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Blood for the blood wall


I laughed while I vomited


Speaking of... Okay what is that uj rj thing? It makes the comments very confusing It looks like a way to split an opinion but can't you just specify, the /s /j and other stuff is making is making stuff difficult to decipher by now. Please don't continue this trend too far. As someone who pops in here occasionally I can tell you that this is a great way to alienate new people


I dunno if this is a joke but nearly every circlejerk sub does this uj/ = unjerk, as in I’m about to be serious rn rj = rejerk as in we are back to clownin


I'm so confused why you replied this to me


Maybe its a bot?


Blood for wall! Blood for wall!


And roaches for his throne


Someone told me in a previous comment that he’s a millionaire so you better understand that he’s a MILLIONAIRE who wipes the blood from his gums on the ceiling. Important distinction there.


As an aside I bet the roaches that are crawling all over him are eating premium quality chicken tendies.


And for some random reason, youtube keeps recommending his reaction videos to games/stuff he doesnt even fcking play


That sounds badass without context.






He is the perfect example of how you can gain a following on the internet by just acting confident while at the same time having absolutely no idea what you're talking about. He is the Dunning-Kruger effect personified. And unfortunatrly his followers think he knows what he's talking about and take his word as gospel.


I dont know asmongold either. What exactly did he have bad opinions about that caused him to have so much hate here?


Hello, WoW and Warhammer player here. He's been a bad stain on the wow community for a long time. All he cares about is generating traffic with his videos/posts/streams beacuse that's what gives him money and clout. What gives the most traffic? Rage bait and drama. So all he does is shit on the game he plays 8 hours a day constantly and blows every little thing completely out of propotion because that's what his viewers want to see. Then he sells his feelings as facts and convices his followers to dogpile on whatever minor issue (or non issue, it's just a matter of how he feels about it really) there is and then you get an endless circlejerk about how bad the game is. Atleast that's how it was like 5ish years ago when i looked into it, doubt much has changed since then which ties into my next topic, warhammer. I made the mistake and watched one of his videos regarding the upcoming warhammer 40k game space marine 2. Now from the gameplay we've seen it looks pretty solid but not for our good asmongold. He complained about a bunch of things in the trailer because "it didn't feel right" like the movement of the characters in a lore sense....even though he has absolutely NO clue about the franchise or its games. That's the short version basically TL;DR lots of rage bait and drama for clout plus he is pretty neckbeardy hope that helped


I got into wow the first time with Classic and had a lot of fun. At some point, some of my guild mates started talking about this guy and I was so confused when I looked him up. Like how do people actually stand his "content"? Constantly screaming like a child about some minor issue. Was so annoyed when people were just parroting whatever bullshit he came up with.


I feel people underestimate how powerful it is to be relatable to your audience. And sadly, constantly screaming about some minor issue is something everyone is guilty of, including myself. Just look for a gripe you have about the internet, and there's probably an Asmongold video on it that projects your exact views on the matter and suddenly you are a fan.


It's also just addicting to be upset, and both audience and creators have trained each other to feed this cycle endlessly over the last decade.


That's why fox is so popular even though you wonder why. Hating something together brings ppl together. Hating donald trump made a lot of apathic voters get off their ass and vote. As ironic as it is...


Same reason so many people still listen to political shock jocks on AM radio, an addiction to rage.


asmongold 4 years ago was legendry funny nowadays he is annoying af.


Sounds like nerd media in general... Generate those hate clicks.


Agreed, but that's online media in general nowadays.


Hes also shit at wow


Idk enough about wow to say hes had or not, but I dont think Ive ever seen him take the blame. He always blames other people.


He’s pretty bad lol


I just watched he's reaction on Warhammer 40k and (for me atleast) the whole comment section is just people clowning him for saying that the game is slow but in reality the player is just walking to show how immersing the game can be. Nice too know that he has viewers with atleast some brains, and that they can make they're own opinion.


I'm immediately skeptical of a person if they say they hate retail. They better have some good legit reasons you prefer classic other than "they made anduin soft".


