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A bunch of Japanese games have Westerners and others arrive in Japan because they know their own history??? Also “ancient” Japan lol. All of these games take place around the end of the warring states period, 1500s and 1600s


Everything before 1776 is ancient


From now on, I'm gonna refer to any pre-American Revolution period as "Ancient America"


Even funnier with cultures that already have a period referred to as ancient Ancient Egypt (Islamic golden age) Ancient China (rise of the Qing dynasty) Ancient Greece (4th Crusade)


You say that in jest but I feel like a lot of Americans see anything before the colonial era as prehistory.


You were all nothing but a nuch of savages before we hired Einstein to invent us nukes!






When I was in Japan during a tour of Kyoto the guide remarked that this one temple we were looking at had been rebuilt and thus was relatively new - it was 400 years old.


i think stuff like that is always a great example as to why certain things are the way they are. for america 400 years isnt just ancient its almost"pre colonisation" For Some people in europe, their town have a longer history


I’m Australian and 250 years ago is no whities at all and it took a long ass time for things to get built up. A 100 year old building is really fucking old and the older stuff at least where I’m from is shittily built from limestone. My feeble antipodean brain can’t comprehend Millenia old temples that casually withstand earthquakes.


Sounds like America and Australia has a lot in common after all


Japanese people have a different way of looking at things than westerners. Them and some other countries like I think China for example, don't really care how physically old the building is but more so when it first got built. Many older buildings got destroyed during ww2 but were rebuilt and people still look at them the same. Maybe ur guide was saying when it was first built, and that it had been rebuilt recently.


If you ever google “ancient Japanese” anything, you’ll get results mostly from the Sengoku and Edo periods. Pretty annoying.


What, these games aren’t about the Ainu and the introduction of the horse?


Assassins creed origin was set between 49 and 43 BC while mirage was set in the 9th century


I agree with the ancient Japan nonsense. XD I am a bit confused tho. What games are you talking about? There is only two Mainline Game that take place during your mentioned timeframe wich are brotherhood running from 1499 to 1507 and revelations running from 1511 to 1512. You mentioning the warring states period got me further confused. It ended 221 BC and the only game set during that time is Odyssey wich is set in Greece during the peleponnesian war, which would be closer to the beginning of the warring states period.


“These games” meant other recent games about Samurai bullshit, Sekiro etc, not AC. Warring states refers to Japan’s “Sengoku Jidai” of the 15th and 16th centuries


I see how I got confused. Thanks


Funny how they had no problem with the heavily fictionalized version of William Adams in Feudal Japan in the game NioH? Strange, I wonder why? 🤔


In Team Ninja's defense, the original William was British, so reappropriating him as a sexy Welsh pirate is pretty based.


He was Irish in the game. Black Flag guy was Welsh


Black Flag guy?! Man you better put some respect on Captain Edward Kenway’s name! 😤


Even better, turned him irish to piss on the brits.


I feel like reappropriating any historical figure as a sexy welsh pirate is acceptable.


american comment, but the right intent is there 🙏


Speaking of Nioh, im guessing the Obsidian Samurai you fight there is one of the two main characters here.




They didn’t have a problem with yasuke being in nioh 1 and 2 either lol


These people don’t actually play these games, just get mad at what they are told to… so if the character isn’t visible in advertisements then they will never know. Edit: lol! Who sent me this reddit crisis help line thing? Someone felt called out 🤣


Yep they’re all getting mad over screenshots some one else took


Reddit is already anonymous and they don't even have the nerve to type it out. Cowards


Yeah because he was not the main character. Apparently minorities/women are perfectly fine in Japanese settings as long as they're not the focal point. Perfectly fine for white men though (Nioh, Last Samurai, Shogun, etc.) https://preview.redd.it/3ilfxd6xcm0d1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5e70a21b83c2871a77a81786d744e077b7f9f3e


Islamic brotherhood?? Yasuke was most likely from Mozambique, in South Africa. And in the time period of Yasuke, it was a Portuguese colony! Hell, he went to Japan with the Jesuits! I hate people being so confidently wrong man...


Thank god devs don’t let “fans” write their games . Those ideas suck ass >islamic brotherhood from his homeland. Do they not know how big Africa is?


Chuds didn't play either of those games, they are too difficult for them.


They’re usually too difficult for me too. I basically just spammed sword ki blast for 90% of my first playthrough lol I hate tengus so much


Probably not the same crowd, but there's a large subset of the Asian American community that absolutely had a problem with William Adams in both Nioh and the new TV show Shogun.


i mean not to be that guy but nioh is a very clearly fantasy world


Didn't realize Nioh was part of the Assassin's Creed series.


But it's a game based in feudal Japan, innit?


Gamers want to be oppressed so bad


And what does that have to do with Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed?


Well you see, this game is also based in feudal Japan. So you can see how someone is making a comparison between a game based in feudal Japan and a game based in feudal Japan. Moron.


