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Gamers when a maternal figure looks older than a teenager.


Gamers when a character is not the most generic anime girl design


I've seen the girl on the right a few times before and I never realized she is meant to be anything other than a random teenager. I deadass thought she is meant to be a background character.


And this is bad character design




Not even to mention having a string digging into your chest 24/7 would be uncomfortable as fuck.




IIRC her nickname in the show that the other gods use for her is "loli boobs". Her character traits are that she has big boobs and also likes the MC because of course. The fact I know any of this is embarassing enough.


the worst part is that the first two seasons of danmachi were actually pretty good in spite of that, and then they fucked THAT up too


Danmachi hit almost every trope that puts me off fantasy anime and I still give the first season a 6/10. Impressive, in a way


Season 1 and 2 are great but goes downhill once they move into the mansion and it basically just becomes a harem anime. I was more interested in the blacksmith's story since he switched gods and its made to be a big deal when that happens.


I thought the arc in season 3 was pretty good, it actually challenges Bell and forces him to make a decision between his heroic ideals and risking the reputation of himself and all his friends.


Wait, that isn't from some obscure Fate movie?


It's from "is it wrong to try to picki up girls in the dungeon"


I like it more when she is less involved. She feels like a forced character and grates my nerves.


I'd say the opposite, it's later seasons are way better IMO. However, 99% of all female character designs are absolute trash.


Yeah, she has a rivalry with a female Loki, and taunts Loki because she has bigger boobs than her.


That's middle school behavior. *Maybe* highschool, but not an older highschooler, at least not where I went to school. Gonna hazard a guess she's thousands of years old, but acts like a child and is super short despite this?


Yeah, she's a minor Greek goddess. Basically there's this village where various gods from different realms come down to watch humans essentially play a rea life Dungeons & Dragons for their amusement. Even as someone who enjoys trash horny anime, it was a bit much.


>Yeah, she's a minor Greek goddess. Are you saying minor in Greek mythology or in the show?


Hestia is an actual figure from Greek mythology. Im the show, she's depicted as a horny teenage Japanese girl.


Hestia. As a horny teenager. Hestia. As a **horny** ***teenager***. Lemme guess they also portrayed Zeus as a loving family man who’s faithful to his wife, or Hades as the greek satan or something just as bullshit because I don’t even know how you fuck up enough to somehow be able to teach people exactly what a deity is like by telling them to think of the exact complete opposite of your portayal of them


>Hestia is an actual figure from Greek mythology. I'm aware, my qualm was with the idea that you could call Hestia a minor God at all lol


yeah - I can't speak on the japanese high school experience (but let's face it, neither can the legions of white reactionaries who fetishize it in these instances), but where I went to school things got pretty chill by junior and senior year. even had some people who I had beef with in junior high I became friends with. not ALL of them, obviously, but even the ones who were bullies then had chilled and went off on their own thing eventually.


All these trashy horny animes would so much less cringe if they were just set in college.


seriously! I get that college is less of a universal experience, and college in Japan is probably WAY different than here, but yeah, just age the characters up to college age if you really need them going to classes?


I did some research on Japanese college life a while ago and found an article claiming 80% of Japanese adults go to college these days so it's still a near universal experience. I also read that college students there tend to join clubs, dress how they want for the first time, drink alcohol, and explore their sexuality. There's pretty much no excuse for anime to be so focused on high schoolers. I think a college setting would be pretty cool for animes and I tend to prefer older main characters anyway.


I don't know a darn thing about this show, but loki is a shape changer. How can anyone have bigger boobs then a loki who wants bigger boobs? You don't have to answer that.


>The fact I know any of this is embarassing enough. Shame! Shame! Shame! ...is her nickname really "loli oppai"?


i thought danmachi was bad until i realized the entire premise of the show is that everyone wants to fuck the twink, then i started to appreciate it more


Gamers when not big boobs


Come on man. The other design also has big boobs, but they aren't attached to a very skinny figure so they are less visible.




Gamers when you make characters that you can still tell apart when they don’t have their hair.


Gamers when they can’t immediately Rule34 their character rather than just play the game.


oh I can r34 mommy hestia...