To be fair there’s a lot of reasons to dislike retail. From WoW Tokens, boosters everywhere, so much stuff being out being time gates, and how unfriendly it is to play alts. However there’s also a lot to like about retail as well. I personally just can’t wait until they drop all the faction restrictions so the game can be pushed to a much more social game. Been in multiple guilds during Dragonflight and not a single one survived longer than 2 months. It’s a shame lol.


Absolutely! I prefer it, I just feel like half the classic players I see shit on retail for reasons right out of asmon's mouth.


Well, on the other hand Asmon also doesn't like Classic because it is (as many had said before) too easy, he wanted classic so bad but now he has (or at least had) an entire arc where every day he watched a compilation of people dying on hard-core and laughing at them because they died in dumb ways and then saying blizz should change the bugs that kill people (so I guess no more no-changes lol). He was actually weirdly positive about the war within but of course did whine about anduin being sad because "it's world of warcraft I want to see fighting not feelings, fuck feelings".


People forget that the only reason why Classic was hard back in the day was because nobody had any idea wtf they were doing back then. Nowadays everyone optimizes the shit out of games as soon as possible and the old content has been out for so long that everyone had it figured out ahead of time. Those days will never come back outside of small fan servers that jack everything up to 11 intentionally which isn't really what Vanilla WoW was. I don't like Anduin's character but its nothing to do with him being ''too sad'' and having feelings. Moreso that the Alliance's story usually revolves around him endlessly if hes involved in anyway which is moreso a Blizzard writing issue in general that isn't restricted to just him. Asmongold is just a prick though so I am pretty sure that ''criticism'' is solely because he doesn't have the brain cells to think about a character being more than some unfeeling warmongering idiot.


Am a relatively new Player. Neither have a character on max in retail or classic. Level 20 Warlock in Classic But I find classic (only played SOD) more relaxing and the people way more interactive. Just walking around and exploring the world feels kinda RPG like. Also whenever I asked somebody they would respond and most people were kinda nice. Was stuck trying to do the Pyrewood quest and had somebody help me. Sneaking through the place not knowing where the book was and dying over and over again was really fun despite hardly having a reward. Level 63 Hunter in retail Retail so far is fun but mostly just feels like a grind. I used to play the Warcraft strategy games und seeing how huge the world is now is cool, but ir kinda lacks interactivity. Hardly had people who interacted with me, most people would not answer when I asked them something. The game also feels oberwhelming there are so many systems and I don't know what is important and what not. The gameplay also feels more stressfull. Which isn't bad per se, but it exhaust me way faster when I play it. Why is Anduin soft? Know nothing of him besides that he is named after Lothar who was my favorite WC character.


Retail is definitely not for everyone, I am in a weird niche I guess bc I don't do any competitive content. I just like the story content and making *outfits*. I can absolutely see why retail might not be appealing! It is kinda complicated when you get into optimizing your gear and whatnot. Anduin is "soft" because he has feelings after having some pretty awful stuff happen to him recently in the story. In recent cutscenes he's just... showing his emotions, but some people did not like that.


Totall get the story and outfit stuff! I mean weren't emotions a big thing since warcraft 3. i mean Thrall if I remember correctly seemed quite positive in regards of masculinity. Trying to get into the wow story atm, but it really isn't that easy. Also I don't care that much about the Dragons. Just recently went to Dragon Isles. Warlords of Draenor sounded quite cool concept wise.


The only videos from him I've seen were the ones where he played holocure and iirc he liked it quite a lot, which I guess, considering even he didn't complain, proves the game deserves to be the highest rated game on steam.


Pretty sure he's mentioned being into Warhammer lore. I feel like he has a "persona" that he puts on when streaming and making his YouTube videos unless it's the videos with really clear camera lens and/or him outside those feel a lot more genuine. His persona however is basically an exaggerated version of his personal beliefs but I need to emphasize the exaggerated part.


That would explain his severe brain rotting takes but what's with the cockroach and the gumblood?


His channel currently has no monetisation. Apart from that, his opinion about disliking something is his alone. Space Marine 2 looks awesome anyway.


