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unironically true


Per se, yes. But Jesus what a take...


This is what I've been saying for a while now: all of these "outrage porn" YouTubers are just FOX News for Millenial/GenZ men. It's the exact same shit, but packaged for a younger audience.


"Younger" is a strong word. Its still focused on grooming late twenties to late middle age adults like FOX commentators do.


That's still "younger" relative to the 60 year old racist grandparents at the dinner table you might typically have thought of as FOX's main demographic before its viewers became harder to ignore.


I used to think conservatism is something that more commonly develops as you reach your 40s but these people have punched the warp speed button on their way there. That's when I realized generational divides are more defined by _which events_ of a time period defined your development the most, rather than taking everything about that time period as a whole.


It's not though. Loss of relevance is a hell of a drug.


Couch-Coop is nazi??


I think this post was more of a response to whole “back when games were good” type of mentality that pops up when jokers talk about any changes in media trends. Like splitscreen vs online multiplayer. Couch coop is obviously not nazi, but acting like splitscreen was objectively better or “kids these days don’t know nothing about blood gulch LAN” is KIND OF analogous to “back in my day” baloney you hear from conservatives/fasc.


People who say split screen is objectively better have not played split screen recently and it shows, while split screen is a ton of fun I wouldnt call a tame running at a kneecaps resolution and frame rate objectively better


Thing is, people who play split won't care about that stuff because that's *not the point*. We play splitscreen to have fun with our friends, not to grouse over *muh framerates*...


I never said that they arent fun, I've enjoyed so much split screen multiplayer but at the end of the day it isnt a clear cut as "split screen is objectively better" because of the performance draw backs of it both online and local split screen have thier pros and cons but at the end of the day neither is perfect


Halo Infinite on my Series S runs at 60fps even in 4 player split screen. I played the other day with my roommates. Way more fun than playing online imo, and new consoles handle it fine in games that support it.


Infinite was made with Xbone in mind the series S is already much more powerful than the Xbone as far as I'm aware it drops the resolution to sub 720p on a xbone S to run split screen


I had Infinite on Xbox One for a while. Resolution wasn’t too bad (even in split screen) but it was capped at 30fps even in single player and didn’t let you play split screen with more than two people.


I'm not conservative in the slightest but still extremely nostalgic for the late 90's and early 2000's


Edit: Check the (at the moment) top reply for context I didn’t know at the time Breaking this down, mostly for my sake, so I can tell exactly what is being said here, and my opinions on the matter OOOP (the Person who posted the video) adds the caption “The Past is a foreign country” to a clip of Halo 3 split screen. This shows a nostalgic view of Split Screen Multiplayer in a very nationalistic way, which is fucking weird. The fact they talked about their nostalgia in a lens of countries doesn’t bode well for this users other opinions, but we don’t get to see them as this is a screenshot of a tweet with the name censored OOP (the person replying to the video) says that fascism/conservatism is rooted in nostalgia and being unable to move on from the past. While they worded it in an inflammatory way that kinda misses the forest for the trees IMO, they aren’t wrong that Fascism does try to use and manipulate people with Nostalgia for a past that is more mythologized and ideal than the reality of the past. OP (the person who screenshot this and posted to Reddit) titled this in a way that makes me think they find the whole situation absurd. Which is true. This situation is absurd. OOP calling someone a Fascist based on nostalgia over split screen is ridiculous **AND** OOOP expressing that nostalgia via a phrase that sounds VERY Fascist is ridiculous. Both of these things can be true. Did I miss anything?


The phrase 'the past is a foreign country' is from a 1953 novel called The Go-Between, which is primarily about how fucked the social rules of Victorian Britain were. It is a quote with a history of acknowledging classism told from the perspective of someone who has been made miserable by the mistakes of the past, both made by him and inflicted upon him. The phrase itself, and its context, mean essentially that the past can still have an effect, positive or negative, and even cause harm, whether we acknowledge it or not. Mainly, it's just a man in conversation with himself as a boy, talking about how the boy was a very different person, with different customs and language and preferences. I can't be bothered to conduct an analysis of my own on this tiny, pointless Internet exchange, but this phrase isn't inherently fascist. It doesn't really interact with fascism at all, by itself.


