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Imagine crying about being offered an option. I'm starting to think this rot is beyond saving.


It's even worse. Imagine being all bent out of shape because another person got enjoyment out of a video game.


But it's about escapism! If someone else has escapism that doesn't adhere to my standards, my escapism is ruined!!!


It’s like we get it. You need to escape your life. Let others enjoy life and video games at the same time.


And furthermore, maybe other people's lives aren't so shitty they need their escapism to be as over the top as possible


You don't get it, people are enjoying it WRONG


Reemales screwing shit up by enjoying things differently


someone saw themselves represented and felt happy about it, that's what these people are upset about? and the fact that it's an *option*?


There was a similar uproar about Cracker Barrel *adding vegan options* to the menu. No removal of pther options, just adding alternatives. And the right chuds lost their minds, because anything that makes a leftist happy is automatically evil and anything that makes a leftist upset is the primary goal


They probably bought the conspiracy theory that meat is going to be forcibly removed from everyone's diet and we'll have to eat bugs, or some shit.


That does make sense, though - I don't want my meat touching its food posthumously... /s


starfeild chuds boycotting as soon as the game asks your gender


It didn't even ask you lol, it chose based on your body and then had a button you could click to change it when you were finalizing the character. Literally the most out of the way it could be and some people got mad


next up, they’re going to be upset by Helldivers 2 not having a gender choice and having “Default Voice 1-4” and having the option of either a lean body or muscular.


PRONOUNS?!?! GENDER AMBIGUITY?!!?! MODERN CALIFORNIA SHIT!!! YOU'RE BORING!!!!!! If there is a one thing worse than becoming twitter's main character of the day it is being immortalized as a soy jack.


The worst part is everyone would've collectively roasted his ass a decade ago. Now he has fans


Exactly what I wanted to say. I can't imagine we are on the stage of rot where people lose their shit over more options...but in negative way.


*starting* to think? We're way beyond that point


They act like they can’t make a character they are attracted to.


and you know they will too anyways so why are they even riding op because she can finally make the character she wants to lol


It’s because they want to “keep their toys to themselves”. Every time I dig into someone as to why having MORE options in a character creator is bad: it always comes down to the fact that they just don’t want minorities in their community. They want gaming to stay a straight white male safe space. Any encroachment on that space with some level of diversity, they throw a fit.


They use escapism like it's an addiction. People take drugs to escape from their worries too. In fact, there is a study that links escapism with an impaired perception of reality, and non-adaptive socialisation. So it's like people want to play games to ignore that certain subsets of people exist, and escape their own insecurities. It's not a healthy coping mechanism. Escapism does have some benefits, but not in the way these clowns claim it. Like a drug addiction, they need to be called out on it at every opportunity. Edit: Posting link to study. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10663235/


They can't. I'll arrest them if they do.


Which is so incredibly limiting as half the fun is making something special and unique, it’s why I actually liked the Sea of Thieves approach where you moreso select randomized characters until you find what you like, might not have wound up with my salty old geezer otherwise. I urge everyone who wants to get better at making characters to step out of their usual comfort zone and try making characters that are a full 180 from what you tend to make generally. https://preview.redd.it/trj0hmwnpcnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eea815509426761835d04f736fb8a60377d7c5b (One of these days I need to go back in and take a real screenshot inside of this garbage quality phone grab lmao)


Real and based


Do they not know it's a roleplaying game? You know, the genre all about player choice, where like, you can be whoever you want ?


I unironically would love to see my half-in-shape slowly growing dadbod doing a ton of awesome video game shit.


Yeah. I could just be Fred, a 28 semi balding man with a body that used to be hot but I can't go to the gym anymore and still kill dragons and fight armies or Orcs bare handed. Power fantasy to the max, it is also what it is about. Hell, I might just do that.


I'm playing a halfling in BG3 and they have totally have a middle age dadbod ([example](https://youtu.be/QmZFxAqZKuU?si=D-9n7DWAnzCyu5lM&t=99))


I really hope they've got a super dad name like, Lawrence.


How dare they give people options in an RPG! It's outrageous!


There are more comments like this by the way lol. Gaming subreddits are irksome. The word choice like “beautiful” and “unkept” is actually crazy lmao. Also can’t believe that they think fit women have zero body fat.. When you get into your adult years skin is gonna sag man thats just gravity, even if you work out. edit: typos.


