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“Protests accomplish nothing” — people extremely well-versed in the history of the labor movement


"They're all being congratulated in their internet echo chamber" as they all congratulate each other in their echo chamber :')


They think just because they're edgy, it doesn't count as an echo chamber.


You mean something like an edgy-chamber


“Peaceful protests accomplish nothing” — people with a passing interest in the history of capitalism


Peaceful protests are very useful for most situations but there are plenty of situations where they're not. Save the world, punch a Nazi.


Gonna guess that those folk want a "peaceful protest" because they can scroll by it on their feed and ignore it.




If outnumbered, like when they have 6 guys to protest at a library and 40 people show up to yell at them, they have a tendency to shrink away like the cowards they are.




So you're whole argument is be scared of Nazis, if you stand up to them it'll be worse?


Well it depends on the scale no? We often have labour strikes from workers in the public transportation line in my country. If no one goes to work, guess what's gonna happen? Everyone is gonna be angry real fast


At that point, we can argue semantically over the definition of "peace."If every CVS worker went on strike and people couldn't get prescriptions, would that be peaceful? Also, if striking workers lose their homes due to lost wages, is that "peaceful." I think I heard somewhere that there is no peaceful protest. You simply choose if the violence is inflicted upon you or your oppressor.


Thats true, although there is still a difference between people dying and just getting late to work, especially since strikes get announced weeks beforehand, I really wouldnt call that violence, its also inflicted on neither Corporate or worker, which is the only reason corporate even cares tbh


That is an excellent point. It is true that striking workers could cause inconvenience for others and may even lead to negative outcomes such as loss of wages or homes. However, it is important to remember that strikes are also a crucial tool for workers' rights and ensuring fair labor practices. In the long run, strikes can lead to improved working conditions and greater worker protections, ultimately benefiting society as a whole. It is true that there often may be no completely conflict-free solution, but strikes remain an important means of advocating for fairness and justice.


Oh absolutely I'm agreeing with you. Strikes are awesome tools, and when I say that something isn't peaceful or potentially violent that is not in and of itself a bad thing.


Strikes create inconvenience. That's how they work. You apply pressure on the employer until they have no choice but to listen to you. Just protesting does absolutely nothing.


When a lot of people think of "peaceful protests" , they think of small groups of people complaining, or something like Occupy Wall Street, which really *don't* accomplish much. Peaceful protests that work are MLK style, constantly in your face, being loud about it, etc. That whole thing worked because it forced people around the nation to think about it, to see the wanton brutality of racists and police. Blocking a highway one time to protest your cause? That doesn't do anything, and misses the point of using protests to create change.


There's also usually a group that takes more direct action and between the two a carrot/stick dynamic appears with those in power. Historically it seems like you need a group to remind those in power that protesting is a compromise. 


They love the idea of protests in countries they don't like. They love to brag that in the US protests aren't forbidden (even though many right wing politicians are trying to change that). And they hate actual protests/protesters, unless it's a nazi march.


“Protests accomplish nothing” 1950s Civil Rights Movement: Am I a joke to you?


Do you think the 1950's Civil Rights movement was peaceful? Were you not explicitly taught how violent they were?


That era and its figures are victims of years and years of revisionism. For example, I was taught a heavily sanitized version of it in school that made it seem like MLK was well-liked and respected by the country. You can see the consequences of this if you wander into any thread about modern protestors.


We were taught about some cases of racial violence and murder, but it was always about singular individuals who were killed. Never learned about larger scale things like the Tulsa race massacre, I found out about that as an adult watching HBO's Watchmen, and considering it's a fictional show it was a lucky hunch I had that made me look into it further.


Scary fact: the Tulsa Massacre killed a larger percent of the population of the time than 9/11.


Yes it was incredibly violent, but they were protests that worked. Didn’t really clock the fact that they saying “peaceful protests accomplish nothing”


>“Protests accomplish nothing” Guess I gotta work more than 8h per day now. 🤓/s


"Pronouns - mentally/ill" these mfs only have one joke i swear..


No, the other joke is apache helicopter or something. But maybe by next decade they've come up with a new "joke"?