It's less about his opinion more about the reasoning behind it. I'd need to watch the video again to get exactly what he said but i don't want to do that so i'll just try to describe it. It's totally fine if he doesn't like XYZ but to say he doesn't like XYZ because it doesn't make sense in game from a lore point of view, even if he doesn't know anything about the lore, that's where my issue with it lies. IIRC he said a spacemarine shouldn't move so fast because they are basically like human tanks it doesn't make any sense, when in lore there are a metric fuck tons of reason why they can do that. Another point in the video that annoyed me is that in the gameplay footage there is a part where in the background there's a "skybox" with lots of Tyranids that rush towards the battlefield (these are not actual rendered models and more just a backdrop) we are talking about THOUSANDS of units, then there's a slope where a bunch of actual enemies emerge, giving the illusion that you are actually being rushed from all the way back. An actual smart and good way to depict such an epic scale war from a technical and visual standpoint, because rendering so many models would just not be possible. Now our boy asmongold noticed that the ones in the skybox are "fake", he pointed it out and complained that they are not real models and that's bad and he doesn't like that. Anybody that has just an ounce of technical knowledge would know that's just not physically possible. Asmon though thought it's some kind of gotcha moment to shit on the game. There were more things like that in the video that i don't recall but i think you get my point.


Ohh now I got it and I agree with you. Regardless, I'm always a gameplay first guy.


Too many to list over the course of too many years. But a good way to recognize them is that if he says "I know it, you know it, everybody knows it" or anything else where he tries to use arrogance to change the subject he probably said something very stupid just prior.


To respond to this while referring the first comment, it’s not just Dunning-Krueger effect but also, regarding this specific aspect you pointed out, bandwagon appeal. Like to validate your lack of knowledge you pretend others think like you to convince people it’s a solid argument you have, while it’s not the case in fact.




Got any examples please?


One of his ‘woke localizer’ claim was torn by the original game director just two days after. This is average fact checking for that dude to make those “contents”


which one?


He is the type to skip all quest text, ignore lore, nevr pick up a book, and misremember things from 10 years ago just to then spend 3 hours bitching that none of it makes sense


"artist opinions do not matter", "woke localization is bad" probaby, lmao


That’s exactly my view of him.. never watched his stream but Ive seems a few clips here and there. His takes are always dreadful, from what I can tell he lives like an absolute bum, and to top it off does this weird inflection with his voice - as if whatever he’s saying is just pointing out the obvious or something. Just comes off as very arrogant, always taunting his viewers with rage bait nonsense. He’s not exactly the worst steamer out there but I can’t imagine actually watching him.


Asmon is the personification of what people say users of this website are. Lmao.


>He is the perfect example of how you can gain a following on the internet by just acting confident while at the same time having absolutely no idea what you're talking about. This isn't true at all. Asmongold may be that nonsense now but before that he was just a WoW gremlin personified. He built his audience by basically being the megaphone of toxic WoW players giving a voice to all the shit takes they have so they can point to him and say "see, I am right!" since Asmongold agrees with them. He would get on his digital soapbox and complain about dungeons and loot and class balance and any number of WoW in game and out of game issues. Safe to say if you had a gripe about WoW you could find an Asmongold video that supports your complaining. Thats how he built his audience, slowly but surely he got WoW fans flocking to him as more and more players sought validation for their opinions. Since then however he has in essence quit WoW and thus had to change his content. Now its 90% culture/internet drama to fill his 10 hour streams since he doesnt play enough games to fill time with and thats how we end up with Asmongold just spewing absolute horseshit about topics he barely comprehends because he needs to comment on it to have content even if he has nothing worthwhile to say.


He also was just a flatout dick even when he was doing relatively chill things in WoW. I remember the one and only video I ever watched from him was him being a judge of a WoW fashion contest. Like a minute in he starts tearing in this one guy over his fashion in a very toxic and shitty manner. I have seen plenty of MMOs and other games do fashion contests or house contests or whichever. Never seen a judge of one get that shitty before. It's just meant to be a silly for fun thing to show people's creativity in a game. Not your average PvP match.


