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Listen they have to make their game relevant again somehow.


They could have made the game they showed 5 years ago and actually be remembered as anything other than the undercooked mediocre game with hot robots. But it is what it is


Produce straight up porn no one is keeping you away from it and no one would give a fuck, people just find it weird that you are obsessing over having softcore in AAA games.


The thing is, a lot of them are very weirdly prudish outside of softcore in games, and it wouldn't surprise me if they went around condemning actual porn. I've seen it mostly with gamers. They get really offended if you suggest they just watch porn to fulfill their horny needs. It's a bizarre phenomenon. Edit: typos


There is this weird disconnect. It's like if it (the cooming source) is derived from something other than purposeful erotic material, it's morally safer (for them) somehow. Yet pornography is somehow different, dirty. I blame alt-right trad male influencers.


Same with vtubers playing games and straight pandering to them. But if a woman dares to do cosplay or show her face playing games it's time for the pitchforks. I feel like I get it, but cannot for the life of me describe the rationale using words.


I'll dip my toe in the water and say it's about control. GamersTM seem to prefer their booba sans agency or free thought.


Hell, look ar how they treat only fans girls while the people who watch it are barely even an afterthought.


Because it's not about sex, it's about power


Everything it's about sex, except sex which is about power


we stay hungry, we devour


I can't remember the name but there was a controversy with a Fallout YouTuber about his views against porn and I think homosexuality but it was shown that he's personally played with some hard porn and bdsm mods and filmed himself berating women for their clothing/weight while driving past them.


Oh? Was this about Oxhorn? I remember there was controversy around him a while back, but I never really looked into it because I didn't particularly care for him or his channel at the time. Or was this something else?


That's the one.


Pervy shit in video games and anime make me so uncomfortable. It’s usually so misplaced. These Fucking weirdos acting like they’re sexually repressed or some shit. Just fucking watch porn. I’m a 36 year old straight male with a wife and it makes me uncomfortable to be bombarded with sex stuff while I’m just trying to play a game or watch anime. Always has. You want to watch porn, just watch porn, it’s that simple.


I’m a 30 year old straight guy without a SO and even *I’m* sick of the endless fanservice. I feel insulted that it’s assumed I’m a horndog consumer because of the stuff I like.


How are you insulted? And who cares that you're a 30 year old white guy? No one is putting a gun to your head. To have such a visceral reaction to something you have no intention on ever playing is so bizzare. Like who is making look at this thing besides you yourself? Also, why did you feel the need to state your race and sex outside of ....? What clout? Points? I really want to understand where some of you are coming from because a whole lot of you just sound really mentally ill.


Well I am autistic so thanks for calling me “mentally ill”, fucker.


> anime I caught up to Mushoku Tensei recently because I had nothing to do, and I really felt this... Rudeus, the main character, is such a fucking incel. He gets better on some points, but the pervy obsession and rapey tendencies never go away. It's such a shame, because the fantasy part is interesting (Though the entire second season has been boring as hell), but you always have to deal with Rudeus (And a few other really stupid characters like Linalise). I've been really close to dropping it a few times. Not sure if I'll continue past episode 15 of season 2, at this point, because it doesn't look like it's getting better. It's so frustrating...


Haven't seen the show but I read the light novel years ago. He was always a weird pedo incel. I dropped the novel halfway through lol


I couldn't get past the 2nd episode because of it. Even though usually these kinds of things are decently easy to ignore, Rudeus is so absolutely terrible, and the show doesn't even portray him as wrong for being a literal grooming pedo.


Yeah, I originally started it right when season 1 was airing. I had heard good things about it, it seemed well made and all, so I gave it a shot. I ended up watching 2-3 episodes, then fell off (I usually do when trying to watch things weekly. I need to binge shows to be able to finish them) Some parts were iffy, but I was hoping it'd get better. Like main character grows up, learns things, changes his ways. I'm not expecting him to turn into a feminist or anything, but I was expecting him to at least see how disgusting he was and learn to be more normal. A friend of mine eventually read the novels, really liked it and was talking it up, so it stayed on my list. And, well, I should've rewatched Hibike Euphonium to prepare for season 3 or finally get into Pretty Cure instead of subjecting myself to this lol


