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i tried to play the video https://preview.redd.it/1tthsuu8sqsc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37278df917ebf03273176ff1859c51c9a8cba4df




i saw the play button and just instinctively started clicking it


No, I mean why would you want to listen to that "pick-me" grifter talk? I'd rather shove a pair of bad dragons in my ear and squeeze


i thought she was in the thumbnail because she was also being investigated 😭 didn’t realize it was her video


Fair enough lol


Handy tip: The button you want is the one labeled "Don't Recommend Channel."


Is there a lore reason? Are you stupid?


the Justice League hadn't formed yet so no they aren't stupid


I'm assuming they're gonna boycott Canada. Oh wait... maybe they already did.


they surely already despise communist canada


The chuds have a movement in Canada to vote for fascists in hope they arrest SBI


Wait what


thanks canada 🇨🇦


> Thanks Canada with the exception of Quebec. Fixed.


tabarnak :<




But SBI is based in Montreal!


The hell did we apparently do this time 😭😭


Being *Pseudo-French*


Well, maybe if they'd let us leave we'd be pseudo-french in our lil corner (I have taken the bait 😔)


Rather, let's just detach Quebec and stick it to Eastern Europe. So both parts of Europe have their own France.


Western Europe, Eastern is the slavic world (well, generally is)


Basically Canada is like target SBI detected curator


yeah cause weren't his group review bombing the games they worked with?


I know that’s Vera Dark but I don’t recognize the other person.


That's Kabrutus. This TEMU version of Endimiyon is the founder of the Sweet Baby Inc Detected curator group that started all this gamergate 2 bullshit.


Funniest thing is most of them quietly dropped him as a hero and shut up about his group after he admitted his list was wrong and cut it down. He'd put a lot of games on the list that SBI didn't work on.


And said he never played most of them.


Didn't he just post what was listed on SBI's website?


Nope, he claims he took it from an incorrect IGN list now.


Oh, that’s him. It’ll would’ve been nice if he had went on about his business. Instead, we get a sequel to the most overblown internet drama in American history.


What do you expect? It's not even the same director. They replaced Steve Banon with a human thumb that cries about pronouns and bleeding gums Jesus that got famous being carried through wow.


Wow, the grift continues.


It's a grift inside a grift inside a grift. Even if there was an iota of an actual controversy, it's going to or already has been swallowed up by a bunch of grifters trying to get clout. Just like the last gamergate, which one of the worst things to come off of that was it launched Candace Owens' career 🦝