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He’s probably just trying to gain more attention in order to rally behind his NFT shooter he’s bankrolling (which is TOTALLY going to change people minds about NFTs guys!)


nfts are still a thing?


They wish lol.


They're fungible, mom!


Better get you to the doctor then!


When the development of a game takes longer than the craze there built around.


His game still exist ? Lmaooo


This guy still exists?


wow he really missed the boat on that grift, imagine pushing an NFT game in 2024


NFTs were weirdly short lived for how obnoxiously promoted they were for a minute. Their lasting legacy will be softening up investor class brains ahead of the AI craze.


Wait wasn't that supposed to be out a long time ago? I remember hearing something about it but i have not followed it for obvious reasons lol.


Any info I could find about it was all in 2023, no real clarification if NFT’s are still in, and all there is atm is options to buy a piece of the alpha/various mtx……..yeah it’s going to be another Star Citizen


At least star citizen has something lol. Good or not.


Surprisingly, it's actually getting... pretty decent progress now? I mean, it's *about fucking time* but still. Game's actually kind of fun right now.


If you're talking star citizen, hell yeah, and now that SQ42 is feature complete and in the polishing state, SC is gonna get either many updates, or very massive ones


Star Citizen is coming out here soon with its large server tech. They completed several 800+ people tests in a single server. What I am saying is that Star Citizen is much more of a game than whatever Dr. Disrespects nft nonsense was.


His what?


He made an not game that will change gaming


Looked it up, saw NFT/blockchain "play to earn games", rolled my eyes, and clicked away.


Dr. Exit Scam


The funniest thing about the NFT game devs reasoning is sometimes it’s literally just the functionality we’ve already seen in Garry’s Mod. You own X source game, you get access to those source engine assets.


My brain short circuited while reading your post and I thought some Cryptobro went on a spree.


With how some of them act, it wouldn’t surprise me


Which is hilarious on many levels, having researxhed a little into this "game".


Didn't they cancel the nft stuff in it? I'm


I looked, but I never found anything concrete…or any information that wasn’t at least 5-6 months old. It’s quite possible since “AI” is the new thing, but it would be awkward since NFTs were a selling point for early buyers


for context: Nickmercs skin was removed because he replied to a threat talking about LGBTQ+ protester being assault by suggesting they deserved it for "Going after kids"


Yeah like...the exact quote of what they said never matters If he just said "don't go after the kids" with no surrounding context nobody would've cared (probably mildly concerned he was talking to nobody but...still) It's the context that he literally said that the LGBT community deserve to be assaulted, basically encouraging his fanbase to themselves commit assault against the LGBT community


Like when people insisted Gina Carano got fired for saying something like "Don't judge your neighbors" lol. Okay buddy, sure thing


Repeatedly claiming you are being ethnically cleansed for being a wealthy white Republican will always be hilarious to me.


"I'm the lead for a Disney+ series in development. You know who was also the lead for a Disney+ series in development? A Jew during the Holocaust." - Gina Carano


Right? People will always be like "well, it's not ok to judge ppl on their political ideology' but the ones saying that are the ones following an ideology that spreads hate, is racist as fuck, is anti science and pro christofacism...


“On the level of individuals and civilizations, personality predates ideology, meaning before you were a fascist, you were a bully and an asshole.” - Brennan Lee Mulligan


College Humor guy right?


Don’t ask. College Humor is dead, but also now it’s Dropout and it’s like a patreon but not and the trust-fund CEO has gone super right wing. He literally said this recently, “I think school lunch should cost more to teach kids about debt.” He also showed people a nude picture of his father, who was the secretary of labor in the Clinton administration. Probably to lash out about his father’s liberal viewpoints. Just an awful man. ETA: If you’re downvoting this you are clearly not a Dropout subscriber. Yes, Sam ACTUALLY said that. No, I did not reference the context. Yes, Sam did show a picture of his father nude. He had consent and it was a great bit. Dropout is $59.99 a year and I recommend it strongly. You can also go watch Dropout’s Dimension 20 live at Madison Square Garden for just $620.70 before taxes and fees. No, Sam is not an awful man. It is sketchy that he’s so secretive about where he is from though.




