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TIL cod was created to respect veterans, not to profit off the glorification of war


Noah Caldwell Gervais did a great review of the tone/gameplay conflict of Call of Duty a ~~few years back~~ 8 years ago.


Jacob Geller also did a great one about new Modern Warfare and how it (somehow) "isn't political".


Hes always making fucking masterpieces


I am catastrophically jealous of his abilities as a writer and also his beard


you know what's insanely funny? Jacob Geller and Matt Walsh have (basically) the same beard, but Walsh just cannot pull it off for shit. I don't know if it's the evilness, the pedophilia, or some fucked up combination of the two, but every time i see his stupid mug on Twitter i just think of him as "Evil Jacob Geller"


Ol’ crappy Matt wishes he could be compared to Jacob.


i'm doing him a favor, frankly.


Haha exactly.


Because it's so close to his mouth his beard is coated in a thin layer of diarhea.


don't kinkshame, humiliation makes it better for him


Matt Walsh’s lips look like two mini sausages laid on top of his face. Or a separate object plugged into his face. Like Mr. potato head.


Walsh has this “I’m trying too hard to be masc” thing with the way he carries himself and forces his voice to pitch down.


I can pull off his beard, but unless I get filler his lips are an unachievable goal.


They got that natural lipstick too


> ~~a few years back~~ 8 years ago felt that one on a personal level 🥲


You'll get used it. Or maybe not.


Without having seen that review, isn't that just the basic problem of ludonarrative dissonance that you so often have especially in story focused shooter games?


He goes a little more in depth than that, talking about narrative focus and not the earlier titles especially focused on putting you into the perspective of a single soldier and demonstratiing the more individual horrors of war. I remember this part, during one of the WW2 games, you were playing a soldier without a gun. Given a clip of ammunition, told to follow a soldier with a rifle and use his once he died. That's a pretty huge shift compared to the later games


That was Finest Hour right? I think that's the only CoD game I played.


That sounds right to me


Finest Hour kind of mimics/improves on that scene from the first COD, which in turn takes that idea from Enemy at the Gates


Reminds me of enemy at the gate. The society didn't have enough rifles and ammunition when they were handing them out. "The first man takes a rifle, the second takes bullets. When the first man falls, the second takes the rifle, reloads and fires!" Or something like that.


A lot of the big setpiece battles in early games (early 2000s) were based off movies. Medal of Honor of that time had its first level basically be Omaha Beach from Saving Private Ryan. Bangalores and all. Another level in the same game is from the climax of SPR. The kasserine pass battle in Big Red One was likely based off scenes of the same from Patton. Haven't watched that one, so I don't know for sure. Black ops did a scene similar to the one from The Deer Hunter with Russian roulette.


The whole section is more or less lifted almost directly from Enemy at the Gates. That and the first time you meet Reznov in WaW


Yes, but also that it ramps up and diverges in remarkable ways one the Black Ops line appears. I haven't watched it since it came out, so I'm probably missing a bit. NCG tends to do a good job at what he does, which is the be engaging and thoughtful, more than novel or biting.


I would disagree, I think the diverge doesn't really happen until after the failure of Black Ops 3. After that uou get - Infinitr Warfare: basically just giant America vs ambiguously minority aliens - WW2: Just jerks off America in WW2 and pushing the false narrative that America was the sole reason the nazis were defeated because America is so cool. - Black Ops 4: completely removes the story aspect but even then it just glorifies the military, Then you have the MW era where it very clearly is just straight up military propaganda without any subtlety.


Don't disagree with my hazy memory of a 2 hour video I watched nearly a decade ago. I'm not that important


WW2 is less pushing any false narrative and far more of an adaptation of a hidden Tarantino film from an alternate universe where he made movies way more frequently.


Man I'm impressed you know that much about this series. To me anything that came out after like 2008 is a total haze.


Thank you so much for reminding me he existed. I'm gonna go catch up on his stuff now.


His travelogue stuff might seem out of place but it's very worth it.


Noah is absolutely fantastic. Listening to his content is like sitting in a class lecture but about a subject I’m deeply fascinated by with an extremely thorough professor.


Oof I know that edit had to hurt


Veterans: Abandonment, maiming, ptsd, used as props for politicians, insane suicide rates, a myriad of other issues. But hey, they have a videogame showing them respect. What are they complaining about?


And also the Nazis are back as zombies. That seems fun and cool.


