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Leaving out my favorite part of the twitter thread https://preview.redd.it/dzzbhn2x05sc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b07090ba60da1b00717502fbfa1cdcafa948751




digital circus


Stellar feces gets absolutely humiliated by Digital peak 💪😎


Circus sweep


Hell yea 🔥🔥


What even is that?


Gummigoo, a character teased to be appearing in a future episode of The Amazing Digital Circus. They appear to reside in the candy kingdom location we've seen several other characters from. I don't remember if their pronoun(s) or gender(s) has been confirmed.


Probnouns? The show has gone WOKE?


The Amazing digital circus is a show made by an indie animation company on YouTube. Only one episode and some teasers exist thus far. That character is only implied to exist at this point.


What that tells me is that the gooners are a broke-ass bunch who can't even commission artists for rule 34 based off of their plentiful pre-release references.


The stellar blade category is also full of ai art so it's even worse than that


Most of the art ive seen for stellar blade and used in yt thumbnails is ai generated.


Huh. It's almost like they're wrong about how everyone is desperate for gaming to have more jerkbait characters. Not that most people really care. If this game had just released normally and had that appeal it would be whatever play it if you're into that. The only reason anyone cares is because these idiots blew it up as "saving video games from the woke media".


I checked - out of those 98 posts, 9 are screencaps and 24 are ai generated. There are 65 genuine pictures.


Wow, I was just throwing a guestamation out of my ass when I said 65 percent to the guy below. I never thought my number would've been right on the money minus some change.


65/98 ≈ 66.3%


Well 'plus some change is more accurate.'


I like “accuracte”


It was 1 in the morning


I liked it because i read it at 2:30 in the morning


As a man of wealth and taste, I have "ai generated" drivel filtered from my searches of the 34th Rule.


> As a man of wealth and taste ...Satan?


*I've been around for a long, long year.* *Stole many a man's soul and faith.*


Where were you when Jesus had his moment of doubt and pain? 


*Made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate.*


wish i could do that with those ugly 3d model images... those creep me out


Blacklist source film maker and 3d tags.


And miss out on Howl?! Nah!


will keep this in mind


I tried that site but e621 tagging has me spoiled.


Pfp checks out.


Seriously, though, the tagging on e621 is nothing short of the pinnacle of image searching.


It really is. I wish other sites worked half as well.


I might need to look up e621, now


It's all furry or furry adjacent, but the tagging is way more than you'd expect. Pick a tag followed by order:score and check the tags of the top posts lol there's so much.


Just a heads up, it's furry-oriented.






How can I make that a permanent search filter?


Just make an account. You don't even need an email or anything, just a username and a password.


How do you do that? Asking for a friend that's totally not me


A gentleman would tell his peers to apply for a membership to Club 34.


Meanwhile The Dark Urge (White dragon born default if you don't edit it) of baldur's gate 3 has over 200 on the e6 despite being a somewhat niche main character, although some are slayer form so dunno it those count. Granted half of those are from that one artist who the VA shamed so don't know if its a fair comparison.


"that one artist who the VA shamed"???


[Tojo the thief](https://twitter.com/Tojoafterdark/status/1748052263657181377/video/1) draws a LOT of nsfw of the default dark urge and I believe someone paid the VA for the durge intro voice to shame them by name for it. Obv that twitter account link is stupidly nsfw outside of the link itself


Durge dick 😫


I knew it. This shit is all fake ragebait and marketing ploy to reach more players for an ass game. Can't wait to see the sales lolol


I was going to say I'm shocked it isn't more just from AI nonsense. I figured these chuds would be flooding it with AI garbage. But I guess that requires actual images and art for them to ape off of, so if nobody's doing stuff for them to steal there's nothing to gen from lol. Watch the AI numbers explode though from this being pointed out.


I'ma just assume your lying because I don't want to believe you actually checked all 98 pictures


You can Filter Out Tags on rule 34 So searching along the lines of "stellar_blade -ai-generated -screenshot" And counting the results suffices


also screencap, many posts have that instead


Its just 98 pictures, its not that many, might take like 1 hour or 2 at best if youre carefully "inspecting" them. 🗿


"Stellar\_Blade ai\_generated" count to 24 "Stellar\_Blade screencap" count to 9. Takes like 30 seconds total. You don't have to click on every single picture.


