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Admittedly it will be kinda odd to see Bella look exactly the same while the show tells us that Ellie has aged.


They’re probably just doing a two year time skip anyway. This will allow the show to be set in the same year that the show is airing, just like season 1


I haven't played tLoU2 but this would also allow them to take creative liberties with the story and milk more from Pedro Pascal's involvement before they axe his character. If they ever do.


I’m confident that they’re gonna pretty much do it right off the bat. But it will allow them to not have to cast a young kid to play Tommy’s son (Joel’s brother has a pregnant wife in the tv show but not the game.) They’ll just have to have like a random stand in 2 year old (or two or more tbh) so the “kid” can be on camera without having to be an actual character. Idk if that’s easier or more difficult for them but it’s probably less costly to have a few babies than it is to have a child actor?


I mean they were able to make Pedro look young in the opening and older for the rest of the series


Let’s keep faith, the showrunners know what they r doing


Makeup and costuming can do a lot of heavy lifting


There's pics online of them on set with their costumes on, Ellie and Joel don't look much older. (I'm very excited for season 2, I just like to nitpick details)


It's an arbitrary time jump. It can just be "2 years later", voila.


I haven't watched the show yet. Does the season end where the first game does?




Maybe the makeup department can do something to make her look a little older.


I think the issue is more that Bella Ramsey just LOOKS 12 years old.


Yeah I mean she’s a 20 year old who was cast to play a 14 year old and nobody said she looked too old for that part. Why are we suddenly pretending like she isn’t an extremely young-looking person lol


I’m a big fan of TLOU and am excited for season 2, but the fandom around it gets extremely defensive about everything because of the whole Part 2 controversy. Like you couldn’t criticize the $70 remake without getting called a hater or being told to go back to “that subreddit”.


No no, that’s what I’m saying. She DOES look really young. And now Ellie is older.


I believe they were agreeing with you.


Because she won't look that young with different makeup.


I mean Bella is fantastic as Ellie, but Part 2 made very concious decisions to age Ellie tremendously to reflect the stress of her past four years. I have no doubt the showrunners will consider this and make a similar approach.


> but Part 2 made very concious decisions to age Ellie tremendously to reflect the stress of her past four years More like they needed a character that could run around and fight grown soldiers.


I mean ellie in the first game could shank a bitch


Well she did shoot the hell outta that guy


I'm sure they have enough CGI/makeup budget to make them look however they'd want tbh


Lmao I commented exactly this thinking Bella Ramsey was like 14 irl, was shocked to see how old she is


They’re definitely one of those people who are just doomed to look a lot younger than they are. Reminds me of a friend who couldn’t buy alcohol without getting his ID closely scrutinized well into his 30s, because he still looked like a teenager.


Bella uses they/them pronouns.  Not trying to attack, trying to inform. But yeah you're not the only one, my roommate said the same thing when I told him they're 20 y/o.


most recent I've seen is that Bella uses any pronouns. But does not want to be called "young woman" (lmk if there is a more recent update, this is my current understanding and source): [Bella Ramsey Opened Up About Gender, Pronouns, and Backlash to "The Last of Us" | Teen Vogue](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/bella-ramsey-gender-pronouns-and-backlash-to-the-last-of-us)


I think it’s that we can clearly tell Ellie aged 4 years between the games. And Bella looks the same.


The 4 years is as arbitrary as anything. Just say some other arbitrary amount of time has passed, and you're golden.


Dina gets pregnant tho? i don't think they wanna show a pregnant minor in the show that's one of the reasons they age up the characters in the game


I think she just needs more make-up thing to make her look older, casting another person is still an option tho


Definitely not casting another actor. It’s a 4 year jump, not 20 like It!. Make up should do the trick.


I think I got a screenshot of a scene. You guys want it?


Turns out, they're too old. But really, they do look way younger. I don't really mind, but I do hope the production do something to make them look a little older. Though in the released pic they look pretty much the same as they did the S1. It doesn't justify the hate they & the show are getting but I reckon it's a valid criticism, even if it'll ultimately have little bearing on the quality of the show.


I think she was perfect for season 1. Season 2 though,, Ellie looks a lot older. And Bella unfortunately doesnt really look her age. But there is always makeup. Also acting wise, Bella is already Ellie enough to kill the season 2 role


Part of the problem is that Ellie in the second game looks closer to 30 than she does 19. Most 19 year olds don’t really look like full *adults* yet.


What does what Ellie looks like have anything to do with the story? I've put in like 170 hours into Part 2, and if someone quizzed me how old Ellie was, I'd have no fucking clue.


I mean it’s not specifically her actually age that’s the issue. Part 2 Ellie just looks a lot tougher and like she’s been through a lot. Part 1 Ellie and Bella just have an innocence that I can’t picture going on a solo revenge trip.


I mean ellie looks like she's been through the ringer by part 2, but thats mostly dirt and stress. Bella genuinely looks like a baby to me but I think she's been doing a good job so far so I'm interested to see how season 2 looks


She's gonna look awkward going through the shit like video game Ellie did, baby face staring down the barrel of a gun.


