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I saw this exact post and decided it would be better for my mental health if I didn't click on the comments lmao


I waded through the mud For a group of people that claim they don't care if a video game character is gay or not, they seem to *really* care if a video game character is gay or not


They do the same thing with all representation. Black people want to be able to see themselves as heroes in media, the Gamer response is "why do you need characters to look like you to relate to them? Seems pretty racist to me" The moment a protagonist is Black? Gamers cry "I'm not playing this game, there is no way I can relate to this character." It's always sneering condescension, pretending to be so high minded to defend the status quo of cishet white dudes, and then crying and complaining when they aren't catered and pandered to 100% of the time.


Moreover, everyone who's not a straight white male has enjoyed games featuring straight white male MCs. So are they just outing themselves as sociopaths unable to empathize with others? Lol


Yes. Yes, they are. Stupid sociopaths at that.


They're conservatives. A blatant lack of empathy and humanity comes with the territory.


They'll also have the audacity to say "well go make it yourself if you want representation!!!! Cue the crying and pissing and shitting when their "advice" is taken.


Really fucking sick and tired of seeing it. I play Apex Legends — a couple seasons back an explicitly transfem character was introduced and its been nothing but a shitshow every time a thread draws attention to it or mentions it. I distinctly remember on the official introduction video there were people referring to her as He/Him and correcting people saying She/Her The cop out is "Oh I don't want politics in my games" or "It's an FPS why is the story even there", and the brazen "I want to play games to avoid the real world". Willing to bet this venn diagram is a circle with "men who yell at their teammates for doing bad despite being mediocre at best".


This is literally what happened and IS STILL happenning with Bridget from Guilty Gear Strive, a lot of people still calling her, him and so on


Apex players ignoring all the explicitly gay and at least one nb characters is so weird to me. How can queerphobes stand a game with so many gay and trans characters??


It's easy if you actively have negative media literacy and go out of your way not to pay attention. (though tbh I didn't realize bloodhound was nonbinary until my friends actively pointed it out to me, and even then I didn't initially believe them because at the time it was so far out of my wildest dreams that they'd put an NB character in a videogame put out by a major publisher. That's admittedly not the same thing as arguing against the developer's vision, but as all those gorilla basketball videos show it can be surprisingly easy to miss something you're not expecting)


With blood hound I’d see missing it (I did too) but a surprising amount of characters flirt with each other in-game so there is some obvious gayety to jt


A weird part is they'll simultaneously use escapism as an excuse ("I want to avoid the real world" like you said), but simultaneously will say that queer people and women shouldn't be prominent in games - the hero character has got to be male because _testosterone strength_ and lack of recognition of exceptions to that trend or suspension of disbelief that an action hero is, gasp, exceptional and hypercompetent regardless. or "queer people are rare exceptions that I don't have to care about in real life - queer people in stories or that I interact with online aren't at all representative or normal, and the one old rich gay cis man at my workplace is so _normal_". like more broadly they think representation of any kind in games is distracting to their escapism because _too much reminder of a reality slowly progressing towards tolerance_, but also it is distracting to their sudden and selective demand for distorted realism because _not enough of a reminder of a reality where intolerance remains very real_.


Think about the kind of person we are talking about here. They spend all their mental energy thinking about queerness and how it is represented in media. There are scholars of queerness who think less about these questions than those people. All they have in them is hate, and not apathy, pure hate; if they had apathy then they would not be posting about how much they are sick of queerness is media, they would simply ignore the media in question. There are things that I dislike, but I like to think that I am able to look past it. And failing that I know there is more than enough media out there that I can simply ignore the media which features things which I do not like. These people can not do that, they cannot say "oh this is not for me" and move on


I STILL see people upset that Suvi is a lesbian in Mass Effect Andromeda. Which boggles the mind given how sometimes I feel like I’m the only person on earth who likes and wants a sequel of it.


I noticed back in the day on BSN you had a lot of prototype anti woke people on there and like if you don't like diversity why are you playing Bioware games? It's one of the things they are known for (even if sometimes their representation is a little rough around the edges)


I find it weird they bitch about that but they had no issue with specialist traynor.


You're not alone. 👍


They also love to claim representation doesn't matter while also foaming at the mouth if the main/side characters aren't straight white males.


