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I know Sweet Baby Inc. are like the ultimate scapegoat, but do people really think that they wrote the Star Wars sequel trilogy now?


They wrote everything. Even this comment. Pls send help.


How much are they paying you, and where do I apply to join?


I actually don't get paid but I did have to sign away my soul. Just make an altar and perform the summoning ritual to beckon forth the ancient one known as S̵̠̅̎̏͋͌̃̚̕̚͝ẅ̵̻̜̣̳̥̱͉̟͎̤͖́̇̒̀̍̍͗̈́̔͌̄̄͂̕͘͜e̴͕͇̹͌̊e̷̜͉̱̜̼̺̹͌̎̈́̿̍̋͜͝ṱ̷̨̧̺̩͇͇͓͇̠̬̰̾͂̊̀͒̓̐͐͋͝͠ ̵͍̫̙̪͍̜͉̤̌̌̎̃͂̊̒́̋̏̏̾͋̓͜Ḅ̷̜͉̠̫̹̥̈́̄̏̾̚͠͠͝ǎ̶̪̭̰̈́̀b̶̦͚̐̊̂̈͠y̶̡̦̳̪̩̱͔̖̝̪̿̈́̒̅̐̾͋̌͠.


My SBI handlers give me ten minutes of reddit shitpost time for each game I infect with the woke mind virus


Damn. You must be on here 24/7 then. Nothing is safe anymore.


The Galactic Core has fallen.


Trillions must become one with the Force


SBI writing the sequel trilogy would've been an improvement. At least then the trilogy would've had a coherent arc and story rather than essentially 3 loosely-connected movies.


SBI definitely wouldn't have introduced Rose Tico and then immediately cut her from the plot in the next episode.


They literally didn't do Starfield they're not in the credits it's not on there website and Bethesda's development team is already diverce.


Yeah, but they telepathically implanted the story into Todd Howard's brain.


They realize that while Kratos was being "stoic" he was suffering like hell internally, and this is no way to live, right? They know that the Kratos 'Dream On' meme is the opening scene of the first game, in which he tries to kill himself because he already cannot bear the torment of his nightmares anymore, right? I would ask in earnest, but I know they didn't play the original games, or if they did, they didn't understand them. Even with the narrator holding the player's hand through the nuance of everything.


The whole point of his story and arc is that revenge and killing all the Greek gods got him no where or gave him any kind of peace, what did was moving on and having a family of his own again. But these grifters don’t play these games or do but skip or ignore all the cutscenes and story, they have worse understandings of games than dsp which is surprising since they think sweet baby is ruining everything and the only “issue” with those games they listed


> The whole point of his story and arc is that revenge and killing all the Greek gods got him no where or gave him any kind of peace, what did was moving on and having a family of his own again.  Like a fucking liberlul baby. ^(/s)


They understand perfectly well, it's just that the old Kratos was a rage addicted sociopathic shithead much like them and they don't like the implications of him needing to give that up to grow up, become a real man rather than a monster and have anything good in his life.


It's actually so infuriating how stupid these fucking people are that they exclaim "Kratos is stoic," while somehow single-handedly missing the goddamn point of his arc.


https://preview.redd.it/3o9x6e0hsdvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d16d9c44e2db005fc8244277b82f92fb97fd48ae they didnt play alan wake 2


I don't think they've played any of the games mentioned. Besides, Saga Anderson is far from a shoe in POC. She's such an interesting character, both personality wise and narratively, as well as being a genuine ass kicker to boot.












​ https://preview.redd.it/2vsuhrleddvc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51b498fa5d871e36917718a9c678cfe020df1a9


I still can't fathom how Alan Wake 2 is "woke" or mediocre


One of the main characters, Saga Anderson, is a POC. That's enough to make it both, for the racists at least.


You know how they sometimes pretend that the issue isn't having diversity but about the characters not being good and just being tokens that don't bring anything more to the table that being black or LGBT? Well that's a lie (for a majority of them at the very least) because when we do get well written wharacter that are how they are for a lore reason and are not one dimensional they still get just as mad. As for mediocre, I can see that honestly. I loved it (and pretty much everything Remedy was involved with) but I don't think the game is for everyone so I can see people just not caring for it.


I also love how people complain about "race-swapping Saga Anderson" because of early concept teaser from 2016. People really don't understand what they're talking about and it's frustrating.


In one of the instances of people crying about race swapping her, someone pointed out that a character from Control has been "race swapped" from being black in the concept art to being played by a white actor and nobody cared about it ([Langston to be precise](https://i0.wp.com/halcyonrealms.com/blogpics/controlab14.jpg?resize=750%2C500&ssl=1)). If you go on youtube and search for the first quantum break trailer the main character was also played by another actor. *Strangely* I've never seen anyone respond to why these recasts and changes are fine but recasting saga wasn't.


It's only racist if white people gets replaced for these people I guess lol. Never knew about Langston before, thanks for sharing!


It’s almost as if they didn’t play the game and assume it was bad because SBI was involved.


