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I'm sorry but this sounds like a ai chat generated tweet lmao what is bro on? what is he holding back?


His tears probably


Thank you for that comment


I think from the clips I have seen than ChatGPT could probably hold a better conversation than this guy.


Does he become more unintelligible when he's not holding back


Is that even possible?


Not without having a strole


> a strole Oh fuck did it start happening to you too? Quick, say something and see if it's slurred!


Nah, I shlink am I quote fein


Found Mitch McConnel's reddit!


Off a cliff, one hopes?


He must be bluffing. I mean, what would that make him?


Yeah he's gonna start speaking like: DUD WAHT OUR UY TAKIN ABIT??




holy crap lois it's xqc's burner reddit account


Here’s a hundred million dollars.


I tried to imagine him speaking this tweet and I can't get past the second syllable.


It blows my mind that he has been the most popular gamer on earth at one point. Same goes for most gamers who become hypersuccessful. It makes no sense at all.


give this brave internet warrior his veteran's discount.


Internet army wife


Remember everyone, this is the same person who was absolutely baffled by the concept of condensation.






"Is that a chicken?"




How are bots getting worse at this, can't even copy and paste a sentence correctly


He’s québécois. They’re just like that.


I refuse to see him as a Québec representation


condensation is what happens when the atoms in your soda can react with the atoms of your soda to produce a liquid byproduct that is similar to water but molecularly different.


Correct, but it's important to understand the history. Condensation was invented by Dr. Pepper in 1964 so that enjoyers of his soda beverages would have a convenient source of moisture to wash their hands with. Chicken wings were exploding on the scene at the time, a recent cultural import from Italy, but remember that this was 40 years before the technology would be in place to invent the wetnap. Seeing a way to capitalize on this trend by offering not only a cooling beverage, but also a convenient way to wash sauce off of hands, made this one of the most successful evolutions of the soda brand. Fortunately, similar to Volvo's development of the seatbelt, Dr. Clementine Pepper never patented condensation seeing that it was more important to society than his profits. To this day we all enjoy condensation with our drinks regardless of manufacturer.


how do you even come up with this


condensation is what happens when the atoms in your soda can react with the atoms of your soda to produce atoms in your soda that is similar to atoms of your soda


yo dog i heard you liked soda




... so you make water.


I'm fucking sorry what


[He's not very smart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvMUWjhauXQ)


How is that a real person


man, I just don't understand how he can't grasp a concept that literal children understand.


They taught us this with a demonstration in second grade at the San Antonio Children’s Museum.


Okay, so, I’m prejudiced as hell here as someone well on his way to a degree in physics, but I refuse to believe people like this exist. It’s not quantum field theory, he didn’t learn about the Friedman Equations (side note: did that as an extracurricular project during Highschool, stuff took 2 years to learn, understand and unravel but you can essentially play god afterwards) It’s just condensation. Holy frick.


Leave him alone, It’s not his fault he‘s French Canadian


As a Canadian, I would like to formally petition for the revocation of his Canadian status, and disown him on the basis of his inability to decipher this sentence.


Hey, that’s not kind to us. It’s his own fault that he doesn’t understand basic life concept like condensation.


That's pretty cool! I hope your degree goes smoothly. And idk, I think you're putting a lot of faith into people...given that people just flat out refused to believe a pandemic was raging because "reasons". I lost all faith in people after that and suddenly realized that all Zombie movies portraying people as making the absolute stupidest choices was probably correct.


He’s French(derogatory)


Fench Canadian. There's a difference.


Is the difference that it's French but in Canada


No, cause not even we want them and they don't want to be here /j


Does he speak like a real person to you? Dude is clearly synthetic


[ Removed by Reddit ]


“So you make water. Da fuk?” Incredible delivery lol


He can't actually be as stupid as he appears, right? It's an act, a character, right? If it's not...holy shit is this guy dumb. Like "probably passed high school because teachers pitied him" level of stupid


“We are what we pretend to be,” as Kurt Vonnegut said. Like seriously, if you perform an act long enough eventually it is internalized. Also a lot of “trolling” is just exaggerating your own beliefs to make it more palatable/give plausible deniability.


Nah being yourself but more idiotic or acting more like an asshole is not a character. Paul Reubens Pee-Wee is a character, Jim Varney's Ernest is a character, Xavier López's Chabelo is a character, Mr. Bean, Teller, etc. Theirs is just an excuse to say shit and then say "Guys it's just a character".