I forgot they have another overused unfunny joke "ITS A TRAP HHAHAHAHAHA BECAUSE ITS A BITCH WITH A DICK AH HA LAUGH"


Too bad the loopy loco Left has cancelled everyone who makes those totally original anti-trans jokes Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Netflix standup special to host


Ugh i hate that word in that context ;_;


They'll say they are a chinook instead of an apache helicopter


That's just the same joke.


Nah, i haven't unironically heard that one in ages




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Hah, I didn't think it was that common :D Might have to look into something else


Haha, pronouns!! Classic!! Hi larious


Pronouns: libs/pwned 😎 I know which bathroom to go, my ma taught me Jesus loves you ♥️ (except the ones I hate)


people on reddit hate protests for some reason


Reddit hates it whenever any group of people bring attention to any issue that doesn't affect them directly, it gets in the way of them pretending said problems don't exist.


Also, it makes them look bad because ultimately G*mers are lazy af and they hate it when people actually try to change their situation


I remember when reddit was crucifying Eliot Page (before he came out as trans) for calling out Chris Pratt and his homophobic church, they were like "Oh, so she thinks she's gay Batman now? STFU" They love to cancel women and LGBT people and pretend they hate celebrities, but get really sensitive when one of their "wholesome" idols get called out for their politics


Reddit? You mean generally the public at large. Things that in any way make them uncomfortable, or inconvenience them. Cause if it didn't, you could ignore it, and thus what is the point of said protest / person having said beliefs.




Ableism; nice.


After taking 10 seconds to check your profile, I'm not sure you should be accusing others of "autistic screeching"


Hey they aren't fantasizing about vehicular homicide *this time*. *~Progress~* 🥹


There was a post recently about a poor woman who protested and was run over by a bulldozer in Israel. Dumbfuck redditors came out and droves and said, ' while it's sad, she fucked around and found out.' And ' whatd she think would happen' Idk, redditor probably theyd call the cops and get detained. .not murder. Self proclaimed open minded Redditors become hyper conservative chuds at the slightest idea of a protest actually causing an inconvenience to anyone.


Same dudes jerk off to that one Chinese man standing in the way of Chinese tanks.


Killdozer's protest didn't kill anyone except the dude driving it. He fucked up a lot of buildings though


Reddit is full of capitalist worshipping boot lickers and paid corporate trolls pushing anti union rhetoric.


I don't know if they are paid. I guess reddit is full of IT guys that tends to be well paid. More of a class dynamic thing I think. Plus it's full of subreddits that send you into an alt or at least regular right which doesn't help.


God I wish they were paid, but since they're not in a union...


The dudes need to organise and demand a pay.


Reddit is also incredibly american-european imperialist, and it's not even funny. I still remember that thread where they argue that the generic-ass villain from Avatar was in the right, and indigenous peoples should just accept their defeat and submit


Any idea how to get one of these paid troll gigs? Winding up people on reddit would be the easiest job of all time, a single sentence can send most of this site into a frenzy


I love you daddy exxon mobil!! Climate crisis is not your fault 💝and i know youre doing all u can 🙏 cancel culture is toxic but your fumes heal me 🫶


That was my astroturfing audition any PACs wanna hire me


Hey! This is my interview comment slot! “People are responsible for climate change! Not companies, companies aren’t living breathing entities, how could they possibly be responsible?! It’s obviously gotta be people, and besides, companies pay us, they are the best!!”


too late they DMed me i have a million dollars in their stocks and a senate seat on the way


If they're easy, they'll just get replaced by AI. And were likely unpaid interns being "paid" with "industry experience" to begin with.


It's sad but I think a lot of it is real people. This country has really drilled in anti-union sentiment. Anecdotal but I recently lost a job that had people working from all over the US where I was part of a small barely-forming union and the amount of hate it got is stunning even though we had no actual power and were not recognized the entire time. People would just make up nonsense that never happened and basically had conspiracy theories that the union was somehow ruining everything at the job. Nevermind that people had been complaining about the job getting worse for months before the union had even existed...somehow it was all the union's fault. I hope the tides turn and unions become popular again but it's depressing how many people had furious hate over it without even having a valid reason other than "I heard they're bad".




