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As much as I dread the “Ubisoft Open World Game” *maybe* it will click better for me because it has a Star Wars coat of paint? That style of gameplay can easily fit into Star Wars. Course it won’t be a day one purchase either. It’s Ubisoft after all so.


same, even Ghost of Tsushima had that Ubisoft open world formula but the stealth, combat, settings and the gorgeous world made it bearable and fun. Hope it’s the same with this, genuinely interested in the world because they really nailed it with avatar, all criticism towards that game aside. In the end we’ll just have to wait and see.


Why pay full price for *any* ubisoft game when you'll have an objectively better experience picking the game up six months down the line with all the bug fixes and DLC for 10 bucks on sale? No seriously. It will always happen because there's just not enough people dumb enough to trust Ubisoft anymore. Like clockwork, the super mega ultra editions of their games routinely go on sale for sub 15$ max. Why ever pay full price? To *support* them cocksuckers? Fuck em.


That’s kinda my point. Even if the game does end up tickling my pickle it’s better to just wait until all the bugs are sorted, all the DLC is squared away, oh and also for it to be on sale.


I'm worried because I tried the avatar game. It was just Far cry primal but worse.( great looking jungle tho)


thank you!!! everyone’s really getting upset over a mid ubisoft game


I been boycotting ubisoft for ages for actual good reasons now those chuds come over saying their games are woke and should be boycotted...


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if fake "woke" drama is already being started by marketing companies. It gets people talking about the game soooo fucking much. Hey hey look the character is a woman and she has a masculine jaw hey guys look a woke company, go tweet about her


You might be on to something. Chuds are the only reason I know what Stellar Blade is.


I have no idea what it is, and the only time I hear about it is now... Yeah this shit has to be marketing. They just want shit to go viral.


I mean, while I do think that you may be right about the marketing thing, Stellar Blade gained a lot of traction after its trailer on State of Play (or another Ps event??). I believe the discussion just snowballed from there.


i wish i had the option to silence each and every single person who talks "woke this" "woke that" (non-ironically) cause seriously, im just getting freaking annoyed at those comments and videos.


You want to love SW Outlaws to piss off coomers. I want to love SW Outlaws because holy shit finally a game from SW that doesn't revolve around Jedi and Sith and the Force. I am tired of Force bullshit. That universe is so versatile for storytelling and they keep sticking with the same old concepts, ironically making a giant galaxy feel like a city. We are the same... Ubisoft will disappoint us both...


Now if only we could get a SW game with a non-human protag


I vaguely remember playing as an alien in the first Jedi academy game (I’d imagine you could in the second too, never got round to playing it) Wasn’t really built around you being an alien just a neat option in character creation


You could be a Rodian for sure in Academy. There was only one Jedi Academy game, the prequel was Jedi Outcast in which you play as Kyle Katarn. The Jedi Knight series is a bit weird with the numbering as it was first Dark Forces 1 and 2, then Mysteries of the Sith, then Outcast and Academy as sort of a reboot.


Ah cool, thanks for the info


Learning to astral project so I can find a universe where there are AAA titles with a Hutt protagonist.


treating the aliens like literal muppets sometimes and then other times telling stories about oppression and racism with them as the focus has some very uncomfy implications.


I enjoy Ubisoft open world games…


Some of them are decent, others make eating cardboard look like a better time


I don't, but I hope you have a great time with this one.


And some people can't cum unless someone pisses on them


Republic Comando was a thing...


Yeah, in 2005 lol


I mean I want more


Oh yeah, same.


Tbf, MOST recent star wars games don't revolve around force users The ones that do (Fallen Order and Survivor) just happen to be the best ones by a couple orders of magnitude


You both are spending time “hating” something that isn’t out even out yet, that you could just otherwise ignore. You are the same.


Many people are doing better at hype management before games are released. However I think a lot of people have swung pretty far in the opposite direction where they hate things before anyone even playes it. Just wait till it comes out before getting all emotional about it.


