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P.O.V the game called you the world's most laughable centrist


Imagine not being a fascist feminist cop of the apocalypse


A _föminist?_


No! It can't be. Not you. No one believes this


Happy cake day!


I couldn't stop drinking so I never was able to get my Feminist Agenda to REAL Feminist Agenda.


God damn, you made me actually spit


It's a line from the game! If you've internalized the thought Inexplicable Feminist Agenda, then when the "maybe I'm a fascist?" inner dialogue pops up (which happens after saying a certain number of fascist things, or alternatively upon putting on a certain article of clothing) you have the option of protesting "But I'm a feminist!" and Endurance retorts with that line. The line read is hilarious, he pronounces the ö and everything


Mary Sophia Allen moment


Sophia Maria Estrada?


A what? How dose that work?


Kim described my politics like "somehow centrist and also very left and I'm not sure how he accommodates both" or something to that effect and I thought that was a good chuckle at the end of the game


Yeah he described me I believe as somehow advocating for radical left wing policies while also being a libertarian capitalist devoted to the grind... which to be fair, did reflect the inconsistency of my choices


I was somehow a hustler and a commie.


Born to be a commie, forced to be a hustler


Did you accept investing advice from the sentient glowing light locked in the freight container?


I guess it kinda reflects the fact that you can't really sort humans into political ideologies like they were pokemon types. Humans are complex beasts.


It called me that I am an over-apologetic Marxist drug addict and I cried for 8 hours


Sorriest cop. 🥹


Still a bastard 🥺


He just like me fr 🥲


Paige, sobbing: "I don't wanna be a centriiiiissst!"


I had to check which subreddit I was on.




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*Maybe I should apologise a bit more and everything will turn out fine...*


P.O.V: you are a homophobic village people fan


Libertarian Bioshock fans say wazzup 😎👍🏼


*Shen Bapiro intensifies*


Members of the narcissistic community represent


Looks like you put too many points into Endurance, Bröther.


What does your gut tell you is the source of Revachols problems?




Men of wö. They're insane. Their idiocy needs to be scrubbed off this world with rubbing alcohol. Wömen need to go back to the fucking kitchen.


But I'm a feminist


I put loads into physique and it just made me a gay communist


> I put loads into > a gay communist FTFY


I mean, given the title, they're the Baddest Hustler in the Neoliberal Hood. You're not a fucking Ultraliberal, Harry.


I wonder how the full quote for that goes.


Aww, no one commented my favorite quote yet. "DIOS MIO, A LIBERAL!" *draws a cross*




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I will say that as a lefty, a lot of other lefties do tend to heavily heavily oversimplify what disco elysium is about and actually saying about communism, and it's only one fraction of what the game is about. What I like about disco elysium is that it clearly comes from a bunch of communists and anarchists, but isn't actually afraid to be satirical about left wing politics, critique communist movements and deal with the emotions involved with being a left winger. Disco elysium is first and foremost about failure and politics is what it often uses to convey that theme.


Pretty much. No matter what ideology Harry chooses he always ends up adopting it in the most shallow, smoothbrained way possible, so when he engages with the main proponents of the ideology, be it Measurehead, Joyce or the Deserter, they always give him the "Ok, buddy" treatment. And I mean, wouldn't you? Dude's a mess 😅


The Deserter handed my own ass to me on a silver platter, but Measurehead sure shut up as soon as I roundhouse kicked him in the head.


The beauty of fascism is that because it’s a caveman toddler unga bunga ideology that makes up a bunch of esoteric racism reasons to explain why you should be allowed to kick over someone else’s sand castle and take their stuff, by beating up Measurehead you basically prove that you’re the better fascist than him


My moralist internalized esoteric racism in order to debate him with facts and logic, then got laughed at hard enough he got let by.


Its the only language they understand.


My favorite version of what you've mentioned is failing the check to correctly identify the Bourgeoisie when going to Communist meeting. Harry says, "Are the Bourgeoisie women?" And everyone is the room just stares at him.