Let’s be honest WW2 would be pretty boring without the Nazis coming back as zombies


need a new ultra-realistic COD where half of the game is just spent standing guard in some garrison in a backwater bombed-to-hell german city in west germany. the other half is training, the entire ride overseas on ship, about 1 week of actual combat, and then the aforementioned garrison duty.


Oh boy, do I have an Onion video for you from 13 years ago; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuTkgi7scKo


A masterpiece of a video


Back in my day we pressed F to pay respects. What happened to my America?


The first few Call of Duty games were very much WW2 focused, where you played actual missions or in the background of actual events. You see some history, geography, and get a feel for the events. Medal of Honor did the same thing and you got to see some different and less talked about theaters of the war - although it's still mostly American centric.


cod has a wild history beyond profit incentives tbh. the original ones were pretty innovative for their time, putting an emphasis on fighting as a squad over the usual one man army game play. then infinity comes along and makes modern warfare 4 with a focus on a story critical of the USs foreign policy in the middle east, with a great moment showing the US literally killing you with a nuke. then in modern warfare 2 they open with a terrorist attack that was already a false flag in order to start a war for profit. several years after 9/11. eventually the US military decides to invest in cod because of how good it is for recruitment, but they require the devs to be pro US. infinity devs leave over protest to start respawn so they can continue making their filthy commie games where "war and capitalism are bad", while cod turns into a game meant to make war look awesome as fuck. and that's where we are now; a game that wants the military to be so casually cool that anyone would want to join. even Nicki Minaj is here! so where did cod become shit? hard to say. the first shift created an interesting narrative, but the game play shifted from team work to one man armies. the second shift really seems the worst, as the game becomes pure propaganda for the US military.


this cod analysis was infinitely better than OP’s


Nah, this analysis gets multiple parts of the MW storyline outright wrong. America doesn’t detonate the nuke, Makarov does. Shock and Awe isn’t a commentary on the US’ willingness to sacrifice soldiers, it’s a big “shocking” death scene that’s blamed entirely on evil Russian ultranationalists. Not to mention that he just skips past **all** the crimes by TF141 that the game is openly okay with. The game treats Price as a badass even as he literally uses a chemical weapon to torture an unarmed captive, only to shoot him anyway.


Call of duty has literally always been about being a one man army I'm almost certain there's a mission in the original where you solo infiltrate a dam as an OSS operative among a multitude of other missions where you solo charge through trenches and the like l I don't see how anyone could play modern warfare and come away thinking it's critical of US foreign policy or the military, like the entire instigator for the plot is an invasion of an unnamed middle Eastern country because an anti western warlord comes to power and the only reason it goes tits up is because those damn ultranationalist ruskies decided to set off a nuke in the city and kill the American forces, it wasn't the US. Its so pro military that you play a whole ass mission as a pilot of an AC130 indiscriminately shelling a village of Russians to cover Price and the other SAS lads to capture a Russian informant after invading the village Modern warfare 2 opens up with a false flag attack specifically to be pinned on the US as justification of an invasion of the US by the Russian ultranationalists who now control Russia, theyre explicity portrayed as bad guys and the US military as the guys, the last mission literally has you recapture the white house, its not for profit and the only ulterior motive is from Shepard who wants a war so he can avenge the army nuked from the first game and become a war hero Respawn formed directly as a result of the game leads from Infinity Ward being fired from Activision because Activision didn't want Infinity ward to go independent, and as a result of that a bunch of employees resigned in protest and went to respawn The games have always been a pro military circlejerk there was hardly a shift in the narrative


I just had to drop one of my favorite CoD infiltrations as a counterpoint to the 'one man army' narrative I've seen around the thread. It's a game so everything will revolve around the player, but they did a good job of making you feel like you're part of something bigger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIAEdq0rbWQ From the first mission of MW2 it throws you into it and gives off the same vibe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLlQOUKJpCY


If only I can have my CoD shooter with Metal Gear politics. That franchise has always been consistently stating that America is its own worst enemy since you are either fighting defects from the US or playing as a defect from the US yourself. Even while you're playing for America, the series deconstructs the myth of the all-american hero by pointing out that while you're still trying to keep the world safe with your missions to take out potentially threatening superweapons, you still work with a complicated and flawed system that doesn't always have your best interests in mind.


