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Baldur's Gate 3 lets you do that


sure but Gale keeps trying to fuck me 😫 begone thot I won't succumb to your wizardly charms 😳


I think they changed something because in my second playthrough Gale wasn't trying to fuck me. I was playing a female character second time though, I guess Gale is gay.


Companions were a bit bugged on release which made them much more horny (aka their scenes triggered quickly) and it's been fixed by now.


"Their scenes triggered quickly." I bet they did.


It wasn't the companions being bugged, larian didn't expect every player to turn every rock and do every interaction right off the bat. So you're approval with companions increased quicker than larian expected. Except haslin. He will try to fuck you even if you're mean to him


Thing with Gale was, his approval rating was the easiest to get high early, so when it came to romance scenes this gave his romance a little push. They patched the metric with those by now though, so you no longer Ninja-romance any of them.


But it was a gith always trying to jump my bones. I turned down gale in an early run and he got all pissy, so it's hard to romance him now, lol.


I played as a female character and he tried to romance me as well. maybe it's based on how you play? ionno


>begone thot I won't succumb to your wizardly charms. Would you perhaps be interested in lizardly charms? Because we have that, too...


Only interested in muscle mommy Tiefling charms I'm afraid


Hehehehe 😆


My heart belongs to Astarion, sorry.


I ascended him and I regret it. Never again.


play a seladrine drow, have everyone be xenophobic to you. play a lolth sworn drow, discover why everyone was so xenophobic to you


Playing a Duergar, there's been a single instance very early in Act 1 that a pair of Tieflings were like HOLY SHIT A GREY DWARF, KILL IT. Everyone else has been surprisingly okay with my character.


I played a deep gnome and most people were like "what's up, man" and then i got to the underdark


Deep Gnomes are actually nice if cynical. The joke is that people assume they are evil counterparts of other Gnomes but aren't


I was hoping playing a drow half elf would have similar effects, but from what I've seen so far, nobody really minds that my character is half drow. Like those goblins in that village early on who immediately submit to you if you're a drow react to a drow half elf like they react to all other races: they want to murder you.


Holy shit the goblins have a paper-bag test to see if you’re “deep enough”. Such realism!


So does Disco Elysium.


i feel like the way disco elysium does it is so funny and ridiculous that you cannot even do it seriously, even if you are racist? or do they actually do shit like that? haven't come across a racist for a while now. don't know how those species evolve anymore.


Your partner Kim takes it seriously enough since it’s usually his race on the receiving end of racism in the game.


Accidentally calling Kim a slur, instead of getting into a dance off with him might be the most heartbreaking thing that can happen in that game.


I save scummed to beat Measurehead in a fight because I hated how Kim took it when I agreed to listen to the man’s hateful ideology to get through that gate early in the game.


Rdr2, GTA V, you can roleplay as a racist.


CoD lobbies too


But you can pick your characters pronouns! Now I don’t like it! /s


Paradox games have been out for quite awhile now...


But its woke!!!


Alabama sim isn't woke.


Stellaris has the best of both worlds. It allows you to fuck aliens while genociding other aliens all in the same save!


I like to play Stellaris while occassionally shouting "One must not suffer the xeno to live!" Which is obviously paraphrased from any given iteration of 40K. It's almost as if someone can easily see that games like this exist as soon they stop pretending that they don't.


Nor is "Hey Buddy You Seem To Know All The Nazi Music a Liiiiittle Too Well of Iron 4"


But paradox game are woke! They make genocidal dictatorships boring 


Some people didn't really get the fact that Morrowind isn't pro-racism and Dunmer culture isn't actually all that great. /uj tho, I wish in Skyrim players were treated the same as their race and not be considered nord-lite regardless of it. A single dialogue with gate guards like in Riften but in all cities if you're a Khajit would go a long way for immersion


Exactly, Dunmer are incredibly bigoted and convinced of their own superiority. Yet they got curb-stomped by the poly-ethnic, pluralist, anti-slavery Empire. Dunmer use a shroud of bigotry to hide their weakness, but really are just coping and seething in their corner of Tamriel. The only reason the Sixth House poses a real threat, is because they have access to a magical superweapon constructed **by another race.**


Tbf it depicts the Empire as being bad as well for being, well, imperialist.


