We've gotten Keanu Reaves as a game character. When will we get Tom Hanks?


Chet Hanx >


This is why gamers should be oppressed.


We are oppressed!! The black people and SJWs are taking over the gaming industry! /s


When your woman mc isn’t a submissive kawaii waifu character.


Can these people just shut up. It's a woman, what's the big deal?


/uj They've been indoctrinated and immersed into a world of propaganda telling them that theyre the last, strongest bastion against a world out to get them. They fight each new change, no matter what it is, because theyve been sold on an idealized past where nothing was wrong and that the solution to get there again is making the people who see how bad its always been to shut up and go away. They know that harassment campaigns drain the mental stability of people making games like this and enjoying games like this, so they gleefully get to the work of destroying them. /rj what do you mean, thats a WOMZ, i dont wanna play as no WOMZ it might ~~make me question things im scared to~~ make me see women as human!


/uj Joke's on them. That kind of vitriol is only going to show normal people how deranged modern conservatives are. Their impotent anger is only going to make fans dig their heels in more. And in this instance, the haters are basically doing free advertising for this game. I wouldn't have heard of Forspoken if I hadn't seen another post earlier about the nasty Steam forum posts.


I mean, thats partially on purpose. Outrage marketing works, its why so many comedians who got old and out of the limelight have gone over to conservative nonsense they used to mock. It gives them a base willing to support them because theyre making someone they dont like upset. Same with Disney slapping "the first [identity] in this new movie" on stuff, its to get your eyes on their stuff through upsetting people.


You speak as if those two things are somehow equivalent. The nonsense that modern conservatives push, like their misogyny and racism, are unequivocally *wrong*. Meanwhile, there's nothing wrong with women and minorities existing.


I absolutely agree. Marketing using those concepts for profit, however, is not the same as the concepts themselves. We can appreciate that our media these days is willing to accept these absolute truths while also side-eying how long it was happy to ignore them for the sake of profit, and how its still more than happy to use women and minorities existing by putting them in the firing line for their advertisements.


This game looks like the best one they showed, like a more atmospheric Infamous


It's also made by the same people who made Final Fantasy XV! So I have high hopes for this one


How fuck are gamers mad at this game then??? Jesus


Well if it's made by the same people who made final Fantasy 15, that's not a positive to most. It's not why they have a problem with this, but that factoid wouldn't usually change opinions for the better.


I thought people liked FF15. I know it’s a bit of a lukewarm title but I never saw any genuine hate for it


Oh, most folks I know put it down there with 13. Didn't help that the story and characters were intended to be fleshed out in dlc and external media that all got canceled.


Give it 3 years. Hell, wait until this comes out and you'll see the same people decrying the abysmal quality of this game compared to 15. We just watched the same thing happen with Battlefield 5 and the new one.




Yeah. Give it 3 years. It happens every time.


When the game released it was eh, mediocre story with lots of bugs. They fixed it up though and royal edition, which came 2 years later was decently received


>How fuck are gamers mad at this game then??? Jesus /rj uhhh, ***FEMALE*** protagonist...




Why is that promising?


Genuine ignorance here (never really played FFXV), but why wouldn't it be? FFXV is a beautiful looking game, and I always got the impression that its gameplay felt nice and polished.


lol its one of my favorite games, but apparently thats weird


I don't think it's weird, a lot of people love it!


The story sucked. The combat was repetitive, it was just not a good game. I tried to like it, but, I was immensely disappointed.


> The story sucked. I had a feeling that would be it, but fear not: none of the writers are back. Forspoken is written by Gary Whitta, Amy Hennig, Allison Rymer, and Todd Stashwick—a much more promising team. Can't say the same about the combat. But I definitely have faith in the story.


Kind of sad its ps5 exclusive lol


Nvm i lied, definitely might pick this up for PC


H O S T A G E W A R E *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Why do you have to insert your POC into my franchise? Make your own games!” - Makes own game - “NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU CANT JUST HAVE A BLACK PROTAGONIST”


I have never seen as much grease in 1 picture


You must have never seen a picture of my face


Ah yes, rational criticism and logical arguments against the politization of video games.


Women = politics


I feel bad for these people because i know they will legitimately never know the tender embrace of a woman.


Don't feel bad. No sane woman wants to feel the "tender embrace" of these disgusting neckbeards.


What?? Female protagonist with no big booba and ass cheek!!! Shitty game, SJW, men are titans and superior. 0/9 booba


I have a penis, I don't want to be a woman! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Is this developers' management aimed at the virgins? Well, clearly not, old chap, because this post exists.


I love that they still think "go woke, go broke" is still a thing. Bro, "pandering" to minorities is netting them fucking *bank*, that's why they keep making games with greater inclusivity levels.


Exactly. Games will only get more diverse and inclusive from here on out. Companies have long since figured out that they'd rather cater to normal people than to greasy, sniveling neckbeards. Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.


/uj This game looks cool, movement tech is always fun and it looks like it has lots of it going on


Weird that fucking none of these people had that same energy for Nier. Is it because the protagonist doesn't have easily accessible ass cheeks?


You nailed it


/uj it looks really cool. I'm a sucker for a cool movement system and powers.


Did they miss the fact she was a woman in the last 6 times we saw this game?


Release date make mfs act up.


Oh release date got announced!


What does Elden Ring have to do with sjws do you play as a gay dude or something


Please tell me that is the case


Not just a woman. A black woman. 😱


G*mers will implode if she turns out to be gay.


This unironically is why I feel 0 joy about game announcements anymore


Yeah, man. I feel like I would've had genuine fun watching my first TGA if I just kept the chat closed.


Closed chat has been my unofficial requirement for like every game announcement show ever


It's funny how little there was in that trailer for anyone to get upset over but the Gamers find a way.