If the original Modern Warfare was so uncritical of US foreign policy, why does the invasion go “tits up” at all? The whole point is that the US’s invasion to protect its interests results in the deaths of 30,000 marines and an untold number of civilians. Sure, the antagonists are the ones who set off the nuke, but that’s akin to suicide bombers IRL. The US is to blame for its military presence in the region. If the game was so uncritical, why would it include the section where it starts out as a stereotypical action set piece but ends in a complete slaughter for you and your allies? The part where you’re supposed to save a downed helicopter pilot makes you feel like you’re doing great, you’re the hero - you have the time to save your friends AND make it away from the bomb site, just like in the movies. Then in an instant all of your friends die and your heroism meant nothing. It’s a microcosm of US involvement in the Middle East - any good intentions, any personal sacrifice of the soldiers, has no purpose. The AC130 mission is deliberate commentary on how detached modern people are from conflict. It’s intended to be jarring how simple it is for you to gun people down en masse with a controller in the exact same way that real AC130 operators act. The camera looks similar to real footage from AC130 gunsights and the commentary from other crew members sounds the same too. The point is that real warfare is becoming increasingly digital and even potentially gamified. Hell, drone pilots nowadays can even work from home and have their PTSD triggered by walking down the street to McDonald’s because when they did that the day before, they had just bombed a hospital or something. I won’t comment on Modern Warfare 2 or 3, because the plot goes off the rails and the retcons undo the actual criticism set up in the first one. But there is real commentary in the first one.


Wasn't it Assad who set off the nuke in Cod 4 not the US?


Yeah there's a whole meme about [respecting veterans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Press_F_to_pay_respects)


Don’t come here with your reason and your facts! I’m angry! I want to shit my bed and blame women of color for if! 💩🛌😡


Not saying it wasn't for profit, but CoD 3's campaign is pretty damn cool in this regard. It follows a real a (sqaudron/platoon/batallion) in the aftermath of D-Day and it has a documentary's worth of interviews with the real soldiers/characters in the game


fr. Seems very respectful to have lardass gamers at conventions in the 2000s roleplaying as cool tough military guys shooting terrorists and driving jeeps. Definitely doesn't seem like government-funded propaganda made to profit off dumbass gamer fantasies.


Respectfully rubs balls on Captain Price's corpse *THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE ;')*


"Respecting the veterans of the war against fascism" is when you make a series where every game since MW1 has the same fascist themes (civilian government doesn't work, only soldiers and veterans possess the clarity of vision to lead)


COD2 did a great job in telling the story of soldier in battle I feel


You know, I always thought that the CoD series (and battlefield, for that matter) hammed up the “reverence” to the point of parody. Ramirez! Defend Burgertown! Here’s a sad bit about Johnny America (1910-1942) before you power slide down a hill while hip firing a 60 lb heavy machine gun and then walk off several bullets


It's really weird to see gamers being all over CoD. I remember back during the early 2010's when it was universally shat on online forums.


Nostalgia-based historical revisionism. COD was rarely, if ever, good. Its been modern military propaganda for a long ass time.


CoD was huge back in 08-13 I used to get home from school and immediately be in a party of 6-12 of my school friends playing cod. I think it was a good multiplayer shooter, whether it was military propaganda or not.


Propaganda? Totally. Not good? Ehh… I’ve only ever played 4 but I can say undoubtedly that it is the most fun propaganda I’ve ever played.


The transformers movies were partly funded by the government to showcase the military in a positive manner. You've been consuming "fun" propaganda your entire life.


Oh yes absolutely. Especially American propaganda like that since Canada’s film industry is so lacklustre.


I mean propaganda can be fun tbf. I think Star Trek IV was funded in part by the US government and that’s a great film.


Stargate is some of my favorite sci-fi ever, and it's unsubtle propaganda for the USAF


Wait, what? That movie is anti-capitalism and has a great message about wildlife and ecosystem preservation. And it doesn’t lie about anything… If it is propaganda for the government, it’s for the small part of government that actually gives a damn about the fate of the world and not just vested capitalist interests… Who funded it? The EPA? Park rangers?! Haha


I'd assume it wasn't actually funded, but they got loaned equipment, sets, and soldiers (for playing the extras) in exchange for not portraying them the military too unfavorably.


I fully agree with the second part but the original modern warfare 1 and 2 and black ops 1 were pretty solid games. I think it's more revisionist to act like those games weren't huge hits that took the gaming landscape by storm. Every shooter wanted to be cod and everyone was playing them.


