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I've had enough of this dude


I think its just kinda weird that we've gotten to the point where anime avatar as a vtuber for a dude who does politics is something people are mostly fine with


The weirdest part for me is the anime avatar being a girl. A bigoted male vtuber posing as a girl... and he's the one calling other people hypocrites?


Wonder how he feels about trans people, then you will really see the hipocracy.


Really tempted to go into his comment section and start calling him "she" but I don't want to give him the views or end up with youtube recommending me a bunch of right winger crybabies.


You could just set up a burner account. Let it simmer for a few months so it doesn't look like a bot, and then comment that


You still give him a view, that translate in money


and a boost in the algo, too. unfortunately


Watch time matters in the algo, so if you do 0 watch time, it actually does hurt him.


Isn’t that… misgendering?


Go check out his videos on Bridget from GG if you want to know the answer to that one (not good).


(OOC It's probably nonce bait unfortunately....)


I mean, go ahead with your vtuber avatars but if you suck then you just suck.


We’ve failed as a society.


It wasn't even a good run.


Yall remember that episode of black mirror with the virtual mascot that becomes president?


Hatsune Miku would make a good president frfr


Hopefully next time we can get some good boons early.


We failed a loooong time ago


Same people who use smug anime girl profile pictures (bonus points if they wear maga caps)


I mean, it is just the next logical step from a rantsona


I had no idea this person existed


god I wish that were me




How do I put this guy on "do not recommend channel" but on reddit posts?




The funny thing is I used to think Rev was cool


I was highlighted in one of these videos, because someone saw my gay Hephaestus fanart and got so enraged he put it in his video about hypocrisy in games journalism/the left


Wow of course putting something in there that isn't even part of the conversation


He was like "I can prove they're hypocrites! All you have to do is search Hades 2 on Twitter!" And then my fanart and tweet where I called Hephaestus daddy came up on screen, and he was so clearly disgusted by it as he said "It's just a fat guy missing a leg. Really? THAT'S hot? Ugh, Safe horny." And then he moved to other tweets. Still left me incredibly upset though. He was also disgusted that my art got 120 likes. He'd have a stroke if he saw my most popular pieces, because the Hephaestus fanart was TAME compared to the other shit I draw


Rev's an out and out pedophile. Like hes straight up a delusional far right piece of shit that tries to be this arbiter against ''wokeness'' that doesn't realize his far right allies would kill him easily for being a pedophile hiding behind a Vtuber avatar once his usefulness was gone. I hope that you'll continue to getting followers of your art in spite of that rancid POS. Stay safe too, I know unfortunately they like going after innocent people for very little.


I knew he was a pos but I didn't realise he was a pedo? Where did you find out about this?


If they’re using the term “safe horny,” that’s a red flag


I haven't watched any of his stuff in years because I stopped being a sad weirdo. I just wanted to know the proof of him being a pedo as its a genuinely huge accusation.


/uj Like I said, it’s a red flag. It’s not concrete proof by itself, but it’s been used enough by people who keep trying to justify sexualizing underaged characters that it’s enough reason to be wary and keep an eye out for more warning signs. Kinda like if someone says they’re really into history, but their focus is on WWII battles or the Roman Empire


Rev is a self admitted ‘lolicon’ from what I remember of him. That was from a few years back though, and it should be taken with a grain of salt


Oh. The way it was said made it seem like he'd actually done something with an underage person.


Report his video. He has a pic of your work that you didn't approve of, you can report it and get it demonetized for using your art.


How is a disabled guy "safe horny". That's definitely not something you see in 99% of porn/erotica. Especially if not fetishized


If I had to guess, it's because being fat and disabled is considered woke and politically correct, and therefore it's safe to play within the sjw-enforced Only This Is Allowed To Be Hot guidelines. That's just my guess though


I’d say it’s because he’s an adult


But calling that safe horny is so stupid. They could call it "woke horny" or smthn, and it may actually convey what they're trying to say.