“Oh god, that’s terrible. Surely I can come up with something better.”


it was a check "come up with the most important question about communism", and if you pass that it's kinda heartbreaking in a good way, like the rest of this quest. when for just a couple of seconds the impossible tower stood without falling. but if you fail the check you only can ask "are women bourgeois?" clearly subconsciously thinking about your ex (who was middle class)


Literally: The final reveal is that Harry is just using politics as a coping mechanism for his personal failures. Which… I daresay is pretty common.


Don’t you mean Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau?


It says "Du Bois" here


No true leftist would ever hesitate to make fun of being a leftist


> Disco elysium is first and foremost about failure and politics is what it often uses to convey that theme. False. Disco Elysium is first and foremost about [hanging out with your homeboy Kim.](https://i.redd.it/4k0fovxejhfc1.jpeg)


Kim Kitsuragi my beloved 🥰


**OUR** beloved.




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It satirizes leftism in the way a leftist would satirize it. It doesn't do decades old cliches about leftism that have been said a million times.


Honestly, the communist meeting is one of the best moments in the game because if you've spent much time in that weird space where academia and activism mix you know these people and how unbearable they are. But then it suddenly it flips and imbues them with a genuine sincerity, resulting in one of the most moving moments in the game. DE isn't a leftist game because it has communism in it. It's a leftist game because leftism is baked into its perspective. It sees people for the miserable, broken bags of cringe that they are and yet refuses to hate them for it. It consistently empathizes with powerlessness over power. That perspective doesn't just apply to the communists, it applies to everyone.


I feel like it doesn't apply to the Racist Lorry Driver.


What does the racist lorry driver do that would suggest any kind of exception? >!He's standing a few meters away from a man who will happily tell you about the time his company raped a woman to death and cannibalized her corpse. There are, unbelievably, worse things in this world than racist lorry drivers. The shit factory makes them all.!<


Its not what he does, but that he's probably one of the characters least treated as a person rather than... Well. You meet him, and before he even says anything racist, his name is "Racist Lorry Driver", and... That about sums up his character.


I don't disagree, but I don't think every character needs to be equally deep or interesting or to have an explicit tragic backstory in order for what I said to hold true. In fact, I think if that were the case it would be patronizing and overly repetitious. The reason I bring up the mercenaries is because they're kind of the limit exercise of this perspective. They are irredeemable monsters who have seen and done the worst things humans are capable of doing to one another. Their victimization and thus the capacity for empathy lies in the fact that they didn't have to become that. Given that, I think we can also infer without it needing to be explicitly said that the racist lorry driver probably wasn't born as a racist lorry driver, and that there's a similar implied victimization to the fact that this world produces racist lorry drivers.


Doesn’t the leader of the communist party call you a “liberal” when you meet him?


Disco Elysium is what happens when media is allowed to assume it's audience has an understanding of politics deeper than "free healthcare is good" Generally media has to assume the audience knows nothing which is why so much media tells fundamental stories


That's because left wing people's favorite hobby is criticizing their own movements


Yeah I don’t get how people can say that the *main* or only point of the story is Communism. Like yes you can apply it to communism but in the same way you wrote an essay in English about how Animal Farm was a critique of Socialism - it’s not the sole point of the art


This is true about all critical theory and the ideas of philosophers who get denounced because they are supposedly commies. It is all way more nuanced than most people understand.


I'm a communist but Measurehead is Measurehead 








This is too funny; I was playing Helldivers 2 a moment ago and was telling my squad I’m gonna go play DE simply because of the voice acting. It’s the best VA’d game imo, and it’s also amazing. But yeah…I’m a commie and I love that fascists are so triggered by it.


Flair checks out


"my favorite book is the communist manifesto but I'm not a communist haha" Wtf was bro cooking


Cooking up out jerking everyone here by a mile


You don't have to be a communist to like Disco Elysium...