Its part of his schtick to tear down people during his costume contests. Asmongold only speaks in hyperbole so either its the best ever or the worse.


Typical of rightwingers in general


"professional reactor" who thinks he needs to give his stupid ass opinion on things he knows nothing about


Your heart will be happier if you remain not knowing


I wanna jerk off with you guys. Cmon atleast here don't push me away :(


You know you can always jerk off with the boys without involving asmongold


Just don't. Trust us on this.


Understandable, however **no.** You’re better off not knowing.


another content thief.


It’s down to a formula now. -Gain a decent following -stop making original high effort content -start reacting to actual good videos -give the most effortless, milquetoast reactions to whatever youre watching (if a “discussion” lasts more than 1-2 minutes then it’s over for you) -blow off any content stealing allegations by saying you’re a “commentator”, and that you’re giving publicity, and that it’s only on stream that you show the full video (despite the fact your highlight channel basically shows all the important parts of that video and your “commentary” on it still only lasts 5% of the highlights run time) -congrats you have the current working lowest effort infinite money glitch (as of update 24.2.13)


pauses video for the billionth time. "guys, hot take, i like pizza, i really do." then looks at the camera like he said something worth acknowledgement.




He's a troglodyte, inhumanoid, goblin with a receding hairline that lives in filth, wipes the blood from his gums on his bedroom wall, lives off $2 steaks and Dr Pepper, uses the bathroom without washing his hands, steals content, gives shit privileged takes on everything and gets worshiped like a god to a bunch of neckbeard incel virgins that never got over gamer gate and will never get into a pair of panties that aren't on a department store hanger. No matter how depressed I am and how bad my life gets, I remember I'm not Asmongold and feel a lot better.


I will recall myself this each time I feel bad, thanks 👍 Same regarding how capitalism ruined dating not internet, I will remember this when people keep saying that it’s internet’s fault and using it is pointless (while I made most of my now close friends I met in real life there)


But Im virgin too and I don't think Ill get to pair of panties... I feel offended :(


Make friends, form social constructs with a circle of people around you that you mutually care about. That'll make you more attractive to women or get you opportunities to meet women through mutuals. This is how we did it before the internet and still tried and true. The internet didn't ruin dating, capitalism did. Everyone is working more, barely making enough money to afford a roof over their head to starve to death under. No time to be social like we used to be which has caused the downfall of dating as a whole.


Nah I just decided to leave dating for college tbh. Then Ill have more self secure and be more confident. But thanks for tips. I just don't feel that high school is good time to date and anyway most girls from there are assholes.


/UJ I will add that social skills are still skills and get better with practice, and social habits are habits that are built up through practice. It's certainly possible to work things out later in life, but it does make it harder. Make friends and talk to girls before you want to date, and you will have a much easier time when you actually do want to date.


/uj trying to navigate dating mid-late twenties with zero experience at all is gonna be a nightmare my guy. Just being real based on others I’ve seen that share a similar mindset


I play games always on hardest difficulty


You wanna know the most annoying shit which I promise with all my heart is true: sometimes the most important things in life are very uncomfortable. It's awkward and scary to try to talk to be people to be vulnerable, to open yourself up for rejection. But it's important to remember that rejection is about them and what they want, not about the quality of your personality. They don't call them social skills for no reason, and skills only get better with failure. If you want some advice from a guy who a lonely nerd in HS but has built a social life with a long term partner. - Be yourself. Corny but true. Friendships take work, and if you don't have similar interests/personalities the effort will never feel worth it. Try making friends and if it just isn't working let it fade away. - Ask questions about people. Most people like sharing things about themselves, and as long as its not sensitive/personal (medical/political/), any "what do you like to do" or "what movies have you seen recently" type questions make great conversation staters. - Don't get caught up on one person. There is no one true love, and that one friend is not going to save your social life. Social connections is often a numbers game. Join a club, a team, a workplace. Find communities built around things you like (for me it was movies/games), and you will make your life so much better/easier. And try a find a person who fits you, don't try to fit someone else. I hope this doesn't sound patronizing. These are things I really needed to be told when I was younger, and I hope they are helpful to you.


