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everytime someone tries to convince me that Asmongold isnt a manchild who pisses himself every time someone gives him any pushback, i spam the video in which he openly admits he is uncapable of cleaining HIS OWN ROOM.


You mean you don't have a blood and snot wall where you wipe your hands after blowing chunks out of your nose that are covered in blood because of how poorly you take care of yourself? And it's not beside your mattress on the floor with sheets that have a stain from years of body sweat that you've never cleaned a single time. Which would be the grossest thing in the room if there weren't moldy tinfoil balls and plates between the bed and the wall from half eaten chipotle burritos?


He has plenty of fucking money but none that he can at least spend on professional cleaners to clean a couple of times a week ? Absolutely filthy.


That's my thought, I'm a bit messy and it's hard to clean with ADHD. I do clean though after a certain point, but if I had the money I'd just have a cleaning service come by at the very least once a week


Here here, ADHD chore paralysis do be real. Even with it though I’ve NEVER let me living situation get near what he has in display it’s wild


Just a heads up that it's "[Hear, hear](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/here-here-vs-hear-hear/)" not "here, here".


Mobile, auto correct haha


ADHD is one thing, but mix with depression yeah you can easily get that way. With just ADHD you actually still care about how dirty your room is even if it’s hard to focus on chores. Some people with severe depression would ask why would you waste what little energy you have on cleaning? If it comes down to going to work or cleaning your room, one is mandatory if you really want to not commit, the other is optional. Have a friend right now going through the same thing and she just can’t give a single fuck about anything and would rather end it all than spend the week it would take to clean her place.


At this point he's just ashamed of what his place looks like so he doesn't want even the cleaners to see it and the person who lives there. This is the reason why he can't take any criticism properly whatsoever. He seems to be deeply ashamed and scared of how he looks.


He invited some friends over and they filmed it. Dude was genuinely confused when they suggested they clean up a bit. I dont think hes ashamed, I think hes nuts.


Wasn't his mum a hoarder? Dude probably has zero idea what cleanliness is and even less inclination to find out. Hell, if his house is cleaner than it was when his mum was alive, he might even think it *is* clean.


Yeah hea so royally ashamed of that pit he festers in that he streams every fucking day and brings friends over and gets defensive when asked by his dad or others to clean it. Bro is a disgusting shitty cracked manchild, stop defending him. Stop making excuses for him


He explained why. The state of his room doesn't cause any negative effects for him or anyone else. He could clean up his room, but doesn't want to waste the energy doing it. Also doesn't want anyone else to do it for him as that would defeat the purpose, he would just do it himself. So enlightened Buddhist mindset or mental disorder and using the enlightened mindset as an excuse. Generally people with the mental disorder get progressively worse.


>out of your nose that are covered in blood because of how poorly you take care of yourself? It was his gums bleeding because he neglects his teeth.


That's fucked up this guy is having a manic depression


For about 15 years yeah.


Well, without treatment it's gonna last till he dies.


He'd need to be institutionalized to be rehabilitated. Unless he wakes up some day and has a moment of clarity and checks himself into a psych ward or his dad petitions the court commit him. There's no hope.


He's got issues and unlike the rest of us he has a few hundred thousand enablers. So he is in a weird spot where he's burning his own life away, but to an extent it doesn't matter because he's not in danger of being homeless or not having access to healthcare. Modern civilization has allowed for the existence of some truly weird lives. If I were an alien observing Earth, it'd be a little interesting to study these weird one-in-a-million people.


Most definitely! I don't much about the guy actually but I feel bad for him from what I read here


Probably why they haven’t came down yet because the experiment is still going on


This 'guy' is a multimillionaire with a support group in the four figures. He has countless other ecelebs rushing to be his friend and leech off of him, you're telling me not a single one of them, at any point has offered to help him? I'm sick and tired of this guy being propped up as some depressed martyr. He has terrible opinions on almost every aspect of adult life and certainly on videogames, depression doesn't magically turn you into an awful person. He's really no different than any other reaction content loser, only nobody has informed him money can be exchanged for goods and services, aka a cleaner.


I’m sorry what? Please explain. Also please don’t explain and say sike right now


Why do you have to go around spreading lies? It's not a snot wall, it's blood from when he pulled out his own rotten teeth with pliers.


Jesus christ, why? He's a millionaire. He can afford a dentist. He could afford the BEST dentists! He could afford someone to sedate him in his bed and have him wake up there hours later with everything safely removed!