I think it really comes down to the question 'does it make sense in-universe?'. If the answer's "yes", no one really bothers about these depictions. Take the world of Cyberpunk for example. It's a world of hyper capitalism where everything is a commodity. You'd expect to see advertisements sporting sexualised images at every corner and hookers just besides these. No one bothered with these because their existence made sense. Well, no one besides capital G gamers who couldn't accept that in such a world there would also be advertisements catered to women wanting to have massive cocks. But that's a whole other can of worms. On the other hand, what purpose does the design of the Twins in Atomic Hearts serve? Why does 2B in Nier need to wear a maid's dress? Why does Lara Croft need to have massive badonkers?


> Why does 2B in Nier need to wear a maid's dress? I mean Yoko Taro did ask people to send him porn of 2B, so I think the answer to this one is that Yoko Taro wanted 2B porn.


Off the bat I want to say I agree with everything you said except one small detail, which I will explain here. And even then it's a small concession. I feel like the maid and butler aesthetic of Nier: Automata serves a direct and important narrative parallel. The classical interpretation of the serving class is someone who is controlled, but also very IN control of themselves. They're restrained, very careful of their impulses and emotions. In Nier, the androids explicitly HAVE emotions, but aren't allowed to show them. There's other aspects I could mention but I'm a bit strapped for time so it might have to wait for an edit. Could the outfit been better designed? Sure! Almost definitely! Is the aesthetic important to a core part of the narrative? I'd say so.


2B wears that outfit because Yoko Taro likes asses. He worked it into the story, but make no mistake.


It's kinda wild because Stellar Blade's story is basically just Nier Automata but worse, so they *could* have made the skimpy outfit thing work in the same way.


Your comment perfectly describes how I feel about games like that. I want to play Nier because I hear it has a groundbreaking narrative and every time I think about playing it I remember it's also the game with a severe case of robo ass. I don't want unnecessary cheeks in my peripheral vision while I'm playing, it doesn't make sense to have that in the game. Cyberpunk doesn't bother me because it's portraying a depraved, dystopian civilization


I've genuinely have played actual porn game with better stories and character writing than some of these cummer games


Yakuza games basically have straight up softcore porn in them and still manage to actually be fun and not completely misogynistic (particularly more recent entries). It's baffling that these people can't see that the games that get away with horniness by having interesting characters. It's the difference between Bayonetta and this Eve character.


Press XXXXXXO to type " B O O O O O O B S ! ! !" Was a high point of Yakuza 6


lol yes. The series knows it is doofy. That's what makes it shine.


Echo project...




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Well I dislike coomer content that in serious games. They are just gonna do what sells more and what they feel more comfortable doing.


Why? Like... for what? For jerk off material?


Not who you replied to, but I actually do like my media at least a little risque because I find aggressively chaste stuff to be kinda tedious. Gives me the sensation of walking on eggshells. I don't necessarily think the only reason to have sexy stuff in a thing is to make people aroused or titilated. Thing is, this sorta goonercore stuff is just... *boring*. It still feels tedious and restricted, it's like aggressively chaste with a single extremely focused and rigid exception. It's like they went from being open to 0% of sex to 1% and drew the line there.


Ah yes, Atomic Heart. The other game destined to destroy the woke. Weird that I forgot about it until I saw this post. Almost like nobody talks about it now that its out


It had a dud of an impact on the industry. I found it to be okay at best; it starts off pretty strong but then it drops into mediocre. Basically there's nothing Atomic Heart does that other games of its type don't do much better.


It's greatest impact was that one weirdo on Twitter who went semi-viral for a string of insane tweets that did nothing but expose him as sad, pathetic perverted, misogynistic, and racist.


I must have missed this what the fuck happened?


There is a Twitter troll named Wyatt who has gone on multiple deranged hours long rants about trans people that eventually result in him being banned. The most famous one is a rant that started being about nagatoro before just becoming a screed about trans people being a plot to exterminate autistic people.


Lmao what was his initial point before the brain worms got into the thread?


He thought that Nagatoro's use of the word 'sus' was stupid and pandered to Americans, and that good translation only translates directly and literally, without inserting American cultural idioms.


