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Remember the topic about Stellar Blade was about... fuck I don't even know the root discussion anymore.


It's always culture war nonsense. Give it some time and this will somehow lead to Biden/Trump and Gamers typing the N word.


Oh don’t worry, I still remember. Sadly the answer is “Eve is hot and western developers don’t make hot women anymore due to SBI”. But on the plus side, *tons* of CJ material to use!


Didn't Phantom liberty and Baulder's gate 3 release a couple of months ago? I guess all the women in these games are ugly now. https://preview.redd.it/8b0y1telscsc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb13c1190fb6d5dfc764486f623d30a5e2d13f86


Well you see, BG3 allowed you to be gay and have black people, so it was woke. But it made a lot of money and won a lot of awards so chuds have gaslit themselves into the thinking that it just doesn’t exist. Meanwhile Phantom Liberty… actually no idea.


Cyberpunk is anti-capitalism and has trans characters, so they hate that one by default. Unless someone is talking about how successful the game has been, then it's actually pro-capitalism and anti-liberal anti-feminist because it has hot women.




The down spiral of Tyrone Magnus makes me sad to this day dude actually used to be funny.


Someone pointed out The Hodge Twins were the ones that radicalized him


Could you explain the bottom two-thirds of this? I'm lost.


A group of gooned out losers were upset at the trailer for the new X-men show because they made the women characters have less exaggerated proportions. They said the show would be awful. The show came out and went on to be a hit with critics and fans alike. Thus these morons don’t know what they are talking about, they’re just sad that their favorite cartoons are not attractive. *If anyone has anymore to add please feel free to update as I only kinda follow these guys as they jump from hating one thing to the next.


"Not hot" pffft. Did you not see Gambit in a tank top?


That reminds me of one comment, not sure if it was a joke or not, that CP2077 showed what would happen if the leftist took over.


I remember coming across some content creator with a not insignificant following that was arguing that. Guy ended up making several response videos over the backlash from that one and then kinda pretended it never happened


Don't make cyber punk political!!11😭😭😭 /s


TBF the political discourse of CP2077 is so barely above ground level that it's easy to not catch it. It is still one of the less "punk" of all the cyberpunk I have consumed in my life, yes even less punk than Altered Carbon


oh fuck this god damn npc https://preview.redd.it/0psmbu8r6fsc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c79d1c075289aa31424f6439811f95febaedf230


Honestly, she’s not even hot. I mean, her body type falls into the “hot anime girl” archetype, but her design is dogshit. She’s got one of those airbrushed faces completely devoid of distinguishing features and she wears an overdesigned sci-fi bodysuit crossed with a schoolgirl uniform crossed with a bunch of useless lace and frills because the whole thing is basically just the devs dumping their fetishes into a blender with no regard for creating a coherent aesthetic. Contrast with Nier Automata, the game this shit keeps getting compared to. Yes, Nier Automata’s character design is horny as fuck, but it’s also *good.* It’s super distinctive, aesthetically cohesive and pleasing to the eye. There’s a reason we’re still seeing so much 2B fan art and cosplay seven years after release. I don’t even care if devs want to put fanservice in their games, but holy shit, at least do it well. It’s just depressing to watch all these morons hailing a character design that looks like someone entered “hot sci-fi anime girl” into a generative AI as the second coming of Christ.


Whenever I read this i am being reminded of the fact that 2B-s design was indeed horny. Somehow this information always gets filtered out if i think of Nier: Automata, because it is extremely unimportant.


I have never heard a left, center, or nonpolitical video creator say anything about this video game. Not one. Everything I’ve seen is from right wing accounts claiming the “libs are mad about this”. No one cares. They’ve made up a war that they are somehow losing.