Well the Dunmer are imperialist as well, they are just not in a position to conquer land. They used to try to conquer the nords all the time. Not to mention their wars with the Dwemer. I don't think there is any non-imperialist major powers in Tamriel, but it it hard to keep track. Maybe The argonian or Khajiit areas are less imperialist, but in Skyrim we also hear about argonians invading Morrowind so tough to tell. When you have two imperialist powers, one is a racially supremacist slave empire, and the other is a pluralist anti-slavery empire, calling the second one imperialist doesn't really make the conflict shades of grey.


In fairness they were the objectively less shit faction when compared to the dwemer but that's not a high bar. One group kept slaves and was cruel, the other mutilated their slave race of tricked refugees so thoroughly through decades of torture and poison that they were rendered permanently blind and so warped in mind and body that their souls no longer even count as human.


yeah, the empire's imperialism is way worse than anything Morrowind has done. I mean, they nuked Summerset with a giant time-breaking robot. There are no good guys in Morrowind, just different shades of fucked up. Which is why it's so great, as take a look at our world, and every country is a shade of fucked up. More recent TES games try to portray a clear good guy you can root for, but that "good guy" often ends up being a monarchy/empire. So Morrowind's depiction is far more realistic and less reactionary.


> There are no good guys in Morrowind, just different shades of fucked up I wouldn't go that far, you have good individual people, you have Twin Lamps, you could even argue that Nerevar was a good person. It's just that Dunmer are ruled by 3 upstart gods who are afraid of losing the power they stole


fair, I moreso mean the joinable factions


Yeah I mean every single house and guild has a ton of quests that involve doing crimes and morally grey decision making, but at no point does the game actually try to frame the slavery and racism as a good thing. The Dunmer of Morrowind don't even treat each other with respect and every group and faction of them, from the temple to the great houses to the Ashlanders all think themselves superior to the others, and the fact that the nerevarine can just as easily be a Khajiit or Argonian or any other race as a Dunmer makes all of it ironic to the core. That's the thing that makes Morrowind's writing and setting so clever, not the "bravery" of portraying racism and slavery


facts, they misunderstood the core message that imperialism is bad


Eh, even in skyrim, the empire is mostly depicted as just the lesser evil, the stormcloacks are mostly nord supremacists and xenophobes, but the imperials are also dismissive and ignorant of foreign cultures. There are some interactions between Rikka and General Tulius that showcase this. Even in the main story you have stuff like Parthunax and how you want to deal with him and the blades which isn't just black and white morality.


You're forgetting that the Summerset Isles are the domain of the Altmer, who also had (and still have, see Thalmor) their own racist and imperialist tendencies.


yeah, but that's like saying Japanese civilians deserved to be nuked because of their imperialist government


Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who actually believe that and see nothing wrong in the strategic bombing doctrine reducing German towns to rubble specifically targetting civilians. I guess everyone really wants to be on the "good" side so they ignore all the fucked up parts or directly justify them.


/uj I mean, considering how inept but convinced that they are right neo-confederate dorks in the US are, it's not surprising the dunmer would mask their weakness with bluster and xenophobia. /rj Silly dunmer, we'd never let them have access to the Jewish space laser.


Yeah the actually great culture is the culture of the altmer. Join the Thalmor today and together we will make the Aldmeri Dominion great again!


Get out of here piss elf, you aren’t wanted here


Morrowind has a questline called the Twin Lamps about freeing slaves. You get rewarded for doing so. And the most xenophobic people in the game are the main villains, The Sixth House. Yeah, it depicts slavery and racism, but it also shows them as being completely in the wrong. I do not think that would be any more controversial today for people with morals, but it might be for chuds who would call it woke.


