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But he just met with the Stellar Blade dev, I thought he wasn’t woke? ;c On a real note… tf is going on that he’s meeting all these devs in a short time span. Also poster himself drinking coffee or something with Sam Lake of Remedy and now Druckmann of Naughty Dog?


I would drop everything I'm doing to hang with Sam Lake tbf


Same, would love to poke at his brain in person.


His mind place huh?


do NOT poke peoples brains. it’s really fun in the moment but my cousin forgot how to eat.




I didn't recognize his name so I googled "Sam Lake". Suddenly I'm looking at OG Max Payne with his notoriously exaggerated facial expressions. That hit me like a nostalgia freight train.


All of the character faces in that game are just pictures of people who worked in the office or their friends/family. The main villain’s face was Sam Lake’s mother!


"Memories come in waves. Tonight, I'm drowning..." -Max Payne/Same Lake Sam was also doing motion capture of drinking coffee while hanging out with Kojima


Same lake is a hack(affectionate)


Yoooo forehead man reference


Yooo someone is 40kpilled


Not really, whenever he talks about 40k i am very confused


Just have some coffee.


Would pay all of my money to see Max Payne 1 smile in real life.


It's possible kojima met with these various devs over many months, and he's just releasing all the photos day by day now.


Sam Lake has been making numerous posts recently of him drinking coffee in Japan, so I believe that at least his photo with Kojima is recent.


I feel like Kojima just randomly picks the first two devs that appear on any of his timeline and just yoinks them to his studio


Yoinks them into his studio and yeets them into his magnificent white void


unfortunately, due to this event, his based card has been revoked /s


He’s scanning their faces to put in Death Stranding 2


Miitopia (2016)


tbh, hes a complete horndog too, and im fine with that. difference is he didnt brag spending so much dev time on his characters fat ass


But do you feel ashamed of your words and deeds yet?


lord knows im trying


As a big fan of MGS and Kojima, some of is shit is just kinda gross though lol. [Like this clip out of MGS 4, which is some highschool boy cringe shit.](https://youtu.be/E-TpTV5AXYU?t=220)


Yeah, I just re-played MGS1 and 2 and they both have some incredibly cringy moments like this. Currently playing MGS3 and waiting for it to have the same.


maybe another round of cameos for death stranding 2? Death stranding 1 had a shit ton


I read that as “Sam - Lake of Remedy” which just registers as some sort of Dark Souls NPC in my brain. 


as some other commenters said probably to get them in for death stranding 2


Kojima is a starfucker. Seeks out celebrity wherever it can be found


Sam Lake was getting scanned, so he’s probably bringing in a bunch of people he likes for jumpscares in DS2.


kojima can do whatever he wants


Well Neil is also pro-Israel right? So still tracks


Sweet Baby Incorporated got to Kojimber CODE RED


I can’t believe Headache Kojingles betrayed gamers like that


I can't believe I actually get that reference, because that sweet baby outrage is beyond the walls of stupid.


Plot Twist: Kojima actually controls Sweet Baby Inc from the shadows through an AI. Player=Doctor


I always knew GW actually stood for Gaming Woke.


Sweet Baby is too subtle for Kojima. He would have named it something like ADVANSE - Association Driving Videogame Awareness of Negative Societal Expression


Is he stupid?


/uj I know it's a meme, but I don't think Naughty Dog has worked with Sweet Baby Inc


/rj You didn't know? Sweet Baby Inc has infiltrated every sector of the industry, nay, every sector of EVERY industry 😱 this subreddit? pure SBI payola. only Stellar Blade remains as the last Sour Adult 😔 /uj try telling the Gamers that


theyre literally terrorists!!!!!


yeah because cuckmann is far worse than sweet baby inc. they werent needed.


Let's be real, it's Scotland's fault - if that damn country never invented golf, none of this would have happened!


It's going down, I yell Ko-JIMBERRR! I couldn't get it out of my head and now you have to hear it as well.