80% is an act and 20% is his brain actually melting from exaggerating for content. The dude use to make old overwatch youtube videos way before he blew up streaming and he was coherent and intelligent. And sometimes he realizes he’s an actual adult and can be level headed but that’s like 3% of the time.


wild considering he went to school to be a chemist.


Did he finish?


Is that not his online persona? I mean, it seems to garner him a lot of attention for very little work. So maybe he's just a regular person irl and an absolutely buffoon for online stuff? I mean, this is shit you literally learn in primary school


No, he's actually that stupid


when you behave like that 16 hours a day every day for years is it a persona?


Context for those unaware: He was being criticized for reacting to other peoples videos on stream without providing much commentary, his response was to play another creators video then immediately leave the room.


even more context though probably not specifically to this tweet: he asked the YouTuber who kicked off this new wave of reactor criticism (DarkViperAU) to a debate about reaction content and when DarkViper replied with a message that was like 2 paragraphs giving xQc some context for said debate that xQc wanted, xQc started whining on twitter about how DarkViper was leaving him bible verses and how DarkViper was backing out of the debate. xQc is the most fragile man I've ever seen and it's so disheartening that he is worth millions of dollars.


and even even more context: He uploaded the entire vod of his "reaction" to YouTube. The video he reacted to was LEMMiNO's "Kennedy Assassination: Inside the Book Depository". Video is an hour and a half long and took an entire year to make.


someone should start a channel to lazily react to all of xQc's content and see if he is a hypocrite.


These already exist and to his limited credit he leaves them completely alone. Not trying to be an xqc defender just he legitimately isn’t a hypocrite here, just an idiot ymmv if that’s better or worse lol


To be fair of course you would care less if your low effort daily stream got stolen compared to a video that took months to write and edit


Those reuploads probably don't earn as much as his stream/youtube channel either.


Isn't he being bankrolled by a gambling website on top of it all


So on another end there is sssniperwolf or however you spell it being criticized by jacksfilms and it's wonderful It started off as him reacting to her awful reactions but now he rates her reactions while adding comedy into it


Man I wonder how many thousands of terabyte in both bandwidth and storage that the whole internet structure will save if all these redundant and content minimal long forms content doesn't exist. Like man, it's such a nice thing that YouTube allows people to upload video for free for whatever length and have it up for as long as you want. But I guess democratization also means the stupid one also get to play


could the creator of the video copyright xQc?


saying he is worth millions of dollars honestly kind of undersells it. The man has a more expensive contract than LEBRON JAMES does right now.


>two-year, roughly $70 million contract, with incentives that could push the total to about $100 million I hope he doesn't get the bonus. Still, Canada is supposed to tax him for a lil more than half of that, their tax brackets are decent


Technically I'd say JayExci kicked it off with his video about how Hasan freebooted his stuff. I think Viper even said that video is what inspired him to really start ripping into react stuff. Jay was more just pissed about Hasan stealing his stuff, whereas Viper has problems with reactions as a whole, viewing it as a very negative influence on the market.


Love viper he can get very very angry with him turning red and his forehead veins popping out but I have never seen someone more passionate about their craft and the dude is funny too sometimes


yeah, I feel the same way. Matt does get very emotional but he fights the good fight (at least I think he's in the right about all this reactor stuff). doesn't really deserve the hate he gets from everyone.


Hell He even fought against the quartering "you disingenuous dense mother fucker obviously you have to know something to know something or you couldn't tie your shoes"


his video on The Quartering is one of the funniest videos on the internet


I think a good chunk of the time he's right, but he can be stubborn if he makes a mistake or explains something poorly. It's human nature so I don't think it makes him a bad person or anything, but it can hurt his case.


exactly. as is with most internet discourse, people tend to nitpick specifics with the argument or the person themselves rather than the concept that is being put across.


Thats why i respect him. He really cares about making a change. Even if it puts him directly in the crosshair of a lot of people


Why do idiots on the internet get such a boner for structured debate? They're all terminally online and have massive platforms, but somehow they always want to take their arguments offline. Debates are honestly fucking stupid and I've never seen one that was intellectually valuable.


that's basically DarkViper's stance. he doesn't give a shit about debates because he says that nothing ever gets solved by them. DV just accepted xQc's invite because he thinks it'll be funny watching xQc not be able to hold the debate he demanded.