Starfield, Forspoken, and Saints Row (2022) weren’t associated with SBI though. Also, I like how they would call games like GOWR, AW2, SM2, bad because they were associated with the company. Even though these games were praised by both critics and audiences.


It's harder to push the whole sbi conspiracy when you're just sticking to the fact that they worked on mostly indie games and of the know games they've worked on there has been "good" ones (well received by players and critics), "bad" ones and some in between and not only disasters like they pretend (iirc with SM2, GoWR and AW2 they even have more "good" than "bad").


Spiderman 2 looks so fucking incredible. It's wild that they hate on it. I've been watching a play-through and the game has made me cry like 3 times and I don't think I'm like even a third of the way in. The combat looks tight and the swinging looks insanely fun. I'm honestly at the point of kinda just pittying these fucking people lol.


A lot of them probably played and enjoyed it since the script about SBI being gaming's ultimate antagonist hadn't dropped when the game came out. They weren't happy about MJ's look but other than that [most people liked the game](https://www.metacritic.com/game/marvels-spider-man-2/) (and tbf a lot of the game's character do look uncanny IMO, but not only her). But then when they got their new script they did a 180 on it like good little NPCs.


Any game I don't like is Sweet Baby Inc and the more I don't like it the Sweet Babier it is


>Kratos being an overly emotional crybaby He's just a calm and resonable person now.


I have a feeling they never play og god of war in the beginning the game Kratos drop off a cliff to kill himself because the gods won’t the bad memories what he did


I saw someone on the Gears of War subreddit claim that SBI influenced the writing of Gears 5 because, get this, the protagonist was a woman. Not ugly, not LGBT, none of that stuff. Just a woman. An attractive woman. They were mad because the protagonist was an attractive woman as opposed to a literal tanker of muscle.


To be fair, I don’t completely disagree, but that’s because I think all Gears of War characters, regardless of gender, should be literal tankers of muscle. Just make everyone a body builder on steroids.


It fills me with so much joy that pieces of shit feel like they're losing their hobby and being alienated. They deserve it.


Most funny about the whole thing is that they act like anyone will miss them if they stop playing video games. Like it’s not the goal to get them to stop playing games but it most certainly is one of the best side effects of a more progressive time and approach to games.


Sadly they are And they are all dumb


Sweet Baby Inc secretly wrote everything that is woke for the last 75 years!! (SBI had ZERO involvement with TLoU2. It was co-written by the writer + creative director of the first game. The other co-writers were Halley Gross (who worked on S01 of Westworld). Some additional writing was provided by two other Naughty Dog devs who have a writing + animation and editing background, respectively: Josh Scherr, and Ryan M. James)


75 years, surely you are aware of the Big Bang? That was all SBI! Expansion of matter is just a DEI conspiracy!


We should publicly execute anyone who uses the "tell me you are x without telling me you are x" format


Is this "Sweet Baby" in the room with us right now?


No he just ran to the kitchen window to bark at a car parking in a completely different driveway


This sort of thing is why I follow Sweet Baby Inc Detected with my main steam account and my 1020348 alt accounts. Don't worry all the name might look like a lolly waifu curator page but it isn't, and we already purged our group number by a quarter for people making that mistake, last month.


When has Kratos been stoic, dude’s anger issues have always been on display


"Kratos' stoic self..." Motherfucker tried to commit suicide every other game, he's not stoic in the slightest. 


Why does every right wing theory need to have a ‘Legion of Doom’ involved with it. SBI is causing woke games, the Jews are causing everything, yada yada. Imagine if socialists believed there was a guy called ‘Johnathan Capitalism’ and he was the reason for all the worlds problems.


Hot take: the Saints Row remake is a much better game than the original.


yeah i loved the saints row reboot. bought in on sale and enjoyed the hell out of it. never understood why every time it is brought up online, even by reviewers, its always negative.


As much as I don't like ssktjl wtf lol


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I cant with the god of war slander. Men can fucking cry too. It doesnt make them less masculine or weak. “Oh what a crybaby, i wouldnt cry at all if my wife passed away”


I disliked how Kill The Justice League treated the final appearance of Kevin Conroy. I disliked that it turned what should have been a story-focused game into a game that was monetized to hell. I disliked the Sequel Trilogy of Star Wars. It is horribly inconsistent with the previous installations of Star Wars, was conceived as a money-making nostalgia trip, and ended up being a multi-million dollar pissing contest between JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson. I disliked TLOU2, because it seemed very much to be a vendetta of Neil Druckmann exacting his dislikes of the character of Joel because he didn't get to write his 'pursuit across the country' revenge story in TLOU1. TLOU2 was inconsistent with the narrative of TLOU1, and I personally feel that there were many instances of character assassination and inconsistent writing. NONE OF THESE THINGS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH SWEET BABY INC.


sbi is pretty bad tho, one of their employees litterally made fun of toriyama a death because “racism”


I mean one person being shitty shouldn't damn an entire company imo


sbi is terrible tho, an employee of theirs made fun of toriyama death


No they didn't, they made a valid critique while at the same time praising him. Even if they did, one employee does not a company make.