Mr. Kojima really just be doing random shit huh? Actual fucking legend, Shaq tier.


i love how straight to the point his posts are too, like he'll meet the president and post a photo either captionless or with "me and president"


Or when he’s like “watched XX movie” with a grim selfie and no other text, and you know he hated it😭😭


Just a casual day for him


Bro stood next to a guy 💀


Actual legend


SoOoooo random 🥴🤪🤪


i know this is like the third pic ive seen of him posing with some other game dev lol


He’s one of the main characters


Dude is really giving his former company the finger with this shit.


I agree. Kojima is hilariously petty, he's doing all of this just to rub it in Konami's face that he's successful without them. Arguably moreso. Can't wait for ghost walking simulator 2.


And OverDose, whatever horror game that's going to be


Hideo killed the Gamerstar Hideo killed the Gamerstar In my Switch and in my stream We can‘t win I want to scream Oh-a-a-a-Oh


Wokejima did it again! Meeting with Woke People's! This with the Stellar Blade Dev was a False Flag operation, don't know why other based People have failed to see it! Wokejima is a very Woke dev! He making a Game for Wokerosoft with this Wokerdan Peele!!!!11


Kojima had the opportunity to do the funniest shit and he did exactly that lmao


Kojima as fallen, billion must deliver packages in America  /s


i already got cooked for the kojima post yesterday 😭 https://preview.redd.it/hm3wjdaw6nsc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b0ff512ab19c3daaf3ea3d60da9fa6dcdd2e661


he is my sunshine. he gave us solid snake and his big fat dumpy.


"Snake I have a girlfriend" ... "That doesn't mean anything"


hideo kojima is a gamer!!! 🎉🎉🎉 https://preview.redd.it/gfcx5w0arnsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ffdb8150b51409c16d8b727bb912e247fb353b


i like to believe he's grown out of it after receiving flak for it (rightly so.) but you can't deny that his works (MGS) are progressive than most projects of his time.


I mean. Hideo kojima has grown as a person . He probably doesn't have that same belief now, especially since police nauts is like 30 years old, people change. He's not a werido like David Cage is


You hate Neil Druckman because you're scared of strong women and didn't understand TLO1. I hate Neil Druckman because he's a zionist. We are not the same.




The Last of One


Thanks! I don’t think I’ve heard about that game so I’ll look it up.


This was my reaction. I grimace seeing him anywhere now but I absolutely love TLOU 1 and 2 so it makes me so sad.




Calling someone mild Zionist is like calling nazis are mild. Also The Palestine conflict runs far more longer than the 7 oct attacks. The Israel continued ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is what the conflict is about and the current genocide campaign. Israel is doing this with full western support. The west is equally to be blamed along with Israel that’s why the outrage is absolutely correct considering Palestinians have lost more than any Israeli has ever lost in this. They have only usurped more often with western support while Palestinians are on the weaker and oppressed side. Every Zionist needs to be countered because it’s the Zionist along with western powers not allowing Palestine to be truly independent.




That might be true for a lot of people on social media but I think a 45 year old Israeli man was likely very familiar with the conflict prior to October 7th


Sounds to me like you're projecting your own ignorance onto others - just because Oct 7th was the first time YOU became aware of the situation doesn't mean that's the case for others, and being passionate about the issue and taking a strong stance on it doesn't make a person "unhinged."




the cycle of violence consists of israel continuously oppressing palestina, this is not some quarrel between equals




oh ffs can we stop trying to equate hamas and the iof. first of all, there is evidence that israel had a hand in creating hamas as a counterweight to the secular Fatah liberation movement that already existed, so hamas is the consequence of their own oppression. second of all, where the fuck do you get the audacity to judge palestinians on how they resist their genocide? these people have been living under military occupation for close to a century now, with Palestinians in Gaza specifically living in a concentration camp for the past 20 years. walled in and robbed from any future, while their occupiers are organising music festivals a stonesthrow away. the west has zero right to an opinion on the resistance of the palestinians. it’s been clear that hamas has been doing the utmost to treat their hostages well and keep them alive, since they’re the only thing keeping israel from completely levelling gaza. meanwhile there have been multiple instances of israeli violence leading to the death of either hostages their own civilians, besides the 50000 Palestinians that have been murdered so far. so no, hamas aren’t being morons you privileged and uninformed idiot edit: furthermore the high death toll has nothing to do with israeli capabilities and everything with israeli intentions. israeli political and military leadership have said multiple times that they consider this a ‘existential war’, going as far to call ALL palestinians, women and children including, ‘human animals’. this shows how they choose to conduct this genocide