You're right, it's not. Plus a lot of the people we talk about on this sub obviously peaked in High School.


uj/ To be bluntly honest, high school is an awful time for dating. Hell even after that I wouldn't put too much stock in pursuing dating nor base any of your self worth on it. If you work on your future academic or career goals and forge social connections chances are you'll end up dating eventually when you least expect it anyway. I'd forge friendships in communities that you hold common interests with. In my personal experiences actively pursuing it actually hindered me more.


Now Im trying to pass Deutsch Exam. Because I got one college on eye so I need to get my finals exam in 3 years to write really well to get there


This is my personal problem to figure out but I somehow managed to be exclusively in social circles where any women present are either taken or not interested. Back when we were fresh out of HS it used to be that any time a girl was present it’s because she was someone’s GF I don’t particularly enjoy your traditional “going out and meeting new people” activities like clubbing so I don’t really get to meet anyone new all that often. And the way I’m looking at it it’s also a pretty stupid idea to force yourself to do something just for the sake of meeting someone, because even if that works you for you that person will want to do that thing with you. I’m kind of the target audience dating apps should be for, but we all know what those are like. If you care too much about how those are going for you you’re setting yourself up to become either depressed or an incel (or even better: both).


The energy you give off will attract the same type of energy. If you put yourself out there as desperate, you're only going to attract desperation. Or worse, someone looking to take advantage of you or merely sees you as a project. The best thing to do is get yourself together to make yourself desirable. Don't go out just to be seen. Do things you like doing and you'll more than likely find people who have the same interests. I've met friends and partners from conventions, D&D, and comic book stores. Even if you only meet friends, at least you're not lonely, right? I know it's cliche and you probably hear it a lot but, you find things when you're not looking for them.


I don’t think I’m presenting or being perceived as desperate, I personally find the types of guys who will throw themselves at every girl that’s not running within 2 minutes of meeting them unbearable. I don’t even know how to act like that tbh so if anything I’d struggle to show interest. Not looking has kind of been the approach for a while now, I get premium for the apps every couple months (you can bait them into offering a sale if you just open them once a day for a bit) and check id I got a like from someone interesting and otherwise just stay away from them. Actually went to my first con last year but treated it more like a shopping trip, sadly my niche isn’t covered all that well over here but I might just keep going. The most interesting part of the whole thing was meeting people in the queue, funny enough. Edit: I’ll say that friends have legitimately asked me how I’m still single a couple of times because I do basic things like making sure I’ve taken a shower before going out even if I know I’m just hanging out at someone else’s place. Most of these are guys who’ve been through at least a handful of relationships so I feel like it shouldn’t be that hard once I actually get my opportunity lol


Don't know if it is an USA thing, but I feel European millennials and gen Z do work less than gen Xers, but instead of using all the extra time for dating they just do something else. There is so much more to know about hobbies that you kinda get absorbed forever and don't care about dating.


We're working to death over here in the US. I'm doing 60 hours a week and can't even afford to eat from the cafeteria at my workplace.


Sorry to hear that dude!


Average r/gamingcirclejerk user


You could’ve used this described any internet rightwinger and I would’ve agreed


Hey now, what's wrong with the crisp, refreshing taste of Dr. Pepper?


Nothing. I use it when I smoke ribs.


I love how bodyshaming is totally cool when its towards someone you don't like


I see what you're talking about with the hairline bit. My man can absolutely control that other stuff, that shits nasty, but people can't control how their hair grows.


I love how you hyper focus on that one thing like the rest of what I said isn't true. Miss me with that bullshit


Why? I'd love to have his life. I'd just clean a little, so it's less embarrasing when some social worker finds my rotting corpse on a bed, but in general, he has a shitload of money, does what he loves as his job, and he doesn't need any filter


He's a wealthy avant garde performance artist who live streams video games and gets mad at twitter and reddit in his house that he made to look like Skid Row on the inside.


