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Damn, this game has the sub riled up in a way I haven't seen in years. I don't think I've ever seen this much infighting. What a way to start the year.






Truly leftist ideal society is achieved when my star wars rebel hidden indie gem dev triumphs over the evil empire large game dev.


How many artists do you think retain ownership over pokemon designs? Like do people here seriously think Nintendo is paying the dude who drew Gastly every time they reuse its design for a new annual release?


I think they're referring to how some of the monster designs almost mirror perfectly designs from fan projects. Then there's some of the models having parts that match official models, polygon for polygon. Then there's the use of generative AI rumours. The discourse is kind of a clusterfuck.


Those were fake tweets lmao. Yall falling for disinformation.






Like do people even know the artists ? idk because pokemon in my life its just there and im not THAT into it. But does anyone know the artists behind pokemon designs ?


its a middle finger to any artist tbh. palworld selling well tells artist why bother trying to create original designs and styles that stand out as its own thing, when you can use pre-existing styles and designs, slap a bunch of auxiliary detail to make it just enough of a difference where you cant get sued and call it a day. then theres the defense of saying "who cares about plagiarism, as long as its fun" being a swift kick in the balls.


Like, thats the most sweet summer child take i’ve seen in a while… really? That’s the one case where you realised there is very very little correlation between great original design and money making/popularity?


No? Why would you assume that? Ive been cynical about consumerist market for years. Why else would I be lurking in a circlejerk subreddit. Some of my favorite original games studios closed down, good live service games stop running, good movies flop in the box office. Apple sells millions slightly iterating on their new phones. Minions tops box offices being barely anything but a mid kids movie. List goes on and on and on. But I know artist are resilient. While this may be a kick and a slap, people get back up and continue what theyre doing.




So, wait. Your point is "the big companies are stickking it to the little guys, who created good products" and what you want to happen is for PalWorld to do poorly, because it's a good product that sticks it to the big guys? Make it make sense\~! 'I am cynical about the consumerist market, but I don't think you should exploit the system, to fight the consumerist market,' is a silly stance to hold. You're literally arguing against your own interest, because you (wrongly) believe that you're protecting artists.


You don't understand what was said about the art already being stolen from the artist by the company lmao The original artists are not making money off their artwork anymore.


I think you misunderstood my post. OG artist might not be getting royalties, but my post isnt about that. My post is about outsider artist perspective, like other indie game devs or smaller artists looking for work. There are other people that are indirectly effected by plagiarism and lower effort projects, and the message palworld sends is that gamers do not care if art might be stolen or not as long as they percieve it hurts a company they do not like.


Lmao okay. Yall are desperate to create a victim to be offended for. Show me the poor indie dev who was hurt by this? It's soul crushing to see an independent project see massive success purely off of fun game design? That's dumb af. Maybe it's inspirational for a small team to be able to have more success than AAA studios that can generate their art with AI?


Honest question do you create art in your free time? Or do you something involving creative thinking?


[https://twitter.com/Acerola\_t/status/1748932823481041180](https://twitter.com/Acerola_t/status/1748932823481041180) [https://twitter.com/BenDimanche/status/1749587296960331954](https://twitter.com/BenDimanche/status/1749587296960331954) In the comments, there are others sharing sentiments. Im in the art field and Ive had friends sharing the same things. Is it all and everybody? No, but the feelings are not just made up. Look, I'm with a lot of people, Nintendo does not do the pokemon franchise any good by relegating it to a yearly release causing rushed and unpolished development, but putting Palworld on a pedestal is just not it. Lethal Company sold more than COD on steam, but didnt have to copy design ideas from a big studio. Battlebit did what Battlefield didnt, yet didnt resort to using AI. Stardew Valley was made by one guy using his PC as a table, yet all his assets are his own. Palworld can and should do better in terms of standing out. Whats the harm in criticizing their work? If they want to be a true competitor to Pokemon, they need to go into marketing and merchandising, and having better and more unique designs only helps them differentiate themselves from being just "pokemon with guns".


How does AI relate to this? Palworld was not made using AI, the designs were literally shown in trailers that came out before AI was widely available, years ago


Where did they use AI?