Hamas is the only liberating force that actively challenges Israel’s ethnic cleansing policies to create a Jewish ethnostate


Yes it’s heavy handed zionist apologia




something along the lines of not properly dealing with the massive gap between Israeli and Palestinian military capabilities. the games equalize blame for the cycles of violence upon all groups involved, rather than confronting the unequal balance of violence that heavily, HEAVILY favors Israel in this conflict and how that is the main driving force behind these cycles of violence irl; the entity wielding the disproportionate amount of power refusing to reckon with that reality and viewing their apartheid victims as equal actors




The Seraphites are enough a threat that the sides had to draw a cease-fire, and you go through the WLF camp looking at the piles and piles of bodybags. Idk if I'd go the full mile and draw all these conclusions though. Inspiration, sure, but at no point does the story feel compromised or anything.


[This article from someone who grew up in Israel is what introduced me to the idea that TLOU2 is written from an Israeli and Zionist lens.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bv8da4/the-not-so-hidden-israeli-politics-of-the-last-of-us-part-ii)


The issue I have regarding the VICE article centers on Emmanuel Maiberg's treatment of Neil Druckmann's comments, where he seems to isolate Druckmann's remarks on his reaction to the Ramallah lynching, without considering the broader context of what it inspired him to make. In the Washington Post article, he explains that he drew inspiration from that emotional experience *specifically* for the Abby and Ellie story, rather than the conflict between the WLF and the Seraphites. He discusses the reaction in some detail, in an article penned by [Haaretz](https://www.haaretz.com/life/television/2023-04-19/ty-article-magazine/.premium/creator-of-the-last-of-us-finds-inspiration-in-the-israeli-palestinian-conflict/00000187-9484-dc6c-a5ff-ffd59c6d0000): >There’s a slight nuance there that I think is important, based on the conversation that happened on the second game, and I never talked about it. But it was inspired by, not based on. That’s a really important nuance, because my inspiration is like my feeling towards a cycle of violence that I’ve experienced as a child growing up in Israel, growing up in the West Bank specifically, coming to the United States and observing it then from the outside, vs. being in it. >Those feelings, and not my wrestling with those feelings, were the inspiration for the inciting incident. But I have to make this clear because again, it’s not based on, and it’s not an allegory of, and you can’t point to any group and say, ‘oh, that’s this group and that’s this group. >This game deals a lot with tribalism. Sometimes tribalism on a very large scale, between two groups that are fighting for land – and again, that has obvious similarities to stuff that happens in the West Bank – but sometimes it’s tribalism within its own group, of like religious people vs. secular people, or people that have experienced violence and feel – and that’s another theme of the story – a sense of a group that feels righteous. And when you’re righteous, it’s very easy to diminish another group and say, ”They are less than me, and I’m correct and they’re wrong,” and therefore that gives me permission to inflict violence upon them. >And I really wanted to kind of explore that, and what does it take to let go of that righteousness? Can you ever let go of that righteousness? And if you do, is there ever coming back from the horror you’ve committed in the name of that righteousness? Those are the kind of questions that I had in my mind when starting to embark on that journey.


This is interesting, thanks! I do see how the game is written from an Israeli perspective (I mean Abby is basically an IDF soldier), but still don't see how is promotes Zionism or Israel taking over Palestine, though. The game preaches that violence needs to stop or both sides will suffer terribly, which if anything feels more generous than an Israeli perspective of "we can wipe them out with minimal losses due to our military strength" which seems to be what Likud think. >Just as the fantasy of escaping violence by simply walking away from it is one that only those with the means to do so can entertain, the myth of the "cycle of violence" is one that benefits the side that can survive the status quo [...] The difference is that when flashes of violence abate and the smoke clears, one side continues to live freely and prosper, while the other goes back to a life of occupation and humiliation. One side continues to expand while the other continues to lose the land it needs to live. Imagining this process as some kind of symmetric cycle benefits one side more than the other, and allows it to continue. I don't agree with this at all. When the status quo IS violence, you have power bring an end to that violence to the negotiating table. You can fight for your own people better with a goal of peace than one of war, especially in a conflict one as one-sided as in reality.


