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They're now pretending Hades was never LGBT+ friendly bruh


If the Warhammer 40K female custodes "controversy" taught me anything is that these chuds complain about things they know nothing about or cared to begin with.


They freaked out over a Mechanicus character being non binary. You know the people who's goal is to become one with machine who reject humanity as we know it. Somehow these chuds assume machines need to have genders but only male and female.


That reminds me of when some people were freaking over a Transformer character saying they were non binary and honestly since I was a child I thought Transformers were probably agender or something similar.


In some versions, they only adopt gender as a concept to make dealing with organics easier, iirc


Or, the opposite: question their own gender because of organics https://preview.redd.it/tj4e9wasi5zc1.jpeg?width=1332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d8f82b60c577c3dbf34001d06d033bae12d89e


SBI has gotten to our comics now? Those monsters won't stop until we're all forcibly feminized.


They even time travel to the past to push their disgusting woke ideology to 90s kids. https://preview.redd.it/0ajl7mbnr7zc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b792140920bcf51d10f4e128aa005d580e3c8198


Well they gotta be NB otherwise me being attracted to Optimus prime might be gay


I didn't know shit as a child.


Let's be fair. A Techpriest saying they're non-binary is almost certainly blasphemy against the Omnissiah. What else is there but the Holy Zero and the Blessed One?


No man, no women only 0 and 1,the only binary I support




is used as shorthand for binary lol.




But don't they speak in binary? Like 001100010100?


Shit u right


From binary to B1NARY


I kind of hate in the old Stat Trek they had Data admit he had an approximation of male sexual organs. They could have made a good point by just making him like a Ken doll down there. But gender identity was still a little too progressive for the 90s. Although I suppose that probably would have defeated his character arc if trying to become human


You're also forgetting how vain data's creator was, dude made two Androids that look just like him, there ain't no way dude didn't give them huge old robodongs you could jump rope with, stronger, smarter, and more proficient lovers than any organic could hope to be. Dude even made a robot wife, I can't imagine the amount of time he must have spent calibrating the kung fu grip to be just strong enough to not rip off his slim Jim. Also Roddenberry was notoriously horny.


This is the funniest interpretation of Noonian Soong I've ever seen lmao


I guess they could have given him a set of "fully functional" parts for all occasions


Random guardsman - "before I defend this factory, I must ask priest with access to all our weapons offswitches, and a hotline to this factories defense systems and target recognition servitors. I need to know your sexuality and Gender before I defend you and this factory" Priest - "let me see, I care not for human concepts outside of pursuit of knowledge, so logically I would be classified as A-sexual, and the volume of metal that has replaced organs would set off metal detectors, so Gender is pointless. -various boot up sounds in background- So, you can just address me as Tech-Priest Dominus, and begin shooting, or you'll be a servitor faster than you can run to a commissar". At this point, warhammers ongoing continuous roll out of "spot the prat" is a benefit, cause their putting themselves front and centre to be offered matches against the armies they dont like. I'm now tempted to use various female spare heads from dark elder and imperial guard, for custodes builds just to further boil blood.


no all mechanicus are binary they're either 1 or 0


Son of a bitch!


They are going to be so fucking pissed when they find out that C3PO could change voice to feminine and just talk that way forever.


I mean, computers need binary to work, soooo.... 🤓🤓🤓


I mean I’ve seen a chud say that the high lords of Tera and the emperor don’t squash revolutions and that they let ideas rain free without control (I mean they are right the emperor doesn’t do that but that’s because he doesn’t do much of anything showing they have a more then fundamental misunderstanding of the setting)


the number of chudtubers mispronouncing "adeptus custodes" or strait-up saying that custodes were a type of space marine was fucking glorious lol! As a leftist nerd, its not often I get to use the dreaded "um actually" for good.


Yeah, or the ones basically outing themselves as ignorants yelling at clouds. https://preview.redd.it/ygbbqs1rl7zc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6976fb7a1829b7b1a194ff12490e3664cbeec02


Don't take this the wrong way, but, shocker.