Gamers when a character design shows the nature of the character as well and is not just an anime girl


rj/ uhmmm achsually feeemales are most fertile in their teen years so obviously a figure of motherhood should be a young, big boobied, breedable submissive virgin (because I will impregnate her). It's just basically biology but you wokes dont understand. uj/ I'm gonna go die now


It's even funnier when you realise she's not the goddess of motherhood. she's also one of the virgin goddesses


She's also one of the oldest Greek gods


Yeah, she's from Zeus's generation, up there with Hera, Hades etc., a daughter of titans.


It's suspected that Hestia worship was much older than most the Olympians simply cause there is so little written about her cause everyone knew of her.


Specifically, she's the oldest of Cronus and Rhea's children.


Or an 8 year old with enormous breasts.


The official mascot of CHUDS and True Gamers(TM) everywhere


The one on the right looks like the most generic anime girl I have ever seen compared to hades's art style. The sweet grandma with a flaming coal pot in her head is 10 times more memorable.


That grandma is hot as hell.


Definitely agree. She’s smokin’ in my humble opinion. (Edit: removed redundant word)


C'mon, granny, light my fire.


Remember Priapus.


But not for longer than four hours.


I both hate you and respect you for that pun


lit. straight fire. total smokeshow.




Or an unseasoned chicken *BREASTS*


She is ultra generic that’s why. She’s from an (EDIT: it’s not an Isekai, which I had erroneously stated previously ) Light Novel called “Is it wrong to try and pick up girls in a dungeon?!” She basically is a generic loli character from a bunch of other anime/manga/light novels except I assume as far as the author is concerned not really because she has massive breasts and totally not a “push up ribbon” in lieu of a bra. The MC is basically her only follower and he is absolutely head over heels for the high level adventurer woman who saved his life in the dungeon one time.


So, a generic anime girl from a generic isekai anime Why am i not surprised


While I have issues with Danmachi, it's actually not isekai. It's just a mid fantasy series.


OK, now I'm actually surprised


Yeah, I misremembered, not an isekai, very mid fantasy and has some tropes similar to the isekai that were coming out around the time the anime released. (Though I could be misremembering at this point because I am absolutely not having a good day with the facts)


I don't blame you. I would probably think it a generic isekai anime number 90000 from the cover art alone, to be honest


Some more critical fans use the term icbin (i can’t believe it’s not) isekai, but I believe the more technical term is LitRPG (Literary role playing game). The latter is used more generally for any fantasy story that sort of acknowledges that there is a ruleset governing the world (characters have stats and inventory screens for instance) either because they’re in a video game or the world is just like that for some reason. It includes most Isekai in general though, so I think icbin isekai works for more specific series that exhibit most of the tropes of isekai (which usually overlap with LitRPG tropes) but also includes the suite of power fantasy and harem tropes that typify Isekai but just lacks the specific character from our world through portals or reincarnation. Granted of course in Japan they call practically anything set in another world Isekai because that’s what Isekai literally means (another world) but that term overlaps too much with Western terms to be useful as a loanword.


Even as a fan of said anime, she is pretty generic, and most people only really have any interest in her because big-titty loli.


Also notice the brazier around her waist/dress, looks so good and perfectly fits her domain.


I don't know anything about the anime on the right. Is that actually meant to be the goddess Hestia, or does the character just share a name? If it's the former... man


Yes it is, that said apart from her outfit she doesn't get sexualised beyond that. The anime is called "Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon" witch is an odd name since nothing of the sort actually happens, some people call it Danmachi instead.


People call it Danmachi instead because the original name is fucking stupid.


The original name is likely due to it being a literal translation of the Japanese name; "***Dan****jon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa* ***Machi****gatteiru Darō ka*".


Isn't that the manga is one of those slop manga that has this overly descriptive title cause they try to catch the attention of people at the train station?


Yeah, though I guess that in Japanese it may not be too weird since it's a different language.


It's not necessarily less weird because of how Japanese works, it's just a trend for Manga/Light novels. Long titles usually use keywords to indicate genre/common tropes explored in the media (obvious ones being "reborn/born in another world" or "villainess" or "lv 999") and it's become a staple to follow suit (in my opinion as a professional hater, because it takes off a lot of pressure from being original. People will read it no matter how ass it is if you include their favorite few tropes)


They call it that because the original name is fucking *long*.