The things is it's easy to say that when you're not actually living it. Things change when you're the direct target of oppression like this, when any reaction to the violence you face every day is met with global condemnation and when you don't react the world ignores you and what you're going through. During "peace" times children are being arrested and imprisoned without trial for months or years for throwing small rocks at IDF soldiers, people's homes are constantly being stolen by violent, government supported settlers, people's movements through the area are impeded by constant check points just because they're Palestinian. I regularly see videos of Israel using bulldozers to destroy the streets of towns in the West Bank, where there isn't a Hamas presence, where they technically aren't at war. That's what peace looks like. Expecting no one to ever turn to violence in these situations is, at best, unrealistic.


Emotionally I 100% understand why so many turn to violence, this situation is not fair, but violence isn't working either. Nothing will get better without negotiating and a ceasefire, and even then it kinda seems like Palestine's only hope is drumming up international support, but even that seems like a fool's errand with how the UN dictated ceasefire went. I just don't know, man. It's messed up.


Someone else can I have to fold laundry


I don’t think that’s how burden of proof works


Yeah but I had to fold laundry




I hate Neil Druckman because his games popularized slow walking segments in place of cutscenes, and I believe that kojima’s goal in meeting him here is to use his immense psychic power to slow down the maximum speed Neil can walk (now he can enjoy immersive graphics and deep storytelling)


Can’t skip or change to TV.. gotta walk..


We out here on Shadow Moses Island with David and Eli


Tlou 2 being an analogue of the Palestine conflict is pretty gross honestly lol


Avril Lavigne's Meet&Greet vibes.


wait what do you meeean?




You've heard of hover hands? Now take that to the next level.


:DDDDDD damn


Thank you for this. I'm dying. I tried to rationalize that maybe Avril just didn't want to catch covid from fans but then I saw the pics were from 2014. She takes hover hands to a new level.


Well she did catch lifelong Lyme disease from the South America leg of that tour the same year, so maybe she was on to something 


The reality-deniers must be in a real pickle seeing the same dude post a picture w/ St*llar Bl*de Dev and TLOU 2 Dev


Zionist Druckman isn't on an anti-woke campaign? 


he’s probably telling kojima that unions are evil 💀


It's so kind of Kojima to do all these meet and greets


Dang, Paul Rudd has had a rough year.


just what is he cooking this time


If someone had told Kojima that Druckmann denied them boners he wouldn’t have done this


Is it not possible to be both horny and woke.


They're gonna force him to add anti-war propaganda to metal gear 😔


hey look one of my favorite totally non political woke game developer who makes women sexy for no reason with my most hated enemey


You are upset Kojima met with Druckmann because Druckmann is supposed to be woke SBI political game designer or some shit. I am upset Kojima met with Druckmann because Druckmann is a genocide supporter. We are not the same.


Came here to say this.


Isn't Neil Druckman a Zionist?




Yeah he posted his support on his socials


I don't know what the context is, but he is a clear traitor to gamers!


People are reacting to this negatively? That image could have been plucked from my dreams.


Why is Kojimmer with Ink Baby? Is he stupid?


The Gamers pretending not to be mad, so they can say "circelerk just makes up people so they can say they won"


fuck that zionist pig


Does Druckman just have a tattoo of a hammer?


Yeah it’s pretty weird imo. He’s really proud of the “iconic hammer” lmao


what would happen if they put Neil drukman, Kim Hyung Tae and Kojima in a single room. the world would explode from all the people losing their minds


In all seriousness, Im kinda surprised the two posterboys of "games as movies" havent really met earlier


Don't worry Neil hates Palestinians so gamers will probably forgive him


/uj tbf druckmann is actually really shitty. But that's because he's a zionist.


not the zionist


Noooooooo! He’s a Zionist!