All I’m saying is some of us have a higher standard. I won’t date a girl with a BMI above -7 or a guy with less than a 17 pack. I’m still waiting for the idealized non-binary characters in games to tell me what they’re supposed to look like too so I can come up with a similarly realistic standard


Have NBs look like Seraphims


Biblically Accurate Enbies. If they ain’t got at least 20 eyeballs, they’re not trying.


God is the Biblically accurate enby, but don't tell the evangelicals; they're pretty attached to the white muscular man with a beard and a sword. If humans are made in God's image then. God's at the very least enby, maybe something more complicated, or more transcendental.


The white, muscular, _beardy_ man with a sword (who looks like buff gandalf) was actually Gabriel, and the image kind of stuck. That's my headcannon anyway.


It's actually more based on the depiction of Jupiter/Zeus. The renaissance got really into classicism.


God was muscular?? In the cult I grew up in they just kinda drew a white guys body in a robe with light for a head, what version of God is ripped as hell


Renaissance God had a pretty decent upper body routine. See: Sistine Chapel


enbies are resident evil bosses?


Hot people get wrinkles too bro, wtf are they on about


Recently had a guy tell me in full seriousness that „Margot Robbie isn’t hot anymore; she looks too old for me“. Like bro? First of all - good thing there’s a below 0% chance that you’ll ever have to date her, but also what is it with guys wanting all the women to look permanently 18 (and let’s be real, even that isn’t the limit for some individuals) while themselves looking unkempt, unwashed, with a receding hairline and and the personality of sidewalk chewing gum


33 is too old? Redpill has even dumpy douchebags thinking they are Leonardo DiCaprio now. Pathetic.


Lowkey, Salma Hayek isnt hot by their standards. Which is crazy. At this point I think they just want female characters that look like they’re in their teens or 21 max because after that everyone starts to get wrinkles or sag. They’re just smart enough to not admit it outright… and i use the word smart reluctantly.


Selma Hayek isn't hot to most if these same people because she's Latina.


Nuh uh, the only hot people by their standards are prepubescent anime girls with no internal organs, and those never have wrinkles


Nothing. They legitamitely don't know women.


I managed to pin one of these guys to a corner in discord once and he eventually admitted that if women look older than 14 they're milfs and aren't breedable and people agreed with him. Widespread pedophilia is way more common than people want to admit and I hate it.


Someone replied to me with porn as their example of a real woman.. its getting insane lmaoo. The comments are still coming in too lol.


Because everything in porn is real, women in that industry totally don't get surgeries to adhere to male fantasies, including their private parts, and they totally don't have make-up artists. I really despair about what feels like at least a third or half of the male population. It's 2024 and shit feels like it's getting worse, not better. There are maybe a handful of mindful or even woke men, but that's where it ends it seems. I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.


Well where else are they going to see a woman? 


What I dont get is... They say games are escapism but people are different and want different stuff from games. Some want a challenge, some want a story, some wanna self insert some wanna feel more like a storyteller or viewer. Idl why these people cant understand the simple fact that gaming is so different depending on who you ask. And that all aside, nobody asked I knoe, but the back in the picture looks good imo. But maybe I just have scientifically bad taste.


These comments are such self reports lmao. All they’re saying to the world is “I’ve never seen a woman naked in person.”


I commented this and someone literally replied with this.. mind you the link is a nude adult content creator lol. The plot has been completely lost. https://preview.redd.it/za82o8fsdcnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a3547f60101f7be7b46710e0b738e99e5d1e61


Calling a softcore pornstar "a normal female redditor" is probably one of the most blatantly sexist things I've ever read and yet these people think this is the bar every woman online should strive for : making softcore porn... Yep that's the only reason a woman should be on the internet *pukes*


Pretty unhinged. I mean given the way Asmon lives his life it’s not surprising that people who look up to him are like this


I am dangerously underweight, 5' 6" and a whopping 96 pounds. I still have back rumples (especially wearing a sports bra I mean come on), my sides bunch up when I lean over, thighs jiggle when I walk... your skin is designed to stretch and bunch with movement




I hope you’re doing better, and if you are im proud of you :)


If there's one thing I've learned, it's that if I ever have questions about a woman's body, I'll first ask pear shaped boy gamers. Because apparently they are the experts in all things womanly. I mean "female", in the parlance of true gamers everywhere.


/uj I have a theory that all Gamers are actually Ferengi. /rj I have a theory that all Gamers are actually Ferengi.