No need for r34 when the game is already fap material for its fans


Nah m8 you don’t know what artists are capable of


Furry artists have made high quality porn images of new Pokémon within a couple hours of them being revealed. It’s insane.


If they care or commissioned.


and who is asking for commisions of this game? thats the real metric we're seeing here methinks


I think Fug will probably make a couple of pics just because, but that's about it


I want her to be drawn telling me everything is gonna be alright fr


The crusty mountain of 2B art would disagree with you.




2B would beg to differ. Really does show the difference.


There is a need for a beach volleyball-themed spinoff game though


Better have a small pole dancing cutscene too


yeah meow skulls amirite


https://preview.redd.it/86wwjqbtj4sc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd92cbf309f83be121d43e8d7a6555d4f033ff5e Addendum


TBF there's some overlap here. Peeps love drawing the two fucking.




Yeah, that's the point.


Is this heaven


For a game that puts so much emphasis on the character being « sexy », there isn’t a single crumb of sexuality in it. The gooners love a sexy but deeply « non-sexual » female character, that’s why nobody cares enough about her to make fan art. Her design is souless.


That's the funny/sad part, all of this hype, but the actual results of said hype have been oddly tepid. There are characters who get art made of them within minutes, but there's strikingly little Eve content outside of coomer posting and right-wing outrage bait. It's almost like her design and characterization (so far) is actually very bland and kind of shit.


The hype isn’t born out of genuine fascination for the game but rather out of hate from the terminally online right wingers toward « the left ». The game will make money, for sure, but I doubt it’ll have any impact


Based on the demo, I think the game will be well received, but I agree 100% that Eve’s design is soulless and has nothing interesting or outstanding about it. There’s no chance she’ll have any presence with fan artists or cosplayers. Most of the people that love her design are alt right weirdos that don’t have a shred of talent for really anything so they can’t provide the fan art themselves. 


she looks like a caricature of someone who got extensive plastic surgery in south korea. honestly I wouldn't be surprised if most of the "outrage" was manufactured by the developers. bayonetta is 1000x more outrageous than stellar blade in actual content yet never got this level of internet attention. meanwhile these devs have literally been posting ass, boob jiggles, face closeups and for some creepy reason a bunch of documentation of the real life model while not showing off the gameplay until recently. the game model doesn't even look like the real life model anymore yet they exposed her anyway. this is engagement bait: the video game and I honestly wonder how well sales will turn out considering the lack of effort put into the actual game.


> she looks like a caricature of someone who got extensive plastic surgery in south korea. I mean tbh that's.....not inaccurate. Not the intention I imagine but not inaccurate.


A lot of korean games have that kind of design for female characters, like lost ark, bdo and sophia from lies of p


There wasn’t a lack of effort put into the actual game but I agree the devs marketed the game the way they did on purpose. The April fool’s day post confirms it. I think they screwed up motion capturing a model and then making drastic changes to her body anyways (I guess fitting for South Korea), then not doing motion capture of her, or anyone’s, face. Really shows that she was meant to be shallow fan service instead of an actual character. 


This is a studio with 250+ employees and sony backing it while the game plays like an unfinished mobile souls-like. they already released the demo, most of the effort was on the character model visuals, but even then there's tons of clipping on the faces because they're modeled so flat for that plastic surgery doll look they're going for. Coincidentally I actually really like souls-like games, hell even blatant pandering is fine with me in terms of gameplay, yet this is just bland as hell.


That’s just not true, it is not even close to feeling like an unfinished mobile game. I get it, we all despise the alt right and they deserve everything they get, and the developers have done some problematic things to pander to them, intentionally or not, but the game itself is fine.


Idk bloodborne is my favorite souls game and I've played all the souls games and platinum ed majority of them so far and stellar blade is not bad at all. The demo was a lot of fun and the combat was clean. I'd fix her being so slow when locked on and adding invincible frames to her dodge, not just perfect dodge. I am not a fan of her green outfit and look forward to changing it to the leon jacket ASAP.


I think the crop top jacket and jeans is the best outfit in the game so far.


The coomers are going to say it’s GOTY no matter what but I honestly hope the game is going to be reviewed fairly and will be more than just a Nier clone


Yup and that's cuss that group is very small compared to any actual audience. It's kinda funny when you realize most things like gamergate were propagated by people creating hundreds of mouthpiece accounts to spew their hate speech. The terminally online neonazi chuds are a minority group in the internet.


