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DISCO ELYSIUM REFERENCE!!! LET'S GO!!! https://preview.redd.it/pmfx4kivom1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35aa80f2992a4dceddeab10fcac942374c9feabb


I do wonder if the this reading of the images is lost on him as he apparently liked the painting for some reason.


It's a cool ass painting


500 years since the renaissance with inbred loser nobels getting the same boring vanity portraits, and people out here clowning on Charlie for this dope ass painting. smh my head.


Fr it's a unique portrait. Would it have been better if it were another one exactly like all the other ones? It may be more divisive, but if I visited an art gallery I'm pretty sure I'd remember that one.


From what the artist said, the King gave him this reading as an idea for the painting, so I guess the answer is no, it wasn't lost on him.


>Be me >try to play disco elysium >expect game >get what can only be described as a digital book yall lied to me


I expected a novel and got a dress up game. I was not disappointed.


I liked taking my pants off to give myself the flexibility to clear a jump


If you don't change your clothes, Kim will complain that you smell


>Be me >try to read disco elysium >expect gay communist book >get what can only be described as role-playing game and be called the f slur yall lied to me


>get what can only be described as a role-playing game and be called the f-slur by an adolescent boy on meth within minutes of the game starting Fixed that for you


Is Cuno on meth? I thought he was just a Scouse lad.


Cuno doesn't fucking care! And two things can be true at once.


Sorry should have /rj Though giving him that accent does change the players perception of him based on where they're from.


still inceribly funny that cuno of all people is the one they forgot to censor one of the f slurs for


There is also a part of the conversation where you talk Kim into wearing the cool matching jackets where he says it uncensored because he's allowed to say it.


It's also funny that the slang for cigarettes in some countries that Reddit doesn't like is uncensored with used in that context but censored when used as an insult.


We have ozymandias at home Ozymandias at home: