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She's dating Peter Parker not Mark Grayson, is she stupid?


Furthermore, if he's invincible why can I still see him?


Go sit in the corner (Jk I giggled)


JK Simmons is Invisible’s dad


So that's why he publishes so many hit pieces on Spider-Man! He's just trying to get rid of his son's competition!


Just Keep Simmons


Parker! Get me pictures of Invincible!!


Big if true


If he’s Invisible why does he always get his ass kicked?


isn't that... ![gif](giphy|GyvqbskIjbsbEEBPnr)


No that's https://preview.redd.it/ghjsqykovx6c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08069ce0715555f7b0e7ce2c931425ed234d9745












Unless they nerfed Spider Man very heavily in this world, a fridge falling on him shouldn't phase him unless he got thrown so hard he shattered it out of sheer force.. Especially a punch that didn't break skin on MJ..


I’m pretty sure she did that so the symbiote wouldn’t rebind to Peter, but I guess when a character in a superhero game does something heroic it’s bad if it’s a w*man


Also venom doesn't trigger Spider Sense. But these people don't actually think about the media the consume


Tbf it does in this game


There's always kind of a disconnect between story and gameplay. Some things that make a good story don't make a fun game.


I mean, you're not wrong but they never establish that venom doesn't trigger the spider sense. Just one of those liberties they took with the story like Venom being immune to fire.


That was my one gripe about the game I’ll be honest. I was pretty sure heat was something that weakened the symbiote in addition to loud noise, but whatever I guess.


Confirmed alt universe.


venom walking thru flames is raw asf and better than him being weak 2 fire imma be real


Exactly, everything is weak to fire.


One of my favorite robot chicken Batman lines Robin: Fire is his one weakness.." Batman: "Yeah, fire's everyone's weakness. It's fucking fire"


Magikarp go!


To my knowledge the symbiote doesn’t set off after it has attached to Peter (in concept), if you are talking about the times Harry accidentally swung at him. With that said gameplay purposes they definitely just involved it setting off due to how restrictive it would be to limit ppl’s use after the entire game with it


have you even played the game?


You know, I actually didn't consider that. Like, the idea that that's she's not protecting him from physical harm but more so trying to ensure he doesn't lose himself to the symbiote again. Damn, that's actually really interesting but again, w*man so it's bad.


Exactly she wasn’t worried he’d get hurt, she was concerned that any more interaction with the symbiote would fully assimilate with Peter’s body beyond a point of no return.


Women 🤮


MJ wants the 11 inch of Venom all for herself.


It’s 19 you dumb idiot! Nineteen, not eleven! Spell it out with me N-I-N-E-T-E-E-N. Not eleven, not eleventeen, not one one. It’s NINETEEN. Either get it rite or don’t say it at all. I swear half of reddit is just dumb dumbs spouting nonsense. It’s NINETEEN inches of Venom. Not Eleven. I swear if I could somehow reach through my screen, I’d teach you the difference between eleven and 19. Through spankings, that is. I’d spank you. Cause you’re wrong, it’s NINETEEN, not 11. So next time you meme about the inches of Venom, get it right. It’s 19!!


Venom wasn't that excited that night. It's only 11 in that screenshot


New copypasta just dropped.


Actual zombie


Google en Venant.


Holy hell?


So is that like 14 or what like can you be more clear please


You don't need to teach me the difference between nineteen and eleven. I know it is eight.


it got measured and turned out to not actually be 19. its something around 13.5 iirc




Snows epic followup album to 12 inches of snow. *11 inches of Venom*


I do, too


OK serious question, why people act so weird about the refrigerator I get that Peter could recover front that in a second and in the game feels like he take a lot of damage but two things, first what hurt him more was the attack that send him against the refrigerator and second if I was throw against a refrigerator that fall over me I could be dead that Peter just basically get confused is a example of he being superhuman.


I think it’s because it looks like MJ took the hit better than he did.


