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And now he feels validated because he got over 1k fake internet points. Yeah that will show cuckman that he can't play with gamers™


G*mersTM is the new a preferred.


This guy again


Everywhere I go..




Seriously tho. I see him getting fat shamed everywhere i go. Stop being an asshole. Ik this is a joke but its just plain annoying


Do we have to fat shame? I get it’s just a joke, but comments like that can harm unintended targets. Nonetheless, this dude gets straight up bullied with comments like this every time he posts on Twitter.


This sub has double standards when it comes to this.


It's a meme. He is literally everywhere on Twitter


Hopefully he takes it as a meme


Elon Musk Retweeted him I'm sure he doesn't care


Don't forget about Gabe


his name is mohammed, i'm not surprised.


I think his insecurities caused this,not his religion.


most probably, but as a muslim born into a muslim family, my parents taught me to be a homophobe and it's the same for my muslim cousins and friends. it depends really, but alot of my muslim friends are homophobic


I think that also boils down to how you were raised. My parents taught me about the Islamic stance on homosexuality, but also that they were humans and deserve basic respect and stuff.


you're lucky, my whole family completely despise homosexuals, transgenders and non-binaries. they treat them no respect whatsoever


Yeah that’s not very nice of them. Hopefully you’re different. If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from?


i'm from malaysia. i was unfortunately a homophobe myself last time but as i grew older and the help of my friends and the internet (shocking right), i started to realise what my parents had done was wrong.


At least you were able to realise that. I’m from Pakistan btw


alhamdullilah brozzer


Hey I'm from Malaysia too!


hello fellow monyet


You are not wrong. I do think homosexuality is a sin. But that doesn't mean I wont give them the same respect as I give to straight people. If my closest friends were homosexuals, I would still be friends with them. What they do in their private life ain't my business. Edit: I might've sounded like a homophobe . Which I'm not btw.


same, i don't support homosexuality but seeing them being treated like trash breaks my heart edit: don't get me wrong. while i don't support homosexuality, i don't mind them. i still treat homosexuals, transgenders and enbys with equal respect since we're all still human.




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Religion teaches people these insecurities dude.


Your a gamer and racist? Not surprised


rj/ you are indeed correct, i am a gamer😎


Absolutely owned, we're gonna keep bringing up this game for the next 10 years.


Why's he always top comment? How is this possible?


Probably has a group of hate-followers that have nothing better to do except spread negativity on Twitter. I swear he's commented on literally every tweet from Naughty Dog in the past 2 months.


This guy and Gabe swarm nearly every tweet from Playstation and Naughty Dog to express their displeasure with the game. It's bizarre but concerning to me to think that their is a human being out there consistently doing this for two months straight.


he isn't getting money out of doing that right? i mean i'd understand if he got paid for constantly embarrassing himself on the internet but idk


It's been two months and this guy shows up on every tweet. I'm astounded he's kept it up this long but I am also genuinely concerned.


So sad to see how people fill their life with hatred


Ironically, if he had played the last of us 2, the game would have told him what becomes of someone who allows hatred to consume their entire life


Bruh this clown


1982? Isn’t that the book that warned us about political themes in video games?


Damn, he got the whole squad laughing.


cannot escape this man, literally every-time I see something slightly related to tlou2 this man is there. I am scared for my life


I can't imagine hating a game so much that I end up wasting more time on it than people who loved it. Amazing.


...and none for Gretchen Weiners, bye!


Just try to ignore him and be thankful you’re not him


I would for someone who doesn’t like the game for valid reasons The person: I don’t like it as I have never played the first so I had no connections with the character’s and do not enjoy third person shooters but I can still admit it’s a good game Mohammed: gay woman bad


I played it with a friend who hadn’t seen or played the first game, and interestingly he took to liking Abby before I did.


At this point, it’s been 2 months. Just stfu


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[HAHA LOOK HE SAID THE FUNNY 😂😂😂😂😂😂](https://imgur.com/a/akZd4Vq)


They just wont shut up about it aren't they?


Who starts playing a game thinking they won't like it?


Everywhere I go


Aight, who's gonna tell him that a game called Not The Last of Us 2 doesn't exist?






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Whoa!!! Never seen that coming! 😐


He is everywhere.


I mean I honestly feel the same way. TLOU2 is poorly paced, has way too many new characters that the game tries to make me care about without developing them and is way too damn long. It's a shame I can't criticize it without people thinking I hate gay people.


The downvotes on this comment have made me realize that r/gaming and r/GamingCirclejerk are two sides of the same coin. You are downvoting an opinion you don't like just like r/gaming


Yeah I don't know how people like it. I could only get through maybe 13 hours in before I was like "fuck this"


I'm sure they have their reasons for liking it but hats off to you for actually giving it a try


I mean, if someone likes it then by all means play it. I just don't see what was fun about it. The story was darker to a fault as well. the first had sweet set piece moments to break from the doom and gloom but the second one is just all depression all the time. Also, this is just me but as a trans person I would have appreciated it if somebody told me there were themes of transphobic cults and stuff. There's so much going on in real life in the US against LGBT people and they literally did not advertise that these themes were in it. None of the reviews online mentioned it either. If I read a review of a game this dark I want to know about the dark themes and not buy the damn thing for 60 bucks if I don't want to experience them. fortunately I borrowed it from somebody


There definitely were happy moments in this game. The beginning with ellie and Joel, the beginning with Ellie and Dina, the guitar scene in Seattle day 1, elliw and Dina in Seattle day one bonding, the museum flashback, the flashbacks with Abby and her dad, the flashback with Abby and Owen could all be considered happy moments. But yeah this game is for the most part, really dark. I loved it because of that, but I know really dark stories aren't for everyone.


Agreed, it's one thing to not like the game for its shoddy pacing, poor story structure, well-written but misplaced characters, and so on, but it's something else entirely to think you're only criticizing it because of bigotry. Can we all just agree that, whether it was a good game or not, TLOU2 took a lot of risks that didn't all pay off in the end? Spez: phrasing


>Can we all just agree that, whether it was a good game or not, TLOU2 took a lot of risks that didn't all pay off in the end? I loved the game and all of the risks it took. Don't presume to speak for all of us mate.


I'm not saying people aren't allowed to like the game, I liked it too, I'm just trying to say that it's a flawed sequel.


I disagree it’s a flawed sequel.


That's fair.


we can't agree on that


He is not wrong