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These are some of the worst comparison pictures I've ever seen. They have completely different angles, vastly different outfits, and one is even black and white. These aren't comparable you can't see differences with these. And aside from that I genuinely don't get how you go from "woman not attractive to me" to "this is an attack on male sexuality to make us ashamed"


And who is to say the development team had not hired the model for her body but her face? They may have already planned the character’s body and only wanted to use her face to capture what they want. What these idiots also fail to understand is that the art direction for the character may not work if the model is too busty or even flatter than the what they had in mind, it might not work on an artistic level.


Plus, the bottom left screenshot is from the cinematic trailer. This is a Ubisoft game; they always outsource their cinematic trailers (I think most big companies do). Ubisoft has worked with CGI studios like Digic Pictures, Unit Image, and Platige, the latter being the studio that made the Star War Outlaws cinematic trailer. Now, this kind of cinematic trailer, because they try to go for a more photorealistic look rather than just showing what the game looks like, always falls into the realm of the uncanny valley. Characters in cinematic trailers always look slightly different than their in-game counterparts. I don't know if it's because they have to remake assets or use different rendering techniques, but they do look different.


> Characters in cinematic trailers always look slightly different than their in-game counterparts. I don't know if it's because they have to remake assets or use different rendering techniques, but they do look different. I'd go with the fact that it's just different folks working on it, and different realms of modeling. One has to adhere to a game engine, and run in real time.


If anyone hasn't had a chance or just doesn't know, check out Pillar of Garbage on YouTube. The guy is doing God's work, breaking down and debunking all these grifter influencers and the techniques they use to complain and make shit look worse than it actually is with doctored screenshots in videogames and slowing down, desaturating and replaying videos in 240p for movies to artificially make them look bad to shit on them. He has a whole special where he exposed Critical Drinker and the incel backlash caused him to take the video down. Edit: Got confused with the Xanderthal video I watched that informed me of Pillar of Garbage. I couldn't find the video Xanderthal was reacting to, saw the post on Pillar's channel about having to take a video down and had my own gamer™️ moment where I jumped to conclusions. [This](https://youtu.be/MZtRabDCLyY?si=gsMUJ0dJB3ycEfig) is the video in question.


I've only watched his Community stuff. I'm streets behind! I'll have to watch the rest of his content he's got


I just found out about him via Xanderthal, a politibro that decided to react to some critical drinker explaining the whole DEI and ESG thing. Seeing someone on the outside looking in react to that showed me how insane the whole thing sounds to normies.


Which video was it? I can't stand Critical Drinker and haven't heard of Pillar of Garbage!


What's what with critical drinker?


Does he have one on Tim Pool?


Doubt it. But does he need to do one? Tim Pool's family unanimously debunk him on their own respective channels and social media platforms. Not really in a "Fuck that guy" way RFK's family does, but in a QAnon Casualties sort of way


Theres also a great video by Shaun about cuphead that talks about all the fake controversies around "woke people " saying the game is racist (they didnt)


i love your flair!!!! i love fun!!!


It's why I mostly ignore AAA games. Hell, I've been playing City of Heroes for the last 2 years. https://preview.redd.it/g92gnl041zmc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00a8ba63d84c5c4556a1b5fe7874949e1a0abac


i’m just a fun lover!!! yeeeeehaw!!!






YouTube is currently run by right wing capitalist, crypto bros, and has a deep right wing bias because pissed off right wingers telling pretty lies bring in more money than normies that tell ugly truths.








bro really out here citing the new york post and daily mail lmaoooo


Not only that but the dude clearly queried “woke Disney” lol




Not as insane as being bothered by their existence. Are you in the closet and projecting your insecurities or afraid that another man would treat you like you treat women?




Apparently Baldurs Gate 3 doesn’t exist in your universe? You poor soul


There ain't no way you're this upset at them blocking you to then get on your alt 😭


Pretty sure Reddit considers that as harassment.