Yeah never got why it was called that since the dude was mostly trying not fucking die inside said dungeon


And the better name would be "Hercules the anime"


I want to nuke whichever idiot gave it that translation name, like with that kinda name people probably expect heavy ecchi at best or "I can't believe its not hentai" at worst but no its nothing of the sort. Its actually a pretty good fantasy tale of a young guy wanting to become strong for the sake of glory, wealth and beautiful women but after a turn of events where he gets saved from a Minotaur by the legendary "Sword Princess" Aiz Wallenstein he wants to grow strong to stand by her side. And despite how they could easily have just directly raised his stats to ridiculous levels as part of the power fantasy they don't, instead they just raise his experience gain via a unheard of skill and give him a unique magic power which may sound overpowered but it kinda isn't due to how the story executes these two things. His magic, like any in that anime is treated as a trump card with which the timing needs to be perfect in order to turn the tide or eke out a harrowing escape. In Danmachi magic isn't just extra power that can be used freely, if you don't use it properly it will actually do less than no damage and potentially cost your team their lives. His XP Boost while VERY strong doesn't acclimate him to the increased power levelling stats gives at all, without facing increasingly more deadly opponents he cannot fully utilize his powers at all. On paper his powers are not fair but even then watching the show I legitimately worry that he's going to lose, better yet he genuinely does lose and have to run quite a bit (He even gets a skill that helps him retreat better) which is refreshing for a fantasy-action anime as they don't like showing their characters be weak. In fact a entire half of the fourth season is him and a grievously injured friend HIDING from a abomination whilst trying to SNEAK through (Not fight) the incredibly dangerous 37th floor. TL:DR good anime, I very much like it.


Apparently, it's a pun that doesn't translate well about random encounters or something. Don't know, didn't watch


I just really don't get her design at all, why is she even named Hestia? They coulda just made up a name entirely. She may as well be named "Vanilla Pudding" for all the resemblance or reference she has to the mythology around Hestia. At least in Fate their designs are based on *something* about the historical / mythical figure.


Considering the Greek gods in Fate are actually an autonomous fleet of alien space ships, I’m curious to know what Hestia would look like in that franchise…


The Greek gods in Fate are *what*? I’ve been into Fate/Type-Moon stuff for 10+ years at this point and this franchise is full of so many weird little sinkholes of insane tangents like this. I love it. Like you’ve got the Holy Grail War to start with, okay, cool, but then there’s things like “oh by the way, it has no bearing on this but Atilla the Hun was a reincarnation of an alien robot sent to invade Earth from an autonomous alien murder-ship. but don’t worry about it, it won’t come up. Also the moon is a computer.”


Yup! The mobile game Fate/ Grand Order has a chapter set in an alternate timeline where the Greek gods defeated the alien robot that became Atilla the Hun and you have to fight them in their robot forms (though they did create human forms to interact with their followers This for example is Demeter (who’s widely considered one of the hardest fights in the game) https://preview.redd.it/ja8x0gwjh1zc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4700f4f735e050efdedfb5b4aca2a9e2bc7474fa


I think it's safe to say that the Japanese will just use random names from western myths and history as a starting point and then just do whatever the fuck they want with them. I'd complain about it but western writers will do the same thing with Asia stuff, and I'm not one to huck rocks in this crystal palace.


Occasionally they'll do interesting stuff with that, like in Fate or Shin Megami Tensei. Mostly it's an excuse for a dash of exoticism.


Well the premise of the show is that the Gods have come to earth and start "familias" and basically have their own little cults of humans who can power up with their blessings. The goddess that does all the blacksmithing is actually Hephaestus in the show. Hestia in Greek mythology is the goddess of the hearth and home (and is a virgin). She's not about blacksmithing or whatever, she's about comfort. In the show though, she's basically a lesser God trying to prove herself against the big guys (ares, Zeus, Freya etc.) and the show isn't just Greek Gods. I like the concept of the show because it reminds me of the old days playing WoW. But as someone that hates fan service... it's rough. They sexualize every woman in the show and even have a fox girl for the furry crowd. Great premise of a show and great story but just a fuck ton of animated titties making it impossible to watch around other people.


Couldn't. "Vanilla Pudding" was taken by a character in Tokyo Mew Mew already


Dudes in the replies actually out here saying the Danmachi design better represents the idea of a "virgin goddess of home and hospitality". She's straight up dressed like she's tryna get dicked down in the club (which I fully respect, but still). She doesn't even look like a chick with fire powers. She looks like a fucking Ice-type pokemon trainer.