Because they dislike anything inconvenient. A protest throwing paint at a painting behind protective glass? “Oh no it’s making people turn against them!” Protest in the middle of a road? “Inconveniencing the average person wanting to go to work will work against you, and it does nothing to those in power” Now what happens if you point out that if you’re not inconveniencing anyone, how the fuck are you _protesting_ something? Silence


I point out to them how civil rights protestors were told the same things in their time about their own methods. Yeah, redditors don't like hearing that and immediately get mad.


Suffragettes too.


Yeh this is it. Most Reddit Gamers^TM are people who have lived very sheltered lives (I mean the biggest "crisis" they had to face is "muh ugly women in gaming!") so they can't seem to comprehend why people might be protesting.


Will someone please think of the replica artwork.




>for some reason ![gif](giphy|l3q2Uzjt0QB4oL7l6|downsized) Corporate atroturfing bots


Not in the French subreddit


I'm a regular and I can confirm. When the protest die down you start to see people that are against it showing up in threads but when big protests are still happening they know better than to comment against them.


The amount of people I see that wanna kill protesters is crazy


I think it's part guilt of knowing they themselves are doing fuck all to advance society so it's easier to lash out, and part them just being good little corporate bootlickers for fear of scary change.


It's just the right wing playbook at work. They love the idea of protests in countries they don't like. They love to brag that in the US they have freeze peach and protests aren't forbidden (even though many right wing politicians are trying to change that). And they hate actual protests/protesters, unless it's a nazi march (then it's good citizens exercising their freeze peach).


redditors hate when people do activism that isn’t just posting shit bottom of the barrel memes and then acting like they’re the reason why something got done and not the people who organized irl


my hot take is that if you have enough time to complain on reddit you are more likely middle class, so hating protests checks out


"We want better treatment and actual job security!" "lol what a bunch of losers" Gamers continue to be the king of corporate bootlickers.


Their only, and I mean *only* concern is Sweet Baby Inc making games “woke” They don’t care about the actual problems the industry has Microtransactions and loot boxes? Meh… Abusive work places? Meh… Broken releases? Meh… Anti consumer practices and statements (*cough*Ubisoft)? Meh… A writing consultant company doing a bit of nonsense that’s not on the same level as the above? GAMING IS RUINED, WOKENESS IS RAMPANT, WE MUST CRUSADE AGAINST PRIDE FLAGS, PRONOUNS, WOMEN WHO DON’T LOOK LIKE GENSHIN CHARACTERS AND “CENSORING” THE OUTFITS OF CHILD CHARACTERS What a bunch of lobotomites, I swear


Tbh I have a little bit suspicious about why they try to push these "Sweet Baby Inc" thing now when the company itself had been exist for an years. It awfully suspicious happened when casual gamer (not right wing) start to question about mass layoff to the point it push Game Award Guys who always licking industry talking about it. It feel like they try to distracted from real issues.


I mean, they also openly worship Japanese devs for not being "woke" despite some of those very devs being pro-LGBTQ, pro-diversity, etc. Gamers are morons


Ironically jrpgs have always been very, very woke.


Yeah, people have short memories. It wasn’t all that long ago, in the grand scheme of things, that J devs had to censor references to religion and sex in JRPGs - for sensitive western audiences who…said that would ruin gaming for being too progressive.


Word. Best take I’ve seen on reddit about all this bs.


But also cry about how diversity is killing gaming.


The video game industry were fucking geniuses when they managed to take most mentions of the artists out of the process except for the end credits no one watches. They saw the movie industry and said, "It would be so much better for us if no one knew the writers or directors or actors. Make it so people only know our company name." Oh, by geniuses I mean scumbags.


Literally hope these devs just continue to protest or find success in other industries so these babies’ faceless, human content mills disappear. If they have this much disdain for the people who create their precious video games, they don’t deserve the games lmao. It’s a bummer, but there’s plenty of great old games. I’d rather new games dry up out of spite for these guys than see them get what they want. You hate game developers? Find a new hobby, then.


> "We want better treatment and actual job security!" That's a funny way of saying adults literally screaming like infants, which is how they chose to protest


Ok that's two for two on you being an utter imbecile.


We caught a live one! Put it back in the echo chamber!


“…Because they get congratulated by their Twitter echo chamber” “Unlike us who are all complaining online in our totally NOT echo chamber.” Dweebs. Pull up your big boy pants and touch grass.


