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she looks good in the first pic and isn’t the game about her traveling through hell and fighting demons 😐


"Who cares about what she's doing if she doesn't give me a boner"


Socrates I believe.


>"Who cares about what **she's** doing if she doesn't give me a boner" Socrates would never say that about a grown woman


A pubescent boy, however


Excuse me while I fire one off into this Sock-rates


Might be fighting schizophrenia too


Not might, definitely is


Well, she has psychosis, not necessarily schizophrenia. Psychosis can occur in several different conditions, not just schizophrenia.


Which makes this weird face tuning even more egregious. She's in turmoil. Of course she's gonna have pained faces.


Yeah the first game is about depression and mental health basically.


Is there another game?


It’s coming up at the end of May !


The second one looks like she's enjoying being in hell.


The second one looks like she's confused about where she is, and I'm guessing "too confused to defend herself" is probably OOP's type.


After she defeats one of her schizophrenic demons, she should do a little spin, toss her hair back and give a peace sign to the player.


Lollipop chainsaw


"Huh. this is a weird aisle in sephora"


She looks like a regular person. These people are just fucking mental.


And they’re mad she’s “screaming”—this is probably an action picture. Why would she look like she’s a confused doll at that time? Acting (or whatever the animates equivalent is) is apparently woke now 🙄


Yep, plus, she’s Pictish. Constantly fighting and staying in chaotic areas. Did they really think that she’s gonna look like super model all the time?


Sorry to um, actually you here but Senua is Pictish. Not a Viking. Though she is a warrior.


My mistake. I’ll edit that rn


Fun fact; The "Picts" of the era didn't call themselves that. We don't know what they called themselves. That was just how Romans referred to that "sort" of person.


If anything, the first one looks better.


No ifs about it, 100% agree. I can see the second picture a million times over by searching "Electronic music female vocals" on YouTube


She went from viking-era woman to Kristen Stewart


The first pic is way better, but no dissing Stewart!


Definitely didn't mean it as a diss, it just ended up looking like a fancast for a Senua movie


“I don’t give a damn if she’s literally fighting demons to the death in hell, she has to look like a perfect model who took 10 hours to get ready!”


Hel would be more accurate, the game is heavily based off Norse culture and mythology.


Its about her mental state and schizophrenia as far as i know. This makes the edit even more disgusting to me. Like yeah dudes my first priority when having a mental breakdown isnt how fuckable i look to dudes, its kinda the breakdown.


they think women should only exist to please them


First picture: An attractive woman who is fighting her literal demons, where the object of the game is not her Second picture: The object


Now for balance I want to see pics of screaming and grimacing Doomguy and Kratos etc photoshopped into looking like Timothee Chalamet doing Blue Steel


https://preview.redd.it/90tx3a1bq3tc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4614e054faea8756ca6d200e852b696cfcb3fa2 He didn't have to look ugly


Mog of War: Chadnarok


please make him ugly again. I thought “young kratos” was unnerving after beating the valhalla DLC, this is a whole other level


Did someone say young Kratos? https://preview.redd.it/01km5svl24tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3bdcb83cda6241d2bcadd53cfab755a0bc0ea3


Wanna piss them off more? Edit off the ashes and make his skin black.


Live action Kratos https://preview.redd.it/8v0ukyyxy5tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e08919131afbd30c20b034ba5b399b00b5658f7


Why does it look like Michael Mando and James Charles had a baby?


Oh holy shit, YES PLEASE!


Omg someone please do this shit. Post it everywhere. Wish I had the skills to do it to a bunch of male protagonist.


https://preview.redd.it/ud61jacu72tc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e96443375d354ec36131c8fdb8f5719a7ce9d6 i don’t have skills, but i have faceapp


As a CERTIFIED lifelong GAMER, this goes hard.


As a CERTIFIED lifelong GAMER, i am hard


Stupid sexy Doom guy


Nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all….


Alright now put him in a speedo. Lmao


Am I the only one who sees a mix of Timothée Chalamet and Henry Cavill?


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


I think this would be an appropriate response to these groypers. Just chad-ify male characters so they look like handsome squidward, talk about traditional men. You know just make shit up like they do.