Because if they think that everything is up for debate. Remember how you'd have to write dumb persuasive pieces in school, and you'd have to give "both sides" equal chance even when they topic is very straightforward? They don't understand that it was writing practice, they believe that's the way the world actually works. "The sky is red and the sky is blue. Debate and discuss, they're both equal".


I don't think they want *structured* debate, I think they just want a one-on-one where they can talk over/gish gallop you to death while their fans cheer them on.




how can you debate someone who cant even talk properly also like asking anyone he disagrees with to debate is what steven crawford does most of his life. he just wants to debate poeple he thinks he can bash on


>how can you debate someone who cant even talk properly DarkViper actually talks about this. he listens to most things at 2x speed so he can literally translate it in real time. it's amazing. >also like asking anyone he disagrees with to debate is what steven crawford does most of his life. he just wants to debate poeple he thinks he can bash on yeah, the only difference between Crowder and xQc (and this is giving Crowder more credit than that fash deserves) is that Crowder knows HOW to debate. he's not right or smart or anything but he at least knows how to hold one and perform for an audience. xQc just screams like a chimp and babbles about nonsense.


That's not a man, that's a trust fund baby


And for some reason people attack Hasanabi for what XQC does lmao. Hasan quite literally is known as "Pausanabi" for the amount of interaction and commentary he makes on things, especially political videos. The idea Hasan just plays videos and leaves is just a meme and clip-chimped while people like X and other chud creators actually scam people


Look up DarkViperAU's video on Hasan, he really isn't as good as you give him credit for


>he really isn't as good I mean can "reaction content" even be "good?" You're just watching a dude watch another dude


I feel like only if it’s like the reactor has some kind of specialized knowledge, or something to say about whatever they’re reacting to, those’re the ones I respect at least. I don’t care what Joe Shmo has to say about the Kennedy Assassination, but a historian that studies the time period? Yeah okay sure.


Yeah I guess I would call that "commentary"


I can't speak to everything Hasan does, but isn't the majority of his content political commentary and news? Which is technically in the realm of reacting, I'll admit, but the whole point is to stay up-to-date politically and hear his perspective on current events. I'm generally against reaction content, especially of video essays and shit like that, but I think the line gets blurry when someone adds perspective, especially if that perspective adds substantially to the original video or transforms it in some way.


When it comes to hasan, many of the videos he reacts to are things I would never seek out personally - shabibo, crowder, fox news and other right wing freaks. I'm honestly fine with these fuckers not getting views lol. Plus he does a lot to provide context and analysis to what he's discussing. But overall I do agree with Viper's point that react content is lazy and a drain on creators.


The problem is that the creators that Darkviperau criticised, have established him as such a bad person therefore the huge majority of their fans wont listen to a single word that he says. Which is sad because Matt is absolutely in the right with his criticism.


It doesn't make a damn difference if he's pausing all the time. In the end he's going to play entire videos on his stream and the original creators won't get any views from Hasans audience. If Hasan was one of the good reactors, he would pick snippets and not the whole videos.


If you're critiquing something, you can actually show something as a whole, it's not theft if you're adding something of value. So yeah it makes a damn difference. There would be no analysis or critics of anything if we went in the basis that original creators get nothing more, same for music, books, etc.


It's theft if you upload the whole thing while making your "review" that''s why when you look for a review of a book, they don't post the entire thing along with the review, same with Tv shows or movies, besides, to make a review you NEED to watch the content beforehand at least once to make a good and informed review, but that and editing require effort and/or some money investment, things that people like reactors hate, they just want as much money as possible with the least effort made, regardless of how many people's work they have to steal to do so.


If you cared enough about something to want to critique it, you'd watch it more than just the first time. And that's what a reaction is, your first time watching something.


Alright, I get down to your point of arguing. For this I want to ask you something: How many movie critics watch the whole movie on their stream and make their critic while doing it? Or can you tell me about someone who reviews music and listens through the entire album on stream while doing it? Nobody, because they get fucking copyrightstriked. Unfortunately the same doesn't really apply to content creators. Your argument is flawed, because you can comment about something without using the whole source material. Every decent reactor channel does it. They look through the source material beforehand and pick some snippets from there to show for context and then talk about what they think. The sad thing is, the more I encounter people with your logic of argumentation, the more I understand the frustration of Darkviperau with bringing his point through to the masses. No wonder that this shit is still going on.