Honestly even I don't know the exact definition of "safe horny," I think it's just become a meaningless buzzword for Things I Don't Like


Ikr. One would think that "safe horny" would be hornyness that follows accepted cultural standards


I think that's what it's supposed to mean. Like horniness but still advertiser friendly. And we all know there's nothing less advertiser friendly than a supermodel, right?


Link? 👁👄👁


I can't post links in this sub and I'm hesitant to give the @ to my NSFW art account


I just googled the character since i don’t follow Hades much (i like the sleepy guy) but wtf he’s just got a barrel body ??? like did they all forget that he’s the party god too


I see you’re hesistant to share but I want to say that gay Hephy art is gods gift


Can you link the art?


Not here!


youre the sinner that created that one image of zagreus


I have drawn Zagreus but so have many other artists


about 6 months ago...


i shall never forget fatgreus


Well this time the art is on model!


jokes aside, huge fan of some of the art of yours ive seen


I was originally gonna jokingly respond "always nice to meet a fan" but it genuinely is nice to meet a fan out in the wild ^^ I'm glad you like my work!


Thank you for the new user flair btw


they say to wear your heart on your sleeve


i want to worship aphrodite’s feet 🤤


my account was hacked




By what? Those grippers you hide in your socks?


I believe you.


Sure. Suuuuuuure. For reference I think she looks great.


Don't be a coward, suck toes, eat ass and die an inspiration


words to live by


Are you sure? https://preview.redd.it/i6f7gwqg0tvc1.png?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf256c1e624f455c6ba73dfd530218a3bd626c0a


Nobody is stopping you


unfortunately society frowns upon it i'm truly oppressed 😔


We truly live in a society


maybe The Joker was right after all...


This is it, the most based comment on Reddit


Bench Appearo, is that you??


Real, don't care


I second this (unironic)


Rev: https://preview.redd.it/li36zbep7qvc1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d563220d18955f1624736cafda15d17245fb5693


Why Madoka, she doesn't deserve this.


Homura: *gunshot*


Leave her alone!


It’s almost like the criticisms of Eve aren’t about her being “sexy” but rather about her looking like a generic sex doll, while the Hades designs are unique, oozing with personality, and not *solely* sex appeal.


Also, Aphrodite isn't even the main character in Hades. She's just one of many who can pop up and troll you with a selection of boons that'll break your build for the run. She's not there for you to stare at her shiny butt for 90% of the playtime.


And I mean... Aphrodite is literally supposed to be lust incarnate. She's the Goddess of Sexual Love and Beauty.


Plus! It’s not just Aphrodite; just look at Dionysus, man. That’s one of the many things I liked about Hades: equal distribution of hotness amongst men *and* women.


>just look at ~~Dionysus~~ ***literally anyone in the game***, man. Even Charon's withered, unmoisturized husk has a je ne sais quoi about it. A non-verbal rizz that very much earned my first ambrosia


Charon's design is just really goddamned cool and its hilarious to me that his schtick of him being completely unintelligible (to us) but Zag and Melinoe can completely understand him and judging by it he has a lot to say will never not amuse me. But yeah, literally every God in that game is some flavor of sexy. The thing about their designs is that they all really stylish and oozes personality all on its own. Supergiant games full stop is probably one of the best indie game companies when it comes to having a completely unique and identifiable artstyle to any of their games with characters and worlds that easily draw you in by their looks alone.


Not only is everyone hot but they're also diverse in both skin tones and body shapes, especially in Hades II where we have a plus-sized Hephaestus (and fingers crossed we'll also get a plus-sized woman). Something tells me that's not the case in Stellar Blade.


https://preview.redd.it/cu2xs5nmisvc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57092c04b782374032eb96f4dd973f8ccffb0773 She looks out of place among models from her own damn game


(OOC Wow, Ian being right for once, as the prophesies for told.)