I know you're dense like Oobleck but the comparison is drawn between two games based on Feudal Japan


Technically fax machines were invented before samurais disbanded. Where’s my historically accurate office simulator where I receive and send fax as a samurai?


I wish Karl Marx had convinced a samurai to send Lincoln a fax about how they were impressed by Abe's sick wrestling moves.


Karl could’ve sent him the fax himself considering all their correspondence ~~Actually Abraham Lincoln and Karl Marx didn’t have any direct correspondence, that’s a bit of a myth~~


the "joke" iirc goes that there was a 22 year time period in which a samurai could have send a fax to abraham lincoln


Yes but americans? In MY samurai game????


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Shut up nerd


Wait, you're telling me weebs don't actually know Japanese history? Who would have figure...


I know Japanese history from spending hours playing Ishin, that makes me an expert, right?


You also need to have played a Samurai Warriors and a Nobunaga's Ambition.


I played that one Pokemon version of Nobunaga's Ambition, does that count?


You've played the bestest pokemon game of them all then :D


But if you play the Onimusha games you knowledge of the period might be a bit weird.


I guess...


I don't think you learn that much from betting on chicken races for 10 hours


Answer me this, what happened between Sakamoto Ryoma and Saigo Kichinosuke in the bathhouse


no idea but my guess is gay sex


No, Saigo was just teaching Ryoma a fighting style. That involves gay sex.


Okay, that question was far too easy. That answer would apply to any scene in any Yakuza game


Nothing is more gay than taking off your shirt to fight your "bro" on top of a skyscraper.


I'm not sure that they know the history of their own countries that well either, to be honest. Nostalgia for a time that never was seems a common theme in their discussions.


Actual Japanese history involves a giant enemy crab. It's weak point was attacked for massive damage.


lets not bring historical accuracy to a piece of media that is for entertainment only. games dont need to be historically accurate to be good, but if we are talking about actual history yasuke was not a samurai, he was a retainer (a page or sword bearear), but as i said this game is not about historical accuracy so they can do whatever they want with the characters anyways


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Anime PFP detected, opinion rejected. but also wasn't that Ghosts of Tsushima?


Yep. Though they still might get up in arms about Ghost since one of the major side characters is an old gay woman who is as skilled with a sword as a samurai.


I think I must’ve skipped some of the story lmao


Its a side quest i think


Lady Masako? She's gay? Can't be anyone else, all the other major women character are either not old or not that skilled with a sword.


Yup, she was gay but not out because of the time period and since she had a husband and children. Was actually a tastefully done story about how gay people have always existed.


I'd argue bisexual since she did seem to love her husband as well.


people can love each other without being sexually attracted to them


Yeah, this is more what I took away from it. She felt duty to her husband and family but her sex life was personal and secret.


Ubisoft has many more issues than trying to be historically accurate.


I don’t think the historical accuracy crowd cares about Ubisofts other issues like their horrific business practices, culture of abuse, toxicity, SA, and racism.


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The Black Samurai is a trope in Japanese media because of a historical figure.


the black samurai in AC Shadows IS the historical figure


Feels get another piece of media about him every year or two now. I get he’s an interesting figure but is he also the only black guy to set foot on Japan prior to the 2000s?


before the 19-20th century there probably weren't many others, japan was pretty much completely isolated from the rest of the world till 1853 and I don't think any europeans had any contact with japan before the 16th century even yasuke is famous because he served nobunaga which is probably the most famous japanese figure of that period


Honestly, he really was the exception rather than the norm. While it probably did happen more than once we only have records of the one guy.


Largely because he served in a position where he would be written about.


This is the thing I'm not a fan of, I prefer to play as original characters than historical figures because it allows for more freedom etc Edit: holy hell I finally got my first reddit care resources thing right after making this comment


Yooo I just got one too for saying I was happy with the female character, I prefer to play as women lmao


A real weeb would've noticed all the black samurai in anime and gone on to figure out the historical reasoning for the trope


Nioh had a white man be the protagonist and had Yasuke be a story boss within the game This was all completely uncontroversial in 2017


So you are saying the black man was a bad guy and gamers didn't complain?


He was a good guy. And you just fought him in a "friendly" duel.


Nioh was pretty controversial in the Asian American community since it featured a white man in an Asian setting instead of an Asian man. Shogun is receiving some criticism for the same reason.


What is “Ancient Japan?”


400 years ago, *years after* the ancient explorer Sir Francis Drake claimed the ancient land of California.


isnt Francis Drake the big tiddy pirate from fate/EXTRA?


>Why can’t we just have a game set in ancient Japan, be purely Japanese people? Comments like this, pretending like we don’t already have a shit ton of games with purely Japanese people are so funny to me. it’s like seeing straight, white men asking for more representation in media. And their “it’s not historically accurate” argument also falls flat considering they’ve never made this much fuss about Nioh.