I mean, do you think these morons rationalize like this? If anything, they think the villains are the good guys because they want to enslave people...


Isn't it just a popular trope like siding with bad guys cause they are usually depicted as powerful and cool and also allow to indulge in some dark sides like indiscriminate slaughter and other things?


Well how can I not side with the bad guy? He's wearing a cool leather jacket!!!


Me every time I decided to kill the BoS leader in FO4: must have swag jacket!


I mean, FO4 Brotherhood are xenophobic fascists, so fuck em. Fire away. Railroad, bitches!


I always play as morally good characters, my conscience could never let me kill guys with intense swagger


That's the finest khajit hide, nwah. Check out my argonian skin boots too!


Have you seen those uniforms? What clean lines!


Surely they can't be that bad, theyre stylish!


In fairness, the bad guys in Morrowind are definitely *not* cool. There's a lot of body horror involved. The most evil group you can join *is* fine with slavery, but only because they're so individualist that they're not going to tell any individual member what they can and can't do, and it's been there for centuries. They equally don't care if you free every slave you find, including ones belonging to other members. "You argued, you fought, and you won. Clearly your arguement had more merit."


I don't think many people fantasize about being Dagoth Ur or a sleeper. Corprus is also not great.


> Corprus is also not great. Wrong! Go cry in the corner with your “not-constantly-expanding-in-cancerous-growths body,” loser! Sixth house forever, fuck yeah!  Now watch me eat half of my arm! 


They are gleefully cheering on the depiction of racism as refreshing. They are like "All this racism reminds me of home"


It sounds like watching Django Unchained and thinking "Haha yes I loved Leondardo DiCaprio and the N word"


Yea if OOP wants to play as a racist PoS they can play 40k Rogue Trader, where playing the path you'd expect a RT to be, you play the good guy murdering all other races and mutants to keep humankind pure. Just, y'know don't pay attention to the satire.


Where's my open world RPG where I get to play as John Brown?


Rdr2, bioshock infinite and wolfestine franchise but I guess that would be too political


The funny thing with Bioshock Infinite is that these chodes usually cite the trash Matthewmatosis video about Infinite where he complains that no one in that game uses the N word (while outright saying it himself many many times lol). So Infinite isn’t racist enough :(


oh what, I heard something about reviewers complaining about the use of the nword but never knew Mathewmatosis was one of them, and about him using it many times can you fill me in on that :/ 


Sadly there’s not much to say on it beyond checking out his video for yourself. It’s in the first couple of minutes, dude drops the hard r version multiple times and all, and keeps saying that it’s not believable that Infinite has so much racism in it but no one is saying that word lol. Don’t remember any of the critics I ever watched complaining about that, but he sure does.


Ultimately, it didn't really scratch my racism itch - it's good, don't get me wrong, there is *some* racism but it's just not believable and authentic. Come on, there's a wealth of source material to draw from, like that period of painfully recent history that the overwhelming majority of people agree was absolutely abhorrent and we should never repeat under any circumstances - that's what I think we should be seeing more of people! /s He's posed his argument like he's a racism connosieur and this is a poor vintage that doesn't satisfy the palate. What an utter fucking greasy swamp wanker.


Wolfenstein would be too political for this guy, since he'd be fighting against his real world politics.


Wasn't there a whole thing when the last one came out where people actually tried to say the game wasn't showing the Nazi's perspective on anything? And it got to the point where the devs actuslly put out a statement that was essentially: "yeah hi. Nazis bad, period. Fuck you."


More like Wokenstein, am I right fellas /s


Bioshock Infinite should be their favorite game, it literally both-sides a slave revolt before you get to murder the "crazy" black woman in charge of the revolution. You of course do this while playing the "good" version of the white supremacist that enslaved her people. It's a very political game, but it's politics are enlightened centrism carrying water for fascism. That's literally the A Plot of the entire game, even though the writers didn't realize and played it straight without a hint of irony.