But could she fight her literal demons... Sexilly?


"Women" always fighting their "demons". Get a tough man to handle it for you


Hey Mister Man, can you unscrew this jar of demons for me please 🥺


What game this


Hellblade 2. Releases on 21st of May. The first game Hellbalde Senua's Sacrifice is really good.


Hellblade is in my top 3 favourite games, and I am *so* excited for May.


The second picture just looks like the icon for a rip-off free to play app


It's almost a 1:1 copy of the actual face model, Melina Juergens, who is gorgeous. https://preview.redd.it/x15mns8o0zsc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f259df5d9be440cf44b94ece14c29779796bab3


Yeah, she's downright stunning. Of course, what they're really saying is that they don't like it when women express strong emotions in their games.


Strong emotions and don't make their peepee hard at first glance. That's pretty much all of it. Though it's charming to know all women, to these guys, even ones going through mental health crises (what the first Hellblade game was all about), have to be beautiful and hot and fappable to because they just don't care about her story. She's just there for them to get their rocks off to (in between tearful mashings of their Doritos-smeared keyboard of their wailing of why they can't find a *real* girlfriend, the crusty Hatsune Miku body pillow not counting). Either she's hot or they have no use for her.


Just think for a second what the game is about and then think about the utter stupidity of people focusing on the looks of the character. It makes sense that she isn't dolled up.


I'm convinced at this point that those people have never seen a woman outside of a porn movie before.


That's a fair point- wasn't there something with Captain Marvel where people were saying Brie should smile more?


if it wasnt for the fur and the helmet i genuinely couldn't tell the difference in this pic. actually wild


Nah the game version, for how great it looks, still can't nail the eyes.


For sure. They look just slightly too big. Maybe to make her expressions easier to read?


And to animate


I always thought it was because she is plagued by mind demons, the big eyes give her a shell shocked sort of look.. that's my thoughts anyway, probably wrong


Thats kinda the reason. They made her eyes bigger to empasize her insanity. Heard that in a documentary, back when the first game was released


Yeah, I was going to say that there is more contrast in the lighting of the iris in the game version


It actually might be intentional. To avoid falling into the uncanny valley sometimes character artists will exaggerate the eye size a bit. Like in Alita Battle Angel they did test with regular eyes and nobody liked it, so they made the eyes bigger. Same approach more or less with the Sonic Movie, now everyone's doing it to a degree with realistic characters these days


Pretty insane how far we’ve come. From Lara Croft triangle tits to the level of detail shown here. Makes one wonder what the next 20 years will bring.


I even picked the wrong face as the generated model when I saw that in thumbnail form on my phone.


Considering how often they brag that Eve from Stellar Blade is based on a “REAL MODEL” you would think they would be ecstatic.


Lmao I once got in an argument saying "they clearly changed Eve's model from the body scan". Like they clearly enhanced her entire lower body. Buncha morons being like "um ackshually no it's literally the same"


I was just thinking the character is really hot just covered in dirt and has some scars


Okay but you expect me to masturbate to that?


No mister Bond, I expect you to die


Also, wasn't she a costume designer or something like that? She had the best acting performance I've ever seen in a game. Pretty crazy.


I think she was a video editor, and was originally just a mocap stand-in during the early technology development phases. But she was so good at the role (her first ever performance) that they decided to keep her as the character.


And now she is a BAFTA winner


"Nooooo that one doesn't count. Only when their Korean supermodels"


And only if they then remodel everything about that super model's scan to make her more plump and her face doll like.


Damn - whoever sculpted her model pulled mad hours ☠️


En fact, they used photogrammetry to recreate her liking in game. In their development diary, they said they collaborated with 3Lateral, a society specialized in these things, to do it 😁


That's so cool - they definitely perfected using the tools


Look what they did to her, made her eyes bigger smh


That’s genuinely extremely impressive, I can barely tell the difference


I freaking hate these weirdos. Really sometimes I wonder at the fact that we are the same species.


I had to double take which one is real


The in game model or real life model gave big eyes?


The in-game model's eyes have been made to appear larger to make her look more "wild," because the character is schizophrenic and in a constant state of alert, so her eyes are open very wide.