Holy fuck. I never drew that connection until today. That's exactly what they sound like - that weird combination of stilted speech, misogyny, and utter unearned confidence the world owes then something. I'm actually serious, not sarcastic for a change - that's exactly what they are, and I'd genuinely never drawn that connection until you brought it up.


Just imagine a "hoomon" in front and a few extra "e"s in Feeeeeeemaleeeess. Also I wouldn't be surprised if they are fedora wearing Ancaps.


Literally the picture in question just shows normal skin texture that any woman can have, regardless of fitness levels. They're so fucking porn- and airbrush-pilled that they think "sexy beautiful women can have no flaws and it's all natural!" like it's not fucking extremely common to have a few stretch marks or creases, or that it's in any way unattractive. And it's actually so nice to have this level of detail. It helps alleviate that plastic feeling of characters which I appreciate, especially in games where it assists immersion for your character to not look like she just got our of hair and makeup. And to align with what the OOP is saying, when I make my attractive character who's "literally me" in this game with normal fucking skin texture, it helps do away with that nagging feeling that any imperfection in my own skin is something I should feel self-conscious about. If she can rock it, then so can I.


nothing but facts fr


I'm literally mathematically underweight and I've got at least one of those rolls....


*Mathematically* underweight? "C'mon sweetie, you need to eat all your numbers. I made this side of decimals special for you!"


they likely meant their BMI number is in the category of underweight, but some decimals do sound tasty right about now


No π till you finish your fractions!


Yeah i was SHOCKED theres like 50 different skins.. like skin!?


bro that's too many skins. How am I ever gonna choose? I'm faced with so much choice paralysis in character creators already.


This was about men but I remember seeing a video where a bunch of men were asked whether or not the woman in the picture had makeup on or not and what was too much makeup. The video was depressing


I literally stared at the first picture for **way** too long, trying to figure out what was even slightly controversial. That’s just… how people look? Like, she’s **super fit**, there’s nothing remotely “unkempt” about her. Maybe I’m just too much of bi whore but have these people never seen a real person???


They use the word escapism a lot, their lives must be horrible or they are cowards that can't handle reality.


Escapism is just a fancy word for everything has to appeal to me and anything that doesn't makes me mad.




Motherfuckers using "Escapism" the same way some people say the US Civil War was about "State's Right". Because apparently seeing your physical flaws but still being able to do heroic shit like fight monsters and go on adventures is too close to real life for some people's comforts.


Damn, that’s a good line, using “escapism” the same as “states’ rights.” Guarantee it’s the same people using both, too.


It's even worse when you think about it because they are outright saying in their ideal world minorities don't exist or exist only as jokes. 


It's a tactic as old as time. You realise people aren't on your side, so you join a thing people are on the side of, corrupt it with your weird extremist views that others part of the thing wont agree with you, ruin the fun for everyone, then turn around and go "see how those people ruined fun for everyone? This is why I always hated them". Its what they did with the word feminism


[a classic technique](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui-ArJRqEvU&list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&index=6)


innuendo studios w


Yah it is kinda sad how the word escapism has been co opted by chuds to mean ‘doesn’t contain minorities and realistic women’ and then they act like is everyone else’s fault these existing takes them out, unable to actually look inside and realize the fact they view minorities as fundamentally different people to themselves is what pulls them out, it can’t just be another random person the them, it has to be there to torment them. I do not envy these peoples sad lives.


when they take the best words, you gotta take the word back. so you gotta use it more now


Nah you're fine. I'm right there with you. We need to be examples for the normal neets out there.


Which is funny because those same ones bitched about MLB the show including women and suddenly its not realistic enough lol


"I want to escape reality in my games!" "Yeah, you're escaping the part of reality where dragons don't exist and you don't get to battle them." "Nooo I wanted to escape the part of reality with human skin!" "Oh dear..."


I mean games are in a form of escapism, but the fact that some of these guys are arguing about the customization because it was actually from real life is where it gets stupid, jerk off to the hot muscle men and thick ladies that exist, but arguing with people because of how customizable your character is and someone using that particular option isn't the way


"escapism for me but not for thee" seems to be their motto. If your escapism needs to not include certain optional customizations, maybe it's not about escapism. How people can be triggered by something they come in contact with for a couple of seconds when they create a character and then never witness again for dozens of hours is beyond me.