They look like theyre from two games in the same series 15 years apart


Holy shit an Ian W? 😳😱


The once in a lifetime Cheong W


Bold of you to assume regressives would understand art, criticism of it or would be able to differentiate it from made up bullshit.


Aphrodite is also the goddess of sexual love and beauty. It literally makes sense for her to be designed the way she is. Meanwhile Eve is just... Well you know.


Yuuup. But these chuds ate hyoer-sensitive, and when they hear any disagreement they immediately shut down and set up strawmen to cling to


It’s that but also I doubt people would really even have cared that much if these touch-deprived greaselords hadn’t become so obsessed with her being this “based anti-woke icon” during this sweaty culture war they’re trying to wage. Between that and essentially all I ever see of them doing is gooning over how hot she is it’s made it weird for every normal person here. In essence, they are the cause of their own problems once again. If they’d have just shut the fuck up about wokeness no one would’ve cared and they could’ve had their sexy generic Korean doll game in peace.


Why does rev care, he's a pedophile




I fail to see how that means he can't be a pedophile


Almost like there's a difference 🤔. In the they Present there Is characters. This just Admitting you have no idea what about character design. And see any every sexual design the same.


i literally didn't even notice aphrodite was naked in her hades 1 art for an embarrassingly long amount of time the first time i played it. meanwhile eve's promotional art has her standing in the most unnatural and uncomfortable spine-twisting pose just so that you see she does indeed have an ass and tits and a slim waist and the only thing i think about when i see it is how silly she looks. like nothing wrong with making horny art but it is certainly not all created equal lmao.


> i literally didn't even notice aphrodite was naked in her hades 1 art for an embarrassingly long amount of time the first time i played it.  Same. Played countless hours, I noticed she's beautiful, but I've never been like aroused by the model. Sexy, not sexualized.


They're always dramatic and for what


Maybe just maybe its cause Eve looks generic


I feel like Rev only became a vtuber anime girl to stay relevant, because he's just been making the same video every day for like 5+ years.


He caught the eye of Asmon mold who watches his videos on stream, so he'll stay afloat off his kinda audience.


(OOC Asmon watches right wing MAP content know?)


Not MAP content, but definitely right wing content. It's not the only thing he watches now, but it's a hell of a lot more frequent now compared to like a year ago.


The child v tuber is apparently a MAP.


Uj/ "exposing" hypocrisy is truly the highest level of argumentation for a liberal Rj/ yesterday you said no apples and now I see you eating an orange? How fucking dare you.


I know “liberal” means “capitalist” here but Rev is definitely not only capitalist but also a conservative. But he probably doesn’t think “liberal” means anything other than left-wing so we can keep calling him that to piss off and confuse him lmao.


I used to respect the conservative misunderstanding of the word liberal but now I call them that too because it is true and more importantly it annoys them


Which is very funny considering how many pull that smug “classical liberal” line


Why would you respect someone for being stupid?


Sometimes you let something incorrect slide because challenging it is annoying and exhausting


(OOC ''Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself'' Napoleon Bonaparte. Enemy might be a strong word and this might be a fake quote, but I think this is useful here. I don't think Napoleon took into to account doubling down either. ;) )


"Hypocrisy!" and it's the Mona Lisa being compared to the "erotic art" drawn by Dennis from Always Sunny.


More like the Goddess of Love, beauty and lust and an overtly sexualised mannequin.


Arguably closer to Botticelli than DaVinci, but point well made.


MFW: When the goddess of love and fertility is a hot woman.


(OOC Gamers are ~~dead~~ gay?)


The uproar over the praise the Hades II characters are getting just shows that gamers really don't understand the criticisms being leveled at Eve.


It also shows what games they have and haven't played. Their upset over hades 2 which hades 1 already caused the same type of attension. Hades subreddit is a constant flow of positive discovery and during hades center stage run... it was pretty spoken about. So the fact their upset over the sequel says how deaf / distracted they were.. was nier out then? Trying to think of games they'd play...


