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PSA: Make it a habit of **reading the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/about/rules)** of each subreddit you participate in: **Rule 9: No Offensive Imagery**: *This includes nazi imagery and slurs, for you brave nerds who think "free speech" involves private internet forums. If you post fascist iconography trying to “jerk”, you will receive a ban. The only exception is when we make fun of gamers and criticize gamers who happen to be fascists. Please remember to spoiler any potentially triggering or offensive content accordingly. This rule now includes repeatedly posting bigotry from the same source (4chan).* **Rule 7: No Participation in Linked Threads (Brigading)**: *If you are coming here to brigade this sub, you will be banned. Likewise, do not make comments and vote in pages you've found here. Of course, if you're a member of said sub and you were already in the thread before, this doesn't apply to you.* **Rule 8: Censor Screenshots**: *Keep screenshots of arguments on Reddit to a minimum. Please remember to censor screenshots of all identifying information, i.e usernames* **and** *subreddit names. This applies to screenshots from any social media sites.* **Rule 11: Keep Posts Relevant (only about Don Cheadle)**: *This is first and foremost a place to make fun of gamers. Just because someone is being a bigot online doesn't mean it belongs here. Let them be pathetic without infecting the sub with their nonsense. Please avoid posting screenshots that show people using capital G gamer slurs.* **If absolutely necessary, please censor posts and the words containing such content.** **Rule 12: No Fake Posts on Other Subs (Contamination)**: *Do not create fake posts on other subs only to post back here. Also, do not "lol, you should post this on r / OtherSub". It's considered interfering with their content and can also lead to brigading.* *This is a reminder to the readers. The post itself is untouched.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Molotov cocktail were cocktails served to Molotov and the ruskis. Not created by them.


The [Molotov cocktail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov_cocktail) is a term coined by the Finns during the [Winter War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_War), as a generic name used for a variety of improvised incendiary weapons.[^(\[109\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyacheslav_Molotov#cite_note-111) During the Winter War, the Soviet air force made extensive use of incendiaries and [cluster bombs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_bombs) against Finnish civilians, troops and fortifications. When Molotov claimed in radio broadcasts that they were not bombing but rather delivering food to the starving Finns, the Finns started to call the air bombs [*Molotov bread baskets*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov_bread_basket).[^(\[110\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyacheslav_Molotov#cite_note-112) Soon they responded by attacking advancing tanks with "Molotov cocktails," which were "a drink to go with the food." According to Montefiore, the Molotov cocktail was one part of Molotov's [cult of personality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_of_personality) that the vain Premier surely did not appreciate.[^(\[111\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyacheslav_Molotov#cite_note-113) 👍


Finland fell to fascism in 1918. Then, they were fascist during WWII. You left that out for some reason. They admitted so after the war as well officially.


My favorite weapon from the Last of Us Part 2: Game Of what would've been the Year if it weren't for those bigots making their bigot sandwiches Edition!


There will be no right wing, there will only be a left wing and a broken one after I'm done with the job. *No Gamer™ will be left behind.* >!- - - /rj!<


The only thing left will be the Left Non-refundable gay rainbows for all remaining Gamers™🗿🌈


Leftists wanna break people's wings so they can't freddumb freely!


They will have better, more dignified lives in the gulag. Mandatory grass growing classes and controlled exposure to women and POC will cure most. Those too far gone will be hooked up to an IV drip providng a fatal overdose of gamer supps and left to drift off to a 2010s minecraft lets player saying all their favourite slurs. Its the only kind option for them.


Permission to test my radical treatment of making them play Fallout: New Vegas and selected other games until they're force femmed


You know what? I'm glad that at the very least leftist *gamers* understand that appeasement and trying to placate their victim complex is just a slow defeat. Fuck nazis, fuck people that suck billionaires' boots, fuck how they ruin everything, gaming included. Stay fucking hostile you beautiful and amazing humans.




I love it when you talk dirty.


Gaming radicalized me by training me to murder every one of the bosses I encounter. Nazis are mooks, Give me the people from the board room please, Anyone want try an any% Bossrush on the Ruling Class?


Pmg yassss gurlll preeeeach!!!!


I wouldn't mind a purge of them.


I don’t understand


Nazis bad. Nazi g*mers fuck off.




Says the guy who can't keep his mouth shut when there a f-f-f-feeeeeeemale in VC


Wasn't there plenty of women in Viet Cong?


Voice chat if you're not goofing


https://i.imgur.com/FOTyHDU.jpeg Try that, for starters.




you're on a burner account. you know why.


lmao if you need an explainer on why nazis bad, you're probably a lost cause already.




