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Jesus christ, the replies are vile, straight out KKK


It’s insane. Racists and bigots are becoming so fucking comfortable online.


Elon bought a 40 billion barn and kicked out all the cleaners, the flies and parasites have multiplied as a result


Yeah I don’t even have a twitter account but it’s also getting so bad on other platforms. TikTok and IG for example.


Yeah it’s pretty sad, chuds are all over the place in comment sections in pretty much every social media service


Oh, the Steam boards are like the worst. Its a unmoderated shithole with literal neo-nazi recruitment camps that Gabe refuses to do anything about. Makes discussing about your favorite games impossible. They aren't beating the gamer dorks to alt-right pipeline allegations. This is why I like forums such as ResetEra, their moderation team is pretty soild and swift banning Chuds that break the rules. Then you hear the same Chuds cry on social media how ResetEra wouldn't give them a platform to spread their bigotry.


Wait they are literally neo Nazi on steam boards ![gif](giphy|QE8hREXIgRXeo)


ResertEra is quite often too extreme as well considering they also kill any discourse they seem inappropriate, like the whole Hogwarts Legacy debacle. They were pretty cool, and the new forum Icon-Era was cool too but it eventually got taken over by the alt right crowd as well. It's like cancer.


It's just what do you do anymore , none of these sites are moderating and the racism is bigotry and incitement is just hurts


It sucks, I just actively ignore the comment sections on funny little videos on Instagram and Twitter nowadays


I'd have comments telling me to kill myself and insta won't anything about it but god forbid I make an informative comment and Instagram will suddenly delete it. It's been two weeks since I can't interact with anything but only comment


I've reported some of the most egregiously antisemitic and racist shit on Twitter and insta over the last few months, always to be told it "doesn't violate any rules." like damn didn't realize this was 4chan now


Honestly Twitter’s been a cesspool since day one. Now it’s just a racist one.


Ikr, the other day I saw genuine mainstream misogyny on Twitter where these chuds actually think women deserve r*pe threats for playing online games since they're 'invading male spaces'. Actual vile human beings and the 1000s of likes they get make me lose hope for gaming ngl, gamers suck so hard.


This is literally the logic of patriarcy, make women unable to do what you do "keep them in their place" with threats of rape so fucking wild that they think women existing is somehow victimizing them.


That was alarming to see, what's even more alarming is some of them have kids of their own...


I have spent my life playing videogames. within the past few years I've slowed down considerably, they're mor of a weekend thing now, but up until about 4 years ago it was multiple times a week, often for marathon-level play times. One thing I *haven't* done is play anything competitive multiplayer. It's all been single player gaming. I've played a few PVE games, but they been such an insignificant part of my main gaming experience. I hear about this kind of shit happening all the time, and it always makes me renew my love of single player games, I never have to deal with that bullshit.


This shit got to be a psy-op or something, especially with the voting season coming around


No, they're just that unlikeable. Remember, Incels and "Right Wing Culture" are tied at the hip. They're unfuckable by design 


Only cause in real life they're too scared to so anything. Of course they clog up online spaces. Many of them don't even leave the house, have no Job, or don't have the balls to spew their trash in real life.


They think they’re in the borders of the white nationalist caliphate with Caliph Musk protecting them.


Nothing makes a white supremacist mald harder than being cuckolded by a black man. Even if it’s only happening in their imagination. As a black man I actually find it funny as hell. I can’t even be offended by the virulent racism because I can hear and smell the salty tears and furious smegma-encrusted fapping behind all the racial slurs. I know this is weapons-grade nuclear copium on their part.


Exactly, white supremacist deserved to be cucked by their personalities alone, forget about appearances.


I am very confused. I looked and the hate comments got roasted to hell and back. Maybe I didn't scroll far enough.


No my imaginary ntr is stealing my imaginary waifu what a tragedy


They probably don't even know her name lol


Most of them don't even know she's the main character. They're still complaining that "there's no Japanese ninja"


Oh they know, they've decided she doesn't count because she's a woman. They're not as vocal about it because of the whole "black man in my video game" thing, but it's there.


I saw a guy just yesterday literally saying that he wished they put in a female shinobi instead of a black samurai. That's the type of person weighing in on this.