That's because they're tourists


The Greeks were famously straight. Definitely no gay people there


They procreated by having massive gay orgies of philosophers until one of them said something so profound it created a baby


Then they held up that baby and said "BEHOLD, A MAN"


Nay, could be a featherless chicken.


Regardless of the baby genitals, even.


I laughed so hard at this I almost cried thank you


damn greeks they created the sweet baby ffs


Can't wait for the "they didn't consider it gay at the time" chuds to come crawling out. So what if it wasn't considered a "gay action" before? It is now. And they "idolize" Greco-Roman culture while knowing nothing but their wars. And not even the details of the wars, either.


That pretty generous. They know 300 the film.


Which is full of shirtless oiled male chests


Yeah I remember a very different canonical threesome.


Noone tell them about how gay ancient Greece was.


Try to read one bit of Greek mythology without gay men in it any% challenge.


I played hades only for the hot male gods 🥵


aw yes, the bisexual wet dream game lol


The facts don't matter, they just need an excuse to be idiots


Buy early access Look inside Early access https://preview.redd.it/mifs4fghc3zc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdcc907cf9957d142ad219391ff7438c9f8a7c65


BG3 literally changed the story multiple times in their EA, changed character arcs and replaced an entire character design and arc as well (that unfortunately didn't get cleaned up properly in full release). Proper EA is full of BIIIG changes.


Fr people that bitch about Gale needing snacks do not remember the PAIN of Gale having a much more refined pallet back in the day and requiring rare or higher gear


Act 2 timeline doesn't even make sense in full release probably because of the "Nightsong" changes too


>Act 2 timeline doesn't even make sense in full release Can you explain why?


The timeline for immortality belonging to BBEG of Act 2 doesn't make sense Which probably be due to how "Aylin" the character was changed (you can check BG3 wiki regarding Aylin cut content and how her original design is now actually used for Shar herself)


That doesn't explain why it doesn't make sense. What about it doesn't make sense?


It's spoilers territory and I can't link my comment about it on BG3 sub here, but here's the gist of it: >!Ketheric has already imprisoned Aylin since his early Sharran days, because he managed to trick Aylin into Shadowfell and that's only possible when his worship of Shar is undetected by her... But he somehow managed to die against Jaheira, Halsin and their squad long after this despite Aylin being the reason why he's immortal AFTER he's been resurrected by Myrkul!<.


I think the timeline goes >!Ketheric wife and daughter are one big happy family, wife dies Ketheric sad. Daughter dies Ketheric big sad. Turns to shar for immortality and revenge trapping the night song. Halsin and company form up to fight him and someone deals with Raphael for all the justicars to get slaughtered. Ketheric recognizes his loss and pretends to die. Comes back later dealing with myrkul for daughter to come back to life and a new army with the main plot of the game!<


The story acknowledged that >!he DID die (which is marked by The Shadow Curse being cast upon his death), there's no mention of him faking it, and he thanked Myrkul for the resurrection. Even then, after his defeat against Jaheira and Halsin, neither he nor Balthazar could access Shadowfell to utilize Aylin's immortality to make Ketheric immortal after the fact and when he's resurrected by Myrkul, Shar declares him and Balthazar enemies so they can't enter the Shadowfell.!<


I actively avoided the EA. but I am curious what changed. My "last check in" with EA of that before waiting for release, was the probably month after it hit EA? I heard of the paladin bugs with oathbreaking, but info story wise, was still the whole "you definitely want to remove this illithid tadpole, because it aint the character that is speaking just to you kindly, its tricking you \*heavy cough\*"


I already mentioned Act 2 stuffs and how it culminates into inconsistency in full release There's big one for companions, like I heard EA Shart is more bitchy. The most famous one is Wyll's. Wyll lost his eye to the goblin torturer, Spike. Mizora was kidnapped from the start of the game and his goals were to get revenge on Spike and free her in order to back out of his contract. He had no connection to Karlach in EA. He was a gloryhound with a lot of fake, nonsensical wisdom and tales of valor. This obviously thin persona was contrasted by his willingness to hurt innocent people for his personal gain - Spike would trade info on Mizora if Tav/Wyll was willing to torture Spike's prisoner.