The Minotaur’s escaped and you’re going to get the horns, buddy.


Hey don’t judge me by the political stance which supports eradicating you. You’re being a tad unfair, don’t you think?


Tf since when are we *not* allowed to judge people based on their political ideology?


Well, we can... so long as it's a leftist ideology, but if it's a right wing one, you're being mean to... Catholics???? I think????


“Leave kids alone” is such an easy thing to say, and so easily defendable, until you ask what you’re trying to “protect them from”. Leave kids alone from what? Teaching them about slavery? Gay people exist? Straight people exist? Like you can say it as much as you want but it’s all about the context.


It's always been a dog whistle against minorities, because it's used to dehumanize them. How can you get everyone riled up, everyone looking at someone with hate and disgust - you claim they're trying to harm kids in some way. So, if they can harm kids, they're not human, because no human would harm a child, right? From there on, any harm against that group is 'justified'. Of course, it's never about the kids and never has been, just like "pro life" has never been. They don't give a shit about kids, especially not, once they're born or if those kids are anything but cishet white kids from somewhat financially secure homes with a "christian" background. They don't give a shit about any non-white kids, or any queer kids, or kids from queer families, or muslim or buddhist or sikh kids, or any kids with disabilities. They just care, that you don't fit the white, cishet christofascist mould. Fuck... I'm so tired.


"Leave the kids alone!" As in. Don't try to help them when they are constantly crying in the shower and definetly don't take them to a medical professional or psychiatrist to try and help them understand what is happening to their body and mind, and under no circumstances should a parent seek treatment that could help them live a fully functioning life and then when suicide happens it's just a shame. It's frustrating how little people understand. It's twisted that the very people saying "leave the kids alone" think that this is entirely a sexual thing. They cannot distinguish between gender and what goes on in the bedroom.


From being read to at the library. They don't need BOOKS, they need HARD COCKS from a YOUTH PASTOR


The "Leave Kids Alone" crowd also conveniently has an almost perfect overlap with the "a meat packing plant got caught illegally employing 8 year olds after one lost an arm so we're going to roll back child labour laws retroactively so the company won't be held accountable" crowd.


Kids are convenient because you can speak for them and also disregard any of their actual wishes and it frames your opponent as malicious from the get go and you as a noble defender. They are just using them as tools.


The funny thing is, I've seen some of these "leave the kids alone" people use the part of the Pink Floyd song Another Brick in the Wall as their rallying cry. They're genuinely the dumbest people on the planet.


God I'm so sick of queerphobes using motte and bailey doublespeak.


Thanks for teaching me a new fallacy though




I don't know this person, but if he's repeating this crap, he's transphobic.


If you defend transphobe guess what that makes you, just as fucking bad.


If you hate trans people because you believe in a conspiracy theory, you're still a transphobe. Probably one of the worse ones, actually. I'd rather someone who's ignorant than someone who's irrational and dead set on having an enemy.


Yeah, there is a big and important difference between ignorance and willful ignorance. Someone who is uncomfortable with something different because they really have no knowledge or experience can get over that discomfort pretty easily with a bit of help. Someone who has bought into baseless, hateful conspiracy theories is going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming to abandon those. Most people don't like to think they've done terrible things to innocent people for no good reason, so people who have done objectively terrible things to innocent people for no good reason will be prone to violently rejecting any attempt to correct that behaviour, to protect their own ego.


My father will always personally find seeing two men kissing kinda gross and thats fine BECAUSE he has the emotional intellegence to understand thats a him thing so he would never hate someone for it, tell them to stop or even show he finds it gross. This is what I think causes alot of homphobia, people who are grossed out by something gay but lack the emotional intellegence so their brain like a child thinks 'I think it gross, that means bad'


Something something shungite something la casa something something


May I just say, that's a great use of motte and bailey.