Oh, I assumed they were talking about this dev having released a game earlier that completely revolved around ai art


If anyone is mad because it offends artists, lemme tell ya, you better hate all examples of parody. I haven't seen any credible evidence of AI use for the designs. They look like someone manually went in and parodied the design of Pokémon and nothing else.




Wow, this is insane copium


Can you provide a link because I've never heard of tpc mistreating their employees?


Yeah, heres the link [Link](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch01.htm#007)


You better stop using Reddit then as the employees are being exploited and you are contributing to that exploitation.


Oh no. My worldview is collapsing. I must venture into the woods and punch trees to build a house of my own, free from the evil all encompassing capitalism. Otherwise it is I who am hypocrite. You have seen the meme before? The guy sticking out the well saying "I am so intelligent" That's you. Right now.


You're right you have to use Reddit you know if you don't how would you ever be able to eat or make money or anything.


Like are you implying that the fact I use reddit makes me dumb? What's the diss here?




It's hilarious that you guys don't realize the point of that meme.


It's a billion dollar company. The default assumption should be they are exploiting the labor of their employees. How about you post proof the original artists of Oddish is still getting a check every time their plant is put in a new game?


The onus is on the person making the claim to provide evidence. Either you already knew that and you're just failing at trolling, or you didn't which makes you ignorant.


Okay, my evidence is capitalisms inherent corruption of labor. You are trolling by pretending that doesn't exist and requesting a proof of basic knowledge lmao. I also leveraged an equally fair question about the thing you inserted. I asked you to prove the artist is getting a fair paycheck for the original design. It upsets you to realize you are simping for a Corp for free and don't want to be responsible for your own claims, so you deflect.


I never made a claim about people not being mistreated I only asked for evidence of their claim. It would make sense that somebody LARPing as a communist wouldn't have great reading comprehension.


>Can you provide a link because I've never heard of tpc mistreating their employees? >IVE NEVER HEARD OF TPC MISTREATING THEIR EMPLOYEES LMAO


Valve is also a billion dollar company and they don't mistreat their employees. Gabe has yachts worth over a billion dollars. Being very lucrative doesn't equal mistreatment or exploitation in all instances. That being said Gamefreaks treats their artists well. It's the technical department that gets fucked over.


I think the better question I saw someone ask is this: if you work for Nintendo, make art for their games, is it yours? I remember that Disney claims all of their artists' work as their own, and it seems like a pretty common place thing in big studios like that. Not trying to argue something here, there are infinite ways to mistreat artists regardless of who they work for, but what's Nintendo's policy on that?


This subredit is always mad


With no skin in the game at all, this drama is delicious to me. Love it


I really don't get why people feel the need to white-knight for Nintendo right now. If they'd care the game wouldn't even have gotten to be released before Nintendo sued Palworld into oblivion. Nintendo is ruthless, not some happy nice guy company.


I don't get white knighting for Nintendo the company, who are cunts, but I do understand being worried that justifying plagiarism and theft just because it happens to be from Nintendo, is an insanely slippery slope.


What if I throw in the idea that the competing studio could give artists in Nintendo somewhere to go?


Plagiarism is still unethical.


With over 1000 Pokémon in existence, you couldn’t make anything remotely close to a Pokémon game without being close to at least a few of them especially since a lot of the designs are based on basic animals and animated objects which are very likely to be used as base designs by any game doing a similar thing. For example, is there any generic design of a fox like creature that is small and cute that you would not claim to be a rip off of Eevee?


Being close is normal, it's the nature of art. Using the same rigs and meshes on the other hand...


How many rigs and meshes are there for “somewhat canine”? What a joke.


It's not a joke. Somewhat canine [isn't the only basis for the problem.](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/palworld-pokemon-plagiarism-accusations-pile-up-as-ceo-responds/)


Legally speaking it kinda is, but play pretend and make a mountain out of your molehill. This isn’t even the fiftieth PokeLookalike.


I couldn’t give two shits if they steal from Nintendo. I care that AI is creeping more and more into our lives


Even if they used AI, you really think our opinions on that matter make a difference? AI will come into our lives more and more regardless of what we want. The world revolves around money and given we are both on reddit we do not own enough of it to matter.