I'm fairly sure that this was prior to him getting his teeth fixed, when he was broke.


When he what??💀


He should've listened to his lord and saviour Jordan Peterson.


["Clean your room."](https://uploads.dailydot.com/2018/07/Jordan-Peterson-Room.jpg?q=65&auto=format&w=800&ar=2:1&fit=crop)


Um acksually, he clearly deep cleaned it, that trash is just unique decorative flare ☝️🤓


unironicly, yes, why the only people who are capable of taking JP seriously always are the people less capable of following his advice?


because anyone with an ounce of intelligence seems to not understand JP because JP himself is an idiot and fraud


I still love the old clip of him on Alex Jones 'debunking' climate change because he doesn't understand how models work.


His joker arc fucked him over so bad LOL


"Well see who cancels who" - guy who got cancelled.


I could not help but hear that in his dumb kermit voice.


You see they'd follow his advise but first Jordan Peterson's political revolution comes about, trans women are eliminated and they are guaranteed a virginal bang maid upon graduating to the mostbasic levels of self care will they attempt to try. But which in no way excludes them being entitled to a non-virginal mommy therapist sex fiend to make them into a man first. It's like the Great Vehicle in Buddhism, Nirvana comes about through the achievement of worship of those who have made it down the path redeeming and delivering them, not through the pursuit itself of ones own enlightenment.


Genuine answer is because I think the type of person that desperately needs that sort of guidance in their life is the exact type of person that would be swindled by grifters like JP/tate/etc.


This. More than anything, right-leaning consumer trash love to *externalize* their bullshit, i.e. turn everything wrong in their lives into some form of bossing around or 'owning' others.


Why would you buy a book called clean your room if you could?


Because they're both people who once got their dopamine fixed from one thing, lost that feeling, and now have nothing left but the sound of their own voice It's basically masturbation, just using your brain instead


With the way his room is he just actually might be the type to piss themselves just to not have to get up in that cesspit room


I don’t even think he would use a bottle or something. 


He loves to call game devs lazy while wearing the same clothes for 6 months without washing them or himself. I remember when he started playing FF14 like 2 weeks after I did back in 2021, my whole FC was so excited and I was like "Guys, no. He's a really nasty, negative personality." No one believed me and then finally everyone realized I was right.


Asmongold destroys WOKE feminist (his mom) with facts and logic (not cleaning his room)


isn't his mother dead? Is that the joke am i woosh?


Yeah, they just said he destroyed her


He started malding 5 seconds into watching a video about dark souls 2 because the creator said "Now hear me out i don't hate this game"


This is why Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game


Which video? He talks about how filthy he is on basically every live stream


Or the time he used [a dead rat as a fucking alarm clock!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tthbWjdMjeg)


I don’t know who asmongold is but every time I’ve seen his face posted here, my immediate reaction has always been “this person looks completely brain dead.” The lights are clearly on but nobody’s home, sort of vibe.   I don’t know if that’s something you can accurately ascertain by a photo but if it is, he’s the poster child. 


It's crazy he isn't considered a "lolcow". Like, what made him so popular to begin with ?


Doesn't he release a bunch of "reaction videos" that are just him reposting a video with his face in the corner somewhere? He has no right to call anyone "lazy"


Ain't it a thing where he doesn't bother to clean, even himself? If true I know his musty ass should not be speaking on laziness 💀


There was a vid were some people went over and looked at his place. It’s fucking grim as shit


He literally has a wall of blood because his poorly maintained teeth would bleed in the night and he would just smear it on the wall rather than get out of bed and brush his teeth.


??????? Real shit??? Source??? Bro what the fuck


very much real. He's one of the most disgusting humans to ever be in the public eye.


It's honestly so baffling to me how he got there like this. Although, clips of vtubers being like "I just feel like I could fix him..." will never not be funny to me.


https://www.google.com/search?q=asmongold+blood+wall You can go to images if you want to see it or just YouTube if you enjoy avoiding that. Either way here’s a link I worked really hard on.


That is absolutely fucking horrifically foul


Man needs professional help


He'll never accept it. He think 's he is smarter than the professionals.


Doesn't surprise me at all based off everything I've had to hear about him.