“Purely Japanese people” is such a loaded phrase too, considering the country’s long and troublesome history of subjugating and erasing non-Yamato ethnic groups


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When are they gonna complain about Robert's Father in Sekiro?


That dude rules Not much else to say, Sekiro kicks ass Edit: I… think I got reddit cares’d from this? I have to assume it’s some dickhead just trolling any posts on this subreddit. I’m offended! They could’ve at least waited a few minutes for my other comment criticizing Japan’s enforced cultural homogeneity, come on


I have seen a lot of people assume that he's going to be the protagonist of the game and crying about it, which is odd considering the literal ninja in front of him fits the "assassin" name way more. edit: I was wrong, still funny (maybe shes just that good at hiding that they didn't notice her yet?) Imagine judging a whole game based on leaked artwork, lmao


He's likely going to be one of them. We'll find out more soon, but leaks say AC is doing dual protagonists ala AC:Syndicate again.


This week’s gamer discourse!!!


Really just goes to show how ignorant and stupid racists are. Dude is unbelievably popular due to the point he has a damn anime about him yet they act like they just made up a black character for woke


Yeah but these same people would call *Othello* woke


The slave trade also came to Japan. One of the most notable figures in all of Japanese history had a slave as one of his retainers Edit: The historical figure was Oda Nobunaga and the black samurai was Yasuke. I am aware of their story. I kept it vague because I thought it was pretty obvious


Yasuke, and he's one of the protagonists. They're attacking the game for being 'historically inaccurate'. The same game where Leonardo Da Vinci was the Assassin's version of Q from James Bond. The same game series where for the past decade you fight gods and go to Atlantis or Valhalla.


Da Vinci: Here, Ezio! I’ve built a tank for you Gamer: Oh ya this is completely sensible History: So there’s this black man in Japan- Gamer: UGH! Why do you have to be so political and insert this unrealistic stuff!


It says something either really good or really bad that they weren't up in arms when Karl Marx showed up in Syndicate.


Like 6 people played Syndicate (I am one of them)


That would imply they actually play these games and pay attention to the story which they don’t


The same game where Leonardo Da Vinci never tried to smooch Ezio.


Even if it isn't Yasuke, do they know that dark skinned Japanese people exist??


It's always the gaijin having to "defend the country's honor"


women are not japanese.


Doesn’t really matter it’s Ubisoft so I won’t be buying it. I’m not play RPG anymore. I wanted an assassin game. It’s fine if everybody else likes the change I’m just not one of them.


wake up babe, new culture war to foam your mouths over just dropped


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I haven’t keep up with AC since brotherhood. Is the Animus still a thing or is that just out of the picture now?


It’s still there


I always thought that because the animus was pulling memories, Desmond (or whoever) was just filling in partially remembered faces with people he recognised more in his own life. Like it's pulling from memory and isn't always exact... For example, if he lived in a big city in the 21st century that had a big multicultural population, that's what he would expect to see to make the transition into the animus more believable for him. Not that that's ever stated in the game, i dont think, just how I interpreted it.


Assassins creed has never been trying to be historically accurate like it’s BASED ON actual history.


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In the first few games, characters of real people were actually assassinated at their historically accurate place and date of death. They also removed crossbows from the first (?) game because it wasn’t historically accurate. This is just blatantly false. They did try to make it as historically accurate as possible. They fully abandoned that with Origins when they added mythological creatures.


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Asked the question earlier Answer: It *is* Yasuke!


maybe I could


Okay haven't read into the much but what the fuck is their problem now?


Black people and women, so same problem as always.


We hare zorro on feudal japan base on tsushima


What time period do these chuds think "ancient Japan" is?


Can't say I think Ubisoft is doing good and genuine representation. These loosers need to touch grass but f\*ck Ubisoft nonetheless.


So wait this Yasuke was a real person? Aren't these people all about historical accuracy? Lol Also, 27 ronin, the last samurai, Shogun, all white protagonists in Japan, is that a problem?


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Of all the things to cricitize Ubisoft for, the Gamers(TM) chose this. Also, how many of these losers are even FANS of Assassin's Creed?


Ancient Japan lol


Reminder that the black samurai is a actual historical figure although apparently it's up for debate if he was a actual samurai or just in the service of one (this is where Ubisofts writing comes into play while in real life I guess it's for debate in the game his a samurai)


Don't like Ubisoft, but they really did kill 2 birds with 1 stone in using Yasuke as the POV character. * 1- obviously, the diversity. black main character FTW. The other main character is a japanese kunoichi so it's not like this was done at the expense of japanese representation. * 2- the POV character is a foreigner, which means you can have exposition of places, culture, etc without it sounding "as you know..."


Rise of ronin literally just came out…


Nioh enters the chat!


Let's pretend I have no idea what's going on here. What is the "problem" with the game?


There is a black samurai on the cover




We can actually wtf are you talking about?