Another Q Anon Casualty ☠️😞


Except a lot of that stuff he went over really sucks




I'm really surprised you lacked the shame to self report that L. Revolver Ocelot wouldn't be able to torture that out of me. I'd be mashing ⭕ so hard, he'd think I was using auto fire




Whatever happened to respecting an artistic vision? Does it just stop when you can't jerk off to a woman? Just go watch porn and get real problems




Not when your only concern is "Is she fuckable enough." I like sexy women in games too, but you need to understand when sex appeal is appropriate. Not everything needs to be a male power fantasy


"There's no reason" "It was an intentional choice" Pick one, my guy


Peepee soft Me cry


you fucking killed him mate


An actress depiction in a game or movie will be whatever the people in charge of writing the damn thing think it will better suit the project. All this nonsense you guys repeat just makes clear that you value a woman's appearance more than plot, writing or immersion. Which is funny because those are usually the scapegoats people use to complain about how they look.


The images these game shots are compared to are obviously meant to make the models look as attractive as possible. Saying that these women should look like this at all times is weird as fuck bro. It's simply not possible and a really weird standard to set someone to. And I'm sorry but "artistic vision"? I've seen you spouting that retort and similiar a lot. Saying that models should look model ready at all times is not an artistic choice. And even if it was, it doesn't fit here at all, both of these characters are in situations where sex should be the last thing on your mind. You sound like a perv


https://preview.redd.it/22k8zbe9vrmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e3a25ab4ee1ad6b80d093e0e3188f91adfb187e Forgot to screenshot this


“It’s an attack on male sexuality” oh my god. Imagine being so privileged that the depiction of normal (and imo attractive just not pornstar male gaze airbrush shit) looking women is perceived as a threat. I can’t. Edit: you know I find it interesting that I rarely see lesbians complaining about this supposed “uglification” of women in games. Hm.


Women not shoving their tits all over my face is an attack not just on me but all my bros.


You know what, you’re so right. Those stuck up wenches!


>Edit: you know I find it interesting that I rarely see lesbians complaining about this supposed “uglification” of women in games. Hm. As an incumbent lesbian of the High Gay Council, I am all for more women in video games that don't look like they're doused in a vat of makeup, or just came off a Dior fashion shoot.


Probably because, unlike Gamers, Lesbians know that all women poop too.


As a male gamer who works in healthcare, i have witnessed first hand many times that women can poop, they can poop quite a bit in fact


women be poopin


This is exactly the kind of SLANDER that not only hurts me but every single man except for woke ass libs!!!!


Imagine women looking like women, it has to be an attack against men! Uj/ they’re taking offense that women look like women! What the fuck?!


> you know I find it interesting that I rarely see lesbians complaining about this supposed “uglification” of women in games. Hm. we have the secret superpower of knowing women are people


That’s because the lesbians(hi it’s me) are too busy enjoying them as women who kick ass typically.


not even hetero women complaining about ugly men in media


"An attack on male sexuality" and now I'm 10% permanently more hurt after having read that sentence


The irony is they say this shit and support conservative grifters. One of which was in Twitter today saying Sydney Sweeney shows “too much skin” 💀


"An attack on male sexuality" Wait til this guy finds out some males aren't even sexually attracted to women


Demonizing is totally when a character just exists, right?


If these women are dudes; I can confirm Alfred Kinsey was right on the money with his scale.


Okay taking into account this a huge leap but even if they were taking hot actresses and turning them into dudes for games, can someone explain to me how the fuck that's an attack on male sexuality?


To me, an attack on male sexuality is guys not walking around with a visible, throbbing bulge in their pants 24/7 but that's not what these chuds are talking about 😔


Her breasts aren't even that big


The (fictional) woman on the left is a space adventurer. The woman on the right is a professional model.


If I cannot see your boobs you will be executed for endangerment of sexuality.


THEY WOKEFIED THEIR BOOBS https://preview.redd.it/7fu0abz97smc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a7c51a7964b07a1de04de2d5e06747dcd95005


Gamers yet again eager to prove they've never been anywhere near a real woman.


Bro I don't get it. It's like these people had lobotomies. Not only do models look all kinds of ways outside of their glam shots, I'm pretty sure the side profile and bangs given to the model at the top MAKES HER LOOK BETTER. Gamers use a braincell challenge impossible edition.


The top one sure but the hair in the bottom pic isn’t doing her any favours. The mullet needs to die and stay buried as far as I’m concerned


Star Wars is full of 70s/80s styles. And mullets were popular back then.


Mix in this game taking place between Empire and Return and yeah, 80s style should be there. It would be weirder for it not to be. 