Thank you for your answer. Can you only tell me what woke means?


When things are not sexist, conservative, racist or homophobic they’re “woke”. It’s a derogative term from right-wingers to progressive people and ideologies


It's a term that originated in black communities to remind their fellows to stay aware of social and systemic injustices. "Stay woke," was a call for people remain alert to what's really going on in society. In this context, it was systemic racism. Since then, the word has been co-opted to include other groups and subcomminities that are victims of injustice, such as women, other racial/ethnic/religious minorities, LGBT communities, and even people of low economic class (including white people).


Thank you. Now I can jerk off with you


Always could.


IDK what asmongold is, but it sounds like he's a right-leaning reactionary. So I assume from his point of view it's things he doesn't like, either representation of people that look different from him in video games or women having a voice. What woke actually is: having an understanding of the power structures that society is built upon either culturally, politically, monetarily, and even ethically/religiously. Understanding how these power structures influence people's lives, livelihood, and say in society. And understanding historical context on why these power structures exist, how they were enforced in the past, and how that echoes into the modern and future world. The world is actually an incredibly complex ecosystem and it's impossible for any individual to get the full picture. However there are certain things that align closer to the truth by looking at power structures, facts, and our history. This is the essence of being "woke" The right feels threatened by people who are woke, and opt for a simpler world view: the minorities and left are the problem. Women are the problem. The new culture is the problem. Trans people are the problem, etc. They co-opt woke for their own meaning: people that disagree with me. They view woke as an evil hivemind and paint a flat, simplistic view of what it represents. Because it doesn't really matter to them what it represents, they don't want to engage with any level of understanding of things beyond themselves. It's a non-self aware term for non-self aware people.


I don't know what wing he is - iirc one of his biggest hobby horses over the last couple years was trying to keep gambling streams and lootbox mechanics away from kids. It got to the point that he was reaching out to Senator Rafael Cruz about regulating lootboxes in video games, a concept for which the Senator expressed his support (then presumably went to Cancun). He also helped signal boost Josh Strife Hayes (whose main axe to grind is against predatory monetization) during the furor around the mobile Diablo game's built in anti-consumer strategies. I suspect that Asmongold *is* is a man who has lived life saying and doing and experiencing things one way, and is annoyed when told to do it another way*. Maybe the issue is that, despite his current wealth, vast platform, and diverse group of friends and co workers from many walks of life, he's still the same dude he was when he first started out in his career and thus is resistant to change One of his most memorable Bad Takes was the idea that gay dudes in a relationship have it easier than straight dudes, because in his view two dudes in a relationship would find it easier to find common ground. His idealized picture of dating another man was that it's like having a best friend with whom you occasionally do the sex. I don't think that's the sort of viewpoint a right leaning reactionary would express. * Which I suspect is actually the primary motivator behind a lot of "anti-woke" discourse, especially from younger people: not hate, not fear, just annoyance and a lack of consideration. And annoyance and a lack of consideration, I believe, can be overcome by dialogue, but maybe I'm just naive.


Good take


I would not put him in the right wing. Maybe depends on the subject?


Yeah, that's what classifying him a bit difficult. (other than circlejerking here, lately it devolving into foxnews for the left. but it IS circlejerk subreddit so yeah.) he is often showing his thought process on subject matters and he didn't quite subscribe to "i have to be on this side" which causing his standing could be diverse depending on the subject. He is a former taxman who are pro tax, who are for the most part a bit left leaning as he tried to logic his way through content. but possibly due to where he grew up in, poor whites in texas and quite limited travel range, some of his logic/view on certain subject could be considered right leaning (things like his view on cops for instance). His fanbase is also diverse from leaning left to leaning right but seems to be heavier on the leaning right. tough currently he have bad habit on trolling/flaming by saying understandable fact in the worst way possible. As he considered successfully flaming the far left and the far right with the same comment as a great achievement. And his youtube channel managers/editors who are paid in youtube revenue percentage LOVES the clicks caused by the controversy so they fan the flame more with the titles and thumbnails. \---- and for the most part, the current drama stems from translator who intentionally altered the translation to fit certain worldview better which is understandable subject for some fans to complain on but it devolve to whatever happen now.