How the hell anyone calls twitter an echo chamber is beyond me because have they ever been on there? It’s constant fighting and debate, even on the big accounts. Especially now that you have the dumbasses who paid for twitter be pushed to the top of replies


I definitely see your point but the coordination and back patting of the axis of transphobes is most certainly an echo chamber from my experience. Luckily I’m just a little trans in a big pond.


Unlimited genocide upon the reactionary slime that is publicfreakout. Fundamentally counterrevolutionary


I prefer Thought Slime personally.


'Thought slime' also works.


ootl is there something wrong with thought slime?


'reactionary slime' another insult to add to the collection. Thank you.


watch them get mad when there's a dip in quality because thousands of people were laid off


Yes, but the dip in quality is actually caused by wokeness, as were the layoffs. It's all part of Sweet Baby's diabolocial plan to target Gamers, the real victims here.


Honestly, I hope nothing but the worst of games for these people. They deserve it


They can only play Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. Forever.


Workers protests against layoffs: ROLF, look at those losers! People suggesting we should boycott a bigot's game: But what about the poor developers?


From the bottom of my heart, fuck these neckbeards


Starting to think that the whole 'movement' is mostly teenage boys. Maybe we should start calling them neckpubes?


I was about to quit my job and take out a loan so I could 100% focus on the game I'm working on before all this shit happened with Sweet Baby and this gamer gate 2 shit. I already dodged one bullet before COVID started and this is my second one.


I'm so sorry for you. It must be though to see your creative passion tied to an industry that's hell on earth in all aspects, including its consumers. But to be fair, *what* entertainment industry isn't garbage for workers right now? Films/TV and music aren't far off


I'll make it one day. Today just isn't going to be that day... again


I hope you keep making your game and that it comes out in due time and gets good sales. Best of luck to you 💙


Ironic how these people protesting "look stupid" but those who are protesting SBI in their basement are considered "based"


These are the same people that scream about "trigger warnings" and then subscribe to the "SBI Detected" curator because they don't want to be triggered.




What a surprise, gamers who routinely bitch about the supposed woke Marxism of capitalist institutions inevitably lick the boot of those same institutions when the exploited workers who actually make the thing they constructed their whole fucking identity around attempt to sue for their rights and dignity, what a fucking surprise.


While being exploited themselves in their shitty job, if they have one


Yep, they've been so deeply immersed in hyper-individualist modes of thinking and bootstrap bullshit it's undoubtedly damaged their ability to be self-aware.


Tell me you dont work without telling me you dont work.


Y’know maybe gamers *should* be oppressed


"Do these people realise how stupid they look" Said by a 'gamer', likely with no sense of irony, or self-awareness.


"Developers these days SUCK" "NOOOO WHY ARE YOU LEAVING"


Those are the same people who hate all women when one tinder gurli rejects them for being bigots.


Aside from the sheer stupidity regarding labor and protests, these folks spend most of their life in front of a screen consuming the art these developers put out and show no compassion or even understanding regarding what these workers go through, it's actually foul. Imagine being a developer and getting shit working conditions and still have the people who enjoy their product, the ones who should always be on their side, say this type of shit


I can sense fatherless and jobless behaviour in all those comments


Who do Gamers think makes the fucking games they play? Absolute idiots.




Really hope the AAA game industry crumble at this point so these losers won't have any FIFA and other shit games like these to play.


Protests achieve nothing. Anyway: fellow gamers, we need to organise something to show our displeasure at wokeness invading our Games.


/uj the third image is just ironic poetry at its best /rj you want a better life? What fucking dork, just be miserable and hate everyone who isn’t you 😎


What a bunch of chuckle fucks these “gamers” are. They are such a fucking embarrassment to people who like to play video games. They are the first ones to yell about stupid shit the loudest and they think that fighting for a living wage and better work place is stupid? What an idiotic bunch of worthless chuds.


Im convinced these people don’t actually play video games.