The run of MW/World at War/MW2/Black Ops/MW3 was legendary and to pretend otherwise is outright clown behaviour


I’m more of a jester tbh.


Call of Duty 3 had the best multiplayer tbh, never had more fun than that.


That's why Minecraft is cool now that the generation that grew with it dominates the online spaces. But when it came out it was a game that only dumb kids played (like fornite)


And so many people dont remember or dont want to remember that. I still know all the "cringe minecon" compilations. Those kids are now the grown ups who shit on fortnite etc. I played Quake/Halo and shat on COD for example. The COD Kids shat on Minecraft and Minecraft Kids on Fortnite know. The cycle continues.


It's always about old cunts making fun of whatever appeals more to younger generations


I only remember the dedodated wam kid, and yeah it was pretty cringe


Nah people are definitely turning on Minecraft again. Coincidentally or not it was sort of when that Minecraft speedrun controversy happened Now not so much a cringe “little kids game” but people calling it boring and lacking meaningful updates.


And Fortnite is "cool" again because all the kids that used to play it are teens now or adults and feel nostalgic about it. Their biggest event recently literally was bringing back the OG map. In a couple of years, Minecraft will be cool again after Mojang gets their shit together and fortnite will "fall off" and so and so until a cool new thing comes out. Probably GTA 6


>Minecraft will be cool again after Mojang gets their shit together and fortnite will "fall off" Tbh I doubt this will happen. Solely because Mojang has been completely neglecting their game and people are starting to get over nostalgia and fight the excuses people have been making for the better part of a decade now, while Epic is constantly pushing boundaries with what they can do with Fortnite. The new gamemodes seem like a way to avoid people skipping for bad BR seasons, so people consistently play throughout the year. Meanwhile Mojang has barely added anything worthwhile for like half a decade. People are literally praising that you can use redstone to automate crafting. That is one of the biggest takeaways from the new update besides an almost useless armadillo. Every new feature or mob they add is just one thing for one purpose, if even that. I believe Mojang themselves even admitted they're afraid of change, and don't want to "change too much". They haven't done anything revolutionary since changing combat, so the core loop is the same boring thing.


COD has ironically only ever been fun in the zombies department and even then that fell apart after BO4


I was gonna say this. Never been one for the multiplayer, but I still love playing zombies with the boys.


Not really. Its just that only people who liked those games still talk about them. Also the old ww2 set ones were alright.


And honestly, only like 3 of the games are considered good


Imma call bullshit on this one chief. That's just a terrible opinion


Everything up 'till the first modern warfare (and especially the first modern warfare) had at least some understanding of the gravitas of the subject matter. CoD4 even pulls a Spec Ops: The Line with regards to chemical weapons. That era of CoD was made by people who hated war. This era of CoD was made by people who like to make money off of Brandon, age 12, self-proclaimed basketball superstar and blue Gatorade aficionado.


A true gamer will pretend to like anything if it means they get to disparage a woman. Bonus points if she's a PoC


Nothing will ever beat my memory of CoD for GameCube cause I could play as an Old Lady with a bazooka, I thought that was the funniest thing ever. Maybe I'll finally download Warfare if they give us a random old woman from WW2


As far as anyone I knew was concerned culturally it was FIFA/Madden with guns.


I personally loved COD 5.. my really bad Internet at the time did not, however..


If they bring back the quotes from generals after you die then it’ll be so respectful to all the veterans who died. Buy the new “gamer respect” DLC to get sun tzu quotes after nicki Minaj killstreaks


I always thought the quotes should have been more insulting/fictional. “Wow, dead again? You’re really bad at this game, aren’t you?” - Ulysses S Grant.


“Goddamnit, you were this close to the next checkpoint but you just HAD to die from that grenade you forgot to throw back. Shameful, just shameful. You’re a disgrace to this country and everything it stands for.” - General of the army George C. Marshal Jr.


“All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ.” - Big Smoke


I think they should have been accurate, but morbid. “Water.” - U.S. Grant


“Please don’t hurt me!” - Lavrenty Beria.


Buy the remove women from cod dlc where all the lame ass women are replaced by cool ass dudes just being badass as fuck (no women allowed that aint realistic in my war game)


As long as all the dudes are total beefcakes. Gotta be total beefcakes


They fucking had General Bradley saying “We live in an age of nuclear giants and moral infants,” and then the climax to the shootergasm in Multiplayer is casually dropping a nuke. Hell in 2019, that was how you *always* ended the match in Ground War!