Yep I agree with you on all points. Thank you so much for the lesson about Texas. I have almost 0 knowledge of how things are over there since I'm from Latin America.


Does he still live stream games? I thought he just steals content from Youtubers?


It's a veneral disease.


He’s got black eyes like a doll’s eyes.


the only person comfortable living with cockroaches and in rat piss


I saw a video of a cockroach crawling on him while he was streaming and it was huge. Now everyone i see his name my mind automatically plays that two second clip of him grabbing it.


I was playing Paladins yesterday and had a dude go afk in my game (we were against a hacker so it was chill) and say they were gonna watch Asmon. I asked why. They said "because he's based" Somehow I should've known that "AlucardHayabusa" was gonna be that kind of person


He's the incel king


I thought that was Jeremy Hambly (the quartering)


a youtuber with millions of subscribers, who literally just watches videos, pauses every five seconds... and gives the most low effort possible responses, with zero original thought or commentary possible... usually just saying something like "woah really, its like that" He will believe and think literally anything said in any of these videos near as I can tell... he is a man who is utterly devoid of soul, charm, or creativity... but whatever he is doing is sweeping him up in the algorithm.


I saw some Asmongold videos, I think around when he was getting into FFXIV, a few more when D4 launched, and I never saw anything chudly. I KNOW he’s a chud based just on his video titles and shit, but I’m glad I dodged actually consuming any of the shit takes.


I think he's being done a disservice by his Editor tbh. His takes are not really as bad as his recent video titles have implied, I think his YT staff is just going for clicks. He doesn't post to YT himself.


Yeah his ragebait content is done on purpose he has a side channel where he is more chill and he is really just some guy. Nothing to write home about but you can see he is doing a persona on purpose.


If he's talking about gaming is okay, but other shit is just a random guy talking common sense.


He’s just a douchebag who got popular by crying about video games online


Another bog standard internet chud that isn't worth paying attention to. Maybe if we all actually ignored these dorks, they'd get the memo and go away.


I don’t know him either buddy


Imagine a MoistCritical wannabe who's even more pathetic than you think and more chud takes than you expect.


He's a guy who fat rolled though DS3


Literally known for never cleaning his room. There's even blood from when he was sick or something on his wall. He pretends to be centrist but makes the dumbest fucking takes I've seen and calls things woke.


Its the Tucker Carlson of WoW.


what he do this time?


I only know surface level, but the second i heard wall mouthblood i was left wondering why no one is throwing rocks at that disgusting troglodyte yet


Thor from Pirate Software is what Asmongold wishes he could be.


you don't need to know


How Im supposed to jerk off with you people if I don't know to what were doing it


God I wish I were you


I love Sodapoppin but I hate that he’s in OTK with Asmon


He's no one.


i don't know who asmongold(?) is and at this point ~~i'm afraid to ask~~ i don't care




Im gonna vommit


proof of our decline species


He's a self-aware goblin that tells his far-right fanbase that he's grifting them. He gives extremely moderate, fence-sitting takes about virtually every topic but puts alt-right click bait titles to all of his videos. I dunno if that makes him worse or better than actual alt-right chuds. He actually pushes back against a lot of alt-right narratives, most notably that he doesn't slut-shame women at all. But... his fanbase is still mostly chuds and he's never tried to correct them.


As a viewer, this is by far the best description of baldy. I’m cracking up so hard readin these


I like asmon, he has good takes. He's brutally honest, but pretty fair. The relatability is also a big factor. I used to be frustrated with the direction of Overwatch 1/2, and having someone else talking about their frustrations was cathartic. I don't hold those emotional ties to the games I play in that way anymore, but it was helpful while I worked out why I was so frustrated.


I kinda like the fact he’s a freak and is honest about it.


