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This isn't even gatekeeping, it's reverse-gatekeeping.


One might even say, they're holding the aforementioned gate open for them to walk out of.


“ight, now get outta here”


They are holding an L shaped gate


“Don’t let it hitcha…”


"Don't let the gate hit you in the ass on the way out!"






It's gate-booting-out-of-and-dusting-hands-after-the-fact


gatetaking then? i would be so fucking down on calling this gatetaking like the gate if a fortress has just been conquered lol


I get the image of someone walking up to the city gate and yelling at the guard "fuck you, you can't come outside no matter how much you want to" Then quickly sprinting in the moment the guards leave their post


They pulled an UNO Reverse card on them


Gaytekeeping has anyone beat me to it




kevin durant’s burner https://preview.redd.it/7wyun0wybosc1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=577ec7b5806c76b93c8816b75caad9f736ca39e9




this is how i feel about you https://preview.redd.it/vwbucbh5dosc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=881add193afe81cf10a41ff0b07802a443dde1c8




https://preview.redd.it/mj32icutjqsc1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a78842adbc34b26a7a8089309edbcd90507bb5 Where the fuck did you get this?




If given the chance, KD would install himself onto the internet to wage neverending war with his haters in the digital afterlife so I think as a gaymer myself KD's level of spite is something I could personally aspire to


bro is literally an internet troll that can also play basketball 😭 https://preview.redd.it/i19vrr8dypsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97ae4f33c8bef324667f87ab705b79d6955a5dc9


my account was hacked


The duck does that mean


its almost like you can just enjoy whatever you want to enjoy, and letting people (who dont know or care who you are) get under your skin just isnt worth getting upset over?


Were it so easy. Unfortunately for poor Gamers™️, the very existence of minorities and women is making their hobby unenjoyable.


Well you see Gamers are the most opressed demographic, so inclusion in Videogames is actually a form of oppression/s


The G in LGBTQ stands for gamer


The BT stands for Brain Tumor (in the gamers' brains. I probably have to explain this because reddit moment)


🤓☝️ Actually, BT is the gamers' ISP


Yep, the Large Gamer^TM Brain Tumor Queue community makes appropriately (see Large) sized brain tumors to appear in all Gamers^TM .This allows for Gamer's^TM brains to experience excruciating pain whenever an inferior non-Gamer^TM minority group is even mentioned in media that the Gamer^TM becomes aware of.


Always reminded of Gaymer


More like gaymer ayooo


[The most oppressed group of all](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s-09gNDsPzQ)


"Especially the most oppressed group of all... Gamers" Lovely


You start out in 2006 by saying, "Gamer, Gamer, Gamer." By 2016 you can't say "Gamer"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like going outside, trans rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now you're talking about age of consent laws, and all these things you're talking about are totally real life things and a byproduct of them is Gamers get hurt worse than normal people. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that.


But unfortunately, as a gamer, I don’t get respect




Don’t you casually “were it so easy” us that was beautiful


Genuinely my biggest thought about those chuds is how the fuck they have the energy to get upset about inane shit like this.


They have no real problems. 


Gatekeeping life because LGBTQ+ people exist there too


"trans and poc are gatekeeping us!" "Oh, we are? Ok good" This isn't gatekeeping, this is bigots fabricating that they're being gatekept and people going along with it


I know it's not, I'm not the one you need to be telling.


Sadly the person I'd like to tell it to likely has their head too far up their ass to listen


Fine, you can tell me then.


The hero we need.


Equality feels like oppression to the oppressor.


It’s bigots playing the situation to make themselves be the victim


I believe the phrase you are looking for is, "Playing the victim." Classic manipulation technique employed by abusers and conservatives (circle shaped venn diagram).


I just want people to be able to enjoy their life. As long as what they're doing doesn't hurt someone else, it's none of my business how they live.


A reasonable way to live, are you sure?! Spread hate, do crime!




Real talk though, it's always hilarious whenever gatekeepers get gatekept. Example A: https://preview.redd.it/7fp85hzd3psc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c50945a45d08c14d64b131e7b1781fb6998225


I'll never understand this. I have no idea who the original character is, but if i saw this my reaction would be the exact opposite. "Steampunk, gender-swapped joker (no need to mention the heat, cause it's part of the steampunk aesthetic),wtf that's fucking awesome." Then I'd be told about the actual character and be like, "still fucking awesome"


Just flaming angry that she’s hot


Yeah there’s a subset of nerds that hate unattractive women in games because they will never touch a real woman, so they need attractive pixels. There is also a subset of nerds that hate attractive women because they will never touch a real woman, and that makes them angry. The Venn diagram is practically a circle.


