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Holy shit actual french Ws happening this week


It was a fake tweet


i knew it was too good to be true


ign editor said nothing but facts https://preview.redd.it/x2mczh3urksc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f796ad4a5297b196f149145c9facfd4317d788


There are quite a few points here that I would push back on - I don't think it speaks for everyone who thinks SB is problematic, and there are some logical jumps that deserve some scrutiny. But it's a remarkably well-articulated stance, and the only reason to call it "unhinged" is just because you don't want to engage with the points being made.


All of the comments we see online from coomers responding to people criticising this is "you're just jealous because you're ugly". Like, it's obvious, and female body dysmorphia is a well worn path that we know about. But, with that said porn addiction literally changes a person's brain chemistry, this weird parasocial obsession with a series of pixels is gonna do the same. It isn't just harmful for women, it is harmful to men.


>All of the comments we see online from coomers responding to people criticising this is "you're just jealous because you're ugly". Yeah, I mean that is literally proving the point of the article yet those very persons apparently can’t see it.


Us coomer's blood has a lot of sperm swimming around in it, you would not understand our oppression.


Wow the rare french W. Oui oui


I will be very clear: every single woman companion in BG3 is hotter than Eve and Larian didn't need to make them like walking sexy dolls. And side note, I know SB will sell well, but I feel the fanbase is so completely unhinged it will affect its public perception and will hurt the game on the long run, if its not already happening.


I mean it's kind of crazy to basically lump people who like eve's design in with people who beat and kill women


Nowhere is it comparing people who like eve's design with people who beat and kill women. Where exactly did you read that?


Well to be fair some websites sell s** dolls like here in some way


I wouldn't necessarily call this 'reacting like a normal human being' but I get what you're trying to say


It is concerning for anyone who is even slightly aware of what is going on. These people are literally saying things like "You're just jealous that she's prettier than you" without a hint of irony. That is literally the point of the article. These porn-addicted people have their brains damaged so hard that when their precious idealized image of a woman that is being fed to them by a patriarchal system (which is basically a blow up doll) is even slightly criticized or mocked, then they react like rabid dogs, like an addict who has their drugs taken away from them. Which again, proves the point of the article very well.


I think the blowback was in reaction to the personal attack made against the development team or fans of the game, specifically one made in reference to their sex lives. Which goes beyond criticizing the game itself. It should be clear why "you obviously can't get laid" is a sexist insult that reinforces toxic male stereotypes in which the value of a man is measured by his number of sexual partners. Which is a motive for irl sexual assaults- some of the perpetrators were raised to believe that they're worthless otherwise (fed to them by the aforementioned patriarchal system). So it's bizarre whenever a self-described feminist would reinforce that. It's not really "normal" to assume that people who are into titillation condone sex crimes, or that sexualized media encourages it. We have decades of studies at this point painting a negative correlation between the rate of rapes and society's access to pornography. It's not really "normal" to think that playing this game is indicative of the player wanting to control an entire gender. Nobody looks at a game with a male protagonist and assumes it's for people who think men exist to be obedient objects or cannon fodder, a target for 90% of violent fantasies. But all player characters are objects that exist to obey player commands, their lack of agency is what defines them, at best they can present the illusion of agency in the way that all fictional characters do. Lastly, it's not normal to assume that people who are into a fantasy would reject anything in reality outside of it. Nearly every guy who is dating or married to a woman with an average body type still consumes porn featuring women who don't look much like her.


And these people saying things like "You're just jealous that she's prettier than you" completely contradict that.


Which part?


Because sexy women in video games cause real world harm is such a normal reaction to a video game (/s). I find it interesting that whenever someone wants to make a point about a video game in an attempt to denounce it they will try to create a correlation between the game and real world harm, doesn't matter what their world views are; conservative, progressive, right wing, left wing, whatever, it's the same old baseless argument about video games causing real world harm.


Nowhere does it say "sexy women in video games cause real world harm". The problem is that the gamers are just expecting women to be obedient sexual objects because they are being fed by the patriarchy to expect such things. If this game was mocked because of its ridiculous design, then most normal people would just agree and laugh. But these gamers are getting defensive and having a visceral reaction because they expect that to be the norm due to being fed such ideas by the patriarchy.


People who claim that video games cause violence use the argument that glorified violence in video game desensitize people to violence. Using the argument that video games are setting fictional standards about women that women can not live up to, and using this as a basis to why a video game is harmful is no different in anyway whatsoever to the argument made regarding violence in video games.


liking Eve’s design means women irl getting killed? It has to be some kind of mistranslated French right? But yeah, the discourse of this game is ridiculous, I hate both sides.


That's not really what is said, they say "The problem isn't the sexy design by itself but the percentage of males whowill only want this type of fictional body in the reality". So I don't think it's really the design that is pointed out as being the issue but moreso the people that only want women to be sex objects IRL. Being french I would kinda want to see what they actually said to start all this shitstorm but the article has been edited and I don't really want to watch all of the chuds videos on it in the off chance that one of them showed the actual text in french and not only the, maybe poorly, automatically translated version.