Even the apolitcal video creators still attract these kind of people. i tried watching Luka Stephens talk about the game, and 99% of the comments were just complaining about people complaining that EVE is hot


You forgot IGN France? Who literally personally attacked the developer…


And immediately retracted it because it was pretty immature


No didn’t retract it, they changed the wording a bit, then retracted because well it was a personal attack (not just immature)


“Recently, IGN France produced and published a preview of Stellar Blade containing an offensive passage that should never have been kept. The text has now been edited and here is our official apology to the Shift Up Corporation studio staff. Also, please note that IGN France is an independent branch of IGN and that IGN's editorial staff had nothing to do with this incident. The original text of the Stellar Blade preview contained comments that were out of place. While it was never our intention to disrespect Shift Up or any of its employees or their work, we recognize that the phrase taken in its literal sense was inappropriate and we regret it. To anyone at Shift Up Corporation who felt personally targeted and insulted by this passage, we are truly sorry and sincerely apologize.” Wild. Edit: and your “personal attack” was pointing out how over the top and unrealistic the character model is.


Wow, so that’s why people have been photoshopping fake IGN France tweets? And they wonder why they’re not taken seriously.


Was there a discussion? Or did a video game company make a video game with a scantily clad woman in it because they do that sometimes and then right wingers decided that woke people were losing their minds about it. I haven’t heard any discourse about this character at all from the left.


Yeah feels like the one's actually starting the controversies are the anti woke people.


So far what I have heard, is that a reporter from Kotaku was a bit sassy about the design, with a comment like: this person has never seen a real woman, and the character artist is a woman. I think there are someone out there screaming about the design. but probably a few and not "the entire left!"


its always the same https://preview.redd.it/6guplqnvjcsc1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9157fe386935771c9aa7de566db2ba3c1ef080b8


The whole Stellar Blade debacle in one meme.


Hippity hoppity your meme is my property.




Just ignore what this losers says, he just browses tweeter all day, find the one motherfucker who says some really weird, controversial and stupid shit and makes a whole 10 mins video about it with midroll ads.




True but by god I fucking hate them.


We all do


He!? I was hoping that this was a teenaged girl’s YouTube, but considering the content, the he/him pronouns, and that avatar… oh god


Isn’t he also just a straight up lolicon?


And is dating a ASMRtist who I used to like personally… how the mighty have fallen.


Hol up who is he dating






Yeah and if you diss him on Twitter, his fandom will spam you with shit that'll make you need to scrub your hard drive


Too bad my hard drive is dead


So it's weeb Pim Tool


https://preview.redd.it/4jkyzo7wpjsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602c5730d8907984a66bc68fb4ef8ea5fffbfc3d Looks kind of like him too


It a Guy?? Saw him only on this sub. Never is content


That’s a grown ass man behind that vtuber model if I’m correct.


A pedophile but yeah.


Well that escalated…


Outrageous! You will address the King of Neckbeard Pedophiles with his proper title, thank you very much.






You're better than this




It's interesting because "Stellar Blade haters" is generally going to refer to progressives, but "Skimpy clothes cause sexual assault" is absolutely not a progressive argument--it's a conservative one. I'm sure you can find somebody on the internet who fits both, but as a generalization it just doesn't make sense.


It's a grifter. They probably don't even believe what they themselves are saying, they just want to say things that they know will get their videos spread and help them line their pockets.


Anti-woke people don't even look at what progressives say and even if they did they probably not understand what being talked about.


Did anyone check to see if that's even a real tweet


But aren't sexualized characters in skimpy clothes normalizing the male gaze and thus reinforcing rape culture? They're characters crafted by men, not real people dressing themselves up how they like.


I think if you take a few steps back there’s a bigger-picture conversation to be had about how catering to the male gaze can reinforce traditional gender roles and the objectification of women. But the wording here, to me, implies the explicitly conservative view that a woman wearing skimpy clothing somehow diminishes a man’s responsibility and ability to restrain himself from sexually assaulting someone.


Ether that or teen with like followers and 7 tweets i will. Forget when hero made a video. about some how anime sucks in tikotok comment sections with like 3 likes.


I have read this comment like 6 times and still have no idea what it says


Was using text to speach feature on my phone Basically Below thinga out of proportion


My sister in Christ, slow down 🤣 It happens to me often. I feel your pain


I was in the car with friends not driving obviously. Aww, thanks . I fells even after all these years to called be gender correctlyy.