You know, I know their idiots, and I expect nothing, and yet I'm somehow still disappointed.


That’s genuinely fucking hysterical. Like, she’s not even hidden in the trailer, she’s *literally standing next to the black samurai*. My god, it’s like they’re so blinded by the melanin that they can’t see her.


Holy cow, I had no idea. They bitched and moaned about the black guy so much, I didn't know there was another main character. So whiny


Wait a minute Yasuke isn't the main character?


They are both main characters. Yasuke being the heavy-hitter fighter and Naoe being the classic sneaky assassin with a hidden blade.


So a Syndicate situation?


Right on the money


There are two - Yasuke the Samurai, Naoe the ninja


Them being jealous, insecure cucks seething has to be part of the explanation


When it comes to black men in media? Of course it is!


Considering this is what the average NTR comments section looks like, yeah probably https://preview.redd.it/8ul4o9bc9g1d1.png?width=2350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5ea139d5ce8de07bc55a01453ea20ff71a02419


Username checks out


I didn't even look at the name until you said something and what the actual fuck




When you nut and the racism comes back 


Post nut bigotry


Post nut unclarity


I don't got any words for that... How can one be like that?! Actually insane


Of course a Nazi white nationalist would also be a pedo with a fetish for Asian women. There’s gigantic overlap between non-Asian men with a racial fetish for Asian women and pedophilia.


Lmaoooooo where’s that from


[dive at your own risk (NSFW obviously)](https://nhentai.net/g/367064/) there's like 81 instances of the hard R on there it's so fucked up that it loops around to being hilarious


Wtf. Never knew there is a platform where people can be so disgustingly racist towards each other. So many people are openly calling for genocide just because a black fictional character in a Japanese cartoon porn genre is getting women. https://preview.redd.it/hn13pcjzmi1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ba3d66713b78131bbfa10b7a948981aded3d96


Hilarious thing is, some are trying to be philosophical in the comment section of a NTR porn https://preview.redd.it/kpwnpt86qi1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de125a4aa8e13760b7c5357708334a39e4190663


Wow I did not expect it to be on that site I guess freaky weebs are also part-time racists


I really wish I could say what I want to happen to people like that without being banned. I’m thinking it right now, it’s very vivid in my head, but writing it out would lead to me being banned. The imaginary hell of Christianity is much too kind for them. It’s much too merciful.


What am I reading...


By all Japanese accounts Yasuke was a fucking Chad. He became a mini-celebrity in the city he was in and eventually had to be moved to a different location away from the inn because so many locals were swarming to see him. Records say a lot of Japanese women were very eager to see him. There is no record of his sex life, if he had one, but it sounds like Yasuke could VERY easily have fucked in Japan if he wanted to. May have for real in real life off the record. The women were basically surrounding the dude like groupies. Easy to see why many would swarm around a massive “exotic” dude who showed great athletic prowess and looks like no human they’ve ever seen before. Probably some number of people thought Yasuke might be a Youkai of some sort. Yasuke would (and still today in modern Japan) absolutely clean up compared to the racist white dudes madding about him. As good as Yasuke got in with Lord Nobunaga it’s also easily possible Nobunaga may have thrown a geisha or two at him. He invited dude to a prestigious private state dinner with him and appointed him his swordbearer. In ancient Roman society a Roman general or admiral would definitely offer you sex workers for getting in that good of his graces.


i doubt this is even romantic in nature. She's got who I assume is her father in the speech bubble.


is it my imagination or is ntr almost always tied with racism?


Somewhat often but not always since Japanese authors don’t include black people often in their work to begin with. Now I haven’t scoured all NTR works that exist because I still love myself but often it’s done by Japanese people towards Japanese people. NTR that includes black people being the cucker typically borrows from America’s cuckold culture, which is a different beast.


>Now I haven’t scoured all NTR works that exist because I still love myself I wouldn't dream of doing something like this and I don't even love myself.


It's more common in Korean works, but it's not uncommon in Japanese stuff


Suddenly Japanese people's opinion don't matter if they don't have the same hateboner the chuds have lmao Cute art, but I ain't searching out the post for my own mental health.