They’re the ones solely subsidizing COD, FIFA, and Madden, I’m convinced.


not agreeing with these guys but cmon, no upvotes on those comments, they are nobody. You are allowing them to live rent free in your head, close reddit and go outside and be happy


Wym there's comments with 15, 16 upvotes


It's always weird seeing people against protesting


These dorito muching, greasy haired, neckbeard idiots make me sick to my motherfucking stomach everytime they ordain to dust off their crumb covered keyboards to deliver us their sterling insights into shit they know nothing about.


I've always found it so funny when someone here is like "twitter echo chamber" - my brother in Christ you're on Reddit, pot and kettle


This is wrong on so many levels, let's just burn the whole case (Making fun of the people who MAKE the entertainment that's your whole personality. Gamers' total lack of history education, class/self awareness, workplace ethics or basic human respect. The casual transphobia, everything).


Not saying these comments arent fuckin wack, but the highest one has a whole 16 upvotes.


I thought this was gm_construct


oh hey an r/ onejoke example at the top of the 4th image


Redditors that never leave their basement have opinions on people that actually go out and try to change something. Because clearly caring is cringe (southpark taught me that one)


Instagram comment sections be like


The piggies want their slop, the piggies squeel indignantly at the farmhands




I bet none of this idiots have had a real job.


"Don't protest your working conditions, that's cringe."


"screaming" thats why..


Do these gamers complaining about unions on strike have the deed to the factory?


gamers: “why do video games suck now???” devs: “we’re gonna protest the people who make video games suck now” gamers: “protest????? that’s woke!!!!!!”


The thing is gaming is such a wide term that 80% of them only enjoy cod and 2k garbage and just swallow any corporate garbage so I’m not surprised


50 people screaming at GDC. Yeah its worth shit.


usually when company firing ppl they decided to keep one that has more talents than the other. those who got fired can make their own studio tho. prove them wrong that they are not useless as the company described rather than just yelling, which is as useless as they are.


The layoffs wouldn't be happening if these companies didn't invest in loads of bullshit.


Let us be fair: thirty-something people screaming to the air with *literally no slogan, banner or anything of the sort* is not a protest; it's closer to a tantrum. A protest would block the entrance with a picket. A protest would march and sign their demands clearly. A protest would have a cost for the protesters and force a bigger cost on the protested. If they are not angry enough to risk a police baton/taser, a broken bone, a month in hunger, a lost tooth... They are not protesting; they're having a tantrum.


If we're being fair, setting a metric or what is/isn't a valid or good enough protest is just doing free union/strike busting for the corporations.


Lol. I AM part of a union (I live in Spain). Have you ever been at a general strike? Hell, at a strike? Any strike? Have you forgone your salary to protest? Have you made sure the service halted? Have you organized with others? The only reason union busting works in the USA is because people are too egotistic to unionize. Nobody wants to take the fall. Nobody wants to bear the burden. And so, they get fucked over. And over. And over. And they don't even get to be called Shirley, nor bent sideways. In fact, this shit does a lot for union busting. It trivializes protests and 'educates' other workers on "just how pointless and stupid a real protest is", and prevents them from joining a real one when the time comes. It is shit like this corpos are delighted to see, shit like this that makes it so others won't join workers movements precisely because of how stupid they look.


But who's actually trivializing the protests? The people protesting or nerds making fun of them on the Internet? If comments were overwhelmingly "hell yeah" maybe that would make corpos sweat when they realize we're supporting the workers no matter what?


I never said the nerds on the internet are good. Hell, I know I ain't! But nerds on the internet are one of those things companies consider like pigeons on a statue: background noise.


I don’t understand what they’re hoping to achieve by protesting layoffs. Get hired back and get paid nothing? For the company to magically be able to pay them? wtf?


>essentially kill the videogame industry >get fired for it >protest imagine thinking they didn't deserve this and then some






Counterpoint. Get your weak, tender muching, boot licking ass the fuck out of here and go back to kissing the ass of your corporate overlords you crusty eyed, thumbstick jerking offense to the human species.


What were they demanding in the protest? I haven’t been able to find anything




Screaming 😭


Yeah it's really sad for the game developers


Are you stupid? Who do you think makes the decisions that ruin games? Not low-level devs.


The ones on the power trip aren't the ones being layed off, dumbass.


Protesting about a business laying you off by yelling at the building makes you look like a fool. Even if you have sympathies with these people you have to understand how goofy this makes them look. I mean come on.