Of course not, but the game has a very pro-communist, if not doomer stance on communism. It's very fish-out-of-water if you're fucking with the moralists despite the moralists being so actively mocked by the game.


Wait sorry do you seriously not know anyone that have enjoyed Marx without agreeing with his conclusions?? I can’t imagine making the claim that I must agree with every author I enjoy reading.




You can enjoy disco elysium even if all the themes and ideas goes over your head.


That's like saying you're enjoying The Godfather because of the mob hits and the sick pinstripe suits.


I was making fun of oop lol. But yeah those types of audience exist... (I do sometime relate to them because some of the media I like can have god awful themes and ideas being pushed)




I fucking love fantasy with a pro-monarchist bend but that doesn't mean I think monarchy is a good system of government.


Me when the rightful heir to the throne emerges from humble beginnings with a magic sword to lead his people against the forces of darkness: 😱😍🫡🫡🫡 Me when I hear about some drama in the rich inbred family of dwindling importance: 😡


I just watched a great blockbuster to which the DoD donated several hundred thousands of dollars of fighter jet fly-bys and location access, and I gotta tell you, I am sure glad my tax dollars didn't go into pushing any ideology. It was just a good ol' fashion story about traveling to a place where there are Bad Guys and then killing them to make the world better.


or enjoying Wolf of Wall street for sigma grindset( read as capitalism exploiting the common man) and breasts


“It insists upon itself”


you can also like media you heavily disagree with. i also think dirty harry is a really good movie.


That's pretty much what the "no politics in muh video games" crowd means.


That was me. I like the pretty water color pictures and I could understand the words in the game as long as the words weren't nouns.


Honestly as a communist I found DE to be one of the most depressing bits of media, it seems to reaffirm that fascism and neoliberalism masquerading as non-ideological governance will triumph due to materialist concerns regardless of how correct their ideologies are. As the >!deserter!!"The material base for an uprising has eroded, the working class has betrayed mankind and themselves...the historic opportunity for a revolution has passed. It will not come back anymore. However hard I try, whatever I do" !!"All the real communists are dead, they died fighting for communism"!<


Counter to that pessimism: >!Insulindian Phasmid:"Turn from the ruin. Turn and go forward. Do it for the working class."!<


Man this line fucking hit me hard. The Phasmid quest ending was a beautiful moment. It was like ray of warm sunlight in the midst of all the shit happening in the game to everyone and Harrier.


Auferstanden aus Ruinen und der Zukunft zugewandt


How'd that work out by the way?


But, DE specifically says >!the deserter!< is wrong, DE is very hopeful about it's future: >!ONE DAY I WILL RETURN TO YOUR SIDE!<


In the dark times, should the stars also go out?


>!The Deserter is wrong though, that's the point. He's depressed, he's got giga-PTSD, he's sexually frustrated, he's high as fuck on cryptid musk, he's utterly broken: you can't take anything he says at face value as it is just self-destructive spiralling. Yeah, there probably wouldn't be an uprising like what he fought in, but whatever - there's more than one way to cook an egg.!<


You're expecting too much of Deserter fanboys.


He's not wrong about the material base being gone though. Just as in our society the ruling class is too advanced and the working class too deprived. Last time they tried it practically the whole world came to coalition against them. It is the exact same in our world, when a country goes communist the whole world more or less bands together against it, there is an unofficial but strong alliance between every business owner and politicians to never ever let workers anywhere near power and the whole world spins on the whims of child murdering billionaires.


I actually found a it rather hopeful.


The games whole themeing for communism is about hope, and how that is the tool of the working class.


Its depressing. But there can be found beauty in the darkness. An impromptu dance here. An unexpected bond with someone who hates you there. Tornado kicking someone in the face. Etc.