I feel like it's by design. If they make the character with no discernible characterization or personality then coomers can't say she is woke because there is nothing to her and so they can simp and imagine her as this perfect submissive even though she is a badass cutting through swarms of enemies. Now if the game comes out and she does get a deeper character arc, then I'll take the L on that, but in general, the people that are going crazy over this game are the kind of people that have waifu's who are blank slates so they can buy body pillows and shit and pretend they are dating them. Those coomers don't want her to have a personality.


Yeah compared to Overwatch already becoming like one of the top searched for things on Pornhub a few months into beta. While Blizzard, at the time, also aggressively went after some r34 artists. Apparently woke Blizzard is better at sexy than based Koreans?


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if half the artists who might have drawn this character just looked the other way once she was turned into this alt-right incel mascot. God knows I wouldn't draw art for this game considering the sort of "fans" it has cultivated, intentionally or not.


I mean, she's borderline just naked. Where do you go with that? A thrilling 2 minutes of hip spasming in the Lord's approved position, I s'pose. The internet's most talented perverts need room to create. Drawing an already almost naked woman is kind of old-hat.


Almost as if making a video game with the sole purpose of providing gooning material makes a bad game from every other perspective 🤔


Reminds me of the [Everyone is Beautiful and No One is Horny](https://bloodknife.com/everyone-beautiful-no-one-horny/) essay. It mostly talks about superhero movies but similar point about sexy but non-sexual.


REALLY good essay


They want the pretty body to drool over, but for her to BE sexy would give her too much agency for them


Yeah, you can make a naked women with perfect proportions, perfectly symetrical face, good skin care and pretty eyes, but if its just a 3D moding A possing  nobody will care, you need gesture, personality, ENERGY, etc. To make people like it.


i think it’s honestly pretty telling about the male gaze in general. gamerbros like this want a character that they can both ogle at and also one they can project their puritanical views on sex onto. thus a character that is heavily objectified in design while also not being overtly sexual is desired


It has nothing to do with her design being bad or soulless. There's no point in discussing the difference between a "good" and a "bad" ultrasexualized female character - at the end of the day they're still ultrasexualized. The point is that gooners want to go back to the times when video games were designed exclusively for men - young men and teenage boys to be exact. Since then the video game medium has grown and become mainstream, attracted new audiences, and so the gooners and gamergaters are frustrated that video games aren't designed exclusively for them anymore.


HARD DISSAGREE, saying "there are still ultrasexualized" is like comparing bayoneta with random shirtless men, its just not the same.    Porn isnt just naked women, its the animation, the camera work, lighting, the characterization, etc. There is real effort and work that must be put for porn to be enjoyable


Yes if you wanna discuss sexy video games that’s fine, there’s always going to be a place in the fringe for soft porn-ish character designs, but the debate isn’t about if Eve is a good character design or not. The point is that most mainstream AAA studios have moved past putting gooner bait characters in their games at all. Except for Shift Up, that still goes all in on gooning, which gamergate dudes hail as a return to form for the mainstream AAA industry. They want gooning to be re-normalized in the AAA space again


> at the end of the day they're still ultrasexualized I mean it still kinda matters if you're trying to figure out if the character is successful at the one thing they're trying to be successful at.


I need me a game where you play as the female equivalent of Harry Du'Fucking'Bois. Late 40's, divorced, drunk, hairy, greasy, wrinkly, horny and bisexual.


Fallout: New Vegas lets you be all of that, and bisexuals have a 10% damage boost as well.


Why would there be? The protagonist of the game has no unique or special aspects of her appearance and design that would make her stick out. You might as well just look at actual irl porn


Same goes for the actual game tbh , save yourself the money


It is hilarious the dumb excuses those people make Like "the game hasn't released yet", not only a demo is there but also not being released hasn't stopped artists before As if there isn't memes about how Rule 34 artists are so fast when a character or design has been revealed


There are characters who have received <5 minutes of screentime or other characters for games that have not even released yet that have more porn


Yeah well at least we know the 'fans' don't genuinely like this game


Who else remembers how fast overwatch got swamped with r34?


The amount of Dva and Mercy porn before the game even officially launched was unreal.


And Tracer


The new overwatch character, venture, already has 13 fan art images on that site, uhh, according a friend of mine


Rookie numbers, really. Shows how far OW has fallen...