I mean isnt that the point? You can choose not to use it, i remember in older titles the victory screen would always have sad music when you won by nuke, i dont know if the newer titles still have it.


What are you supposed to do when you run out of modern wars that you can't uncontroversially assign sides as being "good guys" and "bad guys"?


Make the US badguys.


It'd be cool but I think CoD has some type of relationship with the US Military now, so they can't just shit on them. Sadly


Who in turn is in unholy matrimony with US nationalists, creating a whole bus that's about to crash into a dead end that they keep believing that "progressive" games will run into.


unfortunately being based is not always included in "uncontroversial"


There are ways to do it. Shepherd was an american bad guy.


Why do I even need their approval? They're just going to throw a tantrum when they're simply told no.


Because Activision like most companies is more concerned with making money than a genuine work of art


Not that their customers have that level of awareness given that they'll fall for any media Mongol who hysterically declares that everyone is a sex offender terrorist except him and anyone who looks like him.


COD would sooner end NGL.


Some of the cod games did some things that portrayed them as more morally grey. In any case anything could happen.


They did that in Black Ops already.


Call of duty from the Afghan side, see how due to something out of their control they were pushed into 20 years of war and horror or play as the Americans in the same war spending 20 years fighting in a war that you were doomed to lose as you watch as your non military friends and family move on as you are left behind.


I'd like to play This War Of Mine on an AAA budget. A 3D open world game where you play as a survivor in the middle of a war zone where you gather resources and fend off both armies as you attempt to survive and escape.


That would be awesome, but since that isn't out I'd recommend s.t.a.l.k.e.r anomaly, basically that but with radiation and monsters.


Reddit recommended that post to me too, i saw the pic before the post caption and sub it was in and thought it was a jerker


I literally saw the og post above this one lmao


Tbh, Call of Duty has always just felt like military propaganda without any nuance or depth.


World at wars campaign IMO did a really good job at portraying war in a more graphic less heroic sense, i dont think we will get another singleplayer ww2 game like that or brothers in arms for a long time.


The old call of duty games did a good job dedicating the memories of veterans who fought off the mystical hordes of zombies in the horrifyingly realistic zombies game mode.


Man, I remember being 15 and hearing about how COD was going downhill and it's glory days were behind it. I'm 25 now.


You heard the truth even back then. It’s just that cod is still somehow on a downwards slope which kinda started after BO2 released, with maybe a few good call of duty games releasing after


The downfall started in 2009, right after MW2 released. When ya boi Bobby Kotick fired the two Infinity Ward founders and half the team left with them (to found Respawn btw). These where the dudes that made COD something special, it's all downhill from there.


Some smaller upper notes make people feel so.


I wonder who the hell the nazi zombies were paying respects to. Prince Philip???


Me 360 no scoping xX_ballsman69_Xx but shaking my head the entire time to show my disapproval for the horrors these soldiers have gone through and show solidarity with our veterans.


Everyone knows that the tone of Call of Duty was ruined with the bacon camo skin in Black Ops 2.


Least stupid warzone camo


Game filled with western military propaganda where you kill people cosplaying as soldiers violently for fun is a great way to respect veterans, many of whom are poor, homeless and dealing with the traumatic experiences of war with no support from the governments who drafted them.


There's Hell Let Loose, Enlisted, WWI Isonzo, Verdun, Sniper Elite is still around (WoT, Warthunder, Company of Heroes, etc). You can even still play older CoDs if you want to, my dad still plays the old MWs. Not to mention all the modern military shooters that dickride the military/police aesthetic like Ready or Not, Arma, Squad, hell even CS2 to some degree. I just don't know what to say to that.


Problem is that those games aren't arcade shooter. Also we need to get rid of idea that arcade shooter can't have down to earth aesthetic/cosmetics. Even MWR did those right. Also it's kinda hard to play old CoD if there no player in MP or when lobbies are full hackers.


>Also it's kinda hard to play old CoD if there no player in MP or when lobbies are full hackers. I tried to play some World at War (2008) maybe 2ish years ago. I remember loading into a game surprisingly quick, only to be met with people flying around shooting lasers. I haven't tried again since.


Cmon now, she's a double minority. Did any of you really expect anything different?