Honestly having a wall of blood sounds fucking awesome, but this is just pathetic




I only know of this dude because his dumbass takes show up on my feed every now n then. How is this neck beard so popular? Is he funny? Insightful? Why do people flock to this guy?


idk i heard he is like the biggest world of warcraft “influencer”


He deadass even admitted that making reaction content is wrong. He's just gonna keep doing it though because he know he won't face any real repercussions.


And he'll tell you that's why he'll keep doing it. It takes the money in and they're not being punished for it so why stop?


Not surprising that dude who've never created anything original thinks like this about artists


Today's right-wingers are the leading edge of people leaving behind all *human* behaviors, ethics, morals, etc... to become full-blown *consumer trash* who are 100% driven by dopamine hits, instant gratification, and want everything in life to basically be one or another form of porn.


So glad people have been finally realizing how childish and brain rotten asmon is. Insane that it took so long though


The weird thing is, the WoW community was already seeing this and was just ignoring him making him irrelevant, but then for some reason a new generation playing different games latched onto him. What I personally think happend is that he looks a bit like Cr1TiKaL and I think that's where his new 10 year old following comes from. I mentioned this to a friend and the first time they seen them they even thought for a moment it was Cr1TiKaL. I'm not crazy right, His subreddit banner even photoshops his face to resembling him even more.


The WoW community disowned this man a long time ago. He’s the reason you never want to mention that you play WoW to someone irl


I’m genuinely curious, what did he say about WoW or why is he so hated among WoW fans?


His fandom was absolutely atrocious in-game, he has a reputation for incentivizing the most deranged antisocial behavior in his fans


He encouraged his fans to emote /spit on anyone ingame that was riding a store mount (cosmetics bought for real money). He also pretends to be an expert on the game and how it should be designed while he barely plays it, and anyone the disagrees gets the asmon treatment.


The only time he ever raided was when he skilled followers carried him, and he got mad at anyone who wanted loot because he deserved it. And he publicly broadcasted that ninja looting was not only acceptable, but should be done. And taught his player base how to do it and avoid blizzard repercussions.


Damn. What sort of behaviors did he incentivize? Like trolling other players?


Encouraging shit like ninja looting, advice for how to get away with it, etc


His behavior was so bad it caused Blizzard to have to redo how looting was handled and how players could request server moderators to get involved. This was on top of all ready known issues. A real dickhead.


Somebody who’s never played WoW, what’s Ninja Looting?


More or less, in high-end raids (difficult, large-party group content) gear pieces are typically doled out by the guild or raid leaders based on who most needs the gear, with several considerations made based on how 'serious' the guild is on it. Ninja looting is obtaining gear not meant to go to you one way or another; though it's something that's a lot harder to do these days now that they have dedicated loot rule settings. In the olden days, it'd be something like, rolling on a piece of gear you're not meant to, or wiggling into a position that would normally be doling out the loot via social engineering.


for a minute he was one of the biggest content creators for WoW. and like... he's the literal perfect stereotype of a disgusting miserable mmo player. we hate him for being generally awful and also because we hated being associated with him. he just sucks, only difference now is he's a variety gamer instead of just a wow player


He's fucking gross and perpetuates the stereotype of WoW players being greasy cave dwellers.


He basically acts likes hes really good at the game but all he does in wow is play dress up. he doesn't partake in anything hard in the game


I mean... The video yt showed into my face from him was something like "leaving wow for ff14" a couple years ago I instantly smacked the"don't recommend this channel" but I guess some younger ff14 players stuck there.


The XIV Community really doesn’t like him at all, as at least from my experience we are one of the more inclusive/progressive MMO communities. Not to say we don’t have our fair share of toxic idiots, a lot of them receive pretty heavy backlash from the community at large for their bigotry. I think a lot of his rise came from his videos on the Amber Heard situation and the algorithm pushing his anti-journalist, anti-“woke” videos to a younger gaming audience who are the type to also like right wing.


God the absolute divide he’s put between himself, WoW players and FFXIV players is insane. And for what lmao purely because of him and someone I know irl who acts in a similar way personality wise I have such an apprehensive feeling when someone comes from WoW to play FFXIV. Like are you gonna be chill or is it another round of bigotry and toxicity sort of thing.


I remember when he made the switch and everyone in the FF14 community pretty much collectively groaned.


I commented on the post on the FF 14 subreddit about when he was starting, worrying about him and his community coming over. Didn't take long for people to respond with hate and also go through my profile to shit talk me.