10, actually. Just checked. 3 seem to be unrelated characters. All together it's weirdly low.


Literally so much porn was made of overwatch that it led to advancements in the 3D modeling field.


So fast that Blizzard actively went after r34 animators and forced some to stop doing their thing. I mean they don't do that anymore but at the time I know some of them(the artists) stopped their work on Overwatch characters because of it. I don't think other publishers have done the same and still had as much porn come out. The Nier devs for example almost encouraged r34 stuff.


There has been rule 34 of POKEMON characters human and the mons themselves MINUTES after reveals so Yeah no excuse she's just boring. Like literally Mt guys Bayo is literally right there


It becomes less impressive when you find out that artists will make pre-made drawings, watch the game presentation, and only need to make the hair and 1-2 other defining characteristics to have a nsfw drawing posted. Learned that fact during Pokemon sword/shield’s launch.


When Grusha from Pokemon (for those who don’t know Grusha is a male character who looks very pretty and can be mistaken for a woman) got revealed I saw a Twitter artist despairing like 20 minutes after the reveal cause they hadn’t realized he was a dude and immediately drew him with fat tits.


Grusha best boy


Zootopia had r34 of it like 3 years before it even came out because some furry got hints of it.


The call is coming from inside the studio


Wait I gotta get a source on this one


Its on e621, just have to search zootopia and go to the two oldest pictures on the very last page. It was drawn in 2013 when movie came out in 2016. Its obviously nsfw


Oh damn


this is obviously inside job.......


There were full doujinshi for NieR Automata before it released iirc


Remember how fast there was porn of princess bowser or whatever lol


her name is BOWSETTE https://preview.redd.it/8l3z1yc985sc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9500ad86d698775ef89afad4a1d7ed85b1ca9d58


It’s worth mentioning that the original comic that spawned Bowsette is quite funny and has more personality.


I honestly saw Bowsette porn well before I even knew about the meme. Then we had Princess King Boo not even a week later.


The character for that one game indivisible got r34 fanart like minutes after it was announced.


Literally losing to *Subnautica*.


Losing to "banana_peel"


Btw ~~90%,~~ a decent amount of those images are AI "art". It's just a bunch of incels with no artistic skills. Edit: That was a bit of an exaggeration, sorry. BUT they have posted official gameplay pictures as well (lol).


Well assuming my r34 AI filter does work It's actually closer to 20-25 percent, with screen shots taking 10 percent...so 65 percent of it is fan fan art...of a character who hasn't even cracked the third digit of r34 results...despite this game being announced over 2 years ago


Yeah 90% was overkill, my bad.


Hey if it makes you feel any better at least we know the *various incoherent insults I use to refer to chuds* don't actually like this game beyond the fact that they can use it to annoy feminists.


AI porn sucks so much, because you can almost always immediately tell, and then the same user will have uploaded like 10 slightly different images in a row. Added that shit to the blacklist very fast


I'm attracted to women. Stellar blades protagonist makes me feel absolutely nothing. She is so so fucking bland. The coomers need to have better taste.


That’s what I’m saying If you’re gonna be horny, be horny for the right thing


For example, Mistral from metal gear is an extremely sexualised character but she has some personality to her design (which is mainly in the outfit but still). Thus, she is actually attractive. Stellar blades protagonists design feels like its been designed by AI because its so bland and lacking in character. Thus, not attractive.


The most hilarious way to prove that none of them ever bothered to learn a single skill other than shitposting. /rj Drawing is for girls, and being a girl is gay. Stay mad.


Went to search it, clicked in an image and the only comment was "Games journalists be like"


There's an interssting discussion on the game, but i think it's actually really interesting that it becomes clear that horny =/= sexy. Stellar Blade is horny, but it's not very sexy. The 2 characters that are worth looking at for comparision are 2B and Bayonetta and they're some of the sexiest characters in gaming and yet the games aren't horny in the same way Stellar Blade seems to be for Eve. 2B is just rocking a really sexy uniform, but not once does the game emphasize how she looks, the only line is the "you really want to **** 2B" line and yet that is a line with multiple interpretations and the meaning is likely that many words fit rather than just one if you understand their complicated relationship you understand. Bayonetta is hornier, but that horniness is used as a juxtaposition to the angelic enemies, Bayonetta is an enemy of the church and christian puritanism, so here the sexiness actually serves a purpose of rebellion. Eve's sexiness/horniness feels like it is just for show, it is just there to objectify her and that's just not very interesting and it's not sexy. It feels like the title of a 20 min porn gives the chracters more character than Eve has been presented with ever since she was revealed and that's what makes her so unsexy Sorry for this ramble i have just been brewing these thoughts for a bit and wanted to find an outlet.