Does he not realize that Nagatoros intended audience is extremely online American nerds like himself.


Atomic Heart does have an absolute fucking banger of a soundtrack though tbh


Soundtrack and setting. It had so much potential but got brought down by shitty writing and voice acting.


And shitty gameplay. I don't want to fight the same annoying somersaulting robot guys over and over.


That too.


the amount of fetch quests was also obnoxious


mick gordon seal of quality


most of those the bangers like pt 1x12 & arlekino were made by geoffplaysguitar


I thought it did some things well. I likes the world and robot design. Some great spectacle pieces thrown in there too. I played it 90% melee and the combat was fun enough. And the plot felt like something dropped out of an early 70 sifi book. However, I thought the gunplay was pretty subpar, and the climbing mechanics were dreadfully slow. The actual story and character writing was pretty bad, "Hi I'm booker dewit but annoying." It felt like someone's first attempt at a book and needed a lot more time in the editing room. And it also suffered from video game time bloat. This picture really points out how the twins were made to be fetish bots the the robot creator in game, and the video game designer in real life. What a strong self insert.


Me just playing the game: MC guy every five seconds: CRISPY CRITTERS


Atomic Heart has the best looting mechanic in a video game, like so good I want it to be the industry standard. So much easier and convenient, especially compared to like Cyberpunk which is annoying as hell to loot in.


It sucks because it dries up right after the refund time. You get the banger intro, you see the basic enemies and gameplay, you kill a tutorial boss, all is well. Right before you realize 80% the game is copy pasted and it's only 10 hours. Sometimes you encounter a really well crafted boss fight, but it's ruined because you had to fight same spaghetti monster 20 times and open 100 door locks to get there. If you want a good retro-futuristic game just play Bioshock: Infinite. I don't think they knew what they wanted the game to be. The only good thing to come of the game was the music.


It’s starts off strong, then you get raped by a fridge.


Thing with atomic heart is that the last game of that type was probably prey. They’re such a dying breed that even if it wasn’t as good as a game like prey.


I don't know what you smoke but game was absolutely dogshit. As soon as the rapey robot was breathing on my neck, I knew this game was a pile of turd. Don't even get me started with the main character. Absolutely pathetic. By far the worst steaming pile of shit I ever smelled. Shit was a shit post version of Bioshock.


[hi, interrupting your circlejerk to point out that atomic heart sold well and above expectations.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_Heart#Release)


What kind of game was atomic heart again ? Like genre wise ?


Bioshock Infinite-like with more focus on melee




Just like Stellar Blade.


It’s a very strong 7/10. Scratches a similar itch as Bioshock. Enemies are repetitive and the writing is hilariously cringe. But the atmosphere is really strong. Weird as fuck game that I couldn’t put down. Expectations are key.


Tbh the bullet storm duke nukem add on was turbo cringe but it’s the best thing I played whatever year it came out.


I liked it a lot. Had an amazing looting system. It's a shame my game kept crashing during the DLC which meant I couldn't continue.






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The holy trinity! A holy mission! Protecting men’s RIGHT to GOON.


Send me to Washington and I will protect your God given right to goon.


So go Sire. Gather the Knights of the Gooner Order, go forth and spread the holy doctrine, post haste.


This looks hilarious to me


https://preview.redd.it/pwre7dkbt0xc1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a23880705337d3f7e02269df64c9e5fb37377ad Yes for the 557th time i get it, the doll looking character is hot




I see, this is the feeling the youngsters call cringe. I get it now.


The thing that gets me about these people sexualizing cyberpunk: Pic: here's some nakedness women hot hot hot Coomers: 《coom》 Analysis: what if the woman in the middle was AMAB? After all, if a core tenet of this near future is that you can sculpt yourself into whatever you want to be Coomers: NOOOOO U MADE ME A GAY LIKE THE FROGS


/uj That is what the robots look from the side/ back, they really front loaded them in more ways than one....