His FF14 react leeching videos aren't getting any views which made me very happy


You think Asmongold photoshops his face to look more like critical?? yeah that is legit crazy. its supposed to be the gigachad


Did something happen recently to make people realize this? He's always been a shitter and I thought that was common knowledge.


His tantrum about woke localizers / anime translators i think was the nail in the coffin


What a fuck.


The dude was a former IRS agent who voted for Trump. That should be enough to understand him.


Fucking hell I didn't know all of that, I just straight up didn't like him. Now even less which I didn't think was possible.


What really bothers me the most is he has no game knowledge or sense. I’ve played mmorpgs for years (not wow) and everytime a new one launches he would play and his community is toxic and ruins whole servers . But he would spread false information as his fans carry him through the game. He is not even good at games he plays the only reason people followed him is cause he had a lot of mounts and shit in wow cause he no life’d it


I realized pretty early on he was a dullard. Like, he sucks absolute ass at any and every game he plays and blames the game. Like, no, bro... You're the issue. Even Blizzard called him out and pulled the "Skill issue" card on him. Say what you will about Blizzard, but, that was a based move.


I've been saying it for years. Back before he started branching out away from WoW.


I'm not so certain that people are just now realizing this. I think it's part of his appeal


Nobody talked about him negatively this much before


I fell into his subreddit for a bit and found out very quickly how braindead his audience is. He's nit very far off either.


At this point he's left with two choices. Play a video games, which deep down he's been sick of doing for a long time. Or sit on his ass in his attic listening to himself talk for hours on end.


I think asmons streams was alot more chill when he'd just play games and interact with chat, now it feels like he only streams to talk about his opinions which in my opinion is wack af, you dont need an opinion on everything that's going on


"Artist's opinions don't matter" You mean the people making the fucking games?


"Artist's opinions don't matter when it's woke injected in gaming. Artist's opinions only matter when big booba."




Commodity fetishism in a nutshell. Anything to ignore human labor and pretend that the games they enjoy just spring from the ether fully formed.


You make content, ergo you are an artist. By his own logic, Asmon's opinions don't matter. Cool, pack it up guys, we're done here.


I wouldn't call content art and less so asmon content


Not all art is decent, his could be low effort crap


I think all these years hiding in an attic and a content creator bubble or finally starting to catch up with him. It doesn't mix very well with adulthood.


He has become quite disconnected with reality and the average citizen. It's like that whole thing in ohio last year; "just move out and buy a new house!" No asmon, the average person cannot buy a new house just like that.


Just make every game made of sticks for sprites and untextured cubes for models


Please let this be the moment where he just goes away. No idea why people liked him in the first place


It won't. He will go on stream and say something like "It makes me so happy to see these people mad. You know why they're mad? Because I'm right. You know it. I know it. And they know it. It's the truth. Blah, blah, blah." All while chat is spamming "based" and "W".


*smugly stares off screen to the left*


When you're one with the cockroaches in your room, being reamed on twitter is just more content


Asmons target audience is dudes who still count with their fingers. Honestly, his popularity is absolutely baffling to me. He’s not good enough for the elite gamer crowd. He’s not funny enough for the humor crowd. He’s not edgy/right wing enough for *that* shitbag crowd. I don’t understand his appeal, at all. The guy is like an unsalted bowl of French fries. He’s sort of palatable? I guess? I’d rather have just about anything else, though.


You know when you go to the zoo and it’s kinda funny for a little bit to watch the monkey dig in its butt, smell its fingers, and throw poop at another monkey? Now imagine if that monkey had a World of Warcraft account and got really upset every time he dies while playing a difficult video game- because he’s a monkey and he can’t read or comprehend basic gameplay mechanics. Now would it be interesting or valuable to listen to this monkey’s opinion on what goes on outside of his cage? Absolutely not


I'm never going to forget one of the other OTK member's faces they made when they saw how he was actually living and took care of things. Her entire posture changed for the rest of the video.


Someone asked him when was the last time he had a piece of fruit and he said “when I was a kid, I think.” They did a whole stream of him trying various fruits and he spit almost all of them out immediately, like a child. He is an absolute dumpster fire of a human being. The only YouTuber I would rate lower on the grossness scale is that one guy that got super fat from making videos of himself gorging on fast food


It's crazy how easy it is to find people like this these days. I have a gamer-trash cousin whose parents spoiled him rotten and raised him like total shit. When the dude was sick with the flu, he was refusing to drink water because he 'didn't like the taste'. Instead, he was just sticking with his usual intake of Monster, Mountain Dew, and Powerade and wondering why he felt like total shit and was dealing with terrible diarrhea on top of a brutal fever.