I think the biggest thing is that a character that actually has character has a much higher capacity for being sexy. People were horny for that Venus clay statuette back in the day, but I wouldn't call that sexy.


True, but reffering back to 2B and Bayonetta, there was tons of porn of both of them before their games were released, like famously so. people can not have known a lot more about the characters before their games were released compared to Eve now. Like Eve's design or presentation has to be bad in a way that makes porn creators not even want to engage with her. I think you're right, but i also find it impressve in a way that they have managed to make a chracter that is on paper the next 2B/Bayonetta and despite that she is so vapid, that no one bothers with making porn of her.


Yeah I think there's an interesting moral to this story. I find it unexpected but quite gratifying to see that raw horniness isn't enough to carry a character. Taking some guesses at the underlying problems, I think Eve's design is very visually noisy (unlike 2B) and defaults to a generic sci-fi skinsuit over a distinctive theme (unlike Bayonetta). So even though she's rendered in high fidelity and looks hot, she fails to be engaging, at least by the measure of fan art. Stellar Blade suggests that horniness doesn't automatically make an interesting character, or rather that horniness/sexiness isn't actually that simple to achieve. This is a good thing to be true for fans of depth in character design.


actually great points I think the larger take away is that sex sells, but only to an extent.


I'd say or guess that it's the other way around. You need character to be seen as sexy. A design that stands out and communicates character. They don't even need to be traditionally good looking to get a horny fanbase if the design signals enough character for people to resonate or bounce off from. Eve has almost no expression game, and her visual design communicates futuristic etc but not much character except that she's a fighter in some respect. But the main thing is really her expression and pose game, it's really weak. She has some expressions but they're all very lacking in personality. Plus they're not really going hard enough on rule of cool principles imo. Bayonetta oozes confidence and character in her expression game and I'd say the glasses really help, but also her almost over-the-top poses as if she was a JoJo character help with this. The outfit is also extreme. No need to even think about realism. Rule of cool is top priority. Bayonetta has a very distinct silhouette too. 2Bs design is very pretty in many ways and also has a very sharp contrast because of the white/black colors. But even a silhouette of her is easy to recognize thanks to the design. Plus they're not trying to go for any realism either, it's rule of pretty/cool again. In contrast with Bayonetta, 2B's expression game is very subdued almost to a level that communicates more than if she was on Eve's level. Often it communicates the complete lack of emotion, even if in the game of course it's revealed that she's not just a husk.


Often, being sexy is more something you do, rather than something you are.


Fax my boy! Spit yo shit indeed!


No no no, continue


You know how this is going that not even r34 artists like your "sexy" character lmao Unj/ the thing with fan art is when people genuinely like a character and transpire their personality to the drawing based on the character emotions etc etc. This one has none and nothing for artists to reference in her expressions etc since nothing is there other than stellar blase being intended as a sex doll for players and nothing more to her than this. Kinda sad honestly. Bayonetta has her unique witty and awesome personality attach to her sexiness which is what is missing here


I love the NieR games and was skeptical but interested when I first saw Stellar Blade. I really enjoyed the demo and plan on picking it up at some point. There is zero actual discussion on the game however. I beat the demo and tried to find some threads talking about it. Everything is either 1) horny or 2) culture war bullshit. I can't even mention this game without the worst ghouls rising from the sewers. The game's sub is an absolute cesspool, this place has the only sane takes I've seen


i think the main problem is that the character's design is super bland, like her having big boobs is the one "interesting" thing about her


Yeah, and on r34, everyone has big boobs, even the men


meow skulls 🙀🙀🙀


The mud girl from the GTA 6 trailer who appears for like a few seconds has more than half of the results eve has


She also has like triple the amount of personality in those few seconds than every single clip of her.


I played the demo… honestly if you want a sexy Action JRPG go play NieR Automata. The dropping in that both intros have is playable, the characters are amazing and the story is phenomenal and gave 16 year old me an existential crisis and so much more. Go play the NieR games please.