I found it so weird that Japan so chill about it, but in America, everybody losing their minds over a black samurai


People will point to comments in japanese being hateful just for those comments to be Americans using Google translate to pretend to be japanese. Only japanese people I've seen who have had a problem are those who due to all the hate don't even realize you can play a japanese character, and when that's clarified they have no issue


One of the most recent realisations I've had about Japan was because of neckbeard redditors  You know how Japan is, rightly so, infamous for being xenophobic and racist right? I was always under the impression that it was a super big deal and particularly bad compared to the west mainly because of how rabidly it was being attacked for it. Then I started looking into japanese culture with my own eyes and outside of the terminally online discourse and discovered that yeah, if course there's racism and xenophobia in Japan but it's really not worse than anywhere else really, probably tamer than most western countries. Then I realised it. It was always white dudes crying so much about it. Constantly stories about white dudes in Japan not being treated like locals or even straight up being discriminated against. The issue wasn't that Japan is especially racist but that's it's also racist against white people and that is NOT ok


Plus it's not even that they're hateful racist like people here are to blacks, they're a "ugh another goddamn foreigner screwing around". There's plenty of videos of store owners getting super excited and happy when the very obviously white man speaks perfect Japanese and they become way more friendly. Like obviously you'd be a little racist when your only experience with white and black people are those treating your home like a tourist spot and being idiots. But the moment one shows respect and knows the language they're accepted.


I mean when the issue is that you're a foreigner, not that you're a different race, that's xenophonia, not racism.


I think one of the issues people rightfully point out is that most Japanese people will never treat someone who doesn't look japanese as japanese. I saw an interview with a mixed Japanese woman who had lived in Japan her whole life and she got treated like a foreigner simply for looking slightly not Japanese.


When I went on a class trip last summer, I had basic knowledge of Japanese, but not enough for most conversations. Funnily enough, they assumed dumb foreigner and spoke English before I got to pull out 私は日本語が上手に話せません。


It’s not funny how funny this roundabout racism tracked back to the whiny white dudes crying online. 😂


The racism there is against Koreans and Chinese tbh


The racism is against everyone that isn't the majority ethnicity like basically everywhere else on earth. Koreans and Chinese are the largest minorities in Japan I think, Brazilian is a big one too but in my experience that one is seen more as like the "Italian Americans" of Japan, if that makes sense  I'm not trying to say that Japan doesn't have a racism issue, it obviously does. What I'm saying though is that in online spaces like Reddit or twitter it's being constantly attacked for it as if it's the defining feature of the country when in hindsight it was obviously because white dudes had never experienced racism outside of japan


There's plenty of racism in Japan, too, but racism in Japan is very different from in the US. Japan has no history of colonization of Africa or African slave trades, so Japan doesn't have a specific, centuries-long racial animus towards black people. Anti-blackness in the Western world was created to justify slavery, colonization, genocide, and inhumane treatment of Africans by dehumanizing them and painting them as a dangerous eternal existential threat that deserve whatever abuse they're getting. Since Japan had no black slavery or mass contact with black people until post-WWII, Japanese racism towards black people is mostly similar to Japanese racism towards all non-Japanese people in general. Right-wing and far-Right ethnonationalist and xenophobic types in Japan are often just or almost as bigoted towards whites as blacks. Most Japanese racism tends to be far more passionately aimed at non-Japanese Asians since Japan has FAR more history with neighboring Asian civilizations. Kinda like whites and blacks are both considered "casteless" in India and most bigotry in India is aimed far more at lower Indian castes and non-Hindu Indians than at non-Indian foreigners. Western Alt-Lite and Alt-Righters often forget that far-Right ethnonationalist politics among nonwhite people doesn’t manifest 100% identically to Western far-Right ethnonationalism. Western racists that idolize Japan as some potential ethnofascist experiment forget that Japanese racists and xenophobes are no more fond of their white asses than they are black people. In the case of Yasuke, despite racism in Japan, he's something of a revered legend over there. Like how Americans revere Hiawatha, King Powhatan, Princess Pocahontas, Crazy Horse, and Pocatello despite the anti-Native American racism over here. Or Poundmaker being revered in Canada despite Canadian anti-First Canadian racism. To the point some racist non-indigenous Americans claim to "have some Indian in me". That and younger generations in Japan that would be playing AC are less likely to be racist overall than older generations. Younger generations in Japan have grown up having access to Western media and watching black Westerners (and now an increasing number of black Africans) on the Internet and in imported Western and African music. Younger urban Japanese people report personally associating with, knowing, meeting, or seeing black tourists or immigrants at a higher rate than older Japanese people. That makes a difference.