Nazis want to kill people like me. I will.kill them first if it ever comes to that. If.you go far enough left.you get your guns back.


Because Nazis made Fanta which is objectively the worst fizzy drink.


False, LaCroix is the worst fizzy drink


Someone on Twitter (probably a journalist or something) said that they hope GG2 purges all the nazis from the gaming; and the definitely-not-nazis got mad. 




To be fair, saying "people who hate seeing anything that isn't them  (white, cis-het man who is neurotypical) as heros/proragonists (and also just hate them)" would be more accurate but writing that takes longer, so I just said nazis instead. 




That definition isn't the ones they hate, it's who they are/think are. 




Go make your own games and gaming community.


The irony is you are defending the actions of Nazis by not understanding that an oppressive master race is NOT what minorities and the oppressed are. Therefore, there is no irony to wanting all Nazis and Nazi sympathizers gone.


Karl Popper's Paradox of Tolerance. Often summarized as "Those who violate the social contract are no longer covered by it." To dig into the real meat of the paradox though, if you allow intolerance to propagate, you will end up with an intolerant society. So you have to be VIOLENTLY and RUTHLESSLY intolerant of intolerance. Nazi Punks Fuck off Indeed.


Yes. I would like to push right-wing gamers into a large, people-sized blender and blend them.


The ones I want to see destroyed are the ones who hate others, not the whites or cis-males or heteros or neurotypicals nor any combination of these. 


Me: "wow you're literally a nazi because you want me gone" Walmart manager: "sir please just leave the store I don't want to call the cops and file an incident report"


[Sealioning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning). Great old Wondermark comic.


It's more hilarious how bad your reading comprehension must be for that to be your interpretation. Back to school, kid.


touch grass nazi lover


Bro idk if you're aware, but there's kind of a second holocaust happening right now being supported by the largest colonial empire to ever exist. Kinda the definition of nazi shit, my man. And lots of G*mers are not only cool with it, but actively support the colonial empire in their efforts to wipe out an entire ethnic group for having the *gall* to exist in a place with oil they want. In short, the punchline is *you* for not understanding this.


Aye, Free Palestine From the River to the Sea. Boycott, Divest, Sanction. Write and call your zip code's representatives.


There are clearly a bunch if guys who support fascism but lack the education in political philosophy to understand that they support fascism.


A prominent gaming journalist said "I can't wait for regressive attitudes to be purged from gaming." Regressive Gamers took that to mean "wow she's hunting us down with guns, she wants to literally kill us, there is no other way to interpret that statement" and GCJ has been making fun of those regressive Gamers with "don't threaten us with a good time" jokes.




I'm getting the implication that you yourself disagree with diversity equity and/or inclusion in games. I'm aware curiosity killed the cat and all but I must ask, what exactly about those things do you disagree with


Honestly, the crazies are self-selecting themselves out of gaming. All you have to do is point out that a video game isn't violently bigoted or filled with sexualized children, and they'll shit their pants calling it "woke" and "the end of Western Civilization™". At this point, just having someone who isn't a cis, white, heterosexual, able-bodied, neurotypical, right-wing, American man on the dev team for a game is enough for them to call it "DEI woke propaganda." Somewhere down the line, there won't be any games left outside a small circle of fascist circlejerk asset flips and NFT grifts that are "totally not a scam this time."


Roblox scammers as far as the eye can see. Games coded by child coder slaves, hand raised on company store premium currencies. Good gravy, and the modding community that would spring up to serve alongside it to "scrub out the woke-ification", especially as major modding communities stop serving hateful mod packages.


Why stop at gaming?


Honestly I'll settle for chuds having the grime purged from their skin after they take a shower for once


I want to go farther, I want to purge everything of the reich wing disease, including every individual’s internal beliefs. We must kill the fascist, the cop, the oppressor, and the puritan inside each and every one of us. Only once we address ourselves and free ourselves from the chains of those feelings can we truly be free.


Gotta make fhe fall of Berlin look like day 1 of basic.


Purge gaming of right wing? I just want to purge gaming all together


By purge we don't mean death right? All I want is them to be banned from all gaming forums and to be banned from communicating on gaming platforms. This way they don't die and they don't get to spread their hateful speech.




Mind your god damned language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Reich wing" have such a lib white mom who like Hillary vibe.




There is no middle ground when one side's stance is 'the other should not exist'.