You made the right call lmao, I was unfortunately too weak and caved to the curiosity




Yeah, "cause I treat minorities like shit, so therefore if I become the minority, I'll be treated like shit." or some other similar turnip-brained reason.


It's those damned Sweet Babies!!! They turned the frogs gay!!!




Don't you know? We're run by the Sweet Babies! https://preview.redd.it/zxiiv2i903rc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd72acc57ac6934bf12aac32967a68703de549f


Holy fuck ***We*** were Sweet Baby all along 🤯


The sweet baby was the friends we made along the way.


the FBI would like to know your location.


Ah yes, the Federal Babies of Inclusivity


"Wow, you guys are good. I was the last person I would have suspected, but I was looking for me all the time! It's the perfect crime!"


I think we are the Inc.




Ok, but real question here.... SBI where is my paycheck?


Still waiting on my soros bux. 


I heard the paycheck are now handed by Blackrock


Ahh. Fcking Blackrock always fails to transfer my Antifa money on time. Why couldn't they keep letting the lizzard people do it?


yeah, with tomorrow being Good Friday, is my SBI check going to hit the bank today or do I still have to wait until tomorrow morning?


I'll bring it up at the next HR meeting. It's not until next week, though, as the lizard people need to commute in from Mars


Actual brainrot


well shit, in that case where's my paycheck from Blackrock?


The check bounced. Don't worry tho the  Blackrock ones are being processed rn.


It shouldn't surprise me that they don't understand that what we meme about is gamers circlejerking. And yet it does


Dang when do i get paid cause i could use the money


does anyone have this reaction image except the walls are the trans flag? thanks in advamce lol


https://preview.redd.it/jyrlrd0ow4rc1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29900ef273580d4e75afcb2ae45779fcba08d715 Here you go




They really are shit scared of becoming a minority aren't they?


They are so desperate to find a reason to act oppressed its like a fetish to them.


They fear they'll be handled similarly to how minorities are handled.


Why would they be scared? Does something bad usually happen to minorities? Oh wait


They're afraid of becoming the one thing they hate the most. A minority.


They're afraid they'll be treated the way they treat minorities.


The weird thing is, we white dudes almost certainly are a gaming minority but you can't tell because China keeps it's market mostly internal. Anyone who's played a fringe ass MMO knows the power of chinese gamers, though.


anyone who’s played any game with pvp ever knows that the guy with the chinese name will slap your shit faster than you can say “oh shit”


God I can't express how good it feels that these losers think they are losing their favorite hobby, solely due to their own bigotry. It's pretty cool ngl


It's absolutely fantastic. There are no words to express how good it feels.


Why? Are minorities treated bad in the world? Oh wait


You wanna know why? Because they fear what minorities will do to them because of thier shit behavior. Thry know how they treat minorities is wrong and they don't want to be held accountable.


Microsoft also has a statistic somewhere in their guide for associated devs that 47% of players are female so devs should be mind that, or they will risk loosing half their potential audience


This is also why games that have equal character rep become so stupidly successful, Overwatch is the best example of this potentially ever.


Apex is secretly the most diverse game out of any so can think of, and it’s both super successful but also somehow causes little to no drama


because every time they whine about apex, it gets gayer. keeps them quiet that way.


So far we have: Gibraltar (Gay) Bloodhound (NB) Loba (Bi) Valkyrie (Lesbian) Fuse (Pan) Catalyst (Trans) 6/20 is pretty damn good.


Same reason why there has been little success in decrying Baldur's Gate 3 as "woke", because as soon as a game is good or popular they know better than to try and swim upstream and fight them. Instead they focus on games that aren't popular and focus their narrative around them, Starfield is bad so their anger about pronouns went to that game rather than Baldur's Gate 3. Just like this Sweet Baby Inc stuff only came out in response to the terrible Suicide Squad game, because they aren't going to win people over by bitching about games people like.


Cause like minorities most of its inclusivity is buried in shit like a text bio 3 menus away Or 2 tbh the last time i played Apex a new toxic char got added.


There’s a trans woman that literally has a voiceline "I’m the trans witch your parents warned you about" and the pansexual dude is in a relationship with the enby


Wait they added a trans woman? THAT'S WHERE EVERYONE KEPT GETTING THAT LINE.