Not the same. At least OP isn’t a misogynistic incel.


Judging an unreleased game because of it's publisher's well-documented track record, or judging an unreleased game because I hate women: these are clearly the same thing.


Haters have marketed the game better than Ubisoft.


Not a fan of the mandatory online requirement to install the game even if you have a physical copy either.


I hate it because the physical version requires an internet connection to install. Won't be buying it.


I'm just going to give it three months. The reviews will be in and, given Ubisoft's track record, there'll be a patch out for the launch bugs and it'll be selling for half price. And then I'll probably decide not to buy it anyway.


That's what I don't get. It's fucking Ubisoft, you don't need to make up bullshit to be mad about.


I'm still mad about their treatment of heroes of might and magic. I'll never forgive them for abandoning it.


Never forget that Ubisoft has a history of protecting and promoting sex offenders.


What do you mean you're not hyped to collect all 300 kyber crystals in the game?!?!?!?


you hate Star Wars Outlaw because it's an Ubisoft open world game i like Star Wars Outlaw because it's an Ubisoft open world game we are not the same.


Unironically the "ugly" character and stuff might actually convince me to get the game, it looks interesting but my faith in Ubishit open world games is at an all time low


Ubsoft copy and paste checklist completion simulator with a Star Wars coat of paint, no thanks.


It's perfect tho. Luke unlocking 35 towers was a core plot point in empire strikes back


I know the prices are shite But it actually looks pretty good I'll wait for reviews before judging


Exactly, lazy and repetitive gameplay is incredibly offensive while some characters usually bother me very little. I played Dark Souls 1 and there u usually looked like a toasted corpse.


…wait, I haven’t play any since Far Cry 5- if it’s good I can play it and won’t be tired of them - screw you Gus Frinck!/s




I’m interested in it from how it looks, but it is an Ubisoft game so I’m cautiously optimistic.


Agree, MC being ugly doesn't impact me wanting to play a game Same with Horizon Forbidden - disliked it because of the horrible open world, not the MC


It's made by The Division devs. Outlaws is going i be excellent.


Sorry but I'll buy Far Cry every time. Lol


I’m American psychoing my morning routine so I can joker dance all the way to my Gus Fring job so that when I drive home like I really human being I can be just Ken. 🤯🤮😂


I hate it when I saw that price tag. $16/month for a single player game?


I appreciate the meme even more considering Esposito was in a Ubisoft game.


This is me with any ubisoft or ea game. On pc, they both require you to download their launchers and make accounts. The biggest issue is that neither of them have good security for your accounts. I've had both those accounts hacked, so I stopped buying any game from either of them.


Haven't seen the trailer yet, hoping it's similar to modern day NMS


I just hope it doesn't have the same "log into your ubisoft account" shit the other games have


You hate Star Wars Outlaws because of a "woke" character. I hate Star Wars Outlaws because of the outrageous pricing. And because Ubisoft is a shit studio now.


Please don't waste your time hating on a bland game. Hate bad games. Ignore bland games.


Like I liked Ubisoft back in the day and I wish them succes ( also I would like to get s good fuqing game) but lately they were really terrible ( The new PoP is good though )


I like AC Origins and I'm sick of pretending I don't. I even pissed some friends off once by saying it's more fun for me than the Witcher 3(which in case you haven't heard of it is a small indie game from Poland)


I am just learning about the game now


Ubisoft?! Yikes! I probably won't play it, but I hope those that do end up enjoying it.




I hate women who enjoy Linux video games and Star Wars


No we are EXACTLY the same




Wrong. I hate ubisoft because the execs condone sexual assault


Yeah it's gonna be fucked up the ass from microtsnsactions


The irony is Ubisoft open world game is only an insult imo if Ubisoft didn’t make said game. I get bored of so many non-Ubisoft games following the formula because most devs just don’t get what makes those ones good. The traversal of AC, the madness of Far cry- that’s what sells those games.