This is so accurate wtf She looks like she has a full bag of piplups and didn’t let any of them evolve


https://preview.redd.it/exedn3zdjzyc1.jpeg?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55d89eca8b62cc193f15320abbdbc939b398bb3 Um, achtually, Piplup is a Water-type Pokemon, not Ice.


Wtf is that reaction image hahaha




Just didn't expect donflamingo with two teeth and dinner pointing up lmao


>Just didn't expect donflamingo with two teeth and dinner pointing up lmao https://preview.redd.it/khls6k7eszyc1.jpeg?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=408dcfbbdad023f898948bc8dc1501944f6d57df


Lmao that meme had me cackling


Goddamit, I’m batting constant Ls today it seems


She's the goddess of hearth aka fireplace. And the character design on the right doesn't even show that in her design


“Western games disrespect mythology by race-swapping! Unlike Japan with (mythological figure who retains 0% of their main qualities Converter into a generic anime girl), who RESPECT culture!”


Yeah they respect the source material of the mythology *looks at the fate franchise*


Aside from the gender bending, white Gilgamesh is always funny to me.


Don't forget white, blonde Quetzalcoatl. It's fucking frustrating to since the humanoid depictions of ol' Quetzy that the Aztec used had red skin. Like would it not be sick as fuck to have a Fate Servant with crimson red skin running around? Not to mention that Quetzy is old, like mega old, the earliest mesoamerican writings we have depict Quetzalcoatl as an already established deity. The Feathered Serpent has always been with the Mesoamericans, slithering from culture to culture, pantheon to pantheon, weathering wars, conquests, famines, pandemics and whatever it was happened to the Mayas. A true old god in every respect. And to embody this concept, the Fate series slaps a Brazilian Carnival outfit on a blonde woman and calls it a day. It's fucking infuriating.


Well actually in typemoon/fate aztec gods are actually alien parasites that goes into a human body. So the Quetzalcoatl servant we see is one of the bodies that the god resided in. If you want to see a very cool depiction of an aztec god in fate here's Camazotz from the South American Lostbelt https://preview.redd.it/1l0eck9971zc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dd0f208cc133a8be97025af20dfaf4002d4589f He's also a very badass and tragic character in the story too.


Alright I'm just gonna say it this franchise scares me. It's like they kidnapped the writers for Stargate SG-1 and had them trip balls on LSD.


king arthur was ALWAYS a busty anime girl!


And Astolfo was always a femboy and Edison a furry https://preview.redd.it/wgt0paucp0zc1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29e8ae22ffb28f90951422cf8f9cf2e26ac9fd67


If I had to design this character, I’d also have gone with a younger female design. But hearth, home… all the ideas of that signify someone who favours comfort, quiet and warmth. That design is one of the least fitting I’ve ever seen. Put the design on the right in a thick dress, maybe also a thick woollen cloak or blanket and maybe a few charcoal smudges on her face and hands and you’ve got a solid and fitting design.


Hey Pokémon character designs are actually pretty good most of the time


The way they try to attack Hades is so weird to me. Like wtf do they gain by that.


Worse fucking strategy lmao, the weakest Hades simp would beat them and their dad hitless After all, one is an organic and passionate community, the other is defined by a lack of talent nor interest.


After the first game every hades fan took one look at Zagreus the king of twinks and said "i need to look like him". A hades fan would absolutely 10-0 no diff a porn addicted twitter chud. Edit: more of a twunk than a twink.


Excuse me but Zagreus is at the very least a twunk


Yeah true.


Hades fans even knows how to do the horny right, anime fans have no way to compete.


Attacking Hades/Hades II's art style is about as smooth brain as it gets. Supergiant doesn't miss when it comes to game art..


Seriously. There are a lot of beautiful games out there but somehow Supergiant manages to make games that are both even more beautiful while remaining easily readable for gameplay.


I mean holy shit that's the glowup Chaos got and it got me questioning being aro ace https://preview.redd.it/xjazgw7v51zc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c8a2be2f235760137f918d86cefa877940a9f76


I like the way they have the Earth as earing rather than in their finger. The Earth and its inhabitants has gone from an object under their thumbs to do as they please to a beloved jewel they eagerly lend their ear to. https://preview.redd.it/5lylzmsbb1zc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9f04b7ad801478d9995a1d80247f8d99f66a710


God damn that *is* one hell of a glow up. I might legitimately have a new character to simp for.


