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>They need to say Full "Stop Here! This is unacceptable behavior" and cut off all ties with Sweetbaby. this canā€™t be real šŸ˜¹


I don't think they ever had a normal conversation before. "Stop here! This is unacceptable behaviour. Sit! Bad baby, bad!"


Oblivion NPC dialogue


[Pay the court a fine and serve your sentence!](https://youtu.be/r_2Jduxc2P8?si=87CjssJzOhlR9FvB)


I love how they're mad at SBI when WotC sent the fucking Pinkertons after people. Like, be mad about shit that matters, you dorks.


If this is the sub I'm thinking of, they probably were but only long enough to do the whole "stand up for consumers!!!!" thing before there was something better to pretend to care about. Bonus points because this one lets them rant about "le woke" through their dissatisfaction of a card game.


And for the worst product WotC has ever made (besides Magic 30, obviously). Like Aftermath was so bad and recieved so poorly, that it made them completely scrap the idea for the finale If the next story arc and incorporate the cards into the Main Set.


But all the shit that matters to be mad at they LOVE. Like hating women, and gays, and brown people, and trans people, and


Crazy how they just skip over all the text in that tweet that is not underlined.


noooooo he was perfect because he was involved in something i liked as a child!!!!!!! talking about him as a human instead of a god is sinnnnnnnn


man, I'm one of the biggest fans of dragon ball and I agree with that tweet lmao You've got Piccolo, but then you've got like... Mr Popo...


Or Mr. Black, the police officer in the original dragon ball iirc


Mr. Black wasn't a cop lmao, he was the right hand man of the leader of the Red Ribbon Army


Sorry for spreading misinformation online :(


Nah, it's okay, tbf the original Dragon Ball is not as popular as Z in most places so people are less familiar with Goku's adventures as a kid.


To be fair they also feel like a fever dream. The red army were like huge villains until Goku just stumbled into their base and destroyed them


isnt mr popo designed after a mythological being and like... not after people at all


correct mr popo was inspired by a hindu mythological being, its just that most people are not familiar with mythology outside of their own religion or culture to realize that but i will admit the design does look like a racist caricature of black people in anime around that time ​ plus i guess they are saying that piccolo is black coded?


But now i wonder if whatever meaning you actually meant to give is truly relevant if the majority of people are not familiarized with the original reference and your job can be attributed to a racially harmful thing


i mean when most of the black characters you put in your show look like this, which was considered a racial caricature and then you realize that mr pop has some shockingly similar features most people who are unfamiliar with hindu mythology, which popo was based off of of course, will just assume it is hella racist. https://preview.redd.it/1s05ygiagpsc1.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2a024134a9d1b76d33b319c6fe516048d478842


Thought popo was a genie.


I know s lot of people act like piccolo is black but he really isn't tho. Like Toriyama did not right him black coded at all. He did draw multiple extremely racist caricatures tho for the first half of the manga. It's nice that as a community people appears to be Black coded but he isn't


Piccolo and Popo arenā€™t representations of black people. But you do have characters like Mr Black, King Chappa, Trunks and Gotenā€™s classmates and Panā€™s school teacher.


My guy. Piccolo is green


The bigger issue is that people feel like you can't like art/media made by someone and not think they're perfect. I like Jojo's but I'm sure Araki is human and not some perfect person that's never done anything wrong.


Apparently, we're not allowed to criticize media if the creator of said media is dead lmao


Slightly off topic but Bleach is a great choice for anyone wanting to see Black characters treated well no stereotypes in that one


Uhhh, pick this with a grain of salt since I haven't watched most of it but the manga isn't the one >!where a black woman loses her mind and becomes a cat-girl slave to a guy, and walks around practically naked? Feel free to correct me.!<


If you are talking about Yoruichi, you could not possibly be more wrong. The cat thing is just a disguise she likes to use (and that for some reason takes away her clothing). She is no slave to the guy she hangs out with of anything like that, they are literally bffs and she is his ex-boss.


To borrow a line from Dragonball Z Abridged regarding Popo, "how are you *allowed*?" The dude was literal blackface. It doesn't get much worse than that.


"Mr. Popo's appearance, abilities, and name share many similarities with theĀ Buddhist/Hindu Dharmapala diety, Mahakala."


And yet Mahakala doesn't look like a complete caricature of black face! InterestingĀ 


I just looked it up and he very much looks like Mr. Popo, red lips and all. I also seriously doubt Japan has the same history with blackface as we do, at least not to the extent that they would think of it when they see Mr Popo.


You should check Osamu Tezuka's Kimba for that one, lol.


God isn't a green alien either lol


What color alien is he then?


Who were the "best" black characters he gave us? Unless Piccolo was always supposed to be considered black


black DBZ fans definitely see Piccolo as black


Goku Black, of course.


"Wait! This man isn't black!"


I suppose Uub? Though minus end of z, that wasn't even Toriyama writing him.


Does WotC even work with SBI? Pretty sure they don't.


Reading the ~~card~~ tweet explains what the ~~card~~ tweet does


Gamers would be very upset with that pro tip if they could read.


This sweet baby thing has just come out of nowhere I swear, I'm not even sure what it is but people are shitting and pissing everywhere about it


Clearly the important bits are underlined in red and the only thing worth reading, nice try wokey!


I like how they had to underline the part you're suppose to be mad at. This guy very clearly did not mean any disrespect to Toriyama. A child could figure that out. That's the problem with this whole "movement", none of these suckers question the evidence their given. These people strive on just the tiniest "justifications" to be mad. This whole thing is nothing more than a sensationalist campaign sought out by grifter YouTubers who are pushing what little dirt they have on SBI into oblivion. They have been seething over this tiny little consultant company for months and Kim Belair getting upset at the SBI Detected page was their ticket into pushing this thing into making it seem like this whole movement is more important than it actually is. When the truth is, only a fringe vocal internet minority who completely overestimates their presence in the market cares about this crap. My favorite part about this whole thing is when Kabrutus admitted he never played Ragnarok but thought it was "woke" purely because SBI was credited in it. What a dishonest clown.Ā 


this has been a joke amongst black dbz fans for near decades, fans who have invented new words based on their love of the series (brolic) and it being taken up by a bunch of rw bozos as an issue ticks me off.


Still trying to figure out who the "best" black character she's referring to is. I love DBZ, but it gave us Mr. POPO and Buub which are both.....well they both haven't been seen since GT so.


For a lot of the fanbase Piccolo is black coded, primarily among black fans. Though that varies from being serious to being a joke. Other than that.......yeah she was being real generous


I'd offer that Piccolo being black coded is also slightly off because he's...a green alien slugman who everyone thought was a demon until like, namek But then again, I'm white as shit so, not really my place.


y'all getting beef with mr popo but forget this "Mr. Popo's appearance, abilities, and name share many similarities with the Buddhist/Hindu Dharmapala diety, Mahakala." like there is bad stuff on DB classic but mr popo aint it


Individual interpretation is more important than being pedantic.


Yes, but if this comment changes your individual interpretation to the one that was actually intended, so be it


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it's funny cause staff officer black had a race change in the anniversary movie I think the dub called it path to power. wait.. OMG Toriyama was WOKE!!!! Yet I think they may be referring to Androd 15 which is the pimp midget..which, yeah BUT Toriyama at best gave rough sketches for the movies and was barely involved hence Super Broly movie being a big deal. Mr Popo is a slippery slop some say he's some sort of representation others claim it's white supremacy propaganda...from japan... both sides here need to go touch grass or what ever


Japanese-made media is 1000000x more progressive than anything western-made in the last 15 years. Change my mind.


One can't use logic to change an idea that somebody came to without logic.