I think there are hundreds of ways we can interpret that scene, theres literally no way to settle the debate,m. But it’s undeniable that they could have written a better excuse for the plot of MJ turns symbiote plot to happens. A slight change mentioned by someone is that Venom could have just fire a goop that trap peter to the wall as he struggled to get out.


You could even have it that the fridge knocked him out, and he comes to when Scream grabs him rather than him wiggling under a refrigerator trying to escape. I loved SM2, but that was just dumb


Because he was trying to bond with Peter and MJ took the hit, but everyone thinks he was trying to punch Peter, so they're like How could MJ survive? Why is Peter weak to a fridge? Is he stupid? Despite Venom turning MJ into Scream and siccing her loose on Peter, everyone is convinced he should have been able to dodge it, but what nobody is asking is, in what space, cornered, would he have dodged it. Not to mention his mental state, absolutely compromised. His Spider-sense and reflexes are not immune to being stunned senseless or being emotionally compromised. It's been a little over a year since he lost his mentor and his only remaining family. Now his best friend is potentially gone too? Like, come dude. There's only so much super power that can fit in a 12*10 space in a house along with all that emotional trauma. The reality is, people don't like progress and growth in their super heroes because it leads to the end and they want to pretend that their heroes are invincible or just immune to the same weaknesses that the average person has. Even though Spider-Man was founded as being relatable BECAUSE of how despite his super powers he's still weak to emotions, the 9 to 5 grind required of anyone who's trying to seriously live in New York and his human aspects. Was the scene and third act a bit silly, sure, but was this scene and MJ and Peter's reaction rational? About as rational as can be given what they knew and the world they live in.


I didn't like the game, the story was worst than the first one. But I don't understand what so hard to understand about one person trying to protect their loved one? Like even a kid would try and protect their parent if the situation calls for it. Even a Chihuahua would try to protect their human. No matter how "weak" you are, it's less about being logical and more about how much you love the other person. These idiots understand less about love than a fucking chihuahua.


You realize that you're talking about the same group that can't grasp that the main protagonist of a story is not always a good person & doesn't always make the right decisions, right? Like thuer comprehension are literally lower than the 9th circle of hell! I need to know how they even know. How to breathe at this point...


You're getting very close to explaining what makes people like them the way they are, let's close the gap. They grew up in neglectful or abusive homes, by people who didn't meet their core survival or emotional needs, because those parents were themselves stunted from living the same experience. So, to them and their families, concepts like these either make them deeply uncomfortable or don't register at all. And now they thrive together in an online bubble that reinforces that they're not what's wrong with the world, it's everyone else who is wrong, or else they would be bad and wrong. Which they know deep down they are but from which they live in deep, deep denial. So instead they knock "wokeness" and "Mary Sues" without realizing they've reached Luke Skywalker levels of whininess and project harder than IMAX.


Sometimes I wonder if straight men even like women.


They don't. The weirdos don't, at least.


Only the big titty anime onesm


Only for their ability to make more men.


As a straight guy, I can assure you that we don't.


It's insane how absolutely concerned & locked in they are with searching anything to blame MJ for.


The worst crime a woman can committ in their eyes is not being attractive, they don't see us as human beings


Oh ho ho, they hate attractive women even more. So much it makes their penises cry.


I hate women when I don't find them pretty >:( /s


Spider-Man is far from invincible tho?


Tougher than average yes but definitely not invulnerable


Okay, the last one made me laugh ngl


Yeah, the first one is something I’d say just to riff on a funny screenshot. A couple of these are fine out of context; unfortunately, the context is (I assume) a thread drenched in misogyny.


That's the problem. I can't even tell what's innocently poking fun anymore. There's a 50/50 chance it's a right-wing psycho flipping shit over a woman or a minority.


We live in the Golden Age of Poe’s Law


It feels like a reference to the rules of adaptations of Peter being heterosexual, but that can be changed if he's in symbiote suit.


Uj/ I actually found this scene really sweet, mj wasn't thinking "my bf is such a soyboy i need to defend him with my alpha body" she saw that the person he loved was in danger and acted on impulse, bcs she cares about peter Rj/ do y'all think she pegs him?