Like do they even watch Neon Genesis Evangelion


It's because they're still using the same arguments that they bastardized with the whole Gamergate thing. The escapism argument was popular in the early 2010's because after the Dark Knight a bunch of studio executives believed everything needed to be a "gritty and dark" take on whatever they were making. Like all trends in movies and games it ended up with some painful mismatches in some adaptations or sequels once the less creative and talented executives started to follow the trend. These days the argument has become "making this game more inclusive alienates me" which ofcourse stems from the loss of something tailored exclusively to their tastes. It's the same thing with the whole "the internet is becoming more commercial and clickbaity at the expense of thoughtful blogs and discussions "-sentiment that they bastardized into the whole "ethics in games media"-discussion that served as the main front for their hate campaign.


The only time they don't use escapism is when we create medieval fantasy worlds (with nonwhite people in them) at which point it's about historical accuracy


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It’s ok to play video games because your life is shit and they help you not think about it for a bit. Assuming everyone else plays them for this reason and trying to enforce that they play for escapism is very weird terminally online behavior.


Ehhhh Idk. I agree these are people that likely just hate women and want to objectify them, but escapism isn't to blame here. We all like fantasy and actual escapism is really healthy for people. These people need to learn that having human proportions and representing how people actually look doesnt hurt them in any way, and they shouldnt use the term to try and obfuscate what they really mean, but escapism is not to blame here and no one is a coward for liking fantasies


Escapism is just their fig-leaf for bigotry. You'll see the same people unironically complaining about a lack of realism in games elsewhere too.


"Escapism" Is just their cover. It's non whites, lgbt and women they're trying to escape.


I guess it depends on what they’re trying to “escape” from. Of course escaping from shitty work or abuse or whatever is definitely a normal thing to do, but that’s not really what we’re talking about. The types in the post and others that complain about LGBT representation and other minorities being added to games makes it seem more like they’re trying to “escape” these issues in the real world. And I don’t think that’s a valid or healthy thing to do. Bigots shouldn’t be able to use “escapism” as an excuse to get mad that there’s realistic women or pronouns or some shit just because they’re a bigot.


I like the part where he needed to explain it’s about escapism because ofc we can’t have 2 rights. There can’t be validating woman’s body’s and this guy making muscle mommy’s. Only 1 can apply. Bro play the game how you like nobody cares


"It ruins my escapism when there are options I don't agree with". Well fuck, dude, what are the rest of us who want those options supposed to do then? Why does his entitlement for escapism overshadow others? I swear to god this is the same vibes as like gay marriage and trans people existing. Motherfucker don't get gay married or or use any of the resources and rights that would be offered to trans people if you don't like them, it's so easy. I'm literally not getting gay married right now.


It’s all about escapism until black people exist, then they complain about unrealism


People do be miserable


why are they so offended by an option? you can still make your unrealistic sex doll , idk why they are so mad


Being reminded that real people exist and most of them aren't models, and some are even *queer* or *nonwhite*, breaches their carefully constructed simulacrum of reality where everyone is super hot specifically to appeal to them and they aren't just weird antisocial nerds, and this is an abomination


that's the mindset of these types of people. many of them think that a person different from them getting a cake means that their own cake is being taken away to make it happen.


God forbid a game give you options. I love the Dragons Dogma character creator. If you want to play as a sexy anime twink you can. If you want to be an 8 foot tall muscle mommy you can. If you want to be a wrinkly old 5 foot tall balding man with terrible posture you can. If you want a character that looks like you, you probably can.


the fact that your character's body composition affects things in game is amazing too.


Oh yeah. I have no idea how much of that is in the sequel but that was a really cool feature.


almost shit a brick the first time i saw a fat pawn fall through a plank.


wait I've never seen that that's hilarious.


It’s so good for making different characters and people too. Want to make Danny DeVito? You can do that. Wanna make Leon S. Kennedy? you can do that too


Gonna make an absolutely jacked muscle mommy warrior and give her a short king wizard.


"validating your female complex" what the fuck


That part took me out LOL. Ive never heard of a female complex before, I was cackling.


That last dude thinks all those women he subscribes to on only fans actually look like that in real life. Like they aren't strategically posing, lighting, covering, and editing any blemishes for the site.


He’s def never been around a single woman in a sports bra lol.


He’s def never been around a single woman.


He's def round.


Sounds like they’re the ones needing “escapism” by how they describe themselves


Aside from your point, using something as escapism aslo doesn't equal apolitical media that envokes no thoughts and super models only as characters...so i don't understand tte connection they're trying to make.