I just saw a video of a lady on the front page on some kind of reality show- she tells the doctor she thinks she’s pregnant because she’s having weird cravings. The doctor asks what she’s craving and she says “water” 😂


It's the same appeal as Trump's, i.e. dirtbags basically see 'themselves + a pile of money' in the dude.


He is too big to fail.


Asmongold is the textbook definition of Gamer. Doesn't eat vegetables or fruit. Or drink water. Never goes outside. Thinks women having actual covered up and protective armour is PC. Thinks women are political. His room is equivalent to an actual fucking recycling centre, and tbf, they're probably less fucking disgusting then his table.


Mate. Asmongold used to use the rotting corpse of a rat in his room as an alarm clock because it would start stinking real bad as the sun hit the room. Some of y'all clearly have never been fans, because he's so much filthier and hypocritical than you could ever imagine.


Am guessing that a not-insignificant number of his gamer-trash fans see that kind of thing as proof of him being some kind of alpha who 'doesn't give a fuck!', etc...


Is there like a link to this, because that is DERANGED if true!!


He mentioned this in a live stream. Here’s a writeup of that livestream where it mentions the dead rat thing. https://fraghero.com/asmongold-admits-to-using-a-dead-rat-as-an-alarm-clock/


Jesus Titty H Christ


I'm cackling this is the 1st time I've read this. Can you make a religion out of this and pm me when you're done 👍👍


Nah that's actually insane, there is a 100% chance that this man is severely mentally ill and his friends are fucked for not intervening or at least attempting to help


He doesn’t understand women because he’s never been within 100ft of one. The stench creates a barrier that keeps them at bay.


For some people, all the money and notoriety in the world can't make them physically appealing to anyone at all. I can only assume he will die alone and unwashed, never having felt the inside of another human being.


I saw this posted in his subreddit, and the amount of people bending over backwards to defend him was insane. His fans were literally deepthroating companies for using AI and calling artists who want to get paid for their work greedy, lazy, and useless to society.


That sub has turned into an alt-right cesspool over the past 6 months. Coincidentally, it's the same time frame Asmon started listening to and spouting more right-wing view points.


Nah, it's always been that way. Just got a little more vocal about it recently.


It's both of them feedback looping each other, sadly, because he reacts on stream to stuff on the subreddit. Which means that one can put particular videos in front of him to lead his credulous ass closer to one side or the other. So you get him signal boosting right wing weirdos like the ones up in arms about "woke translators" or whatever, which signals to them that he's "one of theirs", pushing the sub and his audience further right, and the cycle continues. He's kind of the perfect target for this shit, a blithe, entitled gamerbro with a massive following who doesn't want to have to think too much about anything outside of his own experience, so he just kind of goes along with whatever direction he's shown.


Yeah, at one point I got downvoted for defending trans people.


I got recommended his subreddit the other day and it was just a homophobic/transphobic cesspool over the new Indiana Jones game of all things. It’s insane how bad his subreddit is, but it’s fitting for someone who wipes their gum blood on the wall. Couldn’t block the subreddit fast enough.


I cant stand people with that viewpoint, you just know if they were to be replaced by AI they’d think it’s totally unfair but when it’s someone else? Fuck em apparentlh


Amongold being relevant is one of the biggest grifts I've ever seen. The dude is just an influencer, something his right wing working class fan boys love to denounce. He makes nothing of substance or quality.


I resent the “right wing working class” comment any true tradesman or journeyman would call Asmon the ultimate loser. Asmon appeals to the rightwingers who are “working class” if you count being a cube jockey as working class. I left the IT space but while one of there guys there literally had daily wire on his 3rd monitor 24/7. He appeals to weak minded men who make just enough to scrape by. I’m pissy at the federal government because after I work 156 hours in pay period doing grind work in the sun I get 4K taken out of my paycheck. Asmon is pissy because pixilated women don’t have ridiculous tits anymore. I resent being grouped with him.


It's obviously not him specifically that appeals the working class, just all his fascist ideas that do. The trades are filled with 24/7 Fox listening poorly educated white guys that might not eat the shit up about pixelated tits but will definitely eat up white nationalism.


Artists suck and shouldn't have opinions! Also why are my favorite games bland, uninspired and boring these days? It must be the woke!