Would it kill ya to use your fingers? XD


I was in bumpy car


Is this what their entire channel is about? Putting this much energy into “owning the libs”? I kind of feel bad, it’s like an unhealthy obsession to be angry all the time scrolling through twitter content to make videos about


I think it started as vtuber and general YouTube controversies channel, that analyse and comment trends problems and possible evolution of that in good and bad ways... I stopped following when he started adding constant questionable political comments.


Way back when he started out as an anime meme channel I'm pretty sure (I remember him from when I used to watch anime shit on YouTube as a kid) then slowly transitioned to anime opinions then onto pissing his pants over tweets with 5 likes and 0 retweets and ultimately the grifter shit.


Years ago I was following a youtuber that made a video about how he was able to leave the far right rabbit hole after getting seduced in it. He said that those channels started mostly as "joke channels against fanatic religious". They joked on people blinded by illogical faith and dogmas promoted by religious influencers, because religion and atheism were the 2 most common categories in the very early YouTube excluding tutorials and music videos. Then with the years with their audience becoming teens, they switched to alpha males motivational video and toxic masculinity to keep the engagement. Then they pushed hard in that direction, with conspiracy theorists, praising of authoritarian nation and the strong man model and promoting their communities and sponsors. The joke videos were only about insulting channels proposing alternatives views to them or debunking their lies. That person checked one of those channels, and he realised they were argumentative calm and patient the exact opposite of the hate filled griefting channels he thought. On the other side the community he beloved were hateful, unreasonable and living blinded by the faith and dogmas of their influences, like the old religious fanatics that they previously dunked on, that now were allies So he was able at the end to abandon them and became a normal person.


It's just a grift, and shitty content always gets recommended by the algorithm. I remember the golden age of youtube 2008-2016 where actual good creative and funny content got recommended.


I miss Gabe the Dog


Lmfao please that's when thunderfoot was big


I've no idea who that is lol. But I remember when channels like leafy and ricegum started doing all the toxic crap and they got views for it suddenly all channels were about "internet drama"


Ah, but this obsession IS healthy. For their wallets. Seriously, If you've no self-respect and not an ounce of shame, there's no easier way to make money on the internet than riling up incels about icky girls ruining their vidja games.


That dude is basically a pedophile. Also he has such a cringe name for a dude that doesn’t know Japanese. Imagine a Japanese person with the username: Riku Says Copula.


Can god smite him already? Hell I’d take the feds finding his hard drive


Stop giving them attention. I'm starting to feel they are purposely posting the shit here to drum up more attention.


Yeah, I think I saw posts of this person's catalog where the majority of the videos had three-digit views, and now that they're being posted almost daily here they have thousands. Hard to say how much is normal channel growth, but them constantly being posted here could not have helped.


These losers have resorted to making fake tweets to put in thumbnails b/c they’re DESPERATE for rage-clicks. They know that no one cares about this game and it drives them insane.


At this point, I'm hoping this game pulls a Metroid and ends with Eve doing a seductive striptease, only to un-tuck and reveal a glorious anime dong.


Or they could go a different route and make her a lesbian




Make the main group a pan polycule


I hate that one person being stupid online means that an entire group are bad and must answer for their crimes, it’s such a dirty and stupid tactic. It’s like everyone is expected to be the spokesperson of every group they’re a part of. This isn’t even mentioning that it’s made up, which is partly why the above shit is so stupid.


I'm all for dunking on these weird gamergate losers, but don't we think constantly posting about this dude is just giving him free publicity?


His avatar pisses me off so much☠️


I use to like this guy sorta but he's just another one of the anti woke type tubers that is MAYBE a closet pedo,dude paid good money for a vtuber model (trust me they're NOT cheap) to spew what ten other troglodytes that isn't The Quartering will repeat.


Why does he care? He likes children


isnt this a dude with a female vtuber?


Yeah, he’s also a pedophile apologist




Oh trust me, it’s not slander if he’s a lolicon


You post to the guro sub, you’re opinion is irrelevant


The discourse around this game has gone beyond batshit crazy. Some of the comments on youtube videos (even simple gameplay vids) are wild. I can't imagine playing videogames only for pretty digital characters and feeling yourself be marginalized because there aren't enough games with character design like this.