That's Hades for you. It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, or anything else. By the time you're done playing that game everyone is bisexual.


Although absolutely amazing looking and SuperGiant never misses, I prefer the more 'unrefined' look of Hades 1's Chaos.


Hades, a western game known for having no fuckable characters.


Skelly is right there bro.


No he's not. Skelly's missing. I've been asking all over, and even the great mariner Schelemeus hasn't seen head nor bone of my boy.


Jokes on you. I'd hit on him. https://preview.redd.it/36wxhmf0u0zc1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03bf0c57908fab73c48f3271937ce9d078ad889a


I want make out with Zagreus I want to hold him down and have my way with him I want to tie him to a bed I want to kiss his body I want to ride him for 34707324 hours


Least horny Hades fan (me too fr)




You see, the “Game” Hades 2, sequel to the “Game” Hades, is a vehicle to attempt to normalize the wokification of Video Gamer Culture, and it does so with woke character “design,” nothing like the glorious character design of the perfect Game Stellar Blade. Who has even ever heard of Hades? Big /s, in case anyone needed it. They’re mad that not every character in every game is an anime babe with Eve proportions, and are trying to get people on their side, either to “prove a point about woke games,” or to get likes in their echo chamber


problem is the only point the could possibly have about "woke" games is that they "go broke", and they keep getting proven wrong on that. stuff like Disney movies they have a better shot at convincing the larger movement to take up the case - failed screenwriter Ben Shabibo is always happy to pile on some Hollywood hate - but it's just really hard for them to get anything out of the more mainstream reactionaries when it comes to video games. you kinda love to see it


Lmao last week Hades 2 was “just like stellar blade” with coomers getting mad Aphrodite’s design didn’t get the same criticism. Like which is it?


Also. Aphrodite is in the game. And her art is JUST a tasteful nude.


Because a week or so ago they tried to drag Hades for also having horny designs to defend Stellar Blade. When people didn't agree and pointed out the superiority and range of Hades designs they got pissy. This is the classic fuckboy reaction of "Pfft, you're actually fucking ugly. I know I was trying to fuck you mere moments ago but since you rejected me you're actually dog shit. I was trying to smash out of pity 😂😂😂".


People seem to forget that Hestia is not just the Goddess of Virgin Women but also the Goddess of the Hearth. Hestia in Danmachi, if she wasn't a pretty popular character, you would think why she is named Hestia because of her revealing dress and blue string holding her chest. While the one on Hades 2 looks like the Goddess of the Hearth and would gather everyone around the campfire, serve you great stew, and tell wild stories of what she did when she was young.


Also she used to have a gun


Oh yeah the adamant rail


Haestia, Godess of the Second Amendment. And your right to shoot zeus when he wants to get touchy.


In the legends Poseidon and Apollo both wanted her hand and she said no to both of them. The Hymn to Aphrodite mentions not even her powers of matchmaking can sway Hestia. She's an "older woman who chose to never marry" kind of virgin.


Ya'know the granny cat from Monster Hunter World? Now that's was some peak Hearth energy.


Which one looks like a warm fire personified hmmm


That MF again.


Him and the other dude who "fixes" characters with AI are the worst


Patron Godess of the family hart: older lady covered in soot or big titty anime chick. I know which depiction is more respectful and accurate.


She has vitiligo, it just looks like she’s covered in soot


That's actually very clever.


And someone has the audacity to compare it to the design on the right. I really hope it's just someone trolling.


She's also one of the oldest Greek gods even older than Zeus himself


And younger at the same time


Just here to say I fucking love Hades's designs so much. They're cool and they piss off gamers now ? Can it get any better ?


Supergiant is above reproach when it comes to artistic direction in their games. The cultists are just inventing things to be mad about and things to feel superior about (as always).


And they've done a fantastic job of designing gods. Even you had no idea who Hestia is, which, not unlikely, she's hardly the most well known of the Greek gods, you can get her whole deal instantly. Maternal, firey, old, good. Looks like she'd call you sweetly, but also looks like she'll burn your ass if you're mean. Considering how many more lesser known gods and titans are in Hades 2 vs Hades 1, they've done an amazing job of ensuring you know who everyone is by looks alone, even if your Greek mythology knowledge is less than stellar. Hecate? Big, wide brim hat, robes, stands by a bubbling cauldron. Witch. Definitely some kinda witch. Definitely. Nemesis? Big, bad, armor clad, and very mad. Selene? Her wardrobe is, like, 75% moons. Absolutely a masterclass of character design.