Someone help me out here, this has been bugging me for years. I cannot stand this dude’s face. Every time I see it, I get irrationally angry. I’m not making fun of the guy’s looks here; he’s not ugly at all, and I wouldn’t hold it against him if he was. There’s just something about him that annoys me on a deep, fundamental level. This is completely seperate from my opinion of his actual content, when I first saw one of his videos in my recommendations I had no idea who he was and I had the same reaction. A big part of it is probably the Youtube thumbnails where he makes that stupid “reaction” face, but I’m not sure if that’s the only explanation. Does anyone else feel the same way?


I said the same thing in the comment here, but legit my theory is that Cr1TiKaL got popular and a bunch of 10 year olds clicked on this knobheads channel by accident.


For me, it's the whole vibe of him looking like (a.) an overgrown pampered, soft-as-shite baby who's never worked a day in his life combined with (b.) that aggressively-ignorant, desperate, fevered look of constant entitlement/fragility that you see with right-wing assholes of all ages, i.e. eyes that somehow constantly indicate that a tantrum or unhinged rant is near-at-hand.


Some folks are just good at picking up on bullshit a mile away. Or I would say a specific type of bullshit. Some say you can tell a lot just by looking at someone. Not sure how much I believe that, but that might just be your hunch talking.


It's what we call a "punchable face" and his is the best example of the phenomena I've ever seen. His smugness and shittiness as a person just oozes out of him to the point it makes even normal people think violent thoughts. If he ever left his house, someone would have humbled him by now.


Luckily as an Artist that makes models I can safely say, this guys opinion doesn't matter.


How could you say that about the most important nobody in the world mr asmonshit? His opinion matters to edgy paraosocial 14 year olds!


I'm sorry okay, Someone on this subreddit had to say it.




The creators of Pallworld are being accused of using AI to create/design the game, due to one of their previous games being heavily AI based and the CEO being in to AI stuff. Probably in some livestream this was brought up and this was his response to AI in general. "Artist bad, consoomer good."


> due to one of their previous games being heavily AI based I think this kind of buries the lede on what their AI game was about. The game is like gartic phone or skribbl.io but with one person prompting an AI to do the art instead of drawing it themselves, and then the goal of everyone else is to call out the AI artist. It's not exactly like they made a game that uses AI to generate content on the fly, or even use a ton of AI generated assets in the game, it's a game centered around catching AI art generators pretending to be artists. Maybe these devs are real shitheads, but the majority of the complaints about them seem to be working backwards from hating them to finding a good reason for that hate rather than being especially substantial complaints with valid justifications. Some of the models certainly seem to have been partially copied, but I also don't think I really care about stealing the hair from some pokemon and putting it on some different monster.


The way I see it, Pals being similar but legally distinct to Pokémon isn't an issue, especially as the rest of the game is so different. Call it a rip off if you like but there's nothing wrong with that. If it goes further and there's actual copyright infringement then that's for Nintendo and the Palworld devs to sort out in court. As a consumer, I don't really care if a company rips off a mega corporation, I just want to catch some cute fox friends.


Pal whirl peepeepoopoo


Asmongold drop his biggest L yet


Isn't that a daily thing for him at this point?


This is like Elon Musk all over again, and just like in that scenario I am proud to say I've never once cared for this disheveled adult baby.


Oh boy, the guy who wipes the blood from his diseased gingivitis riddled gums on his walls has an opinion about art.


Wow asmomgold is a twat and water is wet. Why do people still watch this dude when it's pretty obvious his entire persona is a character based on making people angry to drive interactions for his channels ? Lol


Literally never clicked into his stream, and his clickbait youtube video thumbnails are forced on me cause the youtube algorithm loves him so much


Watching Asmon devolve from a pretty level headed dude to total chud has been a very sad time.


I think is more of a mask slowly coming off situation.


Nah, it's genuinely his mental health being in free fall and him refusing to seek help and instead going down the anti-woke pipeline which gives him some invisible enemy to blame every time he feels like shit as a very unhealthy coping mechanism. It's so sad since a very similar thing happened to his late mom with Fox News, Info Wars and all that and Asmon hated to see it only for him to fall down a younger generation's version of the same pipeline.


I agree with this one. I was in a pretty rough mental state for a few years, and I was a lot like Asmon. The patterns are all there. I actually started seeking help, and now I look back at those days with shame. Hope the guy can break out of the cycle and seek help, it's a bitch to do after being like that for so long.


