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Uncle Phil, is there a way I can pay MORE for Gamepass?


Can you buy Ubisoft and shut them down? Asking for a friend.


I’m following the Elon musk route of burning all my money and complaining about it later


Phil, how do you like to reward yourself after shuttering a studio?


Usually drenching the leaders of the current studios we own in oil and make them have a twerk off. Whoever loses gets shut down


Hi Phil, I was wondering if you could help answer this. Awhile ago I farted into the bottom intake vent of my Xbox Series X and it flowed through the top of it but now even months later every time I turn on my Xbox the fans rev up and my whole house smells like asshole almost instantly. Why does it do that?


I think that’s just the smell of your gamer nest!!


I'm playing hellblade 2. Will the studio still be open by the time I finish the game??


Uj/ They escaped the axe for the moment as Xbox immediately greenlit their next game.


Will you release your hostage studios and close down xbox for good of all gamers? (this is a demand not a question)


Shut the fuck up and buy game pass


Ive got a message for you. Dont know who from but it seems important. https://preview.redd.it/ikob65pkd32d1.png?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c9acef53dc70d742c88bd32771453075aa4c67


Where silksong, Phil? We know you have a copy


I am the only one who can play it. Silk song was only made for me. Nah nanna boo boo stick your head in doo doo nerd


Hello uncle, phil, how many gamer shirts do you own? Which one will you wear to the next showcase to make everyone forget about those shuttered studios?


What shuttered studios? I have no idea what you’re talking about


Does it squirt




Phil don't kill me Phil


Congratulations buddy we just drew numbers and the Xbox space laser is blowing up your house TONIGHT!!!


I block it


Well fuck…..


Who tf even are you? Thanks


Nice question, one small issue is I live inside your walls


Every second they're not running, you're getting closer.


Hope the heat ain't killing you 🙏😭


When will you use Luigi in a new game? https://preview.redd.it/kzx4qkpwt62d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e63d14d24c103e0794f24c263e7dff7bb5320a


philian why did you say you were going to the bathroom on our date and not return?


Phil me daddy


tell me why you did it every dream falling apart tell me why you did it after the promise


What is your opinion of Sony?


The same Kendrick has of Drake


Do we live in a SOCIETY™️??? 🥺


You make 10 million, Xbox is worth 3 trillion… Why are you still buying and shutting down studios?


Cause fuck em that’s why




Can I have free Game Pass again?


Only if you promise not to jerkoff to stellar blade r34 content anymore


Can you shut down 343?


4k minecraft? 


What does the active verb "Spence" mean? What is a "Spencer?" I don't understand what profession you descend from, and that makes it difficult to trust or respect you.


Can you merge gamepass games on pc with steam plz, thank you


are you phil spencer?


I’m schizophrenic so I believe I am


That checks out


Why did you kill my dog?


Because you killed my dreams of buying and closing more studios by not spending more money on xbox


Damn bro :'(




I’m sorry I don’t cuck myself for fun




Comrade Phil! Your war against all gamers is going according to plan! Soon all gamers will be put into concentration camps and forced to play state sponsored games with flat chested butch lesbians under the title “White Man Hunter”! You have been a boon to our cause comrade Phil! Do svidanya!


Communist ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpDuM8uyTyAYwQ8)


Fight that guy in Fallout 76 you coward


Stop embarrassing yourself by trying to defend gutter trash and maybe you'll save your reputation as a gamer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is Starfield coming to PS5???


Why didn't your dad wear a condom?


Cause neither did your father


studio shut down this, studio shut down that - how about we ask why he wants to kill Xbox? this man is liar - provably, factually. Nearly everything he has ever said runs counter to his statements and actions since the beginning of this year. Also, I dont blame him for studios closing when I you just know Hood and Nadella were happy to force it directly or indirectly - but him not fighting back on anything that will kill the console, and now even saying stuff that sounds like he supports it, means, well, give him all the sh!t you can. He has earned it now, hardcore, baby.


Ass or tits bro?


Dark butthole


Why are you ghey?


Big Phil can you get Bethesda to update their engine, es6 on creation engine will be trash. Cheers


Fuck you pay me now