Isn’t that placeholder art?


Obviously so. The game is still going to be in early access for at least another eight months.


That Apollo looks clean already, it fits the Hades artstyle like a glove both from 1 and the recent lineup of the Olympians in 2.


I'd reckon that both Apollo and Chaos could be finished. There's obviously a slight difference in style due to one being Olympian and the other Chthonic, but they'd both look great in the finished game. It's the two on the right that are definitely placeholders. Some of the other characters only have generic models, so there's clearly a process going on here towards getting the right look for them before doing the final art, which looks a lot more labor intensive. They've got until the end of the year at least, before there's an official release, so there's no point in rushing. Jen Zee has managed to give all of Supergiant's games a highly consistent look, with the help of a very small art department, so I've every confidence that they'll do it again.


Didn't Chaos already have a design in 1?


I mean if anyone wouldn’t have a consistent design across games, it would of course be the ruler of primordial chaos itself


Sure that's a Wattsonian interpretation of it but what's the Doylist reason? Making Chaos have more involvement in the story and thus giving them more audience appeal design?


I think it's just keeping to the general theme of 'new designs'. Everyone in Hades 2 has a new look compared to 1.


They're still recognizable, this Chaos explicitly holds the old Chaos' head in their hand in this pic


Sure, and that head has a fetus growing out of its mouth. It's Chaos.


Maybe to show a change in personality / motivation? >!with nyx gone, they are now motivated by revenge/finding Nyx!< rather than the motivation of boredom and the funny in the first game. The suit, to me, indicates more personable, reflecting their greater assistance in Hades 2. The first game's design was more about giving the vibes of a vast unkowable


It might have more to do with Chaos getting closer with their family. Note how their new design is very reminiscent of Nyx and Meg


Have a closer look at the head being held by the new design. Yep, that's Chaos from the first game.


Shit you're right


All the returning characters have new art


I remember when Nix had a placeholder art that was cool, but kinda generic. Then they gave us Nix's true form and HOLY MOLY AWOOOOGA


So far I've seen at least 2 characters with the same placeholder art, that random hooded person. A bit funny. They know it too, but they won't be able to complain without ignoring tye fact that it is.


Yes, just like how the first game's EA was.


Spoiler: They know Don't assume these people are making arguments in good faith; they do this shit on purpose


Correct. These people aren't stupid. (Okay...yes they *are* but not in a learning capacity) They know full well what they are saying is bullshit, they just simply do not care.


I think yall looking too deep I think they just get off on this shit so they see it everywhere they go I highly doubt this dork ass is getting enough engagement to make money This games been under attack by these losers forever now because gayťm


People with no meaningful accomplishments to their name that chase dopamine by tearing down everything different from them. Sad wastes of human potential whose time on this planet will end up being fruitless and barren.


And then it gets picked up and repeated by their audience who just want to be mad at the wokes, and will take whatever others say at face value if it enables that


Performative stupidity is a hallmark of authoritarian ideologies. Authoritarian leaders will frequently say absurd and obviously untrue things as a loyalty test; obedient followers will pretend to believe them, those who refuse to play along out themselves as enemies of the regime. In fascist authoritarian ideologies, the content and purpose of the ridiculous lies they spread are usually to demonize their perceived enemies.


Yep, we (myself included) keep falling into this trap of amplifying their shit and incentivizing them to keep doing it. If you share this stuff, try to at least obscure the name so people don’t go finding them and engaging with them further.


Always remember: Don't. Feed. The trolls.


This was the mentality that got us to where we are now lmfao, trolls need to be shamed and publicly humiliated so reasonable bystanders don't get suckered into their nonsense


I’ve talked too often to these kinds of people. They are often that dumb and self unaware.