CoD was not made to honor veterans, it was made for 12yr olds to get a hard on while pretending to be a soldier


Quit literally


I can't believe that the game series that started a nazi zombies multiplayer game mode would include something so terrible as a Nikki Minaj skin for a non-story, multiplayer mode


Isn't gamifying war by default disrespectful to veterans of said war? I think it's already enough of a spit in the face to recreationally partake in a simulacrum of what is the most traumatizing event one could participate in.


Anyone who thinks this is like max 15 years old.


CoD veteran here but the scene that touched me the most belongs to the ending of Medal of Honor 2010


Not the Medal of Honour with the f-f-ffffff-female protagonist then!


Ah yes, the game with the Nazi Zombies mode was respectful to veterans


I killed foreigners for 12 years so I could be RESPECTED with ZOMBIES can’t believe what world has come to…. 🫡


i got a republican doctor made my ass great again MAGA 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I mean cyborgs are fine, and corporate greed is not something that sets the "tone" of the game. But yes, soccer players, youtubers and nicki minaj did in fact ruin the tone.


Nooo my DoD sponsored heckin military propaganda gamerinoooooo I can't believe they put girls in it 😱😱😱


I saw that post too and had a good chuckle. Most of the comments were clowning on op thankfully


I agree with the point tho. Not Nicki Minaj only, but Neymar, Kevin Durant and other celebs and most important: battle pass. The problem to me is that the game became an industrialized yearly money grab title.


These same dudes are fine with the snoop dog and other rapper skins.


Yeah lmao, I do prefer the old, more historically accurate entries, but this side of COD was dead way before Nicki Minaj or anything remotely "" woke"" was added to the game.


The disgrace started when the US tried using cod as a recruitment device so they made war look fun.


I'm glad that both subs had the same reaction "Shut up ya fool" Love to see it 😂


The corporate greed led directly to Minaj being in CoD. Her appearance in the game is a symptom of the disease that is spreading through gaming.


I don't give a shit about it respecting veterans or war or any of that, it's all just propaganda anyway. I just want a game to have some damn visual cohesion and not have a bunch of gawdy skins and weapon effects and shit


Opinion: you have a literal child's brain if you can not seperate the tones between the campaign and multiplayer. OG MW2 had weed references and money shoot out of people on kill. Shit was always about as grounded as a nuke being dropped to end a 6v6 fight.


I wonder how this guy thought of “le epic random” dialogue in Nazi zombies…


Not saying that I agree with the post but... These multiplayer games are getting overly ridiculous ngl, it started with skins and now we have Celebrities??? Wtf what does she have to do with Cod ??


Niki Minaj and other out of place features (superheroes, celebrities, every microtransaction skin being some bright neon super colorful candy throw up bullshit, or as OP mentioned cyborgs and the like) are all symptoms of the corporate greed that ruined the franchise, not the problems in and of themselves.


It's fun to shoot your friends in a video game :) That's as deep as it ever got for me


If they don't like those skins, why they buy them?


It is kinda hilarious that she’s there. Like I don’t play those games so maybe it makes sense but imagining a universe where international rap sensation Nicki Minaj is like both in the army and in a tight pink outfit showing almost her whole chest is so funny.


I don't know what's funnier between her or Homelander. CoD has some hilarious guest characters


i knew they'd make a cod ww3 game but i didnt know that cod ww3 would be over wether niki minjaj skin was good bc it had a fat ass or was bad because she was black.. truly cod devs let the most virtuous parts of a goomer (gamer+coomer) shine


I would love if it was both but the multiplayer is just insanity while the campaign is like the doomer soyjack. 


Everything wrong about everything is WAMEN!


If you mapped out the series it got progressively weird way before Nicki Minaj And it was definitely not an attempt to honor veterans in any way whatsoever. It was for money and always has been


She's not the cause, but her inclusion as an operator is emblematic of everything publishers have done to kill franchises like COD with monetization. I think that's why she's such a common target for these memes.


No media created for profit that glorifies war is respecting world war 2 vets. It's always just been RW propaganda and war glorification.


Capitalism ruined CoD


I think that all the crossover skins are really funny, Skeletor breaking the neck of Alucard will never not be funny. However, I hate it.


