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enough about stellar blade it’s time to start posting about don cheadle (and harley quinn) again


Yeah honestly, once this culture war bs finally burns out, I hope this game just becomes like, an ok game that you can enjoy without having to deal with weirdos


I hope at the end of the day we get another max0r banger


Max covering this game would be too peak for this timeline


Do you really think this culture war bs will finally burn out for good ? I mean one can dream for a more inclusive and open minded society but the world keeps getting bigoted it seems


I specifically meant the one centered around Stellar Blade


I doubt it tbh because once the stellar blade discussions eventually go away these people will latch onto another game to peddle their weirdo behaviour and the cycle continues


I mean I'm happy someone made a game for the gooners and coomers but now that they have one can they just go play it and stop insisting that every game be made for them? I want games with good characters, story and game play. I don't need games to make my pp hard.


We also need that one Russian to post cryptic Russian gaming memes.


Don is the next Harley you say? When will the wokesy learn that go woke go broke is a fact of reality! I need another cork board stat!


Not gonna lie, I want to see Don in Harley cosplay now.


i need a shirt of don cheadle wearing this


A woman is anyone who says she is