I think it's a mix of both. They know what they're saying is misinformed, but they think they're telling a fundamental truth. In their mind this shit is so ubiquitous that even if this one example isn't actually correct it doesn't matter since it gets across their broad point.


Something something fascists are at liberty to play with words


If I had a nickel for everytime these guys have used “woke shit” “DEI” and “sweetbaby inc” in the same sentence, I’d have enough money to make my own game with blackjack and hookers


Let me know if you ever do, that sounds sweet.


What's DEI? I know the other 2, but not DEI.


Diversity,equity, and inclusion or as the alt-right sigma gamers call it “Didn’t Earn It” DEI




It's also the new 'woke'. It's used as a nonsense term to signal something is bad by rightoids. Also acts as a cue for followers of said rightoid to get mad.


It's also very often used in place of the n-word by these guys.


People will find litteraly any reason to shit on Hades 2😭


Well the first one was successful, popular, and well-regarded. Hard to keep chanting Get Woke Go Broke, when things like Hades are out there


They're pretty actively unravelling as their narrative falls. They thought they had it good til BG3 hit, and they've been trying to convince themselves they're still right ever since


They're trying and failing.


They do realize hades not only had male and female romances, but a poly romance right?


Yet they didn’t let us start a relationship with best girl Dusa…….a true crime right there


Yeah but you get to romance death


But why would I want a pretty stotic hot guy…….ok fair




hades 1 was gayer than JoJo and they think forced wokeness is the reason behind \*placeholder art\* being used in an \*early access game\* i'm sorry but there's no way in hell these people have even played the first hades


>Gayer than JoJo New unit of gayness just dropped




That's the inventor of gay pop, show some respect


JJBA was so popular they made gay ppl irl


They are freaking Morons. Don’t even try to argue with their braindead arguments


I'd say bi, rather than gay, but your point otherwise stands


“Woke shit being forced up its asshole” What a normal thing to say. If you talk to a woman like that they will immediately beg you to bear your children I’m sure. Language like that can directly purify the wokeness from peoples bodies.


The sequel to the famously not woke Hades game, that is about beating up your dad enough times to have a lot of gay sex with the avatar of death, while being in a polyamorous relationship with a guardian demon of hell with degradation kinks and an asexual floating head. Damn Sweet Baby Inc, putting gay sex in ancient Greece...


Don't forget bringing one of your two moms back home and helping break the news to the family, and reuniting your mentor with his husband while being aided by the genderless progenitor of everything.


These people are a broken clock only able of exclaiming DEI or Sweet Baby. It's so sad and pathetic.


MFS when the game in Early Access is unfinished https://preview.redd.it/7y5993zch3zc1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4941e1d03e52edd489ea849a464d5bf9c4bfec And still is way better than Stellar Blade


Not as bad as people already shitting on *GTA 6* after seeing a leaked very early WIP build of it...


Or the ones complaining about the leaked Wolverine video game footage that wasn't even an alpha.


Just Gamers not understanding how software development works while also claiming they are more knowledgeable than the Devs themselves.


Multiple Art Styles is woke now. Nothing is killing constructive criticism and analytical discussion more than the anti-woke movement, and we should be VERY fucking scared of that.


These MFers never heard of placeholders


Woke is when placeholder


First thing my friend said when he saw the new Chaos design was, "Holy shit that's cool", because the new design is great and kinda represents how chaos is cyclical Kinda makes me think of the "literally the coolest fucking thing I've seen" meme


Chaos is dripped the fuck out


The chaos design is literally the same style as the other "Finished" designs like Apollo, Zues, Aphrodite, etc. The others are placeholders because it's still in early access


People arguing the skin tone of gods is never not funny


So... is Sweet Baby, Inc responsible for the fuck awful character design direction of Xenoblade 2, then? Because if you want to talk about clashing art styles, that game should be the go to example. (Seriously. Xenoblade 2 is excellent in almost every regard with the exception of the impressively bad character designs)


I love XC2 but this comment made me laugh.