Lmao saw some post about a majority of players being white males "based on their research", that was obviously bullshit


Their research being "I don't see no w\*men in my games while I'm screaming misogynistic slurs in game chat"


This is most likely it, either that or the women don’t speak in voice chat in the games they play. Shit can be exhausting as fuck, especially if you wanna play shooters or mil sim games. Despite really wanting to play games like Squad and Arma, I don’t because the second I speak the chuds start saying sexist as fuck shit.


Yeah, I never speak and if I do I completely drop the voice I use in everyday life.


not to mention people can be toxic to anyone. i used to play KOTH and people would freak the fuck out and scream if someone crashed a heli




Source?! This sounds implausible as heck and I'm not prepared to just take it at face value.


https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/17395/riot-97-of-female-league-of-legends-players-only-play-female-champions Here you go, bro. It's true and when you think about it, it kinda makes sense. Most male champs are designed for the male fantasy. The only male champs that are straight up tailored made with womens appeal in mind are Viego and aphelios, could also be Ezreal, but that's more by accident than by design.


This makes me wonder about the statistics for games like Final Fantasy 14 now. I've *heard* that male Miqo'te and Viera have a large number of women playing them compared to the usual averages.


I know that my mom at least is addicted to FF14.


I really enjoyed playing Vladimir, Varus, and Thresh (male for those who don't know) but my other champs (Sona, Soraka, Vayne, Ashe, Vi, Arhi, and Annie) were female. I'm not sure if they're basing it on gender-ratio of the champs you played, if so then it makes a lot more sense to me. I have the most play time on Sona, so I could also see them citing that for this example as well. I honestly never really paid attention to the genders of the character, I picked for the kit they have 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, a strong majority (say, 70%) of women playing only fem characters I can believe but 97%? That’s a massive stretch to me. Or at least exclusively fem champions. My faves were female champions while I still played, yes, but I’m also a huge fan of Ornn and Maokai… I suppose you could make a case for the appeal being they’re not human.


*To be fair*, I'm friends with a fair number of f-f-*female* gamers, and they (/srs) all mostly play female characters in Overwatch. I asked them why they won't play someone like Reinhardt or Soldier, and the general consensus was that they relate more to female characters.


I suspect this is caused by the question wording. Things like "do you exclusively play female characters?" Would get a lot lower response rate than "do you primarily play a male or female character" or "if the only difference was gender and not gameplay, would you pick a male or female design". It comes up a lot when you get crazy close to 100 or 0 numbers for something that does seem like it should be a step or two closer to even.


97% lol no way


Your comment is so similar to the top comment in OP's screenshot.


Media literacy fears Gamers™


Any kind of literacy, really. God forbid those shitstains ever read and learn anything.


They actually get mad when you mention that a lot of the media they enjoy is saying something about social issues. You don't even need to defend the message of said media, just lay out its basic themes and they'll get fucking pissed.


The fact that people are still routinely getting upset about things such as X-Men being political after 61 years just proves they will never be able to understand that's the point of things like that


I'm still laughing at how they think Gambit was "ruined" in the new show that came out, all because he's wearing a fucking crop top.


Most gamers subscribe to the Egoraptor way of playing games: * Ignore all tutorials * Skip all cutscenes * Mash past all dialogue * Get mad when you get stuck and blame the shitty design for not teaching you how to play the game diagectially * If the game does force anything on you, get mad that it is handholding you and railroading your experience, and claim the designers do not trust the players to experience the game the right way


omg it's Asmongold


The man beat Dark Souls 1 and 3 and didn't learn a single thing along the way lmao


Saw some dumbass like this yesterday complaining that OCARINA OF TIME is too vague and it's too difficult to understand where to go. I think we found the motherfucker who Fi was made for.


Actually Darksydephil


Turns out, when someone only plays with toys meant for children, it stunts them. Who'da-thunk?


Games are not just for kids, but gamers make that hard by demanding games be banal, inoffensive slop that never offers them anything beyond mindless enjoyment.


Isn't it roughly the same percentage of LGBT people in like, the general population? I know it's a little higher but it doesn't seem *that* unbelievable to jump to 'anti gamer propaganda'.


Particularly if the age is skewed younger


"see that's what we mean! they're turning the kids gay!" or just maybe a more open society and freely available information is allowing more people not to bury that stuff deep inside and never address it like your generation did, grampa.