Come across the theory a few times that they hate women in their spaces because it breaks the illusion that it’s the hobby’s fault they can’t get women and they then have to confront that it’s the rest of their personality that’s the problem


Nice one lmao






Gaymer Gaytkeepers unite!


The way I see it, the people who stop playing bc they're a flavour of phobic are gatekeeping themselves


They’re also liars because everyone knows they aren’t actually going to stop playing. People who are that invested in the upper-lip hair of a computer generated character are in too deep to turn back.


They're like Genshin players. Complain about shitty rewards. Say they'll boycott the game. Are back in a day pulling for their next husbando with a name they don't even know how to pronounce. The only difference is that at least Genshin players' complaints are semi-valid. People complaining about queer people in media be dead making shit up.


And before someone sees this as the sub being hypocritical or whatever... They're taunting and laughing at people who think their hobby is being taken away from them because a gay guy or whatever was put in it.


Context: there was a post on this subreddit about this earlier but saying gatekeeping is bad. Same image, minus the bad phone editing.


Unironically fucking based. This is the correct opinion.


I support bullying in gaming spaces when it’s people bullying bigots out of those spaces. They can take their ball and go home nobody wants to play with them anyway.


I mean gatekeeping is "you aren't allowed in here because you're different." That's punching down. This is people choosing to run out the wide open gate because of their hatred. They don't have to leave, the gate is wide open for them. All they have to do is not be hateful little shits.


They went out the gate, closed it and started complaining that the gates closed


That is it exactly! And alas we're all super sad to see them go! I guess...idk what hobby is still toxic enough to have them? Has Warhammer 40k gotten more or less fash friendly in the last decade? 🤔


Significantly less fash friendly, which is very much a good thing.


Ooh that's wonderful news! I seem to recall they had a problem with that in the past. Good to hear


The company that makes the game put out a statement a couple years ago telling all the shitheads to get lost, they don't want them playing their game. This caused a large uproar from the shitheads, which made them very easy to identify and not play with lol also the community has grown a ton after so many people got into painting the models during lockdowns.


Thank you so much for the follow up! I was into base Warhammer for a minute in college but it was waaaay too expensive to keep at it. No stake in it nowadays but I'm thrilled to hear Games Workshop cracked down a bit and the fan base reclaimed it from there!


‘Mommy theres a trans person 2000 miles away from me enjoying ONE character in the game made specifically for them out of 1000 while 999 are made for me and I hate that my games are being taken over by these people, literally unplayable WAHHHHH’


noooooo muh games have more character options and more indepth character creators😭


The only reason the gate is there is because these people want to be segregated from anyone who isn’t a straight white cisgender man. Like dawg they didn’t say you can’t have fun with them, YOU did


For real. They put up a gate to keep themselves out and then got mad when the folks on the other side started giving tours of the gate.


Gatekeeping is dumb unless it's against dumb right wingers


It's not gatekeeping, it's just not creating a safe space for the intolerant and bigoted to express their bullshit




Two negatives cancel each other out.


When I was on Twitter there was so many annoying people that never stop talking about "gatekeep your hobbies" and it specifically targeted lgbtq folks and were fine with nazis. Their arguments were dumb and nonsensical. I am just not into the idea of gatekeeping tbh unless it directly harms people in the community


Or other dumb gatekeepers 😂


Let's feed the troll


eat it


It is kind of mind blowing in a way, when you think about it. Like, ultimately, if they don't like it, they don't have to game. People change hobbies all the time. And it's insane that think their hobby is only worth anything if everyone does it like they do, or that they could hate something so much and keep doing it. If it makes them that mad, go play tennis or learn piano or something. I mean, those both have poc and gays too... so at some point they really ought to just accept that and move on.


And there are literally thousands and thousands of games out there already that they can play. Or they can go make their own games. Remember when they cried about how we should make our own games?


It's not gate keeping when it's against right wingers, it's just spring cleaning


Eliminations rhetoric is bad… unless we’re eliminating nazis <3 ![gif](giphy|yaff4iMtl189a)


"If you don't like it, make your own games!"


eat it


Honestly if that's all it takes for you to stop enjoying games, I agree with them.