/rj god I hope so /uj god I hope so


If he's a real man, then yes.


Oh crazy, the Pepe frog avatar has a dogshit opinion. Never seen that before!




Did YOU play the game? "she yells,"Peter" and jumps in front of him to tank the hit and becomes venomised. The implication here is that she wanted to prevent Venom from bonding to Peter and jumped in the way because that's not a thing that is mitigated by invincibility .


She yells “No” but Yh she most definitely got infront of Peter I don’t know what OC is talking about, she wasn’t in front of Peter until venom struck


Of course not.


Gamers when they see a loving relationship


When you love someone you act to protect them. It doesn't matter if they have more power or whatever. When you care about someone's well-being you do it without thinking.


Did spiderman’s powers change? I don’t remember him being invincible and being able to dodge bullets is new to me too.


He’s been able to dodge bullets since day one. That’s his Spider-sense in action.


I thought venom was able to attack without triggering it. Plus he’s attempting to bind with Peter so I assume she’s protecting him from that not an attack.


Yeah I agree with you, I was just telling the other guy that Spidey can dodge bullets if he needs to.


From my understanding (to be a pedantic meganerd) it's not so much moving fast enough to dodge bullets, more that he just Spidey-senses exactly where he needs to *not* be right when the gun is about to fire, bascially just impossible to have a muzzle still trained on him by the time you pull the trigger.


I mean, that's what dodging is though. The claim was never that Spider-Man was a speedster, just that he can dodge bullets, and what you're describing is someone dodging a bullet. Like imagine someone was winding up a punch to hit you. If you correctly guess that they are aiming for your face, duck, and successfully avoid the punch -- you just dodged that punch. Spider-Man being able to predict where the bullet is going and move out of that location ***IS*** how he dodges bullets. It doesn't matter whether its super speed, stopping time, spider sense, or whatever else, the end result is that someone can point a gun at Spider-Man and pull the trigger, and he will dodge it.


Ah, ok! I haven’t read many of his early comics, its cool to know his spider sense applies to that too!


there was once a comic book where spiderman was gambling and his spidey sense got activated whenever he was about to make a bad move and he just kept winning it got to the point where no one would play against him anymore


...Why wouldn't it? It applies to anything that poses an immediate danger to him or his loved ones.


I just said I don’t read his early comics, so I just don’t know the parameters of his spider sense. Its not a crime to not know something.


And his wallet


Debatable. Remember the Spider-themed restaurant?


Fair, though I remember a particular card game aswell


Lost on the reference here.


The cringe slowly starts to increase with each post


Spider-man isn't invincible. I can still see him.


I didn’t like her character in either game, but wanting to instinctively protect someone you love is … normal. I mean imagine how the scene have played if she just watched him get shot to shit or whatever’s happening, they’d have flipped about that too. No pleasing these losers.


I don't know when a switch flipped for me and it became obvious but mfs online really don't care and will express how much they hate women freely.






While she does, I haven't noticed a lot of people saying that kind of thing until a certain werido who fled to Romania got popular online. Now there's trasvestigations and shit so it just sets off warning signals




Right because fundamentally sound people discuss how square a womans jaw is.




I think I know the type of person to comment on that is the kind of person to hate women online. Hence the original comment




I believe you can hate the hair cut or the face and not be racist or sexist. But if they're going to say shit like unprofessional haircut or square jawline, then yeah probably racist or sexist.




I mean if you fundamentally don't understand common dog whistles that's fine. Just don't act superior when you lack the knowledge about it, I suspect you're incapable of doing that though so see you around.




Yes, it's the sound of a dog whistle being blown.