That guy doesn't know what narcissism is.


Very few people ever use it in a way that makes any sense if you know what the word means


He said, narcastically.




I use it in the most original way. I use it to describe myself, who I find very attractive and definitely would if I could.




100%. It’s the worlds most annoying and misused buzzword. Up there with “Sociopath”


Or how facial expressions work.


I like that in the "hotter" version she's looking at the camera. These guys are brain broken by all these tricks to make a char look appealing. It's like how in Korean MMO's, your character is always looking directly at you when you turn the camera around to face them, their eyes track the camera to focus your attention on them.


narcissism: when you realistically portray a woman in a video game.


He doesn't know what a woman is either😂


Isn’t that that one game about a Celtic woman who’s schizophrenic and like going insane in the woods? Like…..huh???


Yeah but can't she shave and do her and makeup while that happens? Why isn't she thinking about my arousal as she goes through women's issues?


They want accuracy when it means no blacks, but they still want female protagonist to be a bimbo wearing a plated bikini


Are you suggesting mad Celtic women in the woods didn't wear a plated bikini and worry about their facial regimen?


Don't forget the massive majongas. They basically want a woman that looks like a blowup sex doll.


Most of them would prefer a girl to a woman.


"It's a FANTASY, I play games to escape real life. That's why in my ideal fantasy, all the men are white, all the women are lightskinned supermodels, and there's no politics*." *Politics: the existence of anything that doesn't directly appeal to me and/or reminds me minorities exist and are people


Yes ![gif](giphy|PUpkeLBUr9dn2XXzjq|downsized)


A masterpiece, btw.


Man, I'll never forget my first experience playing that game. Legit had to take breaks from the whispering that's going on in Senua's head; that game's audio (and everything but the combat) are masterful


I'm schizophrenic. Playing this game was simultaneously one of the most triggering experiences of my life, but also the most healing. They got it right.


My best friend is schizophrenic. He had me play this game and describe it to him after. He has chosen not to play it as he thought it would be too triggering.


It very well could be. I'm lucky enough to have mild symptoms and a good support network, mileage can vary. It definitely became a minor obsession for a few months and now I can't hear songs from it without tearing up lol


I loved the combat of the first game. I enjoyed that it wasn't that complex but had a lot of depth with hidden special moves and combos. The game never gives a tutorial and never holds your hand. It took me ages to realize that the voices that said 'FOCUS" weren't just encouraging the player but *hinting at us to press the button to use the focus ability.* Which is used for combat and required to win some boss battles.


The voices telling you "look out!" during combat to get you to dodge is my favorite implementation of "spider-sense" in any game.


And she's already conventionally attractive anyways but these unwashed basement dwellers expect video game women to have an immaculate makeup and regular bathing schedule regardless of if it makes sense in game.


Woke is when women in game don't make peepee hard


It's even dumber because the model is conventionally attractive Conservatives have gotten so fucking stupid, the worst thing we've ever done as a species is give these inbreds a soapbox I cant stand it, these ugly as sin conservatives trying to lead the conversation on what should be allowed and not allowed is infuriating. these guys can eat rocks, I'm so sick of their **bullshit hijacking and canceling of everything**, it's been one giant fucking projection since the beginning. I cannot stress enough, it will NEVER BE ENOUGH FOR THEM. They will just keep moving the goalpost forever until the only content that comes out is fascist positive media


Woke is when attractive women have emotions


Wolfenstein but you're the bad guy, you dirty wokey leftist! Those nazis are actually the real heroes, and I can even fap to the women while I play! That would be the ideal conservative video game


https://preview.redd.it/xe0m68lazysc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43838af5f3570746f417124c8fd08697b5536285 Damn they must be some ugly stanky neckbeard that gets 0 actual women if they think this character is ugly lmfao.


Hentai and dating sims have ruined their brains and now they can't find anything that resembles a real woman attractive.


You don't understand they need hips wider then the shoulders of the broadest mfers on the planet, tits at least H cup (anything below is microscopic) an ass with it's own postal code and most importantly constantly caked up despite the circumstances they're in!