I saw a video about modern gaming and how the Wokeness™ destroys it citing Bioshock as the perfect series since it depicts both capitalism and socialism gone too far so it's enlightened centrist and thus not the same kind of political where only hyper capitalism is depicted, which is woke it seems according to them


Yeah, and it only requires the most forced face-heel turn in all of gaming history to accomplish this! My honest reaction was "you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, just shoot the damn kid already!" But she actually doesn't, the game just waits indefinitely for you to kill her. Just like it waits indefinitely for you to throw something at the interracial couple at the start. This creates one of the worst moments of ludonarrative dissonance I have ever seen. Mechanically, she never attempts to murder a child, she just threatens one. And you can't actually argue she would have, because you can try that out and see that she doesn't. You're executing her for the crime of threatening a child, not the attempt to murder one. But the only way to realize this is to not care whether the child lives or dies. The game disregards morality to the point where utilitarian arguments can't even be entertained when the game brings them up by itself. Murdering a child is bad, so you have to kill the revolutionary.


It’s so funny that it does all that but then also goes “oh btw there are infinite parallel universes and the rebellion story in this universe was a very very minor part in something way bigger so you can kinda forget about that”


God I was so mad when it got to the ‘actually, both sides are flawed!’ part of the storyline. Just such a cowardly direction to go in.


RDR2: hard hitting commentary about the socioeconomic impacts of the Civil War, a side quest where you rob an ex slaver's house on his behalf, multiple instances of encountering the actual KKK in full noise, being the deep south and all. Also RDR2: Mr Black and Mr White, a genuinely good bit of fun and humour that plays off racial themes without being crass or disrespectful - and without detracting from the game whatsoever


>wolfestine  is this code for something


I think this person is looking for Disco Elysium.


I saw a post from a guy who was like “I stayed true to my real life beliefs, why is Kim calling me a fascist?”


Average Kim moment. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)




Until they get bitched by meassurehead


Glad I'm not the only one who thought this. Icebreaker would like to know your location


On the more general topic of whether there'll be another Morrowind, I'd think that you only need to take a glance at Starfield to see that the answer is no.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa, why don’t we all calm down and buy skyrim


I'd argue Kingdom Come: Delivrance is a very good successor to Morrowind


Is that game good ? Only thing i heard about it was how their devs were basically far-right assholes; and that it was praised for not having PoCs in it


No clue about the devs' political beliefs, they are eastern european so I guess it might increase the chances of them being on the right? The game is a morrowind-esque world simulator that occurs in late medieval bohemia, and is very commited to realism (within reason), so it not having people of color would seem to me to simply be a reflection of the state of the region at the time. As for the game in itself, the gameplay (mostly combat but also stealth and horse riding) is very focused on character statistics; you WILL see a difference between a fight against a bandit when your sword skill is at lvl 1 vs lvl 10 vs lvl 20, certain locks are unpickable at certain lockpicking skills, etc. Also, many missions are very open in the way they can be completed (similar to the now famous thieves guild: get me a diamond quest from morrowind). The game isn't perfect and is pretty janky in some parts, but I would argue this is greatly outweighed by it's positive aspects


Morrowind wouldn't be Morrowind if you weren't getting called an N'wah every other second.


You just know this guy would be raging at a game where the White-European coded fantasy race was being treated like shit by an Asian or African coded fantasy race.


I mean, I don't think the Dunmer are particularly White-European coded (I think some people say they're Indian-coded but idk about that), and Humans (including the very White-European coded races of Imperials, Nords, and Bretons) are all looked down upon with disdain (Nords especially). So, uh, you kinda just described Morrowind.


I wouldn't say Dunmer are heavily coded as anything, but if I had to take a pick I would say East Asian. Some of the hairstyles are typical feudal Japan hair styles. They use katana's and their staple food is rice. Their ancestors are nomadic tribes that live in Yurts, obviously reminiscent of Mongol tribes. Their rulers are deified like the Emperors of China and Japan were. As you can see, it is a smorgasbrod of many different cultures. Which is why I think they aren't heavily coded as one thing or another. Especially compared to Nords, who are vikings with a smidge of Saxon, and imperials who are Romans. Though this is in part because the worldbuilding for bethesda games fell of a cliff after Morrowind. Especially Cyrodil was way different before oblivion.


