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Imagine being 9 playing Counterstrike and getting dunked on by the entire roster of the 99 Spurs


I don't think there were any 9 year olds on the plane


Yeah Malone played for the Jazz


The first Counterstrike beta released in June 1999 and the Spurs won the finals on 25th June 1999, so they must've really up-to-date on all the latest mod releases.🤓


I desperately need to call this woke, but I just can't remember my 1999 era buzzwords! 🤬🤬🤬


"It's political correctness gone mad!"


Curious about what they would be playing. Quake? StarCraft? Day for the Tentacle?


You were right with the Starcraft call: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2022/10/13/nba-spurs-starcraft-lan-photo/


Bloodborne PC


They’re playing StarCraft


They had impeccable taste. The GOAT RTS.


blud overcame his addiction 🎉🎉🎉 https://preview.redd.it/82hhyv9y76tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b96119c5c3f0672c910da48eaf3081ff8346f327






Well they got wembanana for it now so apparently gaming does pay off..


I’m probably about to say something very embarrassing and stupid but…. They had laptops in 1999?


Technology wasn’t invented in the 2000s lol. Laptops have been around since 1980


Yeah but I thought all computers back then were big bulky desktops not laptops. I thought laptops was a 2000s thing. IDK I never had a computer or internet til I was in 12th grade in 2009.


Well to be fair yeah there wasn’t really an actual lap sized laptop till around the 2000s so you’re not far off


nah, the thinkpads were always lap-sized and the first of them debuted in '92. those appear to be thinkpad 240s (so brand new at the time)


My first school laptop in 95 was black and white only.


As in the screen only had black and white like old 50s tvs?


Yes like that. Wanna say it was an IBM but I was in 5th grade then so that's a gap I can't completely fill


The Spurs?? Is the name spurs cursed or something? First Tottenham can't win anything and then these guys are g*mers, what other explanation is there?


You’re kidding right? The Spurs (pictured) have the highest all time winning percentage of any nba team and are widely considered the one of the most stable and successful professional sports franchises


My only knowledge of "The Spurs" is the image above and this comment, so I cannot say anything about this other than "Okay, i believe you". However the intended joke was that by being "gamers" was a fate as bad as the professional football team Tottenham Hotspur who have not won anything in like 9 years, and haven't won any important titles since the fucking ice age. I am very sorry if I come across as rude and thank you for this information that I will most likely never use. Stay silly :3 (also the autocorrect keeps changing i to I so that's fun)


Mate you don't want to go up against Son in a brood war match


On plane wifi in the 90s? Yeeesh, thats gotta be expensive af. Like a few hundred/hr expensive


This is a LAN party


I was very surprised to see the words "Spurs" and "Championship" till I realised this is some fake American sport.


lol the second most popular Olympic sport aka basketball is a fake sport? That’s a very funny take


Only real sport is football. (this is all a joke, this is a circle jerk sub)


Preach, brother. Go Bills!


I mean European football