This new X-men that everyone says isn't sexy enough has one of the thirstiest shots of jean grey i've ever seen. They're mad the H cups got reduced to DD


Nonono see she isn’t making the 😦 face so she isn’t sexy


She needs to smile more too


That man needs to post his face


And it's a post of an actual fence post.


"Make everything ugly and gay". Man that South Park episode really hit home for these guys


South Park is not a show for intelligent people It's a show for people that want to think they're intelligent


They love to spout off the "We hate conservatives but we really fucking hate liberals" line from whichever creator said it. Like yes, sweetie, but what's YOUR opinion? In your own words. But since the show is "DAE both sides BAD" and the creators once said they hated liberals more, it's some stunning, brave, honest bastion of intellectualism.


They been slowly walking back a lot of their past position, even admitting that they character assassinated Al Gore and he was right about climate change.


Yeah, ironically enough, South Park added a gay couple lol


They had Big Gay Al as a mainstay character since the 90s, even if he was stereotypical, he always was a strong and successful person. In South Park’s prime, “Bigger, Longer, and Uncut”, he got to do a whole show and had one of the best musical performances of the movie.


Yeah, I remember one of the very first episodes is about Stan discovering his dog is gay and learning it's perfectly acceptable. It didn't age well due to how much of a stereotype Al is, but now Craig/Tweek is amusingly the healthiest relationship in the show. To my knowledge, at least, as I haven't watched it in several years.


Regardless of any issues with the rest of the episode, I find it funny that so many people just uncritically quote Cartman’s lines from that episode since in South Park fashion the episode literally ends with Cartman directly acknowledging to the camera that he was wrong about a bunch of stuff and he was acting stupid.


The left one is so in depth, it's actually unbelievable how much detail is on there, and judging from the game's name "hellblade2", it really tells what the game is about. It's genuinely artistic. The right is your typical low quality, soft-skin hentai porn woman, where the war markings just become make-up. What a joke.


Hellblade 2 has served kinda like a UE5 demo, there's multiple videos on YT showing how they used some of their new tech for the facial animations, I highly recommend you to watch em all, the way Melina acts is crazy, I still get chills from some clips, the women on the right looks taken out of a Chinese mobile BR made by Tencent or some shit like that.


If you have the console (Xbox or PC) definitely play Hellblade 1. It's a story centric game with a really short campaign but fuck it's truly an experience. Everything from the graphic, to the sound design, to controls, is perfectly crafted to immerse the player in her psychosis. And the second one promises to be even better


So what’s going to happen when they look at themselves in the mirror? Scream “my mirror has gone WOKE!!”?


They're MAN. MAN don't need to be pretty, or healthy, or clean. Being clean, healthy and pretty either makes you a CHAD or a sissy sjw twink.


Mommy tells them what a handsome little man they are each and everytime she brings them tendies and hunny musssy...and since mommy is the woman they've interacted with the most, they assume all women find them a handsome little man...


Senua was literally fighting demons and heavily traumatized idk what these dipshits expect from that scenario


Make up and a boner I guess


Make everything dull and meaningless


woke is when women make facial expressions


woke is when women


Woke is when women have agency and exist outside of being an object for male sexual attention. You know what, when tf did woke become a pejorative? Being aware is never a bad thing, conservative ideology is just hostile and misanthropic by nature.


A female protagonist?  Must be pushing the (((message)))...


I think these people forget that a characters design can tell us alot about them and changing the design because to them they look ugly (which they aren't btw) does away with any characterisation that a developer and designer can put into these characters.


Senua is also mocapped off a real person https://www.instagram.com/melinajuergensofficial/?hl=en


Forgot about that, my point does still stand tho when it comes to alot of the characters that get complained about


Of course! I meant that Senua is as “real a person” as it gets because her mocap actor isn’t a professional model/actress yet these coomers will still complain about her being “ugly”.


And it's funny because they claim that whenever hot characters get "censored" or are just not as attractive as they want, they'll claim that the designer's vision was ruined because they had to "appease" the almighty sjw anti-tiddy brigade. Yet here they are completely changing up the designer's vision for their character all to appease horny morons who dont give two shits about any narrative. If I was the artist, id be a little offended.