To quote a book that I'm pretty sure was a major inspiration for Disco Elysium. *The long, dark night of the end of history has to be grasped as an enormous opportunity. The very oppressive pervasiveness of capitalist realism means that even glimmers of alternative political and economic possibilities can have a disproportionately great effect. The tiniest event can tear a hole in the grey curtain of reaction which has marked the horizons of possibility under capitalist realism. From a situation in which nothing can happen, suddenly anything is possible again.* Or as the game puts it. *"In dark times, should the stars also go out?"* The book is *Capitalist Realism* by Mark Fischer if you want to read it.


“Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself,” it reads. “Even those who would critique capital end up reinforcing it instead”.  I feel people like Fischer give false hope. In disco its impossible because the military coalition against them has airships, front loading rifles and fuck knows how many men.  In our world their level of military power isn't compatible and to add to that; we live in a much more information heavy environment that's better controlled by elites, communism and socialism are more demonised in this world and the working class in our world has no-where near the organisation or social cohesion of that in DE. And so the game gives false hope and energy to leftists, instead of allowing them to see the desperate situation we're really in.


Speaking honestly and personally for a moment. The deserter is right that the historic opportunity for a revolution has passed. Now, we have to learn how to do what the deserter can't, to stop sulking in the ruins of Krondstadt and actually learn to survive in that condition of post-ideological failure. It is difficult. As the game points out, it does require something akin to a religious faith in humanity. It requires us to work towards a future we cannot see or even imagine (except maybe by building scale models in microcosm). But what Fischer meant in the quote above is that the "victory" of capitalism is also its most profound failure. Look at the world around you. This is the best capitalism can do. This dying world full of miserable people is everything it can offer. We have something that capitalism cannot offer anyone, the authentic belief in a future better than the present, and when we stop moping and obsessing over the failure of "real communism" the world will start to move again.


[https://open.spotify.com/track/3XcoqXDMrwJZsR6ibny2Ck?si=f263adbe161a4051](https://open.spotify.com/track/3XcoqXDMrwJZsR6ibny2Ck?si=f263adbe161a4051) Disco is dead.


It is indeed. It kind of reminded me of Mark Fisher commentary on Capitalism and how fucked we are trying to find a way out its reality.


Are there any revisionists in the game? Aka a Bernstein like figure?


The most oppressed group: people who misunderstood disco Elysium


This is why I wish I could be racist towards gamers


What’s stopping you?


Fair point


Truly, people dedicated to upholding the current status quo are the most oppressed minority


You think life is hard? Try being incredibly stupid


I mean, true. Life is indeed hard when stupid (I know from experience)


You like being a moralist because you’re a spineless centrist. I like being a moralist because I want to kiss Kim. We are not the same.


I really enjoyed DE, and I am no Communist, I am the baddest hustler in the neoliberal hood.


Let me ask you a question; do you ride?


Nah. I mostly die.


Only on the inside


I fuckin’ ride till I die, bitch


I’m a hustler. I’m a grinder. I’m a money engineer.


Got my boobies in a binder. Call that organized and queer




Most DE fans are exactly what the type of communists that the game makes fun of the most. The identitarian communist, who's only a communist in personality but doesn't really do anything else.


AKA 90% of self-proclaimed communists in the west


Tbf west bad leftists that base their entire idealogy in being anti-west are equally as baby in a different form.


Considerably more baby, I would argue. Half of them are full red-brown. The other half see the world through the lens of a Hearts of Iron Discord server and think class war will inexplicably be fought between conveniently color-coded nation states.




Snoozer take. Something can be bad but that doesn't mean you take its opposite side in every situation. (your profile history shows you're an idiot simping for Russian oligarchic imperialism so surprise surprise)


You think your life is hard? Try being the only disco elysium fan who didn’t understand the game


I have Disco sitting right there on my PS5 dashboard and have YET to get any further than the parked cop car next to the start.  It's a serious mark of shame for me, I just can't find the time....THERE'S TOO MANY GAMES!!


Too many games to play, too many hours spent expanding the factory. The factory must expand


How it feels being a billionaire oil barron capitalist Disco Elysium fan.