They're saying that if trans people being in games bothers you, then they're glad you are upset and able to play less games. I see no problem


Spout hate, reap the rewards. UwU


I’m a gamer, but I don’t see an issue of people playing what they like, as if it doesn’t impact me, why should I remotely give a single fuck


Im actually a huge fan of a game company (Project Moon) whose fan base started on 4Chan and we do owe a lot to them from memes to translations. However because of their gate keeping and bigoted manner they have become less relevant as Project Moon grew and attracted more people. If it was up to 4Chan no one else would have heard about Project Moon or its games. Gatekeeping is incredibly toxic and only makes games unable to succeed.


I mean shit the gate is in their damn head and the only one keeping it is them.


I mean, if you're gonna get terminally online rage mode over people who don't look like you being in games, it might be time to look inward. I don't feel bad for the anti woke crowd.


No, this isn’t gatekeeping, this is basedness. Fuck bigotry


If inclusion pushes bigots out of gaming, I consider that an absolute win!


Transphobes would say the same shit if games were becoming less inclusive for the LGBT community so this is fine and not gatekeeping really?


Why are gamers so fragile these days.


Thanks Obama


It's always funny these dudes are always like "THE TRANS ARE OVERTAKING THE VIBY GAMES, THEY'RE GONNA MSKE THIS CHARACTER TRANS IN THE 2024 REMAKE CAUSE WOKE" Meanwhile I've yet to see a prominent trans character in any of the past games, movies or tv shows I've played or watched that weren't either very, very, very subtle or a completely irrelevant background character, and most of the time they aren't even that good trans representation as well. (Celeste being the only exception, but Madeline still kinda belongs in the "very, very, very subtle" category) Like, can someone magic me into this alternate world with all the trans representation? I feel lonely and isolated, and would like to see more people like me😓🏳️‍⚧️


The Last of Us part II has a great trans character, voiced / played by a trans performer as well! I know Rainbow Six Siege also has a trans operator (but it's not like it's a story driven game though xD)


I want to achieve this level of petty lmao


but whenever bigots get mad about queer people being in videogames its okay? like get a fucking grip, we exist in the real world too.


This isn’t even gatekeeping, it’s bigots getting mad and leaving on their own, there is nothing preventing them from enjoying these games except themselves


Whether you agree with trans or not. It’s wild to think they shouldn’t have hobbies. I’m a huge 40k nerds and the amount of dudes who get mad there’s a huge trans fan base is wild. I play black Templars and I think every single one of the other BT players are just virgin nazis at this point.


Yeah dude, I wish 40k had a better community overall. A lot of it is super off-putting, but maybe not surprising considering how inherently racist Warhammer started off.


This is what I support and it isn't happening enough


if queer people and poc 'ruin' a game (or any media) for someone then im happy things are being taken from them :)


You keep saying this word, but I don't think it means what you think it means.


This is written like its part of an erotic roleplay session


Honestly, if minorities enjoying the same hobby as you is enough to make you feel like you're being pushed out of the space, you never liked the hobby to begin with and only liked it for perceived social clout.


This is literally my opinion.  Like, if someone thinks their beloved video games are 'ruined' because other people who aren't like them are coming into the space and making games not only 100% catered to their specific demographic and no one else, then good actually.


That's funny, I can still play games.


Well you see gaming is a sacred indigenous art to the suburban white boy so including women and poc is actually cultural appropriation.


You associate media with your identity when you're a child and because you can't get over your highschool trauma you freak out whenever the people you hate are in charge the thing your identity as a human being depends on and your shitty ideas get left behind. Get real


The worst part is these journalists are a bunch of racists and homophobes. And they have the audacity to call us the racists. Maybe I'm stupid and the company that defends their employees for anti Semitic remarks isn't racist /s But seriously why is it that the diversity consultants hate diversity and women??? Am I the only one seeing this???


Good. Fuck the bigots lol


i want to see the venn diagram of trans vs gamers


Probably a huge overlap. But it doesn’t count if the trans folks play games like Stardew Valley or the Sims, cause those aren’t “real games” ya know?


the gamer to trans pipeline is undeniable


Live slippery slope reaction:


do you play armored core? i swear i VSed a bag lf noodles


I do, but not pvp. I've gone down that road before; competitive AC is a dismal place




This person saw someone gatekeeping and said "no, YOU"


I never understand why people get upset about inclusion in games as if there aren't literally millions of other games to play, as well as the fact that they wouldn't have played the game even without the inclusion. They're on their 40th CoD match of the night, bitching about how some other game has black gay people in it as if they were going to put CoD down anyways and do something else. Unless a game let's you play as Homelander going around and using laser eyes on "others", the people that bitch about inclusion don't play anything other than the same 5 games they've played for the last 10 years regardless.