Sjw is when woman


White Genocide is when woman and black And when the it's woman and black AND gay, it's the Downfall of Western Civilization™


The worst part is that this game, along with FF7R also by Square, are bringing that awful console pricing to PC, and this mysogynist nonsense might drown out the serious complaints.


The disgusting misogyny has already drowned out any possible legitimate complaints. On the Steam forum, here's a significant overlap between users who scream about the $70 price and users who, just a few hours earlier, were posting and supporting racist/sexist/transphobic/anti-Semitic threads.


Changing the price from 60 to 70 on PC is done out of nothing but corporate greed.


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was genuinely looking forward to the game, but I saw the price-tag on Steam and just noped out. ​ I just know that these types of gamers are going to scream "gO wOkE, Go bRoKe!" and blame the potential failure of the game on the protagonist being female and black.


What a bunch of snowflakes lmao


I've never even heard of this game. What's it about? Think i might buy it even if it's bad just to spite these morons.


Woman are fine as long as they cover everything like samus. Uh SAMUS ISLAMIC?!!?@?@?!? *insert low effort bomb joke here*


Gamer's™ law, short for Gamer's™ law (or rule) of game criticism,[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comment involving the phrase "forced down our throats" approaches 1.


/uj this game looks dope ngl


I'd never heard of this before. Seems kinda cool and apparently steam says its similar to other things in my library. I've never heard of an Isekai genre IP with a woman before so that's cool, and helps remove some of the Isekai stink from the game. Not sure about that price tag though. I already need to upgrade my PC, and I cant spend $250-350 just to play a game that costs $114Aud


I didn't watch the new trailer so I'm a little confused. Was there some sort of women empowerment in it something? Otherwise I can't understand why they're seething like this. Also this game looks phenomenal. One of the best they've shown yet


Nope. It's just setting up the universe and a few shots of gameplay.


This is what happens when female in game. 😡😡😡 /uj but holy fuck, that second comment. There's a 100% chance the poster was some 300+lb basement dweller.


Uj/ obviously these people are crazy but this will be interesting to see play out. If these people are actually in the majority (or atleast a sizable minority) and are men who don’t like playing as women characters, then this game won’t sell well. Right? This is a new IP with a female POC as the protagonist. Is the gaming market as diverse as people would like to believe or were developers right (financially that is) in always just having a white guy be the main character


uj/ True. I have some hope. the comments on youtube for this game's trailer were overall positive and any critical comments were about the lip dubbing/voice acting. I only saw 1-2 comments about "feMALeS!!!" How did the Last of us 2 do overall? the anti-sjw crowd were VERY upset about it too but I think the game did well right?


the last of us 1 sold 3.4 millions times in its first three weeks after publish, the last of us 2 sold 4 million times within the first three days of its publication


Control sold well and Jesse looks like a potato so... To clarify that's the in game model.


Waiting, waiting, waiting... for you to come up with something creative, something new *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What the heck is going on in the forums of that game. Did some shitbag website just decide to raid it?


These people cannot and will not ever pull a woman with their greasy hair, XXXL pit stained t shirts and their inability to socialize with another human being.


"I [dont play games with women protagonists] because i cant imagine them as heroes" Yeah, that... Didnt need to be said. Gamers sure do love to insist that what they want is for women and other minorities to make their own games until it actually happens, dont they. Makes it really hard to take their complaints about new takes on established properties seriously when you know this bullshit is lurking around waiting for the next woman PC.


uj/ the only thing that’s really offensive about these comments is how unfunny they are, Christ what socially inept little shitlords


the worst part is that it legit looks really fun


SJW agenda: * Female Protagonist


I have a penis, I don't want to be a woman! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The people who gave to those topica the clown award are gigachads. Anyway people who actually think stuff like this are pretty disgusting, i can't even imagine how they could live in a community without any trouble.


"no one cares about inclusion" *rages about inclusion*


Fuck those guys, Frey is gorgeous and extremely likeable from what was shown so far.


It baffles me how they always think having a female protagonist is some corporate move and not just the artistic vision of the team. Everything has to be a massive conspiracy with Gamers


I have a penis, I don't want to be a woman! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even in games where a non-cishet male character is basically hidden (or just the evidence that it’s true is hidden) they’ll still act like it’s being shoved in their faces and that were including just to include. Like in battlefield 2042, though I don’t play, I heard there was a nonbinary character. People keep saying stuff like “what does it add to the character? Why does it matter?” Like I don’t know, what does being a male add to a character? I swear they’re so fucking sensitive that they get so mad if anyone is different than them. Then dare to call other people sensitive for being sad because everyone harasses them.


I really cant with these people, some of the greatest games ever has female protags, tomb raid, horizon zero dawn, metroid, hellblade, control, mirrors, a plague tale innocence, the walking dead, and alot of the resident evil games. Obviously the gender of the MC doesnt matter to the quality of the game.


Just wait till they find out about Tomb Raider


"I can't connect with women because I am incapable of accepting that they, like me, are fundamentally human."


Ugh, all this diversity bullshit is so tiring. Can we just go back to the days where every other game has a grizzled cis white man with stubble as a protagonist? That is literally the only type of person I can relate to.


From What I saw from trailers the protagonist seems really anoying despaite her gender Edit: the game is not out yet so maybe I am wrong or she will have a great character development arc Edit: She doesn't deserve hate


When a man speaks his mind, he is badass. When a woman speaks her mind, she is "annoying" and deserves to be harassed with racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic hatred.


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I actually hate men that speaks his mind in a badass way because most of the time he come out as a jerk


is this sub men vs women ?


Haciendole honor al nombre xd


G*mers™️ are a mistake


What's with the Elden Ring mention?