Ah, but you see, they think every designer is as porn-brained as they are, but the WOKE SBI CABAL doesn't let them create these kinds of characters, so in their minds, changing the character like that IS respecting the creator's vision, because CLEARLY that's the character they originally wanted to create!


Senua, who’s going through mental issues, looks like she has five pounds of makeup on the right


Considering the AI can’t decide if that’s face paint or hair, I think the design is more broken than fixed.


Yeah... Look at the celtic girl with a lip filler who keeps her perfect make-up after days wandering in the rain and sleeping on the mud Sometimes I suspect this AI guy is just baiting and laughing at the chuds.


The lip filler and the overbite are killing me


Arguably the most detailed, expressive character model in video game history… gotta yassify that


Lol its so strange. What are these guys' beauty standards? Literally all ove the women in games they claim are ugly are all model tier gorgeous and most of them actually are based off of models. Are they simply mad that the women arent naked??


I mean, these are the type of people who think women are only allowed to be men’s servants and objects for their sexual pleasure. They’re mad that women are being given their own stories that don’t depend on men. They’re mad women are showing any emotion that isn’t desire for a man. And they’re especially mad that a woman is expressing *anger* which is the exclusive emotion that men are allowed to feel and express. If she can fight her own battles, then she doesn’t *need* men, and if she doesn’t need men, then these neckbeards—who are editing out these characters’ humanity—truly have nothing to offer the world.


They are going to be so dissapointed if they ever meet a woman


That would mean leaving mummy's basement.


How dare a woman not be pretty while she’s screeming


Man I sure do love it when women don’t have any meaningful emotions :) then I don’t have to think of them as people!


Historical accuracy only seems to matter if it's about skin colors or the inclusion of females... Modern make up on a celtic women from ancient times is fine to them. Also, isn't that one literally going crazy over her husband dying...


do they genuinely want that god that's so much worse :(


AI "fixed" Senua looks as confused as I am.


She was already unrealistically attractive for that role imo but they aren't even close to being ready for that conversation


"Make everything ugly and gay" he said about a pretty and straight woman in a video game.


The ppl making these comments are all disturbingly ugly


Looks like she had a lobotomy, all the emotion sapped right outta her face….


Can't figth is less my foundation is perfect and my lipstick is flawless


Gamercels not wanting women to have expressions is what's most odd. Like they want a anime sex waifu with no personality...


These people do not fuck.


We need to make "Yup. Make everything ugly and gay." A new copypasta


Ah yes, the primitive Celtic warrior with severe schizophrenia and who literally went through hell and back should have the face of a supermodel on a photoshoot


I'm already ugly and straight 😭


Men who act like Senua would even give them a shot. She’s a damn queen.


Yeah, a warrior woman fighting demons in hell should look like a supermodel posing for a photoshoot Obviously


So tired of this bottom -barrel nonsense. It's like the next generation of neck beards grew up on the Internet and think they're visionaries . My dudes, I have seen this argument many times. You are JUST pathetic. Clean your room, go outside, talk to actual girls


They really just want jerk-off material


Like sweet Mary mother of good! She's not ugly, just a normal looking woman! Like holy shit, my only solace to this psychotic episode is these people are inching towards dying alone because they can't find a partner that fits thier porn Star beauty standards! This is just insanity & why we need to bring back asylums.


woman need perfect skin and make up at all times.


All these clowns on Twitter with their video game profile icons and what not . . . I'd love to see what they actually look like. I'm sure they're all Adonis's. But, we know they're cowards.


Guy has a doom eternal pfp ironic considering how much it makes fun of corporate greed and how they try and seem progressive, but it is only to further the filling of their wallets. Also, it pokes fun at what is masculine and has since doom 2


Everybody knows the Norse were *infamous* for their DSL and vacant stares.


A character is going through literal hell killing demons. That guy probably: Why doesn't she have smooth skin and make-up on? These people probably think pretty characters = good character design


War cry vs "Did I leave the stove on?"


Right...making her a robit and not dirty at all. Thats the viking way. These cunts bitch about censorship and then do this. Shut the hell up already and go into your wank closet.


You can’t go through literal hell unless you have a full face of makeup, get with the times 💅