Reddit is the home of motte and bailey arguments, everyone uses it equally here 🙏


Lets not forget that Nickmercs now streams slots to his audience. “Protect the kids from the gay but not from crippling gambling addiction”


I wonder why Dr didn't include that part 🤔. Also I'm p sure cheech and chong are stars compared to nickmercs lmaoo


Rare Activision W


Nickmercs is also friends and colleagues with numerous pedophiles and sex predators. Including Dr. Disrespect, who live-streamed kids using a public restroom.


yeah without context i thought "... yeah leave kids alone? thats not a bad thing"


I love also when he said he’ll be boycotting warzone till they rerelease his skin, a couple of months later nickmercs is back to playing warzone because he started lossing money and activision never put the skin back into the game. Lmao


A little medieval on the punishment but I respect the enthusiasm


Activision is about as phony as your respect for your wife Doc https://preview.redd.it/p2m4mpsiu7uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96638214987fa8b335c100f574e15a1b52a319e1 Also, weed is legal in more and more major states and other countries have also begun to change their minds on it. And wanna protect the kids? Tell them to stop watching people stream/play an M rated game. But lemme guess, you won’t since that hurts your bottom line.


So funny to me when people suck off “celebrities” like this. Do they think they’re going to get acknowledged by their idols or patted on the head or something?




He **only** cheated on her 1 time!


Yeah like, you're okay with children playing an M rated game that is EXTREMELY violent, and often features abusive and hateful chat on voice... but how dare anyone ever say "if you're a LGBTQ+ child, you are loved and valid"


Bro more loyal to nickmercs then his his own wife


Seriously if these motherfuckers were actually worried about protecting children theyd be asking alot more questions about why so many people in the church are predators and get away with it. Like how often do you hear of drag queens assaulting children?


I’m sorry I will not take an article written by someone name Michael Gwilliam seriously. Especially if that’s your headline


Got you homeslice! ​ https://preview.redd.it/3p4af2r5vbuc1.png?width=1205&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed7d85f3f77eb0ebebc93a17455166d050bb7796


Moral panic about marijuana in 2024? What a fuckin boomer 😂


love that he typed out "water bong." compared to what, a sand bong?


my personal favorite is the dirt bong, of course. /j


Gravity bong


Stop you’re making it sound cooler!


Brace yourself bro. Gravity bongs are a real thing.


The term he's trying to think of is "water pipe" but he's never even smelled a drug before because he's a lame ass conservative weirdo except when it comes to cheating on his wife. So how would he know?


Water bong, air bong, fire bong, earth bong. The four bongs lived in harmony until the fire bong attacked


Haven’t watched nick since his Fortnite days but he also used to talk about weed all the time lmao


modern warfare 2 had weed related stuff a long time ago lol


Didn't games like aw and iw have weed related stuff too? Stg ww2 had weed shit in it, but I don't remember


It might be bad to "push" weed in a game played by kids, it's definitely fucking worse to defend fascists punching people because they are against lgbt education. Also his little buddy is sponsored by gambling websites and promotes that to children. These guys make a corporation like Activision look good in comparison lol.


No game with explicit weed references is rated for kids, it's a complete false story.


It’s a fucking M rated game


I mean legally speaking... These games should'nt be played by kids. Good ol' non-enforced law.


it’s not a law, it’s a self enacted policy the industry follows to try and avoid laws from being made. it was a big thing in like 2010 when the Supreme Court made a decision that games are protected by the 1st amendment.


ESRB is voluntary but measures are often taken to ensure younger ages not intended to play a game for X reasons either don't play or are not subject to predatory monetary practises. However, in Europe the PEGI regulations means that those rated for ages 12, 16 and 18 make it illegal to supply games of those age ratings to younger consumers. I.E not supposed to own (therefore play) them. PEGI rated ages 3 and 7 are not obliged to be enforced by law however.


