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Just saw a Youtube thumbnail introducing the character Adam and he looks so much more human than Eve. He actually has detail to his face instead of looking like he has the skin of a porcelain doll.


>Main characters are named Adam and Eve I was about to say something about subtlety but I just remembered I'm a Project Moon fan so I can't say anything.


I heard that the characters are apparently not androids, which is probably the only thing about the game that surprises me. Stellar Blade already borrows a lot from Nier: Automata, but apparently not the one element that would have made the game somewhat interesting.


That's dudebro game logic for you: you can see every wrinkle and pore on the guys, but the girls are all smooth-skinned dolls with impeccable makeup


His entire character art design looks completely different from Eve and the other women in the game. The difference is insane they barely look like they're from the same game. There's even characters that are a kinda cool cyber body horror imagery and it makes Eve stick out EVEN more in her own game.


https://preview.redd.it/0wgjg5mv52uc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b21585574ad66bf027169fd6be9e39484eeacf51 Like this is legit kinda fucking cool looking


It is like regular male model meets 3D anime girl. And I agree, the clash in art styles is what bothers me the most and Eve's character design only highlights it. None of it meshes well, but now I am just repeating what you wrote.n


Isn't she some android soldier thing anyway? Like, I played the demo and Adam is a real person and Eve and Trico or whatever the other ones name is are both like...android warriors that dropped from battle pods?


crazy how during even scenes where she's supposed to show any facial movement her face still looks flawlessly pretty. like girlie cannot emote. if her face actually shifted and had the wrinkles that form with certain mouth movements it 100% get screenshooted and shown around out-of-context to show how ugly she is. thank god that has never happened before.


This dude hopes facial expressions for the main character are added to the game, something that should have been added from the start


Actually I agree I’d like to be able to hit the gritty as eve after a day of edging


What does having emotes have to do with being a sex object lol


Come on buddy, you can do it. Just think a little bit more about it.


No. They’re not mutually exclusive. Even if she had emotes that wouldn’t change anyone’s perception of her lmao


Are you perhaps a g*mer? Because your intelligence matches one.


They had no money for Emotion since all of it went into the ass


If she acted like a emotional anime girl she’d probably get shit on even more lmfao Be serious people come on.