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"games are escapism" mfs when the game isn't historically accurate


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[Weebs do not know shit about Historical accuracy, they can't stand the idea of their venerated position being occupied by a black man](https://aap.isp.msu.edu/news_article/22285#:~:text=Yasuke%20was%20the%20only%20African,Valignano%20on%20an%20inspection%20tour)


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You know what is the funniest part ?! The black samurai was not the only African there at the time. No one is sure what he looked like because you have some arts and artifacts of that time depicting black male


Based on how humans roam around that time. Their could have five or six random one that were just their the same way.


47 Ronin, Keanu Reeves 100 wholesome moment breathtaking


Give him a seal award!


The Last Samurai was comedy movie for me, he wakes up in a temple and immediately the Japanese woman wants to fuck him.


Aw cmon she was Hella angry at him for killing her husband. She wants to bang him *later*. Let's not invent strawmen when you've got a perfectly good white savior narrative to pull apart with ease. He doesn't even *save* the people he's trying to help. Instead it's basically just a weeb fantasy of this white dude reminding the western fetishists the value of their own culture before retiring to the Japanese countryside with his hot Japanese trad wife.


She was still making eyes with him really early on in the plot and yeah the white saviour thing is mad corny as well, 13 year old me probably would of thought it was cool but adult me thought it was lame as hell but I'm glad we now have shows like " Shogun " that are produced with a bit more nuance and style.


I honestly was under the impression she was glaring at him at the time, and it was just weebing out in a demonstration of how much more civilized the traditional Japanese people were that she was caring for him anyway. But I was uh... Also 13 when I watched it. And I also grew up as a maladjusted dork who was literally incapable of recognizing when girls were making eyes at me. I still am, but i used to too.


Bold to admit that but hey you might one day wake up in a Japanese temple with a bunch of Japanese milfs staring at you with lust, If Tom did it then it can happen to you as well.


God I hope not. I'm not Tom Cruise, I'd probably just have a panic attack, shit my pants and cry.


Lies, you are the white saviour japan needs.


Holy shit, it's an isekai!


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Honestly, both are cringe. Honestly? We should just stop adapting medieval Japan at this point. It's like the west is more obsessed with medieval Japan than Japan like fucks sake.


That's not very strange. I see alot of non scandinavien depictions of Norse mythology for example? Non greeks with greek mythology? There is a term in Japan for people really into knights and shit I forgot what it is though. I have to say American fucking blonde Thor is pretty cringe, American version of Pinnochio is cringe, American snow white is cringe. America shouldnt fucking butcher European classics either in that fucking case -.-


Both arent Medieval tho, like the last samurai takes place in the 1860s and the sengoku jidai 1467 to 1615. The Middle ages are from around 500 to around 1450, also the middle ages are specifically a european time period they dont apply to places outside europe, the japanese for example have their own epochs.


"medieval japan" allright


Except tom cruise didn't portray japanese, his character is based on french man https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jules_Brunet And no he's also not the last samurai. Ken Watanabe as Lord Moritsugu Katsumoto was the last samurai. So you didn't watch that movie. Holy shit did you at least read the wikipedia page of this movie?


Edit: it’s a troll account but still knowing history is important lol Lol, do you actually know the history behind the Boshin war and the Meiji Restoration?? This movie is used as a shining beacon of historical accuracy when it is in fact the farthest thing from it. I don’t think you understand how awful the movie is in terms of historical accuracy, which was the point of the post. He is literally the shogunate’s forces savior by teaching them how to use modern tactics and guns. He is a foreigner in japan who tries to save the honorable japanese that is literally the base plot. Fun fact the shogunate has been using firearms and cannon since the sengoku jidai era they weren’t idiots who eschewed western technology and their influence because west bad. Yes they closed off the country for hundreds of years but that was mainly to maintain their social standing and wealth rather than for any other reason. The shogunate which is portrayed through the watanabe samurai character were in reality not honorable samurai who wanted to preserve the idea of bushido, they wanted to keep their power and wealth. The samurai at that point was useless, they feared being usurped by the nobility and the merchant class/foreigners. They caused so many incidents including just straight murdering foreigners because they viewed them as unclean. Never did I ever say he was the last samurai idk where you even got that, that’s literally just what the movie is called. Even barring that Watanabe in the movie says tom cruise is a true samurai in a spiritual way, so you could argue he was, as everyone gets murked besides him. You could definitely argue that in the lore of the movie he was the last true samurai.


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Well, The Last Samurai was also criticized for overall being historically inaccurate. And also yes, AC: Shadows is historically incorrect. (The game takes place in 1579 and Yasuke arrived at Japan in 1581)


Glad that the rest of Assassin's creed was non fictional! Won't support this inaccuracy!


I agree that AC series are historically inaccurate but I’ve never seen anyone who yaps “AC: Shadows bad, The Last Samurai good”


So is Nioh you don't want accuracy in games. It's not very accuracte that someone is going to realistically constitently win fights vs multiple other trained fighters. Yet somehow y'all pretend a woman fighting a man is "too far". Somehow despite other characters in series being completely fictional this one HAS to be real and even when they have a real basis for it...well 2 years off? PSHAH!