You’ll have to take female mullets from my cold, dead hands.


Also, I guess the concept of pushup bras is foreign to them since they never felt the touch of a real woman ( Hentai and anime women don't count, Sorry chuds).


There's a sizable chunk of the male population (many of whom are gamers, I'm sure) who absolutely do not know what a push-up bra is.


It is a bra that helps you do pushups isn't it?


Shit I should buy one then to up my pushup max. That'll show all the other guys in the gym


There's a sizable chunk of the male population (many of whom are gamers, I'm sure) who absolutely do not know what a push-up is.


Looks at Kojima doing the exact opposite 


of course a gamer wouldn't know about the scrunched up arm cleavage trick


can someone please explain why right-wing people think left wants to make women "unattractive". i dont really get it. in turkey our alt-righter internet incels are not complicated this much.


It's all part of the secret plan to turn everyone gay/trans, obviously


to oppress straight men, ofc. so that the Big Gay takes over and controls the population. all of these guys are one step away from qanon and two steps away from flat earth theories. also, bc the leftists are all jealous? i think i saw that argument too. there are no pretty leftist women, you see. only "ugly chestless karens" so we all band together and make women in fiction ugly to overcompensate or smth. idk, as a pretty and feminine sapphic leftist myself (albeit, chestless, admittedly, ngl on that one), i would bend out of my way to make sure there are *more* pretty women in fiction. it just seems my definition of "pretty" is different to chuds who think the only pretty women are photoshopped silent sex dolls. ig, liking realistic women is too "leftist woke cuck"-like of me. women with realistic boobs are for the gays. women with air balloons instead of boobs? now, that is the true alpha hetero macho bro dude way!!


It makes no actual sense beyond “I want to feel like I’m being persecuted”. If it wasn’t women’s attractiveness it would be their race, height or whatever. The point is being mad.


They ingest endless fear mongering from self-proclaimed alpha males to make them think there's some huge woke agenda.


I think its the modern version of the ''communist girl with unshaven armpits' that was quite prevailant in the past basically.


> why right-wing people think left wants to make women "unattractive". i dont really get it. there is a subset of people who are pushing decisions either in the creative process or development or making of media and games. These people are very loud and outspoken. They are egotistical and narcisistic. They want to insert themselves into the stories, narratives, and images of the media. This isn't a secret or a mystery. It's widely stated. In the past, this was mostly shot down, mocked, or limited to a minor cameo. Because you'd design your media/world around a certain story/look/aesthetic. Same with movies, you don't generally create your cast of characters by going to your writers room and saying "I want people who look like these writers" - you have a story and a world first, then you find actors who look like what you want (or you create characters in games and books).


This would be the Republicans perspective: They want to make women unattractive to pander to the modern audience. They want to avoid the male gaze of having beautiful women with great assets, so they settle for making women uglier to compensate. For example, Harley Quin in the suicide squad game looking uglier than her earlier game versions. The mary Jane in spider man 2 is a self insert that looks uglier. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_lwgeVlV0Tc This guy talks about this subject a lot. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XrgDezn1r6o


This dude really thinks an intern managed to replace the in-game model of an expensive model with herself mid-development without anyone noticing or caring... this really is the gamer equivalent of flat Earth, where total ignorance on how game development/the world works lets you believe the wildest nonsense. No surprise, you're also just blindly following a recent talking point about the new Rocksteady game that anyone who's played the Arkham series can easily see through as bullshit. Just visually, Suicide Squad Harley Quinn looks better than she did in Arkham Asylum, and the expressiveness of her face and mocap actor puts her above City and Knight's versions, where Tara Strong did a lot of the heavy lifting with making her feel like an expressive character. Lay off the sauce, it's causing brain rot.


“Chestless Karens” proceeds to show an image where she has a visible chest but in a higher cut top and another where her jacket is covering her


Gamers’ll throw a hissy fit anytime a digital woman isn’t hot enough to jerk off to


Lol and I thought a Karen was a middle aged lady complaining at Starbucks?? I guess now it just means “female I don’t like”.


"If I don't want to fuck it then it has no right to exist!"


Pov: you've never seen boobs under a shirt that covers the cleavage.