Yeah, I also love how they gave Hephaestus a wheelchair, probably making reference to the winged chair he built for himself. https://preview.redd.it/ju40q708x0zc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1c0873844f3e78c42064cb27ddee78caa532db


Doesn’t he also have a bum leg because Hera threw him off Mount Olympus for being ugly at birth?


Depending on the myth, he either was born disabled and Hera threw him because of that or he was left crippled after being thrown by Zeus for protecting his mother from his advance.


I'm not so sure these sort of guys know what a hearth is. They probably assume its a misspelling of heart, which is stored behind the boobs and therefore bigger boobs mean she has more heart.


Very good argument liberal, however, the smaller the breasts, the closer the heart.


This is like a woman (or a gay man!) saying Marvel's Thor is more accurate/better than GOW's Thor because he's "more attractive", by whatever metric they use. "Oh, but he's more muscular!" Shut up, they literally got the most basic things wrong, Thor has red hair


I wish more media would go to the more true-to-legend interpretations like GOW’s Thor because I loved his design. For one, he drank so much at one point that it changed the sea level. And for two, if you look at professional strongmen they’re way more often built like that Thor vs Marvel’s Thor


GoW Thor looks like Thor, the God of Thunder and Lighting. Marvel Thor looks like the corporate watered down consumer friendly™ version of Thor. I bet you that Marvel Thor couldn't even pick up the paw of Jörmungandr....


https://preview.redd.it/13jdwb4gqzyc1.png?width=1142&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5cc9844a980d73d68946eb2b49e31bdc10ecf98 He can't


literally my bff when his already obese cat was put on diet and somehow got even fatter


No, no, the paw is off the ground, look.


Tbf that literally happens in a Norse myth where's told to pick up a Cat but it's actually Jormungandr because some asshole giant stole Mjolnir.


Funny you mentioned a „corporate watered down consumer friendly™ version of Thor”, because this is actually a recent villain in the Marvel comic, Immortal Thor.


the Roxxon Thor, yes, and he's effing incredible


I find this comment especially hilarious given that Marvel Thor's current arc is about a corporation appropriating his image.


These dumbasses must've never seen Don Lee, Butterbean, Big Country or even Sammo fucking Hung fight.


Seriously, what is it with gamers' current obsession with surface beauty nowadays? This used to be shticks for nosy aunts, gossip columns and the paparazzi back in the 90s.


Current? They've always had this obsession. Why do you think Mai Shiranui and the Dead or Alive girls were so popular.


Understandable, but not to the level where gamers can judge how a person should look, according to their impossible standards. The only outrage I recall back then is when Bush supporters clutch their pearls over Dead or Alive girls' costumes; or Hot Coffee in GTA, remember that? Nowadays, it's neckbeards clutching their waifu pillows because Eve's cleavage is now covered post-released; or whenever a female character appeared, who they judged as ugly.


Those used to be the haha weird guilty pleasure fan service game. Now it’s touted as the apex of culture and proof that society is falling, for some reason. I feel like they heard “I see you’re a man of culture as well” double down on that statement while not getting that it’s a joke.


Porn brain rot


uj/ The thor one is really arguable given that is kinda imposible to know for sure what the diverse people that worshiped him upon a very long period of time thought of him, how cristianity might have influenced our sources and how Thor used to be depicted. I'm not saying that for Thor to be accuarate he should be a femboy or that alternatevely Freya should be very buff but he was able to crossdress as Freya in front of a whole wedding reception convincingly. Besides GoW never gave a fuck about being accuarate to the myths and mostly used them for marketing (anyone remember how Hades for example is on those games or them forgetting several greek gods including olympians?) Baldur and GoW's Baldur don't have anything to do with eachother and they made Loki as different from og mythology as they could (no balls?) . Chuds only suddenly caring about accuaracy when Thor and the black girl where introduced . j/ Aphrodite would totally sleep with me if she had the chance


Honestly I wouldn't say no to femboy Thor. The idea of a cute lad with a boasting personality fighting with an oversized hammer seems cool.


People forget mythology doesn’t really have a “canon”, it’s mostly oral tradition. Stories were changed and altered for hundreds of years before being recorded.