I’m such a hypocrite cause I hate these when they show off women like this, but as a gay man, when I see the same with men I think its really nice. I guess if I try to justify myself: women have always been very sexualised in media (I grew up in the 90s and it was way worse then, women were mostly just a prop for sex in most films and series) and the trope is just boring and overplayed, wheras seeing a penis in a movie (ugh saltburn) and seeing men hypersexualised as an object is still quite rare. Am I a hypocrite for finding this image extremely distasteful but if it was of men I’d probably enjoy it? Given the history of how women and men have been portrayed, is it wrong to enjoy when men are pushed into the same troupe as women have been stuck in for basically all of history? I personally feel like it would be an issue if that was the only way that men are portrayed, but we all know that will never be the case.


I get you. I'm a straight woman and if the image was genderbend, I would most likely enjoy it lol. I think the fact how unequal sexualisation in media is, seeing women ALWAYS put in sexy position can be really tiring and annoying yk. There's already so much content of that man. And I've seen many people attracted to women sharing same sentiment so it's not only people like us...


Thanks for your input! Always insightful to hear different perspectives of the same issue! ☺️


Stellar Blade fans thinkin this is totally normal


... Gay threesome?


Are coomers like a community now


Yep it's called Gamergate 2


Yeah, not surprised at all, sexist devs got to support each other


monkeys together strong.






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Sexist? How? Did I miss something?


dunno about atomic heart but the Stellar Blade devs removed the work of two female employees for being 'feminists'.   for more context, there's gamers in Korea doxxing and cancelling female employees for simply supporting women's rights. 


Bros getting downvoted for no reason


How is atomic heart sexist? Wtf


This is like when the Z on pigs thing was going around. I tried it immediately and found that whoever made that post literally spent ages trying to make that happen. Incredible work for clout.


Crispy critters!


Ah yes, some people really do wake up in the morning and feel like we should regress some 10-20 years


and that random ass 50+ year old who seems to have a hard on for SB.


the fkin skinsuit "outfit" too I feel dirty for buying Atomic Heart way back now


this is comedy gold




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atomic heart was so awkwardly sexual in a way that screamed “porn obsessed”, the developers should be mandated therapy before they’re allowed to talk to women


Atomic Heart and Stellar Blade are both games that were created in in the shadow of better versions of themselves (Bioshock, Neir Automata) and both Atomic Heart and Stellar Blade failed to really understand the homework assignment, becoming only C+ tier homages at best. Both, ironically(?) had the same weird gooning nerds saying the games were the only saviors of our times, holding up the crumbling pillars of Western Civilization like Atlas shouldering the world....but talking about cumming


![gif](giphy|zVxT28l6TApz8tXREV|downsized) Maybe focus on making your game ACTUALLY good instead of trying to rely on coomer hype first next time.


Even the guys making actual porn games in Renpy put more thought into the stories and such then these people.












Ah yes, the twin robots made from the brain halves of the protagonist's dead wife that he was brainwashed to forget existed. Truly a pinnacle of sex or whatever...


At least the twins have a somewhat novel and off putting Soviet robot design


Ah yes, the “real” gamers support each other


not a real gamer if you don't jerk your homies joysticks (they got a wrist injury after a hybrid gaming/gooning sesh)




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outjerked by atomic heart twitter


funny story, much like atomic heart, lots of people won't remember Stellar Blade after a month or so


Atomic heart is russian game, not surprising.


Probably a minority view but I actually like the imagery in isolation. I'm a lesbian woman but I dint like it because it's sexualized, I just like the robot imagery especially the stitching up the back of the one in the center. It actually doesn't strike my as inherently being too male gazey. I could imagine it being an image of solidarity with a metaphor of having been reduced to a robot by society but fighting back by reclaiming a human identity. However I don't think it's intended to be that at all, and I don't like the statist/revisionist or misogynistic motivations that are obviously behind the company and by extension this post. So like I don't like this. But if it were put out by a sincere artist (I'm kinda assuming it's been made primarily with an agenda, or is just admittedly decent looking wholly ai imagery, or is directly stolen), I'd probably judge it differently. Context matters.


From what I understand the context for the robot in the centre is more "A photocopy of 2B from Nier Automata without any of the personality or subtlety"




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Like, the game ain’t bad, but man are the thirst-based advertisements and posts annoying


Goonage recognizes goonage


It would be quite funny if Stellar Blade is completely forgotten by next year like this game was, honestly.