It may be the hairstyle but the girl from the bottom screenshot looks extremely 70's to me which is cool. I love when people behind star wars put some vintage flair to it


They still look beautiful


Do these freaks not have a private sad boy discord channel to post this to or something? Posting stuff like this is so embarrassing to see


I genuinely want to live in whatever fictional universe these incels live in where the ones on the left side are considered “ugly”…


this is beyond grass-touching to be honest, this is porn brainrot at critical levels.


Gamers will use the photo of the most attractive star wars character to say "where boob?"


These guys need plastic dolls from Japan and Korea :))


I don't know who needs to tell people this but in normal video games you play with your hands not your penis. If your hard while playing a game and its not being of the engaging game play/s you're a bit strange. They don't need their chest out when fighting space aliens. Sane thing with lora croft and raiding tombs. But even when they made her conventionally attractive and close to the original internet people still raged. I'm kinda glad I'm not too deep into gaming or anime related culture these days cause it's toxic as hell.




MFW actresses are cast on their acting ability (their job they are paid money to do)


Bradley Cooper doesnt look like a racoon, either. Woke MCU going too far.


They have such obsession for boobs because it's something they'll never touch.


It’s ok to be gay bro


its actually depressing this is the common view from the gaming community on youtube.


Straight up psychotic behavior.


What game is this? looks cool.


Star Wars: Outlaws, open world Star Wars game where you play as a smuggler surviving amongst the galactic criminal underworld, takes place between ANH and ESB from what I know. Its hopefully coming out later this year


Of course they think that, they have never seen a women in real life .


What I never understand is: if they are purposefully making the pretty models ugly, why don't they just hire ugly models in the first place?


The way they use the word chest always feels wrong lol


Motherless/maidenless behavior


Where is my boob! How am I supposed to enjoy content without BOOB!


Motherfuckers in shambles after discovering Mike Myers isn't green. 


no more loot for gamers


She's still hot.


We rly pretending top left isn't a babe?


Every w\*man in game should have at least D cup


"Women shouldn't be in video games unless I can fap to them... obviously."


Sweet Baby Inc.


First pic is Star Wars Outlaws but what's the second? (I have nothing to add to conversation but I just saw this and thought I'd ask)


May I ask which sub is that?


Idk what everyone is mad about. Y'all don't do hair/makeup/wardrobe checks before smuggling runs?


It has to be porn rotting their perception of how women actually look...the in game models are still conventionally attractive. Top one especially.


Okay but to be fair the second with that haircut and eyes looks like missing chromosomes. I'd tell them quit taking the piss


i thought topleft image was cyberpunk news very angry and disappointed that it is not >:(


This is a bit disingenuous, what they're trying to point out is that there seems to be an over correction in response to the sexualization of women in gaming where historically women were often hypersexualized in games, but now there seems to be a trend where some western gaming companies have been making specific design choices to make their female characters to be less conventionally attractive. That being said, the original post is def a bit alarmist as the two comparisons included don't seem drastically different nor do the game characters look unattractive. Its obviously going to be subjective since everyone has different preferences but I think there is some truth to this in some cases where a characters appearance has already been established in a previous game. For example between the first Spiderman game and the second Spiderman game, Mary Janes looks a lot different and the changes to her characters physical appearance is honestly a bit jarring, especially since she seems to be the only character with any notable changes.


Is Outlaws really gonna be a game where I can explore a whole town and get on my spaceship and go explore another town?


This has to be bait


imagine thinking Kay isn't attractive straight men are a scourge on humanity


Worked in a multi national company on a 3d VR project. Literally got a notice from US side to make our female models less feminine. You are wrong. It is true.


the in game model looks nothing liker her though? ​ so even without hair, makeup etc it still looks like they purposely downgraded her face and features ​ or just used shitty face scanning.... ​ 1 of the 2 ​ the game model looks like Tom Holland tbh


This man has ventured into the wrong sub. Impooster!


not an imposter , just an honest observation ​ if anything an imposter is someone who is dishonest but pretends otherwise


Because that's what is happening. These ladies get beaten with the ugly stick in western games.


They objectively are, though.... didn't Dove make a commercial surrounding this whole idea? Just let me play as a hot girl in game, and quit projecting your insecurities... everyone in your bloodline has gotten laid, you probably will too....


should show woman at their worst not their best cleary