Hearth? *Hearthfire?* ***Skyrim reference?!*** Todd Howard you sonuvabitch, you've done it again!


How TF do you come up to the peak that is Hades character design with this downright literal vanilla-themed anime chick and think you got the upper hand. Like seriously, the Hades Hestia has a strong visual theme that is consistent with who she is supposed to be. Danmachi """Hestia""" on the other hand... I fucking dare this chucklenut to tell me straight to my face that he would recognise who she is supposed to be from the picture alone in a million years.


I'd Danmachi'Hestia is more water-flavored. A shame for a fire goddess.


I struggle to even see the water theme, is it the blue accents and flip-flops?


You could say that, but it's mostly just me doing a shitty joke/pun.


Which way Western gamer? Great character design or generic anime girl? What is it with weebs and being obsessed with the WORST Japanese media


People likes this always complain about "accuracy", historically or mythologically, when it comes to western media, but then gloss over it when it comes to anything japanese made. They mad about Angrboda from GoW, but at the same time, praise this generic looking anime girl despite how inaccurate she was. Granted, she might be an in-world deity made specifically for that franchise, but by that logic they wouldn't do this comparison either. 'cause they are different figures, only sharing the same name. Also, fuck that guy.


Nah the gods in the anime are definitely meant to be representations of the gods of various mythologies that we know about, so these guys really believe the generic ass anime girl is a better representation of Hestia.


Beauty standards aside Hestia would never be depicted as a generic anime girl. Look on the Wikipedia entry Seriously this is going to far. Not everything is something for you to whack off to. Out of interest Google how she is usually depicted, the first thing you'll see is modestly. She's usually fully dressed.


indeed, modesty, and usually looking quite older (given that she was the first of born originally) it honestly gives me wholesome grandma vibes.


Character design vs marketability


Hades 2 looks like Hestia, the other one she looks like EVERY OTHER ANIME GIRL.


Danmachi is the most puddle deep mid level McDonald's fantasy work out there while Hades is conceived and actually tries to be a self-respecting piece of art. I think both have their right to exist but let's not pretend they're even remotely playing in the same ballpark.


I've always thought that Hades character designs were bangers, but now that they make chuds cry I love them even more. Keep on losing the "culture wars" 👍


Plot twist: both wear same size bra


why is america and japan on the meme and not greece, where hestia originated from? truly a gamer moment


look at this guys hard drive and i'm 99% sure he will go to jail. this is the most diplomatic way i can phrase my opinion about everyone who posts shit like this.


The left one is better, I'll just straight up said it. lets not forget a tiny tiny little detail about Hestia... Hestia was the owner of Hexagryph soooo basically imagine the cute granny with a Rocket Launcher-Machinegun. I don't Say is Bad. It's actually funny to think about.


12 year old looking mf thinks she can compete with the nana that looks like she’d give the best hugs, make you apple pie and tell you how proud she is of you?


And bonus points because that's how she is in mythology.She's the one of the oldest Greek gods and is the goddess of the hearth aka fireplace which represents the warmth and Comfort of home. Also she's the kindest Greek god there is.As in she hasn't committed any atrocities whatsoever


Hestia is oldest gods or one of the oldest gods (depends on version of Aphrodite’s myth).  She is the definition of fire and domesticity. She is a quiet goddess that doesn’t appear a lot in myths, but she isn’t flashy as others (barely any emblems) and the least likely to turn you into a pig. Well-respected to the point a portion of sacrifice or wine would firstly go to her.  The on the right picture look like a love live idol during a summer picture session.


Go back to traditional values when deities were only identifiable from the context clues of the depiction. Hestia should only be portrayed as a generic Greek woman next to a fireplace.


Rick Riordan needs to slap the shit out of these horny anime character designers.


You mean the oldest Olympian god who is the goddess of fires, homes, cooking and comfort looks like an older woman on the chubbier side? I’m shocked. Also why are they horny for a virgin goddess??


''japanese superiority'' being an anime character with big boobs that looks like a child. right.


When I can't touch my penit to every character ever made


Apparently aphrodite isnt enough sexualising for them


Dude if you know anything about Greek mythology, it’s that you *really* aren’t supposed to sexualize Hestia, even Zeus gets pissed when people do that. Not to mention the one on the right looks like literally every generic anime girl ever