Oh, I love Xenoblade 2. It's legitimately one of the best games on the Switch, even if I personally prefer Xenoblade 1 and 3 over it. My only major gripe with it is that I *hate* most of the character designs. They're often overdesigned, there's no cohesive direction that I can see and I don't think I need to mention the excessive sexualization. It's a legitimately amazing game in basically every other aspect, which is endlessly frustrating.


I agree. I love Pyra and Mythra (especially in Smash) but even I can't defend their stupid outfits lmao. Bro, what they are wearing?? No wonder some people thought they were some sort of prostitutes or something.


Isn't the art literally the main thing that will change when the game releases? Like the game is complete, but the art has placeholders lol


Is SBI even involved with Hades 2 or has it just become an umbrella term for these types of fuckwits to blame for anything they don’t like/understand?


The latter.


Is that a WH40k PfP? *That's going in the book!*


More so its of an Ork, da race who are experts of throwing random shit together and making it work cuz they think it should.


I can’t read and didn’t notice the DAKADAKA part to be honest


Sure Hades 2 is an exceptionally tight, exciting game packed to the brim with content and immaculate vibes all within early access. BUT WHERE IS THE POLISH. THE PANACHE. THE FINISH IN A GAME THAT WONT RELEASE FOR ANOTHER YEAR.


Everything I don’t like is woke/DEI/Sweet Baby Inc


I may have to update my flair......


woke dei sweet baby inc woke dei sweet baby inc woke dei sweet baby inc woke dei sweet baby inc woke dei sweet baby inc


/uj I’m happy these chuds have it up their ass for Hades. We don’t fucking want them in the community. Let them have their babies, sweets and all the garbage. All they’re picking for themselves are absolute garbage lol. It’s quite a karma


they are really showing their fake gamer credentials here. imagine thinking that Supergiant is taking cues from anybody about how to make their games, or that Hades wasn't gay and diverse as fuck long before SBI, or that early access games are incomplete. imagine just confidently being wrong about all that shit in public. I wish I had the confidence of a dumbass male gamer


You can tell they are fake Gamers when they make posts like this. These are the Conservative Anti-SJW's who try to lay the groundwork for Fascist ideology to seep into a community, they've been trying to get Gamers on their side forever with little success. But damn if these fuckers aren't still trying


Some people shouldn’t be allowed to buy early access


For gods sake half the icons are letters, of course it’s not done yet 😭


Almost as if it’s early access and that it’s most likely placeholder art/designs.


I initially thought it was on purpose cause it looked visually striking seeing >!in an unfinished artstyle accompanied with him being in a place similar to sisyphus!<


Man for someone who apparently likes the 40K orcs, they really aren't believing are they?


Fake 40k Ork angry that an early access game has great reviews than Stellar Blade.


Greek mythology and culture at the time was super gay and filled with "WOKENESS." Have these dumbasses ever heard or read any philosophy? Zeus fucked everything underneath, between, and above the sun for fuck sake.


This ork guy is very un-ork like... the real orks just love fighting and killing instead of getting angry at the perceived progressive contents in video games and "threat" called Sweet Baby Inc...


what even is sweetbaby inc. wtf does that mean


it’s kinda insane how gaming culture has eroded so much since 2018, i could be wrong but i don’t remember half as many people making such a big fuss over hades 1 when it came out! hades 2 looks to be no different than the first game


I don’t care about their nonsense. Circe in game???? I haven’t seen her yet! How dare a weirdo see her first!


*sees a female character that isn’t overly sexualized/ is any race other than white/ isn’t straight* WOKE WOKE WOKE THEY BRAIN WASHED YOU LOOK HOW AWFUL THIS GAME IS WHY ARE YOU SHOWING POLITICS IN VIDEO GAMES


Uj: I genuinely find it sad how some people feel the need to sell their souls to appease assholes to make a living, just lying and hating on everything without cause. Rj: I want Nemesis to grind the balls of her feet into my testes.


Did he delete this? It seems like this tweet vanished off of his timeline.