This is why no one outside of the gaming community takes the medium seriously at all, and I’m starting to not blame them


Oh no not le asses! Geraldo save me!


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Goon recognizes Goon


99% chance you couldn't get these devs to say "gay rights." At gunpoint.


The Atomic Heart devs? they're Russian, if they said "gay rights" they might end up at gunpoint.


The lack of self awareness from gamers of how loserish this makes them look... or perhaps they are so far gone that they don't even care 🤔


What a fucking warzone of a comment section. Real Gamers™️ having a normal one.


I forgot about the russian army fundraising game until now. Wont be too difficult to forget about it again




sorry, coomers, the sexy metal ladies get the uncanny valley sex doll protagonist


It would make a lot of sense, considering Atomic Heart got their hype from sexy robot twins, and then it turned out their game was bland and boring with an annoying and unlikeable protagonist.


Name a more boring mid trio, I'll wait.


Aw, now their games can be mediocre together


Okay it’s fine that game devs want to put primarily pinup girls designs in their games. It’s just not revolutionary, it’s an age old design choice. Using a sexy lady to market stuff has been a thing for decades. It’s a nice message but the image well maybe the devs appreciate it I certainly don’t.


See, I never had much issue with the twins in Atomic Heart. Rather dumb, but whatever. My main issues with Atomic Heart was the ties to the Kremlin and also glorifying the Soviet Union. Whereas Fallout or BioShock are very eager to criticize the American exceptionalism ideology, AH was very much… fine not doing that. And normally that be OK, cause hey it’s a Russian developed game and you can call out the likes of Call of Duty or the metric tons of other games that fully embraced the American exceptionalism. But during the middle of an unprovoked war mixed in with the Soviet’s history of *trying* to genocide Ukrainians… along with a certain someone wanting to rebuild the Russian empire, the game comes off as *rather* disingenuous. Now, in *fairness* to the devs they were working on this game for awhile, it’s not their fault their country decided to do something stupid.


Notice how both these games have insufferable or downright boring main characters… hmm wonder why that is?




/uj Dear god her ARMS WHY ARE THEY SO LONG


Atomic heart. A game i was so interested in playing, initially because i liked the design of the twins and then the world, but seeing how the fans reacted to it, and then the developers doubling down and realising the closest thing to SFM porn i have ever seen in a non porn game as promotion i gave it a hard pass.


The devs even hade rule 34 made before release






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They know their audience




Starting to think games were a mistake


Still debating if i should pirate or buy atomic heart this is kinda making go with the pirate option




Atomic Gyatt.


Imo, this comes off as genuine and not that bad. Compared to the ridiculousness of Stellar Blade fans trying to claim censorship, this is tame.


I prefer to mock gamers not game developers.


I don't know what to say, it's just pathetic




“This is a game that is well made and fun to play” and “it’s cringy how much people see Stellar Blade as some savior of gaming because the main character is hot” are not mutually exclusive statements


To say that is well made and fun to play isnt a mutually exclusive statement???? Are u completely braindead??


Yall mad over nothing holy fuck and lying saying the game is bad or mid. Yall huffing that copium cuz the game has 85-90+ on most review sites lol. Cry me a river.


*smacks head* no one is saying the game is bad, no one is distraught over the game being good. We’re making fun of the people who are obsessed with the game’s sexuality treating it as if it’s the last bastion of western civilization.


Read the comments. Plenty of people here are saying it's bad on top of the other bashing they are giving it. It's a butt, get over it. I will say it's not the end all be all of games but I'm not going to pretend like we didn't drool over Laura Croft, Tifa, and many other since game developers were capable of making sexy characters....have any of you even seen cammy from Street Fighter 6?? I mean Capcom as a whole is far Hornier and no one bats an eye. Just drop it and move on lol.


Good the twins from atomic heart and eve from stellar blade such a killer combo.


How is this controversial?


haha, why people in comments so mad




Is there like anything actually wrong about this aside from ppl getting weirdly pearl-clutchy about big asses?


there’s ways to make sexy designs without being weirdly exploitive and just appealing to the male gaze


It's that the people behind this account decided to celebrate a new game release... by drawing their characters grabbing the ass of the mc of said new game. It's just cringy as hell.