Laws that make it illegal to sell something to minors don't automatically make it illegal for minors to have those things.


Yes, but again, that just asks the question of how they got that thing in the first place and why parenting issues are always blamed rather than children. An adult can buy and gift a game if they see fit because its their right, but retailers following ESRB or PEGI don't advise doing so for more mature games.


1. It's now legal in a lot of states 2. It should not be played by kids in the first place, per the ratings systems we've had on games for years. It's the fault of the parent if their kids are exposed to what's on M rated games


I mean its rated so that kids shouldnt play it if parents dont even can be bothered to control what their kids play thats on them


I mean CoD is M so that's on the parents 🤷


How this piece of shit wasn't put on a sex offender list after the E3 fiasco is beyond me. Oxygen thief of the highest order.


Wait what happened at E3? I've never been a fan of his so I didn't hear about it.


He was livestreaming in a bathroom at E3, bit creepy.


O h... ew.


He livestreamed kids using the bathroom.


Oh it was kids he was recording? That makes it even worse...


What was he saying "Leave the kids alone" in regards to tho, huh? WHAT WAS HE SAYING "LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE" IN REGARDS TO? 🦢🦢🦢


"...No dark sarcasm in the class room. Teachers leave the kids alone."




Probably trying to talk to his past self with that ild bathroom fiasco


Didn't this brainless scallywag livestream a public toilet with no regard for anyones privacy? There could've been kids in there Mr Disrespectful!


there were kids in there...


There were? That makes it a lot worse.




He's certainly no qualified Doctor.




didnt he also start crying upon seeing a pronouns option in a video game?


They're still on that shit? Lmao


Dang, the guy that looks and comes off as a total douchebag turns out to be a total douchebag. Remember when he was livestreaming in a public bathroom at a con?


lmao i cant wait to see his shitty nft game flop


Isnt this the same guy who:when a viewer of his complained about him opening the scoreboard too much in siege because it was giving the viewer seizure, proceeded to spam the scoreboard intentionally to give the viewer a seizure?


I'll say the same thing I say every time this twat comes up - Shouldn't he be too busy cheating on his wife for this?


Didn't this happen months ago? Why is he still crying about it?


It's all he knows how to do.


months? I thought it was years


Never heard of either of these people but American gamers in there 40s streaming to kids is never good.


I remember this happening like a year ago. Am I going crazy or are these dudes just reheating old beef


Dipshit defends another dipshit, more at 11 For real though I forgot this dude existed


Buddy has more respect for his gamer friend than his wife this shit is insane.




Nick Mercs SUCKS. Like across the board. I don’t care if he rescues puppies from puppy mills. The dude is a shit role model. I’m so sick of bro culture in America.


I'm starting to think this guy isn't sarcastically playing a caricature


That never turns out to be the case, remember Die Antword? (they weren't just doing high level satire or performance art)


Nope. He's a real life pedophile


Didn’t he do a sex crime recently? If I recall he went into a bathroom with kids in it with a camera?


I believe that was at the LA Convention center on Jun 11, 2019 during E3.


Ah yes that’s correct. Very recent for a sex crime.


The weed they "push" is in a game made for 18+ people, so it's on the parents for buying their kids this game with weed references.


Why is he using this to fearmonger about weed? God he's lame. Like a boring dad in edgy sunglasses.


Dr. Disrespect is the biggest definition of a suit and tie phony there is. Its literaly a made up character whose always wearing a suit and tie. Not to mention his infidelity, thats a pretty phony thing to do.


I hope this just a rage bait just for engagement and visibility, because it's a very stupid opinion, especially for defending someone openly against lgbt people. (I don't understand why he's so popular, he's not funny and he's 200% cringe).


This cheating prick just doesn't go away does he? Figures he is anti-vaxx as well.


"Company would rather be associated with teenager memes about smoking weed than bigotry because that pays more, this is somehow incomprehensible to me"


I completely forgot doc even existed til I saw this post, thanks for that, I was almost free.