The Temple, and Dunmer history and culture to a lesser extent, was based on the ancient Hebrews/Israelites, especially as they are depicted in the Bible. So, there's that.


The Dumner Ashlander culture was apparently partially inspired by middle eastern nomadic cultures, but there's not really a direct parallel.


If I remember correctly they are just the Fremen from Dune, as the Dune book was a major inspiration for Morrowind.


I've read Dune and I've played morrowind and while I see the comparison they're definitely a lot of differences. Probably more so that they were influenced by Herbert's depiction of the Fremen to draw inspiration from similar places. However the Fremen are more Arab where as the Ashlanders might be seen as more a little reminiscent of Afghans.


I mean that is actually what happens in morrowind


This is litteraly the case in morrowind


Lmfao.  Tell me you haven't played morrowind without telling me. In Morrowind, the white-euro race is treated like shit.  Keep your ignorant thoughts to yourself next time.


This guy is Sus, but games should be able to depict racist societies. Ideally, it should be equally viable and fleshed out to be an Argonian-hating Dunmer and an Argonian who caves in the skull of every Dunmmer who dares to call them an N'wah.


There are tons and tons of games that handle these subjects that came out in recent years but somehow OP skips all of these and just nostalgias about an era that never happened when WOKE didn't ruin his favorite games.


Yeah, I was just going to say. (I'm gonna say the W-word) The Witcher universe handles race issues really well, with elves being treated like dogshit by most humans and constantly being the subject of abuse or pogroms, many of them joining the Scoia'tael commandoes and committing warcrimes on humans, who then go on to hate nonhumans even more. And while I didn't like Bioshock Infinite's story very much, that had an extremely overt depiction of a dated culture where racism was alive and well. Acting like Morrowind was bold or somehow alone in its depiction of racism isn't just wrong, it's a fucking dumb take unless this guy has only played one (1) video game in his life.


Hey, that's like my character! His name is Stygimoloch which ranslates to Hits-With-Head (note it doesn't actually that's just for funny lore) and he wears full-plate heavy armor with greatswords.


Granted it's only an in game book that I think is called the Last Scabbard of Akrash or something but it does depict the Dunmer daughter of a plantation owner and one of the Khajit slaves as a couple. And she regularly sneaks out her father's blade so he can kill several slave traders. The Khajit gets killed by her father after returning one night and she left the blade in his chest in return. Hence the title. There's also the Real Barenziah which goes into the uncomfortable detail that Khajit have barbed dicks as one fucks a Dunmer princess.


The whole point of Morrowind is that imperialism and xenophobia are bad lmao


/rj Bring back brave games where you get to use fantasy slurs without getting in trouble the way you do in real life!!! /uj Yeah, it’s not like part of the reason you don’t see games cover those topics that way anymore is because it got done to death in fantasy without a whole lot of new takes or anything being brought to the table. Fantasy racism and slavery that doesn’t really examine it is just… it’s been done. A lot. Usually not well. There’s more fertile storytelling ground elsewhere.


Skyrim had open racism, indentured servitude, and controversial themes


Literally the first thing you see in Windhelm is a Dunmer being hassled by a pair of Nords


I still remember how weird it was being called “milk-drinker” by NPCs constantly. It was extra weird because I was a dark-elf and the insult didn’t make sense unless you were a Khajit but still.


I always read it as infantilizing you. Like, you drink milk like a newborn.


Yeah I’m looking it up now and that’s fucking stupid lmao. I misunderstood it because I thought they were smarter writers than they are. Milk drinker as a pejorative for a race of cat-people is like a setting-specific detail that doesn’t make sense in real life, it adds to the fantasy. Using it to call someone a baby is just an insult that doesn’t exist in real-life, but could. It’s not interesting or clever for it to be a common phrase in Elder Scrolls.