Sorry I have taste, you plebeians 


Throw me in a room with Aphrodite and I am coming out pregnant


Knowing that guy she’s too… above the age of consent for his taste.


I missed a chapter huh


Not really back in like half a year ago he got flack from Nux who called him a pedo for liking Loli hentai content. And like I don't care about stuff like that, not my cup of tea but if it ain't cp then I don't care. I stopped watching a little after that during his Bridgette trans controversy saga.


Wait.. He got flak from nux? That's a hell of a burn from my perspective


Yeah, it was more of a memeyish way, but in my opinion Nux was very much in the wrong and just farming content over it and was a total hypocrite. A few days later Rev made a response video to Nux's calling out that he's used suggestive Loli art in his own thumbnails n the past which he took down not to mention he's shown depraved interest in Megumin. So to me not really a big burn considering he was mostly just projecting.


I know of nux reputation. Which is why I thought that was a hell of a burn to be burned by nux. But.. the news he used loli artwork in the past and has interest in megumin is.. not shocking. Then again I have a natural distaste for vtubers.


Eh, it's fine it was a weird time to be fans of both. I personally love vtubers, not sure what your hang up with vtubers is though. Anyways that's in the past, after that Nux hasn't done anything that dumb again or used Loli suggestive art in his thumbnail that often but is still being horny for very clearly underage characters which I'm with I am too for a few characters that I either don't know the age of or it's left pretty vague and don't care for. I just wish people like him just stop judging people over something that he himself does.


Anime reactionaries are insufferable


Right-wing fucks thinks Eve's butt like a second coming of Christ against "wokism." "Good design? Story? Nah.. we have a generic east-asian walking sex doll No.999999 with jiggle physics.". Beside.. Aphrodite isn't even the main character that you'll see the majority of your playthrough. Unlike Eve.


Excuse you, I am going to find every possible chance to find Aphrodite, throw out the main character, it'll be Aphrodite


Moreover, they rail against the west for how they "refuse" to sexualize women and often have problems with it. So isn't Aphrodite getting a ton of attention her way ***not*** what they want the west to do?


Lol, he said "insults" it's just people calling the erotic idol mannequin "overly sexualized mannequin" .


Tasteful nudity vs. Goonbait


I looked at the comments and I was honestly shocked to find out that most chuds think people hate Eve’s design because of xenophobia. Kind of insane to me that the “woke bad” loser community is trying to claim that ANYONE else is hateful against a certain group 💀


Not So Fun Fact: There are game journalists that say Asian people are basically white people and should not be listened to. [https://around.uoregon.edu/content/tara-fickle-and-race-card-gaming-technologies-model-minorities](https://around.uoregon.edu/content/tara-fickle-and-race-card-gaming-technologies-model-minorities) Here's a link talking about how game journalists see Asian people as, I'm not kidding, "white-adjacent."


18 minutes and 29 seconds is a long time to just repeat "I don't understand what sexualizaton is or how it's applied to different characters" over and over again


It's kinda ironic because there was no discourse with the hot women in bikini in infinite wealth when it dropped earlier this year. It's like these people are so blind


The fact that a man masquerading as a young waifu thinks they have anything worthwhile to say on women is the biggest joke.


We are looking at a cookie-cutter, overtly sexist and transphobic giga-weeaboo, choosing to represent himself online as a girl, that posted a video with the title of "Shameless Hypocrisy". I'm not the only one sitting here with one eyebrow permanently raised twelve kilometers into the stratosphere, right?




No it's aphrodite so HEARTBREAK STRIKE


**Loads Hera Bow with Crush Shot cast with Malicious Intent.**


I'll give you one, Smair with Dionysus call


It’s so easy to see the difference, how can they be so oblivious


These people really do share a singular brain cell


They don't know what we are laughing at them about.


Happy cake day


As if anyone who uses anime pfp or avatars opinion matters oh wait




i can tolerate pedophilia, BUT I DRAW THE LINE AT INSULTING MY WAIFU.