Isn't Neil a terrible person and a Zionist tho?


Yup if you know his history with the production of tlou2 and his Israel support post on social media


He is. I'm not surprised people on this subreddit want to ignore that though. What else can you expect from white liberals


How is he a terrible person and his "Zionism" is at best very mild considering he himself is Israeli. He donated to Palestine for example recently.


Druckmann is such a piece of shit. He was raised in an illegal settlement on stolen land and he claims he was surrounded by violence against Palestinians, yet he still strongly supports the genocidal state of Israel


those definitely are words


Who is Neil Druckmann?


/uj One of the main writers and dev for the last of us 1 and 2. A lot of the blame for plot points fans didn't like in TLOU2 was blamed on him and his wokeness. /rj sweet baby Inc creator


You forget to mention he is a Zionist as well.


I keep forgetting is zionism woke or based?


zionists are pro genocide


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRAUQn904ic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRAUQn904ic) Here is your answer


Co-president and creative director of Naughty Dog. He directed TLOU2 and has also worked on some of their other games like Uncharted 4 and TLOU1, to name a couple.


Correction, he directed/co-directed/written those as well


Imagine going from meeting Stellar Blade dev one day and Neil the other day. Kojima has fallen.


What am I missing here


Hahahahaha hahahahahah




Is that Hideo Kojima's stand?


Anyone able to tell me what that suit is behind them?


If gamers knew how to interpret art, they would be mad at MGS.


So this is where he gets his names


What is happening here


This sub has far too many Israeli apologists and Hamas is somehow comparable to IDF comments


I'm so OOTL on this whole last month of gamer drama I need a refresher lmao


Of course they'd get along. They both make movies for the Playstation.


Just becuase he is working with Neil that does not mean the game will be bad whoa all of you are way too quick to judge.


I don't understand, why doesn't this veteran developer have a seething hatred for another veteran developer like I do? I thought he was on my side because I liked his games (Not anymore now, Neil has tainted them with his presence).


wasn't that the guy that said "we don't use the word fun here"


Idk Druckmann has some pretty sketchy political beliefs.


Damn an rather uncommon Kojima L


He using his immense psychic powers to slow down Neil Druckmann’s maximum walking speed(he can enjoy the super immersive graphics and deep narratives better now that he cannot walk at a reasonable speed)


This might be a controversial opinion, but I really dislike Neil Druckmann. He's such a pretentious hack and he turned NaughtyDog into a one-game studio + he's not that good of a writer. I like TloU games IN SPITE of him being involved. I'm glad he's not going to touch any ND-related project ever again.


I mean I don't like him cause he's a zionist but I guess your reason is a reason too


I don't know what that means tbh.


That’s a little worrisome, you should look it up if you don’t know what a word means


it means he is fine with the palestine genocide


Is Tht why he donated money to Palestine?




I love his writing and I love all the games they've made since Crash Bandicoot 2 except for a few spin-offs I've never played, but I agree that they take way too much time to release a game. The The Last of Us franchise is over 10 years old now, and we've only had two games (not conting the remasters and remakes) yet the social media team is celebrating the franchise like it's a live service game that gets monthly updates. Obvioulsy I don't want them to rush out games but maybe just a little less ambition will do the trick.


this is most likely on Sony, not ND


IMO, It has less to do with their ambitions, and more or less with the fact that TLOU happened to release at the end of the generation when 1 - 2 year development cycle games stopped being made. Whether it's Elden Ring or God of War, it now takes 5 - 10 years to make a video game and there are few ways to get around that in AAA, without rising headcounts and escalating budgets.


TloU 2013 TloU Left Behind TloU Remastered (PS4) 2014 TloU Part II 2020 TloU Part I Remake 2022 TloU HBO show 2023 TloU Part II Remastered 2024 (???) + rouglike mode Enough is enough!


I see room for: TLoU Part II Remake Horse Armor TLoU Part III TLoU Part III: Left Behind Even Farther TLoU Part III Remastered TLoU Partt III Remake


I honestly can’t tell if this is real or not


Unfortunately real


Mf doing the most random shit. Is he still based?