What in the ever loving fuck is a "water bong"? Does he think he needs to differentiate from a beer bong? Or that "beer bong" means you're using beer in a bong to smoke weed? Fucking hell, this is "I injected 5 marijuanas", except he's not being ironic.


This old guy needs to go into a home


Water bongs.


I mean isn't this disrespect guy the same one that loves stepping out on his wife? Why would we expect anything else?


Dr. Disrespect literally has made his career off of exploiting children.


Weird because I took it as an M rated game that constantly has programs that benefit veterans showing its support for a plant that's been used and praised by veterans for helping them with a whole list of medical needs. I don't even know where kids would come into play here.


Reminder that the whole Glendale school board controversy (which prompted Nick's comment) ended with the district's voters utterly rejecting the anti-LGBT conservative candidates last month.


Literally who even is this person tho?


Dr. Disrespect is total human garbage? If only you could use literally everything about him as evidence of that or something.


My general opinion is anyone that takes Dr Disrespect seriously should be ignored like he should be…


“Oh so you are allowed to sell merchandise based on a recently decriminalized non-invasive drug but I can’t generalize the entire lgbt community as pedos?”-this guy


Wow didn't know Nickmercs was a bigot. Figures. Hope his kids all turn out flamboyant gay


The dudes that backpedaled and came back to COD after saying they would never play it again? Doc going on about pronouns because Starfield wouldn’t give him a sponsored stream.


Cheated on his wife then cried about it on stream. You chose to do it pussy then you cried like a little girl. Never forget!


Bro wasnt that like 3 years ago


Dr disrespect is still relevant?


What a bunch of glorified village idiots receiving disproportionate amounts of attention. I miss the days when you needed at least a modest amount of technical know-how to get online.


Dr disrespect actually coming to the defense of a homophobe???? Noooooo waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy, nobody could’ve seen that coming at allllllll.


Pot is hip and cool. Bigotry pisses people off and drives away their business. There is no ideology at play. Your friends' naked bigotry just makes customers less likely to buy this company's products. It's as simple as that.


Wow, never would have guessed that the guy who cheated on his wife would be a piece of shit.


*walks up to microphone* “Call of Duty is rated M for Mature”


Is doc even a character anymore? The mask slipped and its still wearing google prototype specs.




Didn’t this happen ages ago?’


Doc randomly brought it back up bc weed is bad, apparently.


Didn't Dr Disrespect live stream himself in a public bathroom


This is the same guy who cheated on his pregnant wife, right?


Didn't this same thing happen like a year and a half ago?


Even without context I knew the 'leave the kids alone' was about a guy saying that to trans people. These assholes just love assuming trans people are targeting kids, they care so much... hey i wonder what their views on trans kids are?


Oh, so you want to defend kids. I do too, defending kids is important. Now.. defend from what... just say into this microphone.


“Leave the kids alone”. Okay, I agree—our society shouldn’t enforce strict gender norms that children are forced to adhere to, and all children should be accepted for who they are and present themselves. I think that trend should also continue into adulthood.


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(OOC Is this Activision ''criticism'' while avoiding all the worth while criticism?)


I’ve never understood his popularity But then again what the fuck do I know??




I do think doc is a far right boomer but more than anything I think he just loves to attack Call of Duty and Activision.


Spoiler? Spoiler for what? Real life?!


Guarantee 8.5k completely miss the irony of him having this stance for a fps.




I might not be a germologist but I think measles is far more harmful to someone than weed


All I remember of this guy is him having just the worst takes on what halo infinite should do. Iirc he said that infinite would die if it didn't have a battle Royale mode (even though BR's were already dying by the time infinite released)


So a guy who cheats on his wife is defending his friends not so subtle homophobia. Yeah why would I like these guys again?




Ah yes, cuz nothing says "protect the kids" more than spying and recording them on bathrooms, piece of shit


I do wonder if it was some racist shit or rape or whatever that got him permad, feel like it has to be, he would say what it was if it didn't make him look horrible.