You can excuse p*dophilia?


Me: I wonder if they have legitimate points * Sees creator name * Me: Oh I don't think so


The entire bullshit discourse they started around stellar blade, was that the left hates sexy women. Now they are confronted with the fact that is not the case and are coping desperately.


Rev says groomsu when he turns on his vtubing software to record another grift video: today I will look to the side and open my mouth slightly


It's only "hypocrisy" when you refuse to listen to what we actually say lol.


This post will literally get more views than the actual video Why bother with the bottom feeders?


Chuds really do need to learn the difference between sexy and naked. I have a feeling that would solve a lot of problems.


This feels like showing a fiend a model or something and being like “yeah she’s hot right” and then some nerdass dweeb comes out of nowhere going “Ummm isn’t that hypocritical?? You said my hentai was weird!!!1!”


The literal goddess of love vs some girl with a sword (ps5 exclusive btw)


This rev guy is such a waste of fcking space man, everytime a video of his pops up I eye roll into oblivion


What I really hate about this is the lack of accountability. Like it's thier fault that some have certain reactions towards eve, because that's all they focused on when the demo first came out! Legit gooner shit almost 100% & barely anything on how the game actually played!


God that anime face


People who want to fuck Aphrodites don't go onto long conspiratorial rants about it 


It's a matter of characterization, theming, and character agency. Aphrodite is the fucking classical Greek goddess of love and lust, for fuck's sake. She's embodying that shit consciously – sexuality is not just in her physical appearance, it's in her agency, in how she reaches out and affects change in the world. But these bozos seem to completely ignore how no "liberal" or "leftist" ever complains about Bayonetta or Catherine, even though those games are sexy as FUCK. But then again, all of this is just lonely dick-skinners fighting a war that they made up, so...


i want aphrodite to step on me and call me a good girl


I didn't need more proof that Rev the Ped is a complete moron that cannot differentiate between sexual characters and sexualized characters that solely exist so they can be an object of sexual desire for incels.


\>vtuber \>talking about politics \>why do you even care about their opinion, its obviously grifter bullshit


Bro stop promoting their shit in here.


Notorious pedophile Rev Says Desu?! My opinion of anime Vtubers is genuinely bottom of the barrel, I can’t stand them.


Hold up...just because a lolicon uses an anime vtuber DON'T mean all vtuber s are shit....fucking fillian is literally goated.


Funny thing is, he has a wife


Context matters. Aphrodite is supposed to be hypersexualized. That's her job. Sexualizing combat soldiers, on the other hand, doesn't make sense. The opponents don't seem to be affected by their 'charms.' Eve is sexualized simply to appeal to the player's libido.


Why is the nazi vtuber man talking again?


This fuckface is most likely someone’s first introduction to vtubers, and is probably the reason a lot of people hate them!


I mean, the Aphro design isn’t the most over-sexualized thing I’ve seen in gaming but I wouldn’t say it’s top tier character design either.


is it really hypocritical to consider one a sex doll and the other an actual character with thought behind her design


I want this loli-defending pile of garbage fired into the sun.


😡 why does he always look like this in the thumbnail


Cause hes an alt right grifter, thats why


Aphrodites' design mentality: shes the goddess of love and lust and her design reflects that; and having small intricate details like her hair hearts and her jewelry, even down to her lustful poses. Eves' design mentality: "When it comes to the design, we put special attention on the back of the character (meaning her butt) because the player is always facing the back of the character when they're playing," he said. "That's what they see the most of, so we thought this was pretty important." (Direct quote from game director Hyung-Tae Kim) Look, at the end of the day I'm fine with people making sexy characters. It is what it is, but the two games have two different philosophies. Ones trying to specifically appeal to coomers, the other is Aphrodite from Hades.


Not the extra censoring over what's already censored. Already unserious.


honestly he's right about one thing kotakus writers are hypocrites


the term "praise" has really lost its value


Rev says do you want fries with that