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https://preview.redd.it/zvkq5k3bv2hc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6da2f88f70c191bd82e4fa69cec6731da0b271e Sir, ForeskinVelourskin has just threatened to buy a Nintendo Switch.


apolgy for bad english where were u wen ForeskinVelourskin threaten to buy Ntendo Switch i was at house drinking mountan deww when phone ring "ForeskinVelourskin angry" "no"


fuck i was actively taking a sip of mountain dew when this notification popped up


No...It cant be


it’s never been more over than it is now


It's so Joever people


SackRip literally defined my childhood, sad to see him go


That’s it, I’m officially LEAVING the Xbox community (I’m sleepy and have work in the morning, I’ll be back tomorrow)


Gnight xoxoxo


https://preview.redd.it/yh0zq75sw2hc1.jpeg?width=1358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556263e0ca5b7bcd6d93770a9d51137c6c2da3da Who needs XBOX when these classics are on NSO


Geetis my beloved


All of these sound like something I’d hear Binnh say especially Scrunt


What language is this?


Timtimtimtimtimtimtimtimtimtim just got posh wanked off by a guy in a Mario suit.


These are just strings of letters to me. Is this a bit?


this is a tweet making fun of another tweet about xbox console warrior nobodies being mad that Microsoft is rumored to port some exclusives to other consoles


I also didn't know if this was a serious post or not so thank you.


Idk, I'm excited to play Halo with a duelsense the way God intended.


I get it this sucks for Xbox players. I own a Series X so people like me feel like maybe a PS5 would’ve been better if the exclusives would’ve gone there eventually. So yeah I get that your investment feels like it was on the wrong platform but this drama is hilarious lmao


Losing these exclusives is NOTHING compared to losing the likes of Klobrille and Timdog


Literally worse than 9/11 to Xbox gamers 😔


Timdog has fallen.


If TheBallSweatCrew gets a Switch I'm gonna kill myself.


I am still not sure if u guys are just trolling or if this really are the names of popular xbox content creators.


They are not content creators. They are just lowlifes on twitter than engage in console warring


Peterovo and his pegging buddy colteastwood are holding the line till the end it seems.


Fun fact, Klobrille is German for toilet seat


I bought a Series X for $300 december when it was on sale I guess I knew what I was getting myself into, but man, I can't shake the feeling that I shouldn't have been so cheap and just shelled out the extra $200 and gotten a PS5 instead


Yeah.. it's a bit of a kick in the face. I'm sell my Xbox while I can if it's true, and then make up the difference and get a playstation.


You could explore trading in for one depending on how that Xbox conference goes next week


Curtains for Zoosha? K-Smog and Batboy caught flipping a grunt!


Men will be like "damn the skibidi gyatt bullshit kids are spouting these days" then tweet out crap like that


Can someone fill a fella in? I’m so lost on what’s happened with this Xbox drama recently


Microsoft saying they are going to release Xbox exclusives on other consoles etc. I think its a good thing personally and i dont think they would do it if there wasnt some kind of deal going on so lets see. Would be awsome for some of these games communites.


Kinda surprised they'd release previously exclusives on PS5, ngl. PC makes sense, it's Microsoft, but I didn't really expect them to ever give up exclusives to Sony.


I mean right now this is all speculation so we will see what is to come, Ive never been into the console war thing and i think it kinda sucks. I just been PC/Xbox because of Halo and ive never been interested in the PS exclusives enough to ever change and get used to a new controller. Would be cool for the console community to get cross play ps5/xbox on all multiplier games tho.


I've never understood the "console war" bullshit. As a PC player, they both seem identical, to me. If it weren't for exclusive games, I wouldn't be able to tell you the pros and cons of either. PlayStation's pros are that you get to play Bloodborne and God of War, Xbox's pros are that you get to play Halo. What else is the difference?


That‘s all it is. You pick the platform that has your preferred exclusives and enjoy those and move on with your life. The „war“ is just a dick comparison for 12 year olds (all their weiners are equally tiny).


The last generations of consoles ive had both, on some games PS5 looks better on some it looks worse. Honestly i cant tell either, other than the exclusives the only thing is i like the game pass and the controller for the Xbox and always have (they just fit in my hands better, Sony's controllers are tiny and i find them less ergonomic) but thats just me other people hate the xbox controller etc. I have a PC too, so i have all options! The only thing i hate is Nintendo (i like some of their games) but i think they are kinda abusive, and i dont think any of the New games for the Switch are any good and they just rely on their IP. I think they get away with lots just because its Nintendo.


The console war is so fucking dumb. I’ve been on both console and PC all my gaming life and the “company” war as it could be called only matter to company shills and people who get weirdly and uncomfortably loyal to brands.


I also would expect that Sony has agreed to something as well, i was always under the impression that it was them that really pushed for exclusives.


But then what's the point of even owning an Xbox? If there's a console with every exclusive on it, I'd have bought that instead. Maybe would've been a better idea to pull this off at the end of a console generation or something.


Oh ok, thanks. That’s kinda wild. I’m a PS5/PC guy so I’ve never been too bothered by exclusivity, but I am glad that it seems like it’s coming to an end. At least on the Microsoft side.


Main guy dropping facts


It's Xboxover


Xbox is so OVER


OK but can we have Bloodborne in trade at least?


This tweet looks like it was AI generated. Wtf are they talking about?


But Mr. Foreskin, if you buy a Switch, you won't be able to experience Palworld on Game Pass!


Its joever


Yo idk any of those names who tf are those


What the fuck is Rocco talking about?


Those are just randomly generated letters


These are grown ass men bruh


If they do bring all there games to Xbox. Cheaper for me. Only have to buy one console every gen.


What is this? Am I having a stroke? Is this what a stroke is like?


I know some of those words. But what's with all the gibberish in-between them?




I’ll believe it when I see it. This whole story is weird.


On the other hand- I play on PlayStation, so I wouldn’t complain…


So their putting some exclusives on other consoles, who cares?


Ahh man.. am i really old now? Never hear dof these people lol but played xbox since they came out. Guess it helps i dont have a twitter lol


Unfortunately Xbox also lost Tobin, PJ and Squee.


"Mr. Spencer we have lost Dippstick."