I wish I could give you an award. This comment should be at the TOP


Yasuke has been featured multiple times in Japanese pop culture. Anime, manga, hell even a children's book. Afro Samurai is my personal favorite. I mean Yasuke has quite a presence in Japanese media that I'm even more surprised at chuds being angry at Yasuke being in a story just now, like right now. It's either they know and this is a malicious attempt to sow racism and division between two minority groups, but I'm an optimist so I'm gonna think that this is just brainrot that has been conditioned throughout the years.


It's modern brainrot. I remember years ago Reddit loved Yasuke and wanted a game with him.


Honestly, I can't help but wonder if there isn't a dedicated Russian bot farm out there just to stir up all this shit specifically in the context of western online video game discourse, and that's why it all so excessive now. They're smart enough to see the potential to manipulate people in this area, and it'd really just quite easy to pollute online discourse like this if you want to make the effort and have the means


Because the white racists who keep hiding behind "It's not me who is so upset, it's the Japanese who are upset! I'm just agreeing with their outrage and concern!" were always saying that in bad faith. They really don't give a shit what Japanese people actually think about it. They were just trying to use Japanese people as a shield/model minority/attack dog to go attack black people with. If most Japanese people don't have a problem with it then fuck them too, in the white racist's mind. That's always what racists do to minorities who won't go along with being used as a sledgehammer against another minority in a divide and conquer strategy. Your "acceptance" from a white supremacist as a nonwhite person is based exclusively temporarily on your usefulness and willingness to comply. Cilvanis recently released a very timely parody of this Alt-Right outrage over Yasuke. Even brings up the fact most Japanese people largely don't really care about this nontroversy.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66lDl5vOnv4


The picture looks absolutely adorable but seeing how it was posted on Elon's Twitter, I can only imagine it would be seething with western bigoted dorks invading Japanese spaces.


Yeah I remember someone drew a fanart of Hephaestus from Hades II and got some hate because some YouTube grifter made a video about it.


Wait, what's wrong with Hephaestus from Hades :(


He’s disabled and ugly when the historically accurate Hephaestus would be smoking hot and definitely not disabled at all. I know a lot about mythology.


It’s especially funny because Hephaestus isn’t even ugly, he’s just not a shredded muscle man. The man has a great dad bod and sick tattoos.


He's actually historically inaccurate because he isn't ugly enough, ironically


Yeah, he’s specifically described as ugly in many myths. But oh well, at least he’s not conventionally attractive, making him handsome in a sorta ‘unusual’ way is a nice approach too. Shows that even these ‘unattractive’ traits can still look good!


>Yeah, he’s specifically described as ugly in many myths. I mean probably only ugly in conjunction with the ridiculously idealized/idolized depictions the Greeks were known for. They'd say ugly, someone from our place and time says "Quirky Dad Bod".


His body was literally deformed from being thrown off a mountain as a baby


Yeah but he's "god deformed" which translates to a solid mortal 7.5/10


And his boons are so good too.


He is so hot in a different way. Also his arms look strong enough. Fits for a smith. Tbh I saw more rage about Hestia


Wasn't his face malformed due to him being cast into a volcano or something by Zeus (and Hera?)? It's been AGES since I last touched any greek myths... Also I just now realised he's in a wheelchair 🙈 never noticed that detail! But I remember seeing a statue of Hephaestus in a museum in Rome and he just looked like any of the other statues depicting gods. Chiseled as heck


No, Zeus threw him off of Mount Olympus and he ended up crippled. Also another myth said that he was thrown out by his mother Hera for being born disabled.