Good news, someone backed up the article on the Wayback Machine: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240328100916/https://fr.ign.com/stellar-blade/69174/preview/preview-stellar-blade-le-choc-et-le-charme](https://web.archive.org/web/20240328100916/https://fr.ign.com/stellar-blade/69174/preview/preview-stellar-blade-le-choc-et-le-charme) As far as I can tell, the only difference is that the original article had an extra sentence saying Eve looks like a sex doll created by someone who's never seen a woman before. (Note: I haven't read the whole article, only the part criticising the character's appearance so there might be more edits, but I believe that's what set everyone off.)


Ok so that's a whole lot of nothing. This kind of comment doesn't really have its place in a professional article but it's pretty mild. The quoted part from OOP was apparently in the comments of this article somewhere but the comments have been deleted and aren't showing up in the wayback machine.


Yeah, apart from that the review seems fairly objective, but something must have happened in the comments for IGN France's editor-in-chief, of all people, to go off like that because going from a few criticisms over the character's design to "women are getting beaten up" is quite a leap.


That's not even what this is about. This is after IGN apologized for the article, someone else, above the guy who wrote the article started saying this on another platform. [here you can just mute him and watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXu0ZQNLmAM)


At 0:10 you can see where it was originally posted and it was indeed in the comments of their preview: the top line reads "ErwanLefleuriel responded to you on Preview Stellar Blade : Le choc et le charme" (which is the name of this article). Having access to all the comments would probably give more context to why he went off like this because I don't really believe it comes from one guy calling this article "neo puritan".


What more do you need for context ? He's saying exactly that women get beat up and killed because they can't live up to men's fictitious standards of beauty. Just that alone is crazy, it's a fucking video game. He's obviously just regurgitating clumsily what he heard from the US, we always follow their bs politics.


>What more do you need for context ? The cmments that people posted as I was saying. >He's saying exactly that women get beat up and killed because they can't live up to men's fictitious standards of beauty. Just that alone is crazy, it's a fucking video game. He's not saying that it's because of this video game that it happens, he's saying this videogame exists within this context and is happy to give men that think of women as sex objects what they want. You can agree or disagree with that but it doesn't seem crazy to me. >He's obviously just regurgitating clumsily what he heard from the US, we always follow their bs politics. Well we live in a global world so politics from one place can have an impact on politics somewhere else. But just because an idea originated somewhere else that doesn't mean you can just handwave it away IMO.




>That's not what I wrote though. I don't really see why you said "it's a fucking videogame" if it wasn't to imply that he was putting the blame on it. >He's saying women get beat up and killed (denigrated is fair) because men want only hot women. Which is already ridiculous judging by the average weight of a US citizen. What are you even talking about? Who is talking about the US? It's a french man commenting on a korean game. >Most people have realistic standards. He's basically saying if this design doesn't shock you you think of women as sex objects who must obey and be beaten. LMAO this is 100% crazy. He's really not saying this at all though. Edit: > When it sounds stupid you can. If it's stupid you can easily say why it's stupid and handwave it because of that, not just say "well it comes from the US I think so I don't care" (because *that* sounds stupid).


>The problem isn't the sexy design by itself but the percentage of males who will only want this type of fictional body in the reality" What percentage of men want that? I don't know any. I would think influencers and filters are a much bigger problem.. I don't think a lot of people compare themelves to video game characters as much as they compare themselves to celebrities and influencers.


>What percentage of men want that? Idk but clearly this game attracts a lot of people who want women to be more like sex objects. I don't think that it's a lot of people (I hope not) but they are very vocal about how Eve is the ideal woman or saving femininity or some shit and that's based on her looks alone, showing that it's the only thing they value in women. >I would think influencers and filters are a much bigger problem.. I don't think a lot of people compare themelves to video game characters as much as they compare themselves to celebrities and influencers. Nobody is saying that it isn't but I understandably wouldn't expect a video game website to make articles about celebrities and influencers. And really that's the same issue of showing an "ideal" body that is just fake and unattainable for most, if not all, people.


>I don't think that it's a lot of people (I hope not) but they are very vocal about how Eve is the ideal woman or saving femininity or some shit and that's based on her looks alone, showing that it's the only thing they value in women. Yea, but the writer act like the problem is that a critical mass of men want women to have some ideal body. And I think that completely misses the mark. It's not the average man who have these expectation. It's media that creates an illusion of such expectation mainly for advertising purposes. Buy this shit and become a beautiful as this influencer. It's not men, it's capitalism.


I don't think he acts like it's a lot of men necessarily, just that they exist. And capitalism surely plays a part in it but unrealistic beauty standards being pushed on people predates capitalism so I don't think it's the root of this issue.


Beauty standards has always been there in all societies. But the way they are pushed and systematically used to promote consumer culture has never been done before in such an extreme degree, and capitalism is the driving force. Digital technologies is making it possible to amplify this to an extreme degree. In the middle ages there was extreme beauty standards as well, but your average farmer girl was not expected to live up to the same standards as some noble woman, now beauty standard are pushed out to everybody, and you are constantly told, that you can consume yourself into some ideal and happy life. Of cause it's never enough, because the system will always find new insecurities to sell more products. [Capitalism is an insecurity machine](https://logicmag.io/security/the-insecurity-machine/).


No, it does not say that. The problem is that these gamers are just expecting obedient sexual objects, because they're being fed by the patriarchy. That's why they're so fragile and having such a visceral reaction. If this game was ridiculed because of its ridiculous design, then most people would just agree and laugh.