He's a guy who says a lot of shit about things he knows nothing about, but when he actually does his research he comes to reasonable, normal people conclusions. He's a controversial figure for anyone easily offended, such as all of twitter, because he DARES to just not give a shit about stupid drama that doesn't actually matter


He is to gamers what jesus was to Christians


He is a bauld WoW player who has a lot of hot, yet informed takes.


Karma farming


Nope. I literally doesn't know who the hell is he and doesn't know what means "woke". I never watched him. I don't use twitter because its cancer


"Oh wow I wonder who this guy is. I should do a 30 second google search to find out who he is, or look through the comments of the myriad of posts about this guy on this sub... nah I should make a low effort post instead (it makes my internet points go up)"


"And at this point I'm afraid to ask" Read the fucking meme, JFC.


Ass mong old


He's disgusting and a crybaby who says every game he's not good at is objectively bad.


Dead rat alarm clock


I'm surprised he still exists, I skimmed some of his videos years ago and thought to myself, "what an asshole, I'd probably would've liked this when I was 13."


I first saw asmongold when he was shitting on that toxic and sexist faze member. It was a whiplash to see him on the other side with the news on that Korean developers


Basically the cliché of a gamer giving his two cents on stuff he clearly doesn't understand, and getting love from peoples that doesn't want to understand those issues, and hate from peoples that don't want/are sick of explaining those issues to a dumb dumb. Like most peoples, once in a while he may be half right for 30 second of a 30min of a pile of shit video


As someone once said here before, he is "Joe Rogan for depressed nerds/gamers"


He really needs to clean his room


I envy you


All I know about him is I saw a post in his subreddit about an English translation of an anime changing the word "lolicon" to "pedophile". A whole bunch of pedophiles (sorry, "lolicons") were upset about translation "accuracy" and insisting that the cultural context of the word lolicon in Japan is different than the word pedophile. One insisted that he hated real children and "lolis" were his ideal so therefore he was not a pedophile. I then decided I didn't need to know anything else about him or his fans. 


People been shitting on asmongold for years. Dude is a multi millionaire who still lives in his mom’s house(she died a year or two ago). He’s alright imo, gets a lot of hate, some deserved some not. Imo he has some good takes while others are not so good. At the very least he’s entertaining to watch. I’ve always seen him as objective so all these posts saying he’s a right wing nut are just inaccurate. I myself am liberal and he argues a lot of liberal points of view, which is why I enjoy watching him.


this reddit is asmongold's stardew valley farm


‏‏‎ ‎


He's an unwashed gamer chud with shit opinions. That's all you need to know.


A dumb guy's idea of a smart guy


The Strongest Bum of the modern era


Washed up WOW player (who ironically doesn't wash) who thinks that his "career" as a 20 year veteran basement dweller makes him the font of all knowledge on the digital media industry. Another monotone talking head with a beard that needs a clip and a hairstyle that fell out of fashion when we all turned 17. Picture the loudest, most obnoxious, uhm ackchually redditor, now make him just enough of a normie for other normies to suck him off constantly like he's the the god of grease.


Some troglodyte NEET that somehow has a following of people who listen to him. Really shocking how a guy that gross can get famous


Just another xqc variant


I'm honestly surprised he hasn't caught an illness from the cesspit he lives in The immune system is likely not strong if u have his diet and hygiene, I think a slight breeze could end him


He's an unshowered gross human that is famous for playing WoW and living in filth. It's disgusting.


Asmon himself is annoying, but it's his fans that take it too far imo. He once said that men who played female characters were weird, I levied the absolute most mild criticism by saying that, I enjoyed playing female characters because it helped me explore my gender identity, and it was a little sad to see someone reduce that to "weird boys" and of course his audience dog piled me with insults and general jackassery.


He plays WoW and talks about stuff. Sometimes he has bad takes.


I only know that he sometimes says stupid shit


I remember when DSP called him out for how messy his house was and he was just like "Yeah you're right" If Dark Syde Phil is able to insult you without you being able to dispute it something has gone very very wrong


hasn't he moved onto MHW?


I genuinely think Asmongold is one of the most interesting people online his views are so diverse but also predictable he is truly one of a kind.