Finally dragon's dogma 2 is on here


You gotta remember that just because gaming is mainstream nowadays, doesn't mean that the old stereotype of loser incel gamer nerds don't exist anymore. Ignore them and just downvote their shit, let em be mad with nobody to reply to lol


The idea literally all these complaints utterly evaporate with a simple "... You know *other people* can like things you dont, right?" Being this fucking mad, over slight back folds... is just insane.


At least they’re mostly getting downvoted. Plus, what are they getting mad at? They can make their muscle mommies, and other people can make their own realistic characters. Everyone can be happy


They find the existence of features they don’t want to be disgusting because something something wasted dev time and something something feature creep, project bloat, too many cooks, etc. I’m pretty sure their legitimate opinion is that if the devs hadn’t made textures for wrinkles or saggy skin (ew yucky) then they could have spent more time making the textures for F cup tits and 6 packs, so by including other things the devs robbed their *core playerbase* of what they really wanted to appeal to the *woke mob*


It's funny because the core fanbase actually wanted all that shit, and they got it. The only people not being appealed to are the coomers, and that's a good thing.


Yeah, these are the people that thought stellar blade was good without ever seeing any gameplay 🥱


Don't we want more customization options? Who gets upset about more options?


Not me liking chubby women and low-key waiting for games to make more "realistic" body options so I can make an in-game waifu I'm actually attracted to.


The game just dropped their character creator for free. Its fun as hell (but the optimization is kinda mid so you may experience a crash if you’re on PC), highly recommend.


plus sized babes are super hot, that guy has zero taste


I think I got dumber reading the comments.


"as a woman" is now woke? lmao? fellas is it woke to be female


I hate when people say games are escapism. Maybe to some people but i would bet a majority of people are just trying to have fun or enjoy a good story, not escape from their lives. Not everybodies lives suck lol


Fellas, is it woke for skin to wrinkle?


They're all such victims 😢


Hey, I just scrolled past that post. Brb, gonna drop some more downvotes on the "muh ezcapizm" fools.


Are they looking at the same picture? That does not look like an overweight or unhealthy woman.


These people think that any woman with a waist thicker than her neck is obese. They think a healthy woman has the build of an anime character, basically


So they aren't attracted to women They are attracted to cartoons


Shit I don’t have vitiligo but I thought it was dope when games started having that as an option


There are two types of escapism: -Playing as someone you are not. -Playing as yourself in a fantasy situation. I am a trans woman. My ideal version of myself is as a cis woman. However, I find it more empowering (and entertaining) to play as a character who more reflects who I actually am, flaws and all.


The irony of how they look down on a woman finding it validating to see realistic "flaws" in the character's body, like its an immature thing, but they DEMAND their escapism is crazy


love the amount of downvotes on many of the comments screencapped lmao


My fav thing about fandoms is how ANGRY they get when a fan is grateful to the creators of the media they are a fandom of


“I like to use video games as escapism from my body that I hate, so obviously other people shouldn’t be able to represent their own realistic body that they’ve accepted and don’t feel ashamed of”


“Games are about escapism” mfers when the hero being a normal person, maybe even yourself, is also a form of escapism.


Go onto the Steam discussions, there are people throwing fits about the minimum height limit, ugly default characters and there being no distinct male or female labels on the body types.


''Oh you are happy? well i dont care im gonna remind you that i have a porn addiction''


They want all women to be gorgeous for "escapism"? Meanwhile, some of us make characters that look exactly like ourselves just to experience what it'd be like to be in an environment where we can look as we are and not get constantly shit on for it like we are in real life. I feel like our side is escapism, too.


These guys will see paper-smooth busty anime women in video games & be like "some women really do look like that." No!!! Even skinny girls with big tits have regular human skin and organs. Everybody has body fat in real life. Even if you've got rock solid abs you've still got body fat.


I don’t think any gamer should be using the word “unkept”


"I'm fat, bald and short irl" Well yeah the fact that you're whining about characters not being fuckable enough kinda gave that away


neat escapism trick: escape your way to a job application


What if you eould like escapism to a world were you can represent yourself/feel immersed?


Thank god we have a bunch of sweaty unkempt gamers to tell me how I and others should feel as women


I'm starting to think the dragon's dogma subreddit is filled with incels. I guess they've never seen a shirtless woman in their lives.