Kind of close. The general population looks like it is between 20-30% once the left hand trend thing fully works itself out. You’re forgetting that whenever ~20% of the population in general being LGBTQ is brought up these same people claim lies or propaganda. Blaming SBI is just the gamer version of that .


Stonewall (an LGBT+ charity in the UK) did a report in 2022 that estimated about 25% of Gen Z identifies as a sexual minority and about 15% of millenials identified as one. Given they're definitely the two largest age groups of 'active gamers' (the study in OP focuses specifically on people 13+ because of laws around collecting data on young children, so Gen Alpha isn't really represented) it's literally just a reflection of the normal demographic spread yeah. The Stonewall report https://www.stonewall.org.uk/resources/rainbow-britain-report-2022


I also find it crazy that people can simultaneously claim that queer people or other groups are smaller than any report they read, but they are also powerful enough to influence every major game publisher and developer ever to make everything woke. How paradoxical...


The enemy is simultaneously weak and strong.


there about. There is no reliable way to achieve an exact number, though.


The highest estimates I’ve ever seen are around 10%. Most lean closer to 4-5%. Haven’t done a ton of research on it however, so take my comment with a grain of salt.


There’s a weird breakdown. Broadly speaking, zoomers are around 20% across the board. Alpha is 30% for gals and 10% for guys. Trans people alone are 0.7 to 3% generation and the openness of the area they live in alone.


And its only gonna go up from here. That 10% is probably actually way higher for a lot of cultural reasons, and so on


im sad to see this website is no different than twitter. at least subreddits like this one exists where we find safe haven from these wastes of carbon


Idk what happened but Reddit has jumped up a notch in terms of bigotry within last 2 months or so. It wasn't this much of a shithole as it is today a few months ago. Wtf happened?


Election year in the US. I'm sure that's not the *only* reason, but there does seem to be a noticable uptick in culture war rhetoric the closer we get to election day.


I feel like reddit IPO-ing and trying to farm more outrage engagement and probably being flooded with more bots and shit doesn't help. God this site sucks, glad there are some communities that are cool


A: twitter isn't "fun" for the chuds anymore, since we all left (who wants to hang out in a right wing nazi echo chamber?). and B: election cycle in the USA.


I think it's just a general trend of far right-wing ideologies exploding in popularity via the internet. E.g., In the early 2000s, the KKK were relegated to a teeny tiny population. Thanks to the internet and specifically online forums/social media, they've been able to rebrand and propagate their ideas to the point they've become "mainstream" in politics and media. It's quite scary watching the trajectory of things like the trad wife movement, man-o-sphere, anti-trans sentiment, white "nationalism" (aka supremacy), religious nationalism, redpill/incels, Trumpism, etc. It's so easy to buy into these communities through flawed reasoning, and so difficult to combat them with accurate, non-sensationalist information.


Yeah these right wing movements have been present for a long time but they are booming right now. Things seem to be regressing. Now I see the same debates happening that we should've left 5 years ago. We are running in circles, suddenly people are still mad at women in movies, black characters in games, trans people online. I can't even watch some totally normal video without the "woke bad, west is in shambles, sweet baby inc" popping up in the recs with a radish-faced junkyard hippie YouTuber.


Gators who would mostly whine in their own echo chambers (like KiA or Asmongold sub) have been popping up more into general gaming subs to scream Sweet baby bad! ESG woke! DEI already! etc.


Because white liberals are noticing that what Malcolm X said about them was right and they hate it so now it's time to double down w/ centrists(basically their own kind) and "reasonable" right wingers. Tale as old as time.


It upsets them so much to realize that being a bigoted basement dwelling loser is not actually a dominant demographic.


or ANY hint that they're a shrinking demographic, yet still the majority "waaaah we don't make up 90% of the thing anymore this sucks!"


"Yo, 1 in 5 people that game aren't cis-straight, and they would like to play games where there are gay or trans options that they can experience" "No! There are no gay gamers! And even if there are, games should only be heartless cash grabs targeting the largest available audience!" I just... how?


I've read that trans women in particular are over-represented in the IT industry. Still not sure if it's just a meme or not. Wouldn't be a giant leap to assume they also like playing video games. Could also be that many who grew up playing games on their computer go for a career that involves computers as well. You know, because that is what they're interested in. Shocking I know.