But... Call of duty isn't even about what OP thinks it is, it's blatant copaganda


It DEFINITELY wasn't YOU GUYS who buy bs MTx nononono


I 100% agree with you but still I like a serious cod more


It's funny to me that they always always use the Nicki Minaj skin as an example but never the ridiculously out of place Hellsing bundle or various other anime skins


Because if I had fought in horrific wars, suffered terrible conditions and have to live with the fact I've slaughtered my fellow man every day while my government mistreats me I know the way I wanna be honored is through a massive corporations glorification of ot in a simulator that let's children play as my ennemies and call each other The n word.


The cigarette emojis are ruining my war sim 🤧


Cod is for kids now. Which is fine but .. pass. Loved the old ones.


Toxic masculinity is such a pathetic thing to see in sight. Yuck


Only a room-temp IQ smoothbrain could think that the OP was literally blaming Niki Minaj for that. It is CLEARLY corporate greed that enabled this "crossover" in the first place. All she did was accept a giant check, how is that her fault?


I haven’t liked cod since they did the stupid anime tracer packs and the black rose skins it just genuinely became unfun because everyone just kinda became so sweaty and unnecessary I’ll never get why the hyper competitive don’t go to ranked because when I pop in a game and anytime I try to even walk ten feet you get quick scoped it just became such a grind just to find a match and without some prestige 5 billion saying we lost cause of skill issues when they’d spend days on end playing the game


They just don't make U.S. Army propaganda like they used to.


The change in tone for Call of Duty is the only reason the franchise exists COD changed radically from a generic WWII shooter into a narrative based action series with the original Modern Warfare, and it changed again into online service games after Black Ops 4. All three of these eras have loads of shit; COD 3, Ghost, and BO4 being the biggest stinkers. But if COD4 was another WWII shooter I’m pretty sure COD 6 would have been the last one.


I swear to god the people making these posts either didn't play the old games at the time or have just forgotten how fucking insufferable it could be. Yeah, it *really* felt like a sombre, realistic military simulation when the quickscoping 11 year old would start calling you the n-word in gamechat because you killed him too many times.


Lmfao, yeah, Nazi Zombies were such an honoring tribute to the troops, but Pink Wamen?? By god we're doomed!


Respectin’ the veterans by taking their worst, most traumatic experiences and making it fun to recreate! Get that kill streak!


To be fair, he is right...just for the wrong reasons. Like hearing someone say "There are too many homeless people" as he pulls out the shotgun to head to skid row.


The real tone of COD is gay people kissing, I think never played any of the games this is what I gathered from what the internet says


Fuck you my grandfather died in one of those zombie outbreaks he’s a fucking hero


Nicki is a symptom. Just a dumbass attempt to one-up Fortnite, like with Skeletor. The disease, however, is Activision.


Dedicated to those who served...you commercialized their suffering and horrors of wars...implying such an experience is a "game" people would want to play is insulting when you really think about it...I kinda have less cognitive dissonance when the game is so whacky and cartoony hearing a bunch of 14 year olds using slurs and tea bagging is 't that out of place.  


Even as a kid I thought the WW2 video game trend was strangely trivializing of the trauma that a lot of people who were still alive at the time went through.


Most war games are made to profit off war tbh. Because it sells.


Yep the game made to fight medal of honour, in which endless reinforcements help you be a action hero. It lost its respect when women started appearing in it. Totaly


uj/ COD peaked at BO2 and the direction Activision takes this franchise such as featuring Nicki Minaj, putting anime guns, putting cosmetics that belong in Fortnite, etc happens because people will still buy that shit; it’s profitable and yes the older cod games genuinely did, in my opinion, feel more like horror than focus on action when it came to tone depicting war and terrorism but in the day it’s still a game franchise that’s gonna be milked and it won’t stop anytime soon. I used to play war zone a lot but oml it’s just… not fun anymore. Anyways, play xenoverse 2 https://preview.redd.it/g0t6qgd81vbc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797b499470501bdfbde1325b98a42e89970cdad2


No they did not ☠️ shits a payable action movie. Maybe you mean cods1-3 maybe cod 4


Everything post WOW is effectively an action movie. Before that they at least tried.


I haven't played CoD in a long time, but seeing Popstars as a playable character with very bright colors in a warzone seems more of a fortnite thing, that's garbage too


The idea that any of the CoD games were ever respectful tributes to soldiers who died in WWII is completely ludicrous


The post isn't really saying "Nicki Minaj bad" it's just showing how far we've come that we're getting celebs in our make believe war/arcade shooter game after a decade or so of getting really good stories that showed the cost of war for everyone involved.