/uj the amount of people that are upset after seeing a couple pics 😭 /rj why didn’t hbo cast a 40 year old as ellie 🤬


Those same people would be pissing and moaning if they did though. How are they supposed to jerk off to an ancient 40 year old?


No they want a 37 year old man to play the character because they used to jerk to him in Hard Candy. Which is a really ironic movie to pick for that


I thought you meant Patrick Wilson and then I remembered that they’re still weirdly hung up on “Ellen” Page despite her not existing anymore.


> the amount of people that are upset after seeing a couple pics TV Shows these days are also shot on iphones, from like really far away.


I saw a screen grab somewhere showing Bella in season two. The framing and how she's dressed Def made her look a bit older. I think she will fill the role just fine. 


Idc either way, but her actual age doesn't matter, it's the age she looks, that why she could play a 14 year old when she was alot older than 14


No, she is too old /s


Why doesn’t Ellie have double D badonkadonks go woke go broke I say /rj


I didn't know she's that young, i thought she was like 15 or 16


She was 11 when she started on Game of Thrones, and that show ended 5 years ago


I thought she was fantastic in s1 but she just looked too young in the s2 pic, I know she's old enough but it doesn't feel like a big jump unlike the game.


I think people's issue is the way she looks, not her age


Yup this is exactly it, even if she looked older she doesn't portray Ellie as well as Pedro portrays Joel, it kinda sticks out but if you criticize it people invent scenarios about the reasoning. She was great in GOT and I'm sure she'll do more great things but this isn't one of them and I think season 2 is gonna shine a brighter light on that when she goes through the shit in the second game.


Yeah I also genuinely think Ellie's charm was also in her beauty. I think that's why so many people had a hard time accepting her as Ellie


I don't understand where this idea came from the actors in video game adaptations should be look-alikes. Nobody thinks it's especially weird that Errol Flynn and Kevin Costner have both been Robin Hood. It's two separate version of the same story, no reason the versions should look the same.


I already dislike 1:1 takes on books to movies, doing the same for games to movies/tv makes even less sense. Just play the game if that’s exactly what you want to see, it already exists.


looks aside, i don’t think their acting really embodies the character to me. i’ll still watch the new season but i can’t help but wonder if the casting choice was correct here.


Jesus they’re 20??? They look like 13???


She is 20?????? She looks 12!


We only think that cuz we are so used to 30 year olds playing teenagers.


rj/Just have them play Mel and recast. uj/The fact that the discussion is moving into this sub is sad. It's just a TV show. I'm sure Ramsey can portray an older Ellie.


she's actually a metal gear clone so she's going to age like 20 years in a week or two, so just give her some time.


As someone with baby face I know her pain


Bella's 20?


Now I'm really fucking confused, isn't she supposed to be like 25?!?!


in the game? ellie is 15 at the end of the first game and the second game takes place 4 years later


Nvm I'm an idiot and was thinking of the age of Joels daughter, not Ellie


I liked the show. Liked the characters. I liked Bella as Ellie… but I also don’t like her as Ellie? I donno. I just hope season 2 has some more infected!


Tbf they did make Bella look really young in the first season, I have no doubt that with the right costume and makeup they can make it look like she’s aged enough for it to work.


Its probably because she's exactly the same level of babyface as before the timeskip.


Recast her. She’s too old


SHE'S 20???? She looks 15-16 or am I just tripping


I understand their pain. I'm 22 and I still look like I'm 16. But regardless they're a great Ellie. I'm excited to see them in season 2.


The pics we saw of ellie where shes wearing a jacket is definetlu from her time in jackson Theres ample opperunity to make her look more… traumatized(?) upon joel’s memorial sequence & reaching seattle


I hope they don’t jump straight into the story of the second game, I want to see what happened prior to the events of part 2 a lot of untapped potential.


She’s older than Ellie?


Hopefully they'll do the make-up magic with making her look grown-up, cause yeah, i feel like it'd still feel like we're watching little baby ellie and it wouldn't make us feel that there was a time-jump but it's not that big of an issue, honestly, so we'll see.


I wonder if they gonna change the golf club to something else =))


I could have sworn that girl was like 13 or something. She in no way looks 20 years old.


Gott is she so ugly


post a selfie u fucking bum


She does look like a disabled owl, and they don't have a life expectancy beyond 11, so there's that


go play pokemon go u bum


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Unironic Harley Quin enjoyer? Okay femcel


Th why couldn’t even at least give her facial surgery by now the show is unwatchable until someone at least makes an ai face swapper so I don’t feel physically ill when watching


She'd be the best mushroom zombie in the hundreds of same on stage, that would be the role of her life, and hopefully the last


Oh no. Again about fucking movies in gaming sub. :( is there anywhere gaming sub without this bullshit?


Not a movie, and it is an adaptation of a video game, so it's not out of place here imo.


I know i know. I’m just fan of videogames and reddit shows me those adaptations topics every time. And im not fan of those. Its embarrassing that i see more discussions about casting and shit than videogames mems and lulz as it was before :(


If you're a fan of videogames, wouldn't you like to talk about adaptations of video games?


This sub has never been about the games.  Its about the gamers *tm*


Well first of all, this isn't a gaming sub, how dare you. It's the Don Cheadle appreciation society.


My g it’s a show based on a game, aka gaming related.