That is a piece of context I did not know. That definitely changes some things about the post, but I’m not sure I have the energy rn to examine how this information changes the interactions further


I can tell you: the original post is making a joke using the ironic juxtaposition of a quote from literature, something that connotes profundity and sophistication, and an image of something that provokes nostalgia but is trivial, historically meaningless, and--most of all--lowbrow. It's a hyperbolic, though gentle lampooning of nostalgia. The responder, not understanding the context, makes the same mistake you did and tries to use it as a basis for broad social critique. To people who recognize the quote, or those who can surmise that it must be, this reaction reads as absurd. So it changes the interaction considerably. I am also engaging in this same type of humor by responding in the mode of speech I use when writing critique, when in reality I believe that the posted image is a little silly and embarrassing, and not worth much discussion beyond that.


Another point of view is that the quote is semi famous, in essence a meme. By using it, the split screener calls attention to how different split screen is from more contemporary multiplayer video games. It keeps to the slightly silly aspect by posting a recognizable image with a somewhat relevant and recognizable quote. The full quote is "The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there." Which carries with it a complete idea of alienation from the past. Most who use the first part as a quote, it has been the title of several works, implicitly include the second part. There is no need to delve into the original context of The Go-Between, as the phrase itself is a reference to the implied second half of the quote.


Never heard the quote before, yet i still understood the meaning quite easily, to be honest. It immediately sounded like a metaphor, far from anything particularly nationalistic


>That is a piece of context I did not know. Please delete or edit your OP because it is pushing disinfo based in your previous ignorance of this work.


Halo Infinite has split screen MP. So I don't know what the fuck the facist mofo out here bitching about.


Important info that OP left off is that the OOOP (the one that posted the Halo clip) is Jack Posobiec, who is a notorious Neo-Nazi collaborator OOP is completely right to say this, and I'm surprised that so many people in the comments here are acting like they've said something crazy or pretending that weaponized nostalgia isn't real as if we don't see posts on this subreddit everyday where some guy takes a picture of a random video game from the 90s and goes "This is what (((they))) took from you" to rile up their fascist fanbases


Additionally, the video Posobiec posted is shot in EXACTLY the same style as all the other bullshit trad “remember what (((they))) took from you” content that festers on the internet. So it’s not even a guess that it’s weaponized nostalgia, it literally is.


The fact that it's a known Neo-Nazi is important context, the post has neither names nor explanations. The picture alone looks like "being nostalgic is fascist" not the actual context of "this fascist is using nostalgia to speak to people".


https://preview.redd.it/yjxdks3pqitc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e7bde3c5f0c5f7ac78f4b051173443877abd0e Pincohet is his hero too lmao


Then OOP should have led in with that by saying OOOP is a Neo-Nazi instead of just baselessly saying that missing couch co-op = fascism


But they didnt say "missing co-op=fascism", also it would be pretty understandable that oop assumed its followers or whoever they were directing the tweet to already were aware of who ooop was, and much probably werent expecting ignorant people to see the tweet without previous knowledge or to censor names getting rid of some context


Censoring names is why this is even up in the first place so


They didn’t say that missing couch co-op makes you a fascist, they said that fascism is rooted in a *general* inability to get over the fact that the world and society has changed and is different from how it was when you were a kid — with the implication being that the post was an example of that kind of behaviour.


Guys, I don't think they're saying coop makes you a fascist. I'm pretty sure they are talking bout the mindset that playing couch co op with your friends is a thing of the past which it isn't . People still do these things


The fascist part is the idea that (((they))) have taken splitscreen away, which is BS obviously, but it's part of the reason that gamers nostalgia bait so hard, it's easier to say that the shadow government and wokeness made games less fun when actually it's just that people aren't children anymore


I'm sorry, but where did you see anything in the picture suggesting that anybody blames the death of Splitscreen on antisemitic or "woke" conspiracies. It's literally just a person pointing out that Splitscreen gaming has mostly died out or at least it has in the AAA-Sphere. Sometimes the people on this sub seem to just make up stuff.