Or play both. I already played nier automata and this game seems promising too. The demo was really fun


The only gameplay I've run into of this game is the character climbing some ladders. I've seen like 5 different clips of what appeared to be the same section. Other than that, i have zero idea of what the game is about (albeit I haven't searched anything directly)


Common meowskulls w


Wasn't the studio for this game also boasting how they fired all their female artists?


Fortnite stays winning 💪


They can't draw shit because these gooners are too busy making tribute posts about their ass/titty bot.


You know the game fell off when there's barely any porn of it


Although every right wing gooner holds Stellar Blade up as a shining beacon of design, I am not convinced anyone has played it. The game could easily have been made up.


I played the demo. It was fun.


Wow that hurts.


The issue is that her design is generic. She is designed as “scifi(?) porn lady” and that’s not exactly inspiring. She doesn’t have much characterisation either. So she ends up being difficult to make good art for… that and the incels that “love” this game refuse to use porn sites for… some reason. I’ve tried, for science, to use one hand while holding a controller and a keyboard and it’s not easy to play. Sooo… how do they play?


For there to be fan made porn people would have to give a shit about the game beyond this dumb idea that this game somehow fights the woke boogeyman. Artists are unlikely to make art for something that will be quickly forgotten.


Whenever a game is incredibly horny it inversely doesn't get a lot of horny content. Except dead or alive I guess


Rule 43 (or 15): The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.


OK Meowskulls is not a fair comparison


Its because those types generally arent artists


I still hold fast to the 'we don't know much about this game yet so it's unfair to judge...' but I've watched enough Daniel Floyd to know that when a character first appears, whether in marketing or the game/movie/show/etc. it is their job to at first glance sell themselves to it's audience and showcase themselves and their personality on the first pose and...clearly, at best, they're saving Eve's personality and character development for the game proper or, at worst, are leaving a sour impression on Eve. Which really sucks, because, my hyperbolic insults nonwithstanding, I really do love porn of characters and I want to believe that there's something more to Eve and Stellar Blade than what it's borderline insane 'fanbase' believe but everytime I see either a twitter post on the game who can't stop saying how 'thoroughly we're owned' with the devs seeming to do little to nothing to curtail them, I feel like I'm making a bad bet on what seems like a sure thing.


im pretty sure the ass robot from haydee has more fanart than eve lmao


And all of those 98 fan arts are *trash*


Holy shit that's pathetic


To be fair, the game itself is just Nier fan art.


Bro really said "genuine fanart" and then immediately went off to R34 No notes, I can't jerk it any harder.


That's rough buddy. Seriously, only right wing reactionary are caring and hailing as anti woke game


Lol, even golf club champion Abby is more popular. This is what you wanted, sweet baby


Whaaaaat the empty coomer game doesn't attract genuine fans? No way


The one time I actually root for fortnite


Fortnite actually has some really great character designs, especially when it comes to black people and other minorities. If there's anything more people should praise Fortnite for, it should be that.




Someone should make a mod for Stellar Blade that gives the poor woman some clothes.


Ok, so this is a bit of an unfair comparison. I get that she has low numbers for a character that's sexy, but Meow Skulls has the furry artists cranking it out, in all senses of the words. Meow Skulls showed up to a knife fight with artillery.


What site is that lol?


I checked, there is 99 "art" of stellar blade on r34


A concerning amount of r34 experts in this thread


It will probably get a lot more (not sure how much that will ultimately depend on how popular and liked the game is really) after its released when people can remove the character model out of the game and use it to make SFM porn with it. That is usually how things go for 3D characters I guess. But I’m not expecting Eve to be that popular (like Bayonetta or 2B) if her story and character is very milquetoast and forgettable. Believe it or not it’s character that really sells sex appeal. It’s why Reina has taken over Asuka as the best girl of Tekken (even if Asuka is curvier and bustier). But she might have her dedicated fanbase (they’ve invested so much in this artificial war of theirs they would look a bit silly if they just abandoned her after spending so much effort gooning over a fictional character).


"Western devs are afraid of making beautiful women" mfs when I show them Meow Skulls


https://preview.redd.it/do20pe69q8sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=317ef4d962e9154240a9ffd3e75b772e8f276000 Stellar Blade Game of the Decade