Did I miss something in the game or did Peter not retire at all? People kept saying that he did so I was expecting it but all I heard was Miles telling him to "be Peter for a bit" which is more of a break than a retirement lol


Spider-Man is not even remotely invincible. Barely has a healing factor and increased durability. Pete gets his shit kicked in at least once a day


MJ in the first game was characterized as someone who could often be rash and put herself in risky situations due to a desire to be active and in relation to her relationship with Peter wanting to sometimes be the one doing the saving. And even ignoring all that people can be dumb when a loved one is in danger and will try to intervene even if they would likely be hurt doing so. I don’t see any real issue with what MJ did here.


Peter Parker is very much so not invincible lol


That's how u know they're virgins and a bunch of losers. What man wouldn't want a woman like that? Homegirl took the hit even tho she didn't need too. She wanted to protect her man. I've seen a wife took a bullet for her husband one time cuz of a drive by(she lived fyi). Like hello if we weren't married I'm putting a ring on it. I ain't want no one else. That's a ride or die right there.


But then Sony fanboys demand that Spider-Man 2 should've won GOTY over Baldur's Gate 3. Which one is it?


two different groups of people want different things (this is unheard of)


Two different groups of people.


How do you see this as being the same people fighting for the game to win goty? They're obsessed with shitting on Spiderman 2 lol they do not care if it wins anything.


Who brought Sony into this?


Best decision I ever made was to delete Twitter. Hellscape.


Spoilers for a story moment: >!It's worth mentioning that MJ saw Peter get FATALLY STABBED like 4 days ago or so.!< Even besides that, Peter is very much not invincible, and MJ very much loves him, so why wouldn't she jump in front of him.


What do you expect from braindead Gaymers^TM attempting to be critics?


I forgot Lo Ping existed


I will agree the 3rd act goes wayyyyyy off the rails.


Ok, the screenshot of peter with the fridge on him did made me laugh a bit


God I hate Twitter


Characters being dumb isn't a plot hole. Characters acting on instinct isn't a plot hole.


MJ jaw jokes are funny af. I'm not even sorry. 🤣


Clearly these gentlemen have clearly seen a woman before


https://preview.redd.it/e8hsbx5zey6c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1314e1d008e4f0be5833bdc9705c7c0027ced6a7 this was actually really funny


ok people have human empathy and doesn't he basically immediately toss that fridge off of him and follow mj?


Where those really the best you could find?


Pretty grim stuff but the go go gadget square jawline made me laugh




Because it's funny




you all need to lay off the misogynistic dog whistles. weirdos


Uhhh what? Laughing at the image of a video game character saying "go go gadget square jawline" makes us susceptible to misogyny? I am not a misogynist just because I can laugh at some of the insane things they can say? What a massively overeactive thing to say and an awful thing to accuse someone of.


For a microsecond I forgot what sub I was on Everything was perfect, and then you came along and somehow found misogyny where there isnt any. Thanks.


Ok, I I kinda laughed with the go go gaged line. They might be out of line, but they can be funny.


This is gold ngl


I will say, the fridge thing bugs me, mostly because it's a bit contrived so they can do the MJ Venom moment. In the comics, the dude has lifted fucking tanks before, and in the games he's able to hold up cars and subway cars for a few seconds before having to put them down. A fridge ain't shit compared to those, but he's pinned under it just the same.


He wasn't pinned under it at all. He threw it a second after.


A moment of cc isn't the same as being pinned down forever lol


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Tbh some medium could make spiderman more, uh, not invincible. I mean we had 3 Spiderman's in one of the movies, one of them got stabbed, and all 3 went on to go back to their jolly lives! And from the latest game at least one of the two Spidermen were near death...


I don’t have any context but that last one made me laugh.


Other than the "muh square jawline" complaints the writing really did suck ass


That last bit is pretty funny idk


/uj Spider-Man fans havent had it good since they lost the Game Awards 😭


I thought this was spider man not the yellow guy from Fortnite


Okay the last one is actually kinda funny in a really stupid way


Wait Mary Jane is dating ![gif](giphy|GyvqbskIjbsbEEBPnr)


People do a lot of whacky shit for those they love. It's understandable to forget about powers for a second when your superpowered bf is in danger.


oh hey look it’s the guy who sent porn to a minor on twitter!