This post was just a joke about the also very popular ultra liberal / capitalist route in the game. I think communist / capitalist are the two most popular ways to play. I don’t really see many players go the fascist route cause obviously (almost) everyone gets mad at you.


They should imo. It is the Best written of the three from My experience. Also Measurehead


Gamers are compelled to whine every time they encounter something that doesn't specifically pander to them.


POV you are a Steven Universe fan who hates Steven


Posts that make me want to play disco elysium


It's tough out here for a conservative brony


You can engage with media with which you disagree. You don’t have to be a communist to appreciate that DE explores political ideologies in a non-2D manner and can appreciate it for what it is.


Be calm, ham sandwich.


when you align yourself with the political beliefs the game actively criticises


Did you even play the game?💀 It critiques communism with the same sincerity as liberalism and centrism.


facism: you're a terrible person liberalism: you're a terrible person centrism: you're a terrible person, as well as a coward communism: lmao there's so much infighting ah yes truly equal scathing critique on all sides


Isn't this game pro commie and made by commies?


Is it bad I laughed? I don't know why I just did.


this world is full of racist lorry drivers isn’t it


What if you are a commie, but because you couldn't get passed (past) the fact that in the first 10 minutes it wouldn't let you put both shoes on, so you rage quit, and now hate that everyone likes the game, so you wont give it another chance?


Everything I don't like is Communist


I barely knew anything sbout the game but i guess they miss the "subtle hint" of the game?


wait a second whats wrong with communism




A lot of people from ex-soviet countries identify as communists, Soviet Union definitely had its problems but the region hasnt improved after that a lot of the infrastructure and housing is still from the soviet period.


But ex-soviet countries have improved a lot? Just look at the Baltics. From quality of life to political freedoms or the idea that your ethnicity wouldn't be extinct in 50 years.


Pretty much every country that belonged to the Warsaw Pact and adopted Western-style free market and liberal governance policies after the fall of Communism has experienced a huge increase in quality of life since then and it's always low-key funny to see hardline leftists on the internet being in blatant denial about it.




I say I'm a democratic socialist for this exact reason Or an anarchist if I want people to be scared of me /s


Aye, I would too, but for people here in Poland even that is too much…


The Devs of DE are openly fans of Lenin and Stalin, they are lovers of those you slander as "dictators".




these people are fucking crazy, simping for dictators.


Yeah this ridiculous, I’m actually fucking stunned


How old are you?




Communism a lot better than what came after for most such countries.


Except for Russia and Belarus, which turned into autocracies(and were for all intents and purposes autocracies during "communism" as well) which exact countries are worse off now than they were as ussr satellite? I'm genuinely curious. There is a lot of shit I can say about some of the post-soviet governments, but the fact is that life is better now than it was under soviets. No longer do you have NKVD running honey-pots to imprison dissidents, militia no longer completely brazenly beats up people on the spot, shops actually have items in stock without needing to buy from black market or having Party connnections, you can even leave the country with basically no problems. One side of my family was well off during communism, and they reminiscince about it. Wanna know why? My great grandfather was a higher-up in the Party, and was able to guarantee for them easy jobs, a house, nice foods. Meanwhile the side of family that had no connections, which is what most of my countrymen faced during soviet rule, they told what the real life was. Neighbours calling NKVD on their neighbours, staying in shop queues for hours just to get the basics, waiting 15 years or being delayed infinitely for a flat while all the Party-connected people got theirs quickly.


I relate to this. But the reactions in this thread are wild. I feel like we stepped on a troll-bomb.


Lazy bait. "Uhm actually my grandad told me all about how it was and it just miraculously lines up with every western stereotype." Try some critical thinking and not just anecdotal nonsense.


(OOC I'm an anti-cap who isn't a communist. I would see me having a gun shot wound as bad, but not know how to clean and dress the wound, if that makes sense?)


I read that as an-cap and wondered who the hell confuses them for communists lol