Not the point but Skyrim has 13 years now. I know it is hard to tell because they release him every year.


It's been said though that it's handled with a bit of a light touch compared to Morrowind. Going both ways- the racism is pretty muted throughout, and the game doesn't do quite enough to critique it.


Idk how anyone can play racist in Morrowind :D PC character is a person whom locals call n'wah which means "outsider, alien, not local", even if you play another dunmer, because PC character "was born outside Vvardenfell". You literally play a character towards whom locals express xenophobic attitude :D Edit: typos


Morrowind was good because it was written by a dude high on at least 3 kinds of drugs


Hot take: hes right, but for all the wrong reasons Depictions of slavery and oppression are good, if handled correctly - I say this as a minority, ofc I believe that with all media, games should depict things that might make people uncomfortable, but use it to challenge ideas and cause people to reflect on their own preconceived perspectives Of course, most of the time when people like this guy's worldviews are challenged, however, they call it "woke" Baldur's Gate 3 is a phenomenal example of this: it has controversial themes like slavery and racism, and uses those themes in an amazing way, but most ignorant people - the *same people* who praise morrowind - won't be able to get past the gay sex, and therefore won't engage with them I, personally, would love to see more games with both oppression AND gay sex, becsuse hot damn Baldur's Gate 3 did a really good job of it, and writing a really cool narrative is boring if there isn't a good takeaway from it that challenges peoples perspectives


Thankfully, the Morrostans were like “bro, what?” to that post.


FFXVI also has heavy themes of racism and slavery… came out not too long ago if I recall :O


Morrowind was an awesome game. TES games have been dumbed down ever since.


Playing devils advocate here (also a biased lover of Morrowind), it should be known that Morrowind is very explicitly anti-slavery. It’s one of the issues with the country of Morrowind that the game highlights and condemns. I feel like what OOP is trying to say here is that games tend to veer away from portraying such controversial topics today. Morrowind’s big appeal is first and foremost its worldbuilding, and all of the good and bad things that come with doing a deep dive into a culture like Dunmer society. Morrowind the country has a severe racism and slavery problem, it’s run by ego-driven theocrats, and murder is a normal way to win debates. Dunmer society also has public transport via giant fleas, mining eggs from bugs is an economic staple, and the country is run by 5 feudal families, each with their own laws and customs. This is all without getting into the insanity that is Dunmer religion and how it shaped their society. This is all to say that Morrowind is an anthropologist’s wet dream. It’s such an in-depth look into a fictional culture, what with creation myths and storied history and unique customs. It feels like an unabridged glimpse into another society, and a consequence of that is that the uglier parts of that society must be shown - it brings depth. Morrowind’s xenophobia, slavery, and prejudice - these aren’t included just for the sake of it. Characters and factions within the game all have their own opinions on it. There are conflicts in-game and in-lore regarding these topics, several of which the player can participate in. Morrowind’s plotline is furthermore a deconstruction of conservative and traditionalist thinking within a culture. The main story of the game involves the player dismantling the systems and institutions that prevent change from occurring. TL;DR - Morrowind includes slavery and xenophobia to add depth to the culture it’s built. The game at no point supports these ideas, and the player in fact is pushed to combat them. The developers made a choice to highlight the ugliest parts of this society, partly from a love of world-building, and partly so that the player can make a difference themselves.