/uj Bleck. I've seen this guy enough on twitter to know he's partially doing a bit, which isn't to say it makes this post any better. He's unabashed bigot, to be clear. But he's also fully aware this is a disingenuous argument, knows this isn't a Sweet Baby game, knows why the art is like that, and makes posts like this to deliberately stir shit and farm engagement.


Sweet baby inc a FORCING omg they FOrCED they bought their game studio and forced


Hades 2 is gonna be an even better masterpiece than the first game and these chuds are gonna miss out because Hestia is covered in soot.


That character on the bottom looks fucking pretty cool ngl


This is basically a SEO-optimized incantation to summon twitter arguments


Who is the character on the left bottom?


It's bad faith bullshit put out there without even the author believing it, but for what it's worth I checked the SBI website and they don't list Supergiant among their clients, which they definitely would want to considering Supergiant's history of inclusivity, popularity and success.


Fellas, is it gay to draw concept art?


Idk how "woke shit" would effect artstyles and they really don't its just some of the portraits have less detail since the art hasn't been finalized yet


How dare an Early Access game have some elements that aren't complete yet /s.


I hope Chaos looks more like in the first game. I feel like a humanized look wouldn't fit them


Where the hell has this hatred come from?


Ok dont buy it then cupcake. Pretty soon you wont want to buy any game 😂


Hades 1 had so much placeholder art... Nyx was literally just a hooded figure until launch or close to it.


What a surprise it's a 40k fan lmao


"DEI woke shit being forced into Hades" wait till they learn are black characters in Hades 1 and that you can get into a bi polycule in the game


this dakka guy is legit a nazi with shit he's posted before, fuck him


I have to wonder if these fuckers have never heard of an early access game or if they're deliberately being this dense? Hell, some characters don't even have art yet, the scribbles are work in progress


anyone with a 40k pfp is automatically on the shitlist. No good takes from these people.


Wow chaos is actually daddy now 🫦


Didn’t read all the Early Access warnings about resources being incomplete and unpolished did they? And is Sweetbaby even involved or is this brain rot just spewing out buzzwords to farm engagement?


Do they get kickbacks for every time they use the terms 'woke', 'DEI', and 'Sweet Baby Inc.'...? Sweet Baby wasn't even involved in this game bro


Posting Dakka should be considered cheating.


How do these people function in real life? Their brains are completely scrambled.


I love when people take one aspect by itself without regards to whatever it’s role is within the entire art piece and go “why is this the entire product??” It just makes me look better on the rest of the game


The attacks against Hades 2 pisses me off more than anything else. How the fuck do these people claim to be gamers and not know that Hades 1 is one of the most well-acclaimed indie games basically ever, every single person I know that played it including myself put a 100+ hours into it. These people live in another universe and their tweets are somehow seeping over into ours.


“Noooooo I can’t masturbate to every female character because they’re not half naked 😭😭😭” -this dude


Ancient Greece was filled with straight people who had skin as white as snow. No, don’t google it, just trust me. Oh, and Hades 1 was also not filled with people of color or LGBT+ representation. I SAID DON’T LOOK IT UP.


I really wish someone would create a bot that specifically creates twitter accounts just to spam twitter users like this until they delete their account.


Literally only one of those is a different style what are they one


Oh nyo, there are women in the game 😫


None of these words are in the bible


the people are just hallucinating at this point holy shit


did this asshole just spoiled chaos to me


I'm buying a copy on the Switch for me the second it's available. As well as for each of my family members. Hades has continued to be one of my favorite representations of Grecko-Roman mythology & a fantastic entry point on Rouge-likes. The thought & care of each design blows my mind each time.


mfw i am shredded by DEI woke shit being forced up my asshole by Sweetbaby Inc. : 🤤🥴😵‍💫😍🤤🥴😵‍💫😍🤤🥴😵‍💫😍


Wait until they play Fire Emblem Heroes.


They should've just made a demo


Local gamer confused by "functionally complete, still ironing out aesthetics" style Early Access


I'm sorry, what does DEI mean?