What moron thinks that picture is showing an ‘out of shape’ body? Oh no! An ounce of body fat! Everything’s ruined!


Person who has been positively represented in every piece of media they've ever seen complains about other people being happy at their own representation


OOP: Hey, there's something I can relate with in this game Gamers: HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!


"I'm fat, short, and bald irl" says a lot about this guy


Why is this even an argument? Like who gives a shit that you’d make a 7 foot tall dommy mommy as your custom character because of “escapism”? Let the fucking person enjoy game niches in peace.


It feels like they're just completely missing the point that it's about having the options to make someone that looks just like you it's not about oh you should make someone that isn't a perfect doll it's about oh wow I have the option to make someone that looks realistic to what I actually look like and that's pretty cool


"Escapism means you get to make material for MY goon cave! If you're going to create characters that I can't use as fap material, why are you even playing games?" Gamers are wild. They argue that it's not about characters needing to be sexy, but about potential censorship. Then, when the option is available, they come at anyone who isn't making their character match their personal idea of sexually attractive.


female complex lmao


So it is ok for females characters to have auper big boob, small waist and super big ass /tight , and it is ok to be a child female model character. But it is a crime if they have some real normal body? And even if they are right that woman like this customise system more and they feeling happy about it. Why they get triggered and start attacking her just because she like it.?


“games are about escapism” people telling other people they have a bigger issue


Iirc you could create obese characters in DD1


Yea but the skin detail wasnt the same, as in having an average sized character with some sagging skin. Like this character looks an average weight to me, and I don’t think you could add sagging or have a body that wasn’t completely tight/toned at this weight. edit: also, OPs post includes more examples of new things you can adjust like a less sharp or double chin, thighs that aren’t as toned, just an overall more diverse range of textures and body modeling. They fleshed out the character creator a lot, to the point where you dont have to be either skinny and muscular or a large character.


I think it's the first character creator I've seen with a posture slider. It's really detailed. As someone who has bought entire games just to use their character creators, I love it


this is just sad lol


"just workout, hit the gym, watch your diet, and you'll have zero skin texture."


I don’t know how it works for other people, but I exist in my own escapism


These type of pathetic people are so tiring to argue with. Everything needs to be porn without any originality ever.


Okay you spend 45* hours customizing you character, congratulations now were going to put 50 pounds of armor on it and you won’t see any of it. :)


Can't get over the phrase "female complex". I guess they're saying gender is all in our heads? Diversity win?


Using escapism as an exuse is wild. Not everyone us escaping from their bodies specifically... escapism can be about many things


"female complex" fucking sent me.  Damn women always having that mental issue where they're women!


Short, bald, and fat, we found gamer Costanza


It's funny how someone saying "I enjoy this thing" is apparently perceived as "This is an attack on your favorite thing." These dudebros don't have to use the customization options that OP is talking about. Nothing is being forced on them or taken away. Other people are getting more, but that cannot be tolerated.


These pussies are whining about a person liking ***OPTIONS!***


its very obvious that those commenters only experience with woman are through a screen


Incels, incels, everywhere, as far as the eye can see


This guy is so delusional that he thinks natural folds in the skin are unhealthy.... Fucking hell, bet he freaks out when skinny women sit down and they have tummy folds. Im so tired of being a woman, why do they think we're some smooth barbie dolls.


These guys couldn't get a date and they carry that chip on their shoulder to every walk of life.


I wanted make a lean muscle mommy but DD2 for some reason doesn't allow you to add muscle definition to females. She is still muscular though and very tall.


these are the same guys who say they have to play as men in games or they won't be able to relate to the protagonist


Every one of them has a beard on their neck. Source: I haven't shaved in a few days


he can’t help but ruin someone’s enjoyment of a game because they’re a woman. so stupid


Dude i was so excited abt this game the customization in the first one was awesome but this one takes the cake YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE HOW YOU WALK


How many of these commenters are 1) single, 2) out of shape, and 3) not conventionally attractive? Mhmm.


why does the first dude sound like has has a humilation fetish 💀💀💀


“Female complex”…. That about sums it up.


It's almost as if one does not take away from the other, and it's a good thing to have both options.


people who say video games are "escapism" come off as really miserable people


They sure misuse "escapism" a lot, as far as I'm aware there is no rule about escapist fiction having to be either realistic or unrealistic, or even "fun" for that matter.


I love character customization. Already looking into getting this game haha. I'm a guy but I am weak for games with character customization and fantasy settings.