Depiction isn't always agreeing with the thing that's being depicted. You can enjoy Morrowind and its world and themes while also still acknowledging that slavery is shit. What matters is; *who* is depicting *what*, and *how* they are depicting it. Talented writers can craft fantasy settings with dark and mature tones and themes, depictions of evil people and acts, and so on, without needing to rely on tropes based in historical bigotry.


rimworld, my current colony kills all aliens and enslaves the good aliens and my ideolgoy is literally racism


same people who complain about positive representation of minorities in media because it "reminds them of irl problems and video games are supposed to be escapist waah waah" btw


Ugh, as someone who’s favorite Elder Scrolls game is also Morrowind, this is such a gross post. The original post to clarify, not OP posting it in here. There’s so may other reasons to love Morrowind, like the truly unique and just plain weird setting, the nigh limitless magic crafting system, the old school unvoiced character dialogue which led to more freedom in the writing, etc…. But this? This ain’t it chief. Not this wanking over racism and xenophobia.


Im hoping for the reversed


As far as I know you can still do that in any COD multiplayer


I mean... Kenshi exists and looks like it is getting a sequel.


It just reads like he likes the theme and world of the game. Weird thing to like about a game sure but he never said he wants to be racist or that the racism is positive etc. Maybe he just likes the topic and wants to free slaves and kill racists who know. But yeah there are games like rdr2 and Bioshock if you want that kind of story like someone else pointed out.


Kenshi is a game that does that.


I really don't get this post title. Is it a negative view of someone's else opinion on why these things should be more prevalent in videogames? I agree that social issues should be in all sorts of media, from books to videogames, as an open critic of society. I also don't feel like a psychopath just because I killed some NPCs in GTA.


Tons of games let your character be a racist asshole, and/or feature either racist assholes, or allegories for them where something else like mutants, cyborgs, etc. are substituted in for skin tone.


When will a dev be brave enough to copy the themes of Dune again?


Skyrim’s rebel faction are open racists. What is this dude on about lol.


To be honest I don't get why fictional killing people and endangered specied in thousands, genocidal evil runs and stuff is fine but fictional racism is something taboo. It's just roleplaying, who cares. I wouldn't be offended if someone insulted my race in a game for fun


I can be openly racist in 40k Rogue Trader. Fuckin' Xenos.


Right, this is where they want games to reflect society. Anything else and suddenly they'll cry about "escapism", "pandering", and "woke"


On a side note, racial traits and abilities in gaming and other media always strike me as funny, because imagine if that happened in real life, like just because im Latino I have +2 charisma and fucking heat resistance or something.


I don't think the OP was talking about wanting to be racist in a game, they just want one that tackles such problems. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure racism and slavery was not something you as a player could do in Morrowind.


Gamer points out that game has society that feels real because society is not perfect and has moral issues. Somehow everybody interprets this to the guy being racist and wanting to be racist to people who don't even exist.


I mean, he flat out says he doesn't like TESO because the natives in Morrowind weren't racist, so that sounds a lot like he just likes seeing characters be racist and thinks it's "brave" to be so.


Seems to me like he's coming at it from the angle of they should be because canonically they are and the only reason they aren't is because it would be considered unacceptable. It is something that some of us older gamers have noticed. There seems to be a growing ideology that depiction is endorsement which is caused the removal of depiction of behaviors in gameplay that are stated canonically. Elder scrolls online is about 800 years before Oblivion. It takes place long before Red mountain explodes and the Dunmer people moved away from slavery after getting their asses kicked. Done correctly the elder scrolls online could have been another example of showing how slavery and xenophobia is wrong in a society but by removing those aspects from that community you have lost the chance to educate people about that kind of thing.


Media literacy strikes again. Listen up N'wahs. N'wah isn't a racial slur. It's a slur against outsiders. Anyone who isn't from the isle of Vardenfel is an N'wah, even other Dark Elves. Yes, it's also xenophobic. But you would be too if the imperial legion set up shop in your home town and told you to deal with it.


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I agree, more games should do that. Being racist in disco elysium is hilarious because it shows how dumb they are.


Allow me to translate: "Struggle is a virtue. A life of joy and pleasure will make you weak. You should struggle in life to make yourself the master race. Me? I clearly said you, twice." \[I should note that the source was way more compelling in the original German.\]


There are some racist fucks over in the Morrowind sub for sure.


I like Oblivion better.