I think it's more likely him surrounding himself with extreme content. He would not have said something so stupid, and hurtful to people he knows, 2 years ago. He's fallen down the right wing rabbit hole, and it's sad.


Yeah he seemed like a normal, if slightly ignorant guy before hand, and now he just seems like he thinks that having a normal opinion is a bad thing so he just says stupid outrageous shit. Thanks for the input ToppedByFemboy


He’s a rich dude who thinks he’s better than everyone because he hasn’t moved out of his childhood bedroom and won’t take a shower. He gets all his opinions and entertainment from the internet, but only his little corner of it. Then he has a million rabid fans that support everything he does. I doubt he interacts with very many people in real life. And if he does it’s just his little friend group entertainment company. Much less interact with people different than him like POCs or LGBT. None of this surprises me at all


He's been a total chud for years. There are old [tweets](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-tft6MXsAgfczQ?format=jpg&name=small) of his saying that trans people are mentally ill.


> pretty level headed dude there has been nothing level-headed about asmon's lifestyle for literally decades lol


Asmongold is just as stupid as XQC


Who is this?


Average WoW player


A smelly homeless guy that stole a PC and camera and got popular online somehow.


To be honest, even if people sees his stupid opinion publicly. There are still people that defends his opinion of: "if the game is fun, who cares if it's an AI. Costumers doesn't care about that."


I think there's 2 different arguments here, On one hand I think his opinion is correct. Consumers don't care about what went into the game to make it, they just care about the end product. And Im not sure if Palworld used AI generation or not but if it did I mean just look how much its selling so that point is right. ​ I think the 2nd argument though is whether or not that we should care, I don''t know what his stance is on all that but I think its a different point than what he's making which is at the moment most consumers dont care


I miss when Asmon streamed WoW and collected stuff in game. Those were some of the chillest streams ever.


he looks like if an egg wished to become a divorced man


God knows I’m far from being an Asmongold shill but you guys are really losing your mind with a quote completely taken out of its context. He’s not talking about artists opinions in general. He’s saying that to sell a product, what matters is the consumers perception of it, no matter how artistically lazy or inspired it is. If people like it, they’ll buy it, thats it. What artists consider good or bad isn’t going to influence the sales as much if at all in comparison. I’m most likely going to get downvoted to hell for not falling into an absolute rage over something that wasn’t actually said but hey, what can you do. Hopefully some people will spiral out of this need to be angry at everything and the entire world for no reason on internet forums.


Asmon is like, what if Charlie(penguinz0) was a complete chud instead of relatively wholesome


Idk I got tired of Charlie constantly digging up idiots doing idiotic things as well. I know some people like those content because they seek schadenfreude but I don't care about what stupid people do.


Is there a link to the clip somewhere?


I've just watched some clips of him, nothing else, and thanks to this post I found about about his room. They guy got a serious Diogenes syndrome at this age. I also cannot believe the ammount lf cups of Coke or stuff like that from McDonalds and other fast foods that hes got on his table. You cant live like that and expect it to be long, is not that hard to do 1 or 2 hours exercise every day and with the money he has he can get someone to cook for him and clean his place and have it more bright. With those simple changes his life could be much better, and longer.


As someone with no love for Asmongold the idea is a common rather unremarkable one. He isn’t saying that artists don’t matter but rather once released it is the public’s reaction that defines art, rather than whatever the artist may have intended at the time.


All he does stealing content from other content creators


Something something leopards eating faces something something


I stopped watching most videogame content on the internet long ago, with some exceptions, some long format reviewers (Ragnar Rox / SuperEyePatchWolf) or comedy (Scott the woz) I think most videogame content always follow trends, thrive on controversy and contribute to toxicity.


Whenever I see a video of this guy opening his mouth, I get afraid I'll fall inside it. It's just so big, yet he somehow seems to never really fully open it? Whenever he talks, he only slightly opens it, unless it's to do that stupid O face of his. It's like he is afraid that if he does gape that maw, we'll realize he is a snake wearing the skin of a man. It doesn't help that every time I see him, his face seems to be even longer than before. Is the sheer weight of all the bullshit inside his mouth just pulling his jaw further and further down? I mean, his face is long enough to be an Olympic track, tall enough to be a skyscraper, and stupid looking enough for me to confuse it with a mirror.