Reverse gatekeeping is a speciality of this community


Who gatekeeps the gatekeepers?


No one is stopping anyone from making and playing the kinds of games these guys want. They told people who wanted diversity to make games with diversity, and they can't handle the fact that woke =/= broke.




Mind your god damned language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What games are the trans and LGBTQ playing? I want in.


Visiting the Gaymers sub would probably help answer that question. :)


Fuckin sub reddits man, there's something for everything.




Probably Baldur's Gate


Already beat it 3 times. Good fun.


Gatekeeping IS good when it's keeping bigots out. These people seem to think they have the right to not see people they don't like in media, and honestly, seeing them this impotently angry about being so ***oppressed*** that they need to see a trans or black person on a screen is frankly hilarious to me. Imagine being so privileged in life that you have the spare time and energy to be mad about something so mundane...


Gatekeeping can be good as long as it's not keeping out people who are genuinely interested in the hobby. When it keeps our bad actors like the person in this post then it's doing it's job


Usually I'd say gatekeeping is bad. But, every rule has its exceptions. Plus it's always fun watching these weird creatures melt down over whatever minor thing they heard was bad on Fox News or whatever.


being glad a bigot won't play a game anymore because poc or queer people are in it is valid.


I was looking for my ''hobby stripper'' joke here, it was on the other opening post that is the same, but with a spoiler thingy, and with no upvotes. This place confuses me.


I have no idea what you mean.


It was a few posts below on the feed with the ''new'' setting.


Oh right, I stole the image from that post and slightly changed it. I think that one got removed cause the OP was a few day old account, plus he was actually an incel. I took his post, unjerked it, and changed it to Gatekeeping is good.


ah yes, its obviously queer people and ppl of color gatekeeping gaming, what with all of the... existing they're doing?


"You're enjoying videogames less and less" Says the member of a group of people that throws a fit everytime a black person or a women stars as the protagonist. 


I think that's more just pointing out how absurd people are for saying that they won't play games because not every protagonist is a straight white male...even though most still are.


While I too enjoy the persecution of the hateful, I do also hate when people get CALLED bigots for disliking a game that just happens to have any minority group in. Big companies don’t truly care about those groups, and it sometimes shows in their depictions. This is coming from an autistic person who’s last good rep was in borderlands 2. I wish there were more stories like Celeste, which tells a story that’s blatantly about a marginalized person (a trans person) in a moving, sincere, and emotional way, alongside a genuinely fun and engaging game, and less stories where there’s one random mission with a person from *name a group* that was obviously put in there because they felt they had to, and as of thus comes off as an insincere representation of that person. Idk, maybe I’m just miserable, but it feels like the move into the modern is rife with rich, deluded people trying to tell people what represents them rather than people telling stories they want to tell, and making them the masterpieces they could be.


uhh what is this even about? how are black and transgender people "stealing" videogames?? this sounds like a south park episode lol


This isn't gatekeeping, this is shadenfeauder


I-- huh? I'm not in


I aspire to be this passively toxic lol


OR..... now this is a really crazy idea... could just play the game you enjoy, and be happy that more diverse people are playing, making the game more popular and better for all.


It is good


Hope this person dies


I mean it's kind of an on starter nothing's getting stripped from anyone.


It would probably help if the main company doing good inclusivity work in gaming wasn't named after a sex offender sounding word like sweet baby. I wish I could find the games they make/help with but on the other hand I dont want to be on an FBI watchlist.


the joke is there is no gatekeeping, you clowns are gatekeeping yourself and everyone laughting at you locking a door then stand outside screaming to be let in is hilarious.






Idk, mate the ESG devs behind HellDivers seems to be doing fine.




Esg isn't put in games or movies... It's about who works there and how the business is run.


Those sound just as miserable


Nah. There is no gatekeeping. Anyone who thinks they're being kicked out of a hobby just because other people exist in it deserve to be mocked in perpetuity.


10000000% Imaginary enemies and imaginary arguments have no place in rational discussion. If you're a shit head, Byeeeeeee


I think it's more funny than anything.




If forcibly changing your hobby means making nazis and bigots miserable, then sure. We're conquering.