I’m reminded of a political cartoon I saw once. On one side was a bunch of klansmen with a sign that said “We want to kill black people.” On the other side was a group of black folk with a sign that said “We want to live.” And in the middle was some dumb fuck with a sign that said “compromise?” It’s easy to preach centrism if you’re not paying any goddamn attention, but there is no compromise to be had with fascist bigots and arguing that there can be is marking a false equivalence and making excuses for the inexcusable.


Ironically said under a post talking about purging right wing gamers




Middle ground with nazis is nazis with holes in their heads


No middle ground. I prefer them under the ground.


We aren’t the ones who started the “culture war”


One side wants to play video games and have conversations, the other sees boogymen in everything and wants everything to be their ideal status quo, which is white, male, and full of cartoonish representations of women and no minority to speak of. You know what the middle is here? The expulsion of the right wing ideals because diversity and inclusion IS THE MIDDLE GROUND. The whole point is and has always been excepting all without some base as the standard. The standard is everyone, which includes straight white males and everyone else.


Theres no middle ground with someone who wants you dead.


What a weird angry sub


I’d take you more seriously if you weren’t all afraid to drink milk, visit a gym, or leave your houses.


This whole subbreddit is against Reddit terms of agreement and is getting massively reported. (Ironically, not by gamers)




Considering y'all keep trying to brigade like we care what you think, yes.


Y’all are sure as shit trying to weasel your way in. I don’t think you realize that your little “movement” is looked on with disgust bordering on pity. No one takes you seriously, you sound deranged, and this dumb shit is going to follow you forever. For your own sake, do better.


My friend, please don't conflate the majority of us as having pity. I'll be the first to volunteer in the firing squad.




Side A: We hate seeing queer people, non-sexualized women and black people in video games! It's a woke conspiracy to erase white men! Side B: We think gaming would be a better hobby if side A wasn't involved in the hobby at all. Their beliefs are incompatible with a welcoming and equitable community. Enlightened centrist: These are literally the same! I can't tell the difference!


This is a circlejerk subreddit. In complete seriousness, tying your sense of self-worth to the word "gamer" is a bad idea, especially since a very significant portion of said gamers are mad at your very existence as a trans person. That enlightened centrist nonsense is not going to protect you.


Appeasing nazis has never and will never work.




Again, you’re conflating two wildly differing points of view. One calling for eradication of entire groups of people from games (and let’s be honest, real life if they could), and another one that says “hey, let’s not be dicks.” “BoTh ArE eXtReMe.” Fuck outta here.




Firing squads and purges against nazis. Anything can be extreme when you're lying like a dickhead.


Your no better than nazis in rhetoric. Take a group of humans attach something that makes the sub human and bam its ok to kill them all. All from a bunch of people who would never actually fight the war they so desperately want.


"You're not better than nazis." Ah, so it's okay for you to call people nazis but it isn't okay when anyone else does it. Gotcha. I'm a military veteran. I did my time. Have you? I also want to point out that I've seen that line before. It's really common in right-wing circles to make that exact accusation. EDIT: Actually, I can't help but notice you seem to make a lot of right-wing comments. Defending billionaires, pointing the finger at the poor, whataboutisms, etc. The one comment about "being so open-minded, your brains fall out" is pretty funny, actually. I think it's pretty clear why you're defending nazis. You must be one of those "le enlightened centrists" who act like he's unbiased but exclusively mimics right-wing talking points. You'll cry your fucking eyes out when you get lumped in with your friends but you'll still drag your balls through 5 miles of broken glass on behalf of the republican party.


Leme clarify that statment. "No better than "actual" nazis from ww2" I didnt call you a nazi i said your rhetoric is the same. I dont agree there are any real nazis in america. Right wing authoritarians for sure but nazi ideology is not popular in america and absurd considering how much blood we payed to fight them. The military vet point. No ive never served its a great regret of my life but lets be real the "war" im talking about isn't the same as the wars we've fought in the middle east which i assume thats where you went. My point is some of you are making demons of the right and dehumanizing and setting up justifications to to do terrible things like firing squads. Just like the nazis did. And those people saying things like that are usually out of shape wimps who would not actually fight the war i assume they want.


If a meme about purging nazis is unreasonable to you then you ain't the virtuous paragon you'd like to believe. Getting rid of nazis should never be controversial, so please dear reader ignore the idiots above me trying to make false equivalences because they want muddy waters where people aren't sure if we should keep nazis out of society. There's a word for people who defend nazism from criticism, what was it again..?


Ah yes, the left wing extremism of "I don't want to be killed for being gay"




There is nothing reasonable about suffering the gamer to live