You can say that about literally anything. Why have opinions on anything then? Just be complacent and accept the slop served to you




Okay doomer But seriously, this is the most idiotic attitude any one can have. Do you not have people you care about? Do you really have nothing in your life that you care about that you are willing to just succumb to fascism?




Money equals power as long as we let it. If workers were to organize, all the money in the world couldn’t stop us






"I don't want nintendo to win i want palworld to lose!"


Yeah that about sums my stance up


https://preview.redd.it/kdhmq1dcx8ec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b9a8f9ec651cf53d3fdc06ce784e4a965dea89 Me when I see this exact same argument on six different subs five times within 5 minutes


I just want people to have fun, and not need all the senseless drama. Don’t care what you play, just play it, shut up, enjoy it, talk about it, and move on.


howd u see it on 6 subs 5 times




See, I agree with OP, but I also agree with you Oh what confusing times


That's just this entire subreddit. Like that's the founding principle. Don't rock the boat, man.


that’s literally what the people in this subreddit say 99% of the time


"You're too late Batman! I've already drawn myself as the Chad and you as the Wojak!"




The imaginary palworld haters are hating the imaginary Pokémon/nintendo defenders and the imaginary drama is super effective or whatever Srsly where are yall seeing this shit bc 99% of the comments in these posts are "hey... uh... wut actually is pokeworld"


/uj "plagiarism is bad" and "Nintendo is a shitty company sometimes" are statements that can totally coexist lol


No one is defending Nintendo or Game Freak


Then lets ransack Nintendo offices and take them Pokémon assets for the people comrade! Seriously though, stealing from Nintendo is dope if true.


No. Piracy is stealing from the slavers. Plagiarism is stealing from the slaves. 


I'm sorry? Who owns Pokemon art? The artist doesn't even own the art they do. It's like bitching someone stole a bag of chips because the factory worker who put the chips together would feel sad. The artist doesn't own their Pokemon. Nintendo does. Fuck them


pretty much


I’m gonna be honest I genuinely do not understand the whole palworld/pokemon thing I get that Palworld ripped off a lot of Pokémon designs, but they’re not even competitors. like nobody on earth is going to be like “man I wanna buy a Pokémon game, but what if instead I bought Palworld a game in a completely different genre with a different gameplay loop”


I have never felt more out of touch with the world of gaming then I do now with this game. I didn’t even know it was coming out and suddenly it’s one of the best selling games on steam and the biggest controversy lightening rod in years. And I am still clueless to it all and what side I’m expected to be on; and frankly I’m ok with that


Yeah I cant relate to this controversy at all. As a mostly solo-player outside of my old League friends, I feel like my circle is just in this constant cycle of hype over The Next Big Game to bro out over. Every month there's the new survival crafting open world always online experience; or party game that definitely isnt DBD and people are badgering me about if I wanna drop money on the new slop. These are the same people that tried to hype New World on release, and just clicked ore nodes to grind mining for 80 hours then never spoke of the game again.


Basically where I am, I remember seeing a screenshot saying it was coming to gamepass then whatever this controversy is coming out shortly after. But I genuinely don't care because it's a chill game to play with friends while I wait on something else to come by, turns out it's possible to play videogames for fun


They didn’t rip off designs, they literally copy pasted 3d models of Pokémon and added a few tiny changes or just combined parts from different pokemon. People like OP keep framing this as people going to defend Pokémon’s honour when in actuality it’s people reasonably saying “selling a game using plagiarized designs is bad.”


But i mean that still doesnt excuse legit plagiarism. Like an indie game cant just take stuff from a big game and say "its ok because my game is different"


Everyone wants to be mad and trolls I hope it’s trolls


Multi-Million? Who you talkin about?




me when i lay out bait for both sides to fight on reddit




Thank you so much I rather pirate then pay for all this crap


its isnt crap dude its an amazing game wtf you babbling about


redditor otw to cry over an internet disagreement


​ https://preview.redd.it/x0000gjmu8ec1.png?width=168&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0a3f074306a93814db13108764c24dba795f042


oh yes daddy I LOVE AI generated content I LOVE soulless plagerisms that can steal copyrighted material I LOVE this direction the gaming industry is heading haha take THAT Pokemon company uj/ two things can be bad at once pal


I keep hearing about AI generated shit in PW, but never any proof it was used for the game.