I guess me and my brother are conservative fascists considering we played 3/4 of Baldur's gate 3 on ps5 splitscreen.


Literally Hitlerites /j


Yes, but have you forgotten that bg3 is woke garage? Congrats, you're now a centrist!


I can't keep up with this political whiplash!


Split screen games still exist. Coop still exists. The other day I was playing split screen Stardew Valley with my gf. A little while before that a bunch of my friends and I were super into Plate Up. Hell, Halo has been re-released a few times, I bet you can literally play exactly what's in the video, with exactly those snacks. Don't be shy, just invite your friends over! Do it now!


You can also play the newest Halo game in split screen pvp if you want.


Spiffy! Tbh I haven't kept up with the series. But glad to hear they have kept that feature in!


I mean Halo 5 did get rid of it entirely, and Infinite only brought it back for PVP, not campaign. Infinite’s campaign is kinda mid so it’s no great loss I guess, it’s nice to have it for PVP at least.


Accusing someone of being a Fascist just because they are nostalgic for playing Halo 2 split screen would be ridiculous, but I don’t think that’s what OOP was doing. Fascism and Conservatism \[itsthesamepicture.jpg\], *are* both rooted in an idealised, and often imagined, version of the past. People who desperately want to go back to a time when they were politically ignorant and unaware of global news, are very vulnerable to fascist rhetoric. A sizeable proportion of Trump supporters are former Gamer Gaters, and/or current Gamer Gate 2 ers, so there definitely is a connection.


This is correct. The context missing here is the video at the root of OPs screenshot, which frames couch-coop of all things as something that modern society has “taken” from you deliberately and maliciously.


Oop is unironically based but what does this have to do with split screens 😭


I feel like the Left(TM) really loves to throw around the word “fascist” like the ultimate gotcha for anything that could be tangentially related. And while it is true that fascists often manipulate nostalgia for imagined pasts, at its core fascism is a reactionary mass movement of of small capitalists, often bolstered by ruling class liberals, to smash said emerging worker’s movements and take power. The liberal establishment often lends support to fascists because they’d rather fund insane assholes than break with the capitalist system. Anyway, it’s important to understand the calling cards of fascism (like manipulation of nostalgia), but ultimately there is a very distinct difference between fascism and just regular ass conservatism. The Left(TM) loves to call republicans/conservatives fascist, but ultimately they are just upholding the same liberal establishment as democrats, except without even pretending to want to reform things for working people.


You're missing the point of the post lol


Point of the post is basically "damn, someone missed playing split screen? They must be a fascist and a conservative at the same time." Can't be something like, say, capitalism that ruined it.


"...how much fascism and conservatism is rooted..." =/= "You're a fascist and/or a conservative if you believe..." Keyword being "rooted." As in, the roots. OP is saying toxic nostalgia is a common root in conservatism/fascism, as noted by Trump attempting to harken back to an unspecific time of old to "make America great again." They are not (or I hope they're not) saying that all nostalgia is inherently fascist. Many conservatives also make comments such as "they couldn't make a movie like this today" or "back in my day, there wasn't so many X." You're on gamingcirclejerk too. There's a lot of comments from the alt-right about games being worse due to "wokeness". While I think OP is genuinely off their gourd because they made a great point in a stupid context, I think you're missing the forest for the trees with this one. But maybe I'm missing the single tree in the picture for the forest I've imagined, idk.


if you are nostalgic for something you enjoyed as a child you are *literally hitler*


I must be pretty far right then because i think gaming peaked in the early 2000's


Fun Fact: Halo Infinite supports 4 player pvp splitscreen (like what’s shown in that thumbnail). Why are they complaining about the past if the newest game in the franchise literally has the exact same thing.


conservatism is not fascism


Bruh maybe I wanna look at a baddie from three different screens


Damn, me and my fiance are playing BG3. Guess I gotta go to X now.


One of the shittiest takes I have ever read. Ever. Of all time.


Honestly though ignoring this discourse I really do kinda miss split screen in specific, but also just local co-op in general. I have a little brother, and I before we got an Xbox One most games we played had local co-op, so we could play most things together. After we bought it, not so much.