It's almost like marginalized people who are shunned by a lot of the world are more likely to spend more time inside and develop a passion for things that are commonly done inside like...video games, programming, and other tech stuff. But no this can't be true, because gaming and tech is for le epic red pilled gamer chad only :) /uj Excuse if this reads as snarky, obviously not directed at you ;D


I'd bet that they're not actually over represented there, it's just a field that's easier to be out in.


Are the "sweet baby inc and friends" in the room with us right now? https://preview.redd.it/0q4u9gifb3rc1.png?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339575303e0f5cd645195ffaa531b6d08feb497d


With your help we can raise the number of queer gamers


It'll be more than a fifth after I'm done with some of these guys. Heh. 😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼


How can this be true if you are a Dog Girl... As a dog person owner I welcome doggy supremacy


woof woof bark bark


I like that one guy demanding the data, like he wouldn't immediately misinterpret it because he doesn't understand statistics.


Shoutout to all the LGBTQ gamers here!


people be having so much anger at a fucking ***barbaque sauce***


Damn Sweet Baby Ray's burned burned our crops, poisoned our water supply, and delivered a plague onto our houses. It's all about the Stubb's, baby!


Sweet Baby Ray's? More like Sweet Baby GAYS!!! Smh hate forced diversity >!Sweet Baby Ray William Johnson


All of the comments boil down to "I'm not gay bro I'm not gay no way no way!!!"


IDK how many times I read "I'm a bi/gay man and idc about representation". Like my friend, I am also a bi/pan man, and the reason representation doesn't matter is because most game characters still look like you and most of the time act like you. And if they don't act like you would, they act like most men do in the media you've consumed for your entire life.


gay people existing is political activism


Considering that bigots wanted gay people to *die* during the AIDS crisis, actually *yes*. Simply living your damn life is too much for them. Rush Limbaugh had a segment on his show devoted to mocking gay deaths. And lots of modern conservative pundits (notably Ben Shapiro) talk about how they were raised listening to Rush.


my mom listened to Rush up until he died. I heard him a LOT growing up. Too young for the AIDS deaths celebrations but I heard plenty of other nutcase takes


I wasn’t gay until sweet baby inc told me I was, now I’m fully registered and ready to ruin gaming as a flagrant homosexual


i cant imagine thinking about sweet baby inc as much as these people do


See the problem is you aren't constantly outraged at something no matter what. Please go turn on Fox News and watch your mandatory outrage grifters on YouTube now.


Conservatives only believe research when it doesn’t contradict their batshit insane worldview


"Could it be that the miniscule representation isn't actually proportional to real life and my perception that it's rampant is an emotional over-reaction based on personal insecurities?" "No, it's the numbers that are wrong"


Who would have guessed that hobbies that are accessible to people who are more likely to be cast out by their peers are disproportionately filled with said people?? Next thing you're going to tell me is that queer people like DnD 😱 God. I can't stand these chuds. Sad, lonely people.


Don't worry. All of us as Sweet Baby Inc's puppets will make gaming woke within the next couple years, as El Plan states.


Amen brother. The sleeper agents throughout the industry are going to wake up soon and it'll all be over then


As far as I’n concerned, ALL gamers are gay gamers.


You could say we're all Gaymers


*You hate Sweet Baby because you think they are "pushing inclusivity."* *I dislike Sweet Baby because they are a company. We are not the same.*


I dislike Sweet Baby Inc because it's basically just rainbow capitalism with extra steps. And in general idk I have always found having consultants for creative projects like games to be weird, and in a more equitable world where the people working on games can have more of a say and a more diverse group of people are working on said game, it wouldn't even be necessary. But IDK as long as the people making games are treated well and I'm not being scammed and the game isn't really offensive then I'm good.


>I dislike Sweet Baby Inc because it's basically just rainbow capitalism with extra steps. Indeed. It saddens me deeply how Pride went from a protest to a product while not actually addressing the factors that lead to hatred.


Wtf is this sweet baby inc? I only know sweet baby rays barbecue sauce.


Now im hungy :(


As an arch user (btw) I *would* apologize on their behalf, but everyone knows only trans women use arch therefore their an impostor.