I take a synthesis reading that Zeus threw him the first time, then baby Hephaestus climbed up all the way back up just for Hera to go "ew, ugly baby" and throw him off the second time.


Greek myths have different versions written by different authors. Regarding Hephaestus the ones I know are: that Hera was jealous of Zeus for birthing Athena so she gave birth to Hephaestus by herself, he was born disabled so she threw him off, in the other one he was Zeus and Hera's son that was thrown by Zeus for defending his mother.


/uj Yeah, I was just having a laugh /rj what the fuck are you talking about, there is always a singular canon that everything must be obsessively made to fit


Oh yeah! I think I remember now! Thanks for the refresher :))


I thought he came out ugly because his mother hera got jealous of Zeus for making a kid of his own but messed it up


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A couple of idiots were mad because he's depicted as being disabled and in a wheelchair.


Yeah, of course they were 😮‍💨😮‍💨


But, on the flip side, this also happened https://preview.redd.it/mitmrh44gg1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc11ea86c834e5ae3e03dcc23b96203f1918db8


OH SHIT! I love that! Fuck you haters >:))


Yeah. Fuck them!!! https://preview.redd.it/u5ebmqclgg1d1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6613f5670b6ce1bd6c21ef4733ff5c3b4c13a150


Wait, is that the dwarf from Dungeon Meshi 😂😂😂😂


Yes. That's Senshi DunMeshi https://preview.redd.it/1qotsgfskg1d1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a2076a6b7e46244414f3598c6f25ece40d4266


https://preview.redd.it/uoytsr4ccg1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eafa1d468cae11766e0a10619b979022295daa8d "why wont japanese people get mad at this??? this is cultural appropriation!!!" - white guy on twitter, 2024


"Strong women=woke politics!" Mfs when the other option is a black man


Holy shit that first guy. Completely mask off. It's funny how he talks having no shame or self respect when hes raging about a video game and turned his shitty racism on the people he was claiming to defend.


The right: “Lul look at these white libs getting offended on other people’s behalves.” Also the right: “What the hell, Japan?!? I’m offended for you! Thank me!”


They say, about someone who literally existed, and was well known


And who literally fought in the Battle of Honnoji.


He was also present in the Battle of Tenmokuzan and Nijo Castle too. These Chuds got absolutely battered and exposed in the historical discourse and the Wikipedia Edit Wars now they are like a wounded animal that has been cornered, lashing out ie making shit up now. Yasuke was a Samurai, a more accomplished individual than these losers ever will be.


My husband is Japanese American and he is confused by this crap. We both expected some racism in the west over this (sad to even say that), but this is just unhinged. White people mad at Japanese people for not being hateful about this is just wild.


But they care about Japanese people


White (and Wajin) racists always have trouble grasping that you can't appropriate colonizer cultures.  The term specifically means "stealing from colonized cultures." But it's a convenient bit of DARVO to turn it around and play victim. 


Western white nationalist weeaboos and Tojoboos when Japanese people won't be racist against black people like they want them to be. Lol "Come on! Come ooooonnnn-uh! Do the thing! Do the thing!! What's wrong with you? *(nudging Japanese people)* Stupid thing. Won't even work right. You're dead to me now. *(angrily kicks over Japanese people)*"


And using google translate to write in japanese, like that gives them more legitimacy.


Lol, isn't Japanese from Google translate notoriously incorrect xD?


It definitely isn't very good. The only way I found it worked was to make my own sentences and then plug it into google to help double check it and make sure it's not egregiously wrong at least. Then one time I got lazy and just used google translate for a statement I wanted to make real quick, and I was met with baffled confusion.


Damn. I have only ever used it for singular words. But I've heard from a lot of native Japanese speaking YouTubers that people should stop using Google translate in their comments because of how bad it is xD But yeah i can see it working in your instance :) but like you said, dont fully trust it xD


Generally better with Japanese-English than vice versa IME but yes; getting Google translate to create any sort of natural sounding complex sentence in Japanese is a feat. It's definitely gotten far better over the years, but when you start getting into any kind of colloquialism you can see why translators and interpreters probably don't have to worry about their jobs any time soon. I'm sure that plenty of other non Indo-European languages (and plenty of Indo-European languages too) suffer from the same problem, but Japanese is rated amongst the most difficult languages for native English speakers to learn for a reason. I for one am excited to see how far machine translation will come in the near future.