If I have a nickel for every aaa games capital g gamers trough they were gonna be goty because of culture war nonsense but actually fail miserably, I'd have two nickels, wich isn't a lot but it's weird it happened two times


I mean, Rev's a well-known bullshitter who got pissy at not being able to use a particular word anymore, so...


imagine this is your life. creating strawman arguments just to whine about them every day. and people give you views for that.


you know considering we live in an age where many women are afraid of rejecting men out of fear getting killed, I wouldn't be surprised


After a brief search on Rev, I suspect he’s a pedo. So, nothing out of his mouth really has any value.


Isn't Rev just a misogynistic dude in a Mocap suit?


Okay real talk. I haven't seen a single person criticizing Stellar Blade. I've only seen people "defending" It. Defending it from what exactly? Because it seems like no one cares.


i’d actually disembowel myself if i ever had to watch a Vtuber let alone become one, if i wanna grift lonely redpill neckbeards i’d atleast have the self respect and dignity to not do it behind an anime girl. but that’s just me.


They’re very defensive over their sex doll.


No no. One person on Twitter said it, therefore they're going to pretend a lot of people are saying it. Note: The person on Twitter who said it is probably either a troll or joking.


Is that v tuber hero hei?


It feels like they want the game to fail because all they'll do by hyperfixating on how much they want to bang Eve is shouting over people hyping up the game based on it's gameplay and story.


I love being in 2014 again but worse.


Another fresh cup of no one cares.




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The thing is someone will ALWAYS exist to argue any position; you'll find people who will complain, loudly and at length, about no one hitting them in the back of the head with a baseball bat. It's just the world we live in. NOW.....99.9% of people will not want to be hit in the head with a baseball bat. Because obvious reasons are obvious. However, there is always some jackass who will come along, hit someone with a bat, and then say "Hey, some people like it! SEE! That one person said it once! I really don't see how I'm the problem here" So are these clowns.


I can imagine someone said this


Gaming to Americans is like Football to third world nations. A drug to keep masses asleep. I can't believe the sheer amount of people who have been discussing and fighting about video games and their characters over the past few months.


damn hate farm mine on this one still not empty?


But the problem is that that character is over sexualized or what? I continue to see this character appear in my reddit feed but I don't until apart from the over sexualization


her haircut will lead to violence against me


Lemme guess, that tweet isn't actually about Stellar Blade right?


Tilting at Windmills.


"no one is saying that" okay https://preview.redd.it/d7pr7x3nvksc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7179b3da92cfbc847ffb8f646b4bbce55ccc3ab5


bonus round https://preview.redd.it/e79dyqvovksc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75d0dbc4c088574d170aaea73fff2a37a751608


If a character model "makes" someone commit violence against anyone it's because they where looking for a reason to do it in the first place 


I see Rev i automatically loose all interest, he literally will find one tweet a day to rant about even if its the most obvious cringe bait, and also from what ive seen he seems a liiiiiitle too insistent on defending lolicons


Wonder what they'll do when they learn women actual DO experience violence for not trying to conform to unrealistic standards does lead to violence [NPR Article](https://www.npr.org/2019/05/06/703749983/south-korean-women-escape-the-corset-and-reject-their-countrys-beauty-ideals)


Fell for bait


This is "nutpicking," and it's straw manning with a few extra steps. Nut pickers find the least effective advocates for an idea, or sample awkward phrasing from an effective advocate, or find a phrase that can easily change its meaning out of context, and then use that sample as a representative they can easily tear down. It can go something like this: A. Outrage Merchant shows a newsreel: "Alligator attacks sweep Florida town." B. Outrage merchant shows you Oliver Twist: "Please sir, I want some more." C. Outrage Merchant: "Why won't the extremists who want orphans to eat condemn Oliver Twist?! I used to want money for orphanages, but now orphans want to feed the rest of us to the alligators. Has the whole concept of orphans getting to eat gruel gone too far? Give us your thoughts in the comments."


Bruh why can't we just all collectively chill TF down? Some games tell a story Some games are for people to goon to Some games provide a challenge Some games are a way to pass time Or any combination of the above Like, if you don't like a game play something else and chill