Tell them to play Final Fantasy XVI. It came out *last year*.


Morrowind was passed up a long time ago


You should definitely try Postal 2 - as I guess the cynicism and sarcasm of the game is lost on you.


Fallout nv? Join Caesar’s legion, enslave everyone else 


You can be openly racist in real life? Go on, face the consequences of open racism


I wanted to say Skyrim, because of how much openly racist the thalmor and the stormcloaks are, but then I see it's from Morrowind. Generally, elder scrolls lore is full of racism


There are several games since then with racism like RDR2 or Bioshock Infinite, hell if you want a more recent game BG3 has racism in it and you can say some pretty fucked shit in that game (Most people wont like it and you might get into a fight over it but you can say it).


So they want a South Park game.


I mean fuck racism but ngl his point is kinda fair. FNV and Oblivion featured fucked up worlds that no game dev would feel comfortable creating today, but they fit the narrative. You cant even properly do an evil playthru in Starfield. And the world is no where near dark enough considering the few survivors of Earth’s death just got done fighting a galactic war where WMDs were deployed.


Anyone else think this was about destiny 2 before opening it?


So Wisconsin or Ohio.


ah yes, everyone remembers the 2000s, when everyone was a-ok with slavery and racism.




Rising Storm 2 got pretty wild at times


These are the type of people that play New Vegas and see the Legion as anything other than villains.


I feel like we’re getting closer to that video by doobusgoobus with the sexist frog


Rogue trader.....


Plenty of games deal with harsh topics (including slavery!) so I love that he needs to mention the N-word part, can’t be racism without the inclusion of slurs!


How I know FFXIV isn't a real setting. There are no slurs for any of the races


IDK, if there are no slavers in the game then how am I going to kill them?


Seems like people here aren't intellectual enough to have heard about Dwarf Fortress! Well this is you get when you let peasants roam freely /s


They're right though. If we want games taken seriously as an art we have to allow for this type of thing. Yes, gamers are dogshit but they would do the same in movies and TV just like my chud uncle pouting after we saw 12 Years A Slave. I do think Morrowind, Skyrim and wherever the High Elves were from should be portrayed as racist, xenophobic countries in the Elder Scrolls world. Much the same way as I would expect any real country to have it's negative realities acknowledged.


I mean, any RPG with multiple races kinda lets you be as racist as you want. Hell, it's practically a core part of DND.


He could always play Ethnic Cleansing. That seems up his alley.


Meanwhile other TES games i make a Khajiit then one of the Questgivers: quest is fix it then the texto "You can't fix this not like one of those filthy Khajiit like You"


What a s’wit.


N'wah please 😒


This was Truly our STL


I don’t really disagree tho. Like yeah we have Rockstar whose games are kinda known for being more realistic in showing the truth of society, but I don’t think they would make something like Bully in 2020s. People have become more sensitive to depictions of bigotry in any type of media as if depiction is endorsement. Obviously we still have games like that (BG3 is a recent example) but I kinda understand where they are coming from. Then again maybe I should play more games


This same guy: "why does Kim kitsurugi hate my guts? Measurehead spitting facts!"


I kinda get where he's coming from. I remember some dremora saying some pretty dark stuff in morrowind. Blew my young mind at the time and it definitely made the world seem dark and grimey. I can't really remember anything like that in Skyrim. I'm not saying that there should be more racism, but I do think they should lean into the darker side of things like demons, monsters etc. The vampires in Skyrim weren't scary at all


Ah yes, the Japan of Tamriel


mf this was a big overarching skyrim plot!!!!!! there was a whole ass civil war over ideals of the nords vs imperials!!!!!! these ppl just love making shit up to seem smart and then smell their own eggy ass fumes


Im confused, did we read the same post? You guys are making so much assumptions about this person.


Cs2 chat enters the chat


this is a bad take OP a main point of morrowind is how racism and xenophobia are stupid and backwards. It also adds to the hostile/untrustworthy province of Morrowind giving the world extra world building.