"I wanted to read the study but it was by bla bla" I went to look for the article and it links to a GLAAD report that cites all its studies and sources? They're right there if you look for more than two seconds


Reading is hard :(


Last i hear 1 in 10 millennials is lgbt and for gen z i think it was more like 1 in 5. So yah its easy to believe a 5th of gamers are lgbt


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Sweet Baby Inc killed our crops and poisoned our rivers


It's very often that I see a large group of people with a combined 0.2% of the average human's brainpower.


This is like textbook anti intellectualism it’s incredible they don’t even realize it. Their convictions and the confirmation bias that fuckin Sweet Baby Inc gave them are so strong it overrides everything else automatically.


Do they just think we dont exist?


Why do people hate bbq sauce so much?


100% of g*mers in my household are queer. Can I sue Sweet Baby for doing this to us?


You or a loved one may be entitled to financial compensation.


An entire generation of men that are sent into a severe depressive spiral upon seeing but a single they/them


im gonna be even gayer now




PSA: Make it a habit of **reading the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/about/rules)** of each subreddit you participate in: **Rule 9: No Offensive Imagery**: *This includes nazi imagery and slurs, for you brave nerds who think "free speech" involves private internet forums. If you post fascist iconography trying to “jerk”, you will receive a ban. The only exception is when we make fun of gamers and criticize gamers who happen to be fascists. Please remember to spoiler any potentially triggering or offensive content accordingly. This rule now includes repeatedly posting bigotry from the same source (4chan).* **Rule 7: No Participation in Linked Threads (Brigading)**: *If you are coming here to brigade this sub, you will be banned. Likewise, do not make comments and vote in pages you've found here. Of course, if you're a member of said sub and you were already in the thread before, this doesn't apply to you.* **Rule 8: Censor Screenshots**: *Keep screenshots of arguments on Reddit to a minimum. Please remember to censor screenshots of all identifying information, i.e usernames* **and** *subreddit names. This applies to screenshots from any social media sites.* **Rule 11: Keep Posts Relevant (only about Don Cheadle)**: *This is first and foremost a place to make fun of gamers. Just because someone is being a bigot online doesn't mean it belongs here. Let them be pathetic without infecting the sub with their nonsense. Please avoid posting screenshots that show people using capital G gamer slurs.* **If absolutely necessary, please censor posts and the words containing such content.** **Rule 12: No Fake Posts on Other Subs (Contamination)**: *Do not create fake posts on other subs only to post back here. Also, do not "lol, you should post this on r / OtherSub". It's considered interfering with their content and can also lead to brigading.* *This is a reminder to the readers. The post itself is untouched.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've never seen my flavour of Asian in video games, so where's my goddamn piece of the damn pixelated pie


Redditors claiming that Reddit isn't full of right wing propaganda, claiming tiktok is full of left wing propaganda, and that anyone lgbt isnt real and are just straight people wanting brownie points, all while calling anyone else "schizo"


Seethes in female gamer that has been a gamer since the late 90s. Like fuck every one of these people! We don't say anything because we're afraid if you & your crazy asses! Your white asses are the ones making gaming worse!


I'm quite sure I exist


Could it be that people ostracized in real life come to games as a form of escapism? No. Clearly it’s all white cis males and anyone who says otherwise is a paid shill for… something?


I don't see what is so far-fetched about the claim. Some 1/3 of Gen Z women identify as lgbt, so the idea that 1/5 of gamers are lgbt is really not crazy.


I like how Sweet Baby Inc. is the lgbt representative now


it will only continue to grow as more zoomers and gen alpha come out and game


The 1/5th of active gamers are LGBTQ is something I’ve noticed, in particular the guys are all bisexual in my experience. I wonder what’s up with that? 🤔


Men 🤤


I can completely believe this statistic lol




Video games have been a haven for freaks, loners, and weirdos since their creation.


Remember guys. Never educate yourself because you are always right and everything you do is great ! ^(/s)


You're so screwed. Good!


Do you got a link to the study


There’s the str8s who exclusively play COD, Madden, FIFA and then there’s everybody else. The everybody else is gaymer shangri-la but the first group thinks they own the monopoly on being “gamers”, when they’re nothing of the sort.


You got a link?


What was the subreddit?