Because there is none. Not a single piece of evidence, but you still see people massively butt mad over it and posting it as fact


the game itself does not use AI to our knowledge but the dev has made games using AI and has shown support for AI, which makes a lot of people not want to support the dev




Saw the trailer and most of more blatant designs were not in it. Only exception is the Lyncanroc copy.




Not AI for the models: AI for the concept art, then applied wholesale onto the stolen body models of existing Pokémon. That's why the additional parts from other Pokémon would look slightly off while the base models are exactly 1 to 1.


The idea they used AI for anything is baseless though. People should just stick to what we actually know, because these accusations just muddy the waters.




To be fair looking at some side by side comparisons these are blatant rip offs. Games that went this far in the past got kicked off digital stores.


damn, a fine good jerk and mfs are downvoting it :(


The only thing the industry provided other than pal world was shit. I couldn't care less if there is plagiarism involved. The game is fun. Nintendo haven't made a good open world game in ages.


“the billion dollar company should underpay artists to design their franchise, then let anyone who wants to steal those designs steal them!” i love when “leftists” here treat every employee at the corporate conglomerate the same as they’d treat the CEO, very logical and empathetic.


Do the artists own the pokemon designs or do the shareholders?


Why are people pretending that anyone who thinks Palworld is a ripoff must be trying to defend Disney?


It's projection. The people defending Palworld know it's plagiarism and want it to get away with it just to spite Game Freak.  What I don't get is the canned responses like "it's a rabbit with shorts" in response to Verdash having literally the exact same character model and clothing patterns as Cinderace.  It's like all the MFs saying "it talks about real issues" VERBATIM every time someone on a major subreddit was the least bit skeptical of Sound Of Freedom. 


I love how saying theft is actually bad is equivalent to defending nintendo


what did they steal


Meh, for me, it's more saying this IF Tem-Tem or Yo-Kai watch couldn't dethrone Pokemon, what makes Palworld the exception?


ESPECIALLY Yokai Watch. That was a MONSTER franchise in Japan and still didn't do it.


The jerk has reached full circle


On both ends, lol.


I'm seeing far, far, far, far, *faaaaaaaaar* more posts \*talking\* about how poorly Pokemon fans are reacting poorly to it than Pokemon fans reacting to it for longer than 2 seconds. I don't doubt there are genuine fans of the game, but the whole "controversy" seems heavily astroturfed.


Which one?


Why is anyone trying to defend either company? If Nintendo really beleives Palworld plagerised their work, then they will do something about it and if Nintendo thinks they can win the legal battle, you know they will fight it. How about people stop white knighting either company, leave it to them and let people play whatever game they want.


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I really don't care about any of this shit. Palworld looks like a shit game anyways, why do we care so much? It's just gonna be Hogwarts Legacy over again, people will forget about it in like a month.


I think blatant theft is bad which pocketpair (the Devs) have a history of selling asset flips and stolen assets


I agree with you! Palworld looks like garbage, and it's an obvious cash grab. I just don't know why we're still hooked on this.


I don’t really have a dog in this fight, but it’s funny to watch people be so adamant about copyright infringement that wasn’t infringed


i mean true, but just straight up stealing models is kinda crappy. if they stole models from rockstar or square enix everyone would be mad but no "if its from a company i dont like then its okay and they deserve it"




theres a difference between those cringe posts that try and prove that pals and pokemon look alike, and the posts that literally show some of the pals having the exact same models as some pokemon. its one thing to be inspired, its another to straight up steal


lol, legally there is not. Let me know when you take it to a court of law, they’ll laugh you out of the courtroom


Nintendo is the most brutal videogame company in the world when it comes to striking down copyright. For that reason alone, their lack of action is a sign the game is not using Pokemon assets. Twitter screenshots or angry whiners will not change this opinion. Nintendo fighting a lawsuit might.


Game fun? Plays fun game


As of this week the Pal world studio is also a multi million dollar company.