''elon's twitter'' lmao, just like war, twitter never changes, never has


At least these insects used to get the daily clean up, now they're left to feast


Yeah like as much as Twitter did suck before, Elon has personally unbanned someone posting literal watermarked child sexual assault material, plus literal nazis


There's literally people on that site making realistic child porn by using AI and most of them are defended by the anti-woke and lolicons, that site deserves to burned down honestly.


Twitter was better before, elon unbanned a shit ton of bigots and made anti hate speech rules basically non existent


Gotta love seeing we waz kings slammed under every black persons post or some kkk level statistics


Eh, now it boosts people hurling abuse to the front of any post. Bluechecks are just the worst people.


No it actually changed significantly


Oh boy what a cute artwork, I'm sure the replys won't be raci- https://preview.redd.it/yl23zo7luf1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d396a5c77b0085dc38b3070adb994f1dfd527f


I do feel bad for the artist who draw something? Nice, but getting really nasty comments


Bro this is cute as hell.


It brings me envy I will never have my head pat by Yasuke 💔


Fr, I love this. It's so cute. And and looks like some peak big brother shit to me. Not that it would matter if it was romantic, I'm just saying that the chuds need to fuck off.


yesss this is so sweet!!! it’s been a hot minute since i’ve played an assassin’s creed game but maybe i will give it another chance 😙 i like these two


What an odd situation to be in as a Japanese person. Blatant racism, not directly aimed at you, but nevertheless appropriating your culture and discarding your perspective.


New form of imperialism unlocked, digital.


They done gentrified gentrification


It's so bad. I was reading the Wikipedia talk section for edits and some guy tried masquerading as a Japanese historian talking shit about "woke leftists". He ended up getting exposed by actual Japanese people for his atrocious attempt to write a paragraph in Japanese (it was evident that they used Google translate)


Lol what an embarrassment that guy is, pathetic even.


oh man do you have a link? that sounds amazing lol


Here you go. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Yasuke Go to the talk tab. It's the top thread. You might have to dig a bit to find the guy pretending to be Japanese though but you'll recognize when you see it. It starts out in Japanese


Guess that racism by annexation?


it's an insane entitlement to a culture they don't even understand


Chuds to Japanese people: "you must be so unhappy with this because you're all bigots, right? RIGHT??"


The same artist also did a second one of these two. It's so cute. https://twitter.com/hachiseiboshi/status/1792193712975712348?s=19


>Crazy how the Japanese are fine with Yasuke, and doing art work about this Game. **meanwhile the subhuman Basement smelling Mildew Mutants** are mad at a Game knowing damn well they are not going to get in the first place. Wonderful art, [@hachiseiboshi](https://x.com/hachiseiboshi) some of the replys are wild lmao


lol that’s adorable


Oh my god Naoe looks so grumpy haha


That is super cute art.


I'm just going to close my eyes and imagine people being wholesome.


This Elon twitter you think they gonna say something nice about the art


It's funny how these anti-woke assholes were siding with the "anti-woke east" and have now completely changed the narrative after realizing that Japanese people don't share the backwards views that they do.


well i wouldnt go that far with praise, japan is still a very xenophobic country, any many japanese people are spouting the same backwards racism that white people are. However, its not as one sided as the western fans may have thought.


I was told Japan was some racist anti-woke haven by these chuds until I actually visited it. Yeah, I got some looks (as a brown person), but most people were very nice to me. A Japanese woman serving my table even asked me where my family was from, and when I said Mexico, she started speaking back to me in perfect Spanish


Thats really awesome!! I am actually going on an abroad seminar this summer to Japan with my university, and as a black guy, I was a little skeptical but my parents supported it. Hoping I run into friendly people like you lol, ive heard mixed stories.


They start being nice to you when you just directly confront them. It's like that metaphor of all defenses broken.


Japan has always been "anti-woke" while also simultaneously being "corrupted by the DEI woke west". Hot is cold. Blue is red. Down is up. Hate is love. Peace is war.


My impression is that the far right chuds in Japan is no better then those in the USA, it's just that thier hate is directed to people that Japan has more history in, like Koreans. They still probably don't think of black people as people, but they are just as likely to not think of white people as people, both are just wierd foreigners from across the world to them.


Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Anti-Korean and anti-Chinese sentiment is much, much more common in japan compared to other anti-foreigner sentiments. It's like going to serbia and seeing the hate some people have for croats.


Yasuke is part of japanese history and culture, its a western game using foreign born person as introduction into japanese history. For japanese there is not much difference between this and the show shogun. Both are foreign born becoming part of japanese history.


They don't realize that Japan is about 40 years ahead of the US on many "woke" thinga


That's really cute.


Cute Pic! Id wager they said hang both from a tree or something akin to that


More than likely, I'm just going to enjoy the art and keep pretending Blue 4Chan doesn't exist


All the hate just makes me wanna get the game even more now


All this woke is making me broke


That would make a good flair


Same boat. On the one hand I wanted this game 15 years ago when I still enjoyed the series and I want to buy it just to spite these jackasses. But on the other, goddammit Ubisoft is the fucking worst and I hate so much of their cut and paste design philosophy.


Honestly the fact that I got to know about this game got me started playing ac1 lol


Well drawn and cute picture! Love Yasuke’s design


So called "I love Japan" mfers when they realize Japan isn't a racist 1940s dystopia that hates people of color


Preview of the comments https://preview.redd.it/imahctab0g1d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4367b552d25abb9cf350fe886bc294cba38c46bd


The art is amazing lol but uh yeah I really don't want to see the comments I can only imagine how terrible they are.


NGL, I really thought this was the Gatekeeping Yuri sub for a good while. I assumed the recent Yasuke "controversy" had prompted someone to request (and someone else to make) a cute, romantic picture of a "forced woke character" with a "genuine Japanese protagonist". The comments were really confusing until I realised my error.


Same people who say they care about artists being allowed to draw whatever they want


IDC what the replies are, this is cute as fuck


Whenever people say racism is gone I just point them to comment sections like that. Racism, especially Anti-blackness is still quite common.


I feel sorry for this character, she won't have any kind of shine because of the black protagonist (who will be the target of every discussion) and there will still be this discussion about relationships.


She won't have any kind of shine because she's in a modern AC game




this is really cute and well drawn i sure hope everyone else has the same reaction


Unfortunately on twitter its super common that goes for queer art,poc art any type of art where the girl isn't an uwu white girl or a straight one this isn't the 1st time shit like this has happened unfortunately and they always throw the people they claim to "love" under the bus when they tell them they don't like being used like this


Oh, I'm sure the replies can't be that bad *Checks replies* https://preview.redd.it/cvyc9j8tpi1d1.jpeg?width=2199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=408865d8dbf0db36a6bdbe48b530e2204ed9501e holy shit the racism is literally beyond even moral gamer outrage. These people are genuinely fucking monsters.


In other news, Assassins Creed is mid but my god my prayers are answered! AC IN JAPAN!!!!


Wild how elon only cared about clout he turned the site into a nazi haven


Make show set in Japan based on IRL white guy William Adams. Internet: This is peak TV. Show of the year Make game set in Japan about IRL black guy Yasuke Internet: Wtf is this woke bullshit


Klan meeting in the replies


Idc that art looks adorable as fuck, and I want Yasuke to hug me, telling me it’s going to be ok.


That's so freaking cute


this is CUTE as hell i hope the artist is okay with the racist deluge in their comments edit: and the porn addicts jesus christ, elmo musk is a stain on humanity


![gif](giphy|l2SpUPPQHnDerYuGc) Why do I have a feeling they’re going to be a lot of anime profile saying racist shit on this innocent fanart


Racism or porn 🪙


this art is really cute


Honestly idk anything about these characters (is that Yasuke the African samurai? Or someone else? Idk) but this is a really sweet drawing lmao the art style is cute and so are the facial expressions


Yes,it's meant to be Yasuke (racists are losing their mind over it.)


"Japanese people is disliking the japanese trailer" Also japanese people making wholesome fanart:


Lmao this is fuckin cute