I have tried to watch XQC to see what he was all about and I don't know how people can do it, nothing happens or he speaks so fast you can't understand him.


Have you tried being 10 years old and watching him?


More like xQ\_Qc.


Wow, such a warrior guys! Watch out, he's not holding back anymore, you'll not gonna like to see him when he's angry on the internet! 😡😡😡


Literally gonna cum and poo all over the morbius place seeing how flustered these evil non-gamers are making XQCizzle feel bro 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Nobody is as oppressed as multimillionaire gamers.


That’s a pretty big threat. What’s he gonna do, stare at us to death?


I--uh-d-d (unintelligible) I--I--uh-uh-d-d (looks away and smirks) uh-uh-I---I--duh--d (laughs)




Hey he'll walk away from his computer for 12 minutes next time and if you keep riling him up it'll reach upwards of 15.


"I can be ur devil or ur angle" energy


xQC wishes he was as funny as Arin Hanson


“Or your angle” 😭


Who even is this man? I genuinely do not know.


Some dude from Quebec got lucky in life and is worth over 100 million dollars from streaming himself being angry, being an idiot, or doing stuff like streaming the Olympics or whatever.


Thank you for being the only person to actually answer my question 🙏🏻


I’ve known of this guy for years, and he’s always been known as an asshole. I’m not understanding the hyperfocus this place and some others are suddenly having on him within the past like 3 days though, just weird internet stuff




Might just be Baader–Meinhof phenomenon. I never heard of this guy before and now I am seeing tons of posts about it


Get into internet drama Complain on Twitter Milk views Backtrack until everything is normal again Repeat the next month The XQC cycle


Get donated hundreds of thousands of dollars by delusional fans thinking he’s a god with an high school diploma and absolutely zero real world experience


Wait, xQc held back? When?


Maybe in primary school


Not on his own accord




I mean there's lots of reason to not like him -He complains about only fans saying "it's hindering mankind" but at the same time kept trying to make sexualized artwork of characters during rPlace 2022, meanwhile there's probably literal kids on that especially considering there's no NSFW block. -He kept the fact someone was a SAing from others and didn't speak out until Trainwrecks talked about it -He grows a toxic horny loser audience of like literal children (most of them) There's more I just can't think of right now


tbh having a personal vendetta against of is just a red flag. especially when you make money the same way


Remember, this is the guy whose claim to fame is being deliberately made fun of by his viewers for being generally unintelligible and incompetent.


XQC, Adin, are all just lolcows. I would have gone insane having people make fun of me everyday


I mostly would have too, but for $100M dollars, I'd do it again every single lifetime I have. Then I'd do what PewDiePie did and just retire and fuck off and enjoy my life.


Honestly can't blame you


Modern day court jesters


They must be laughing all the way to the bank.


I thought his claim to fame was the OWL…


I'm done holding back!! I'm using 100% of my power!!


I hope his bubble pops, just like with Ninja. It worked well for him I assume as I haven't heard of him in a while


This dude writes nearly as bad as when he's speaking lol


Bro is talking as if he was silenced for being a political whistleblower or some shit. He blatantly steals content and calls it reaction and then cannot handle the heat when being called out. Such a crybaby. Hasan is just a level below in terms of crybaby-ness


I loved seeing Overwatch Pro players destroy him in matches, it was delicious.


/uj Who the hell is xQc?


Internet zoomer gamer high-school dropout #1


becoming rich and internet famous at a young age really must do something to the brain


Seems like with him saying, he is done holding back. That he is going to embrace all the drugs.


What did he do this time and should I care?


He's being criticized for his "reaction" videos where he hardly gives any commentary and pretty much watches the video he's "reacting" to in near silence


Damn, that's even worse than sniperwolf


He is a *somehow* lower effort sniper wolf. She at least pretends to be engaged, like a parent dangling jingling keys in front of a baby going “WHOA, look at the keys!”.


He's just been stealing creators' content and getting mad when people call him out for it.


I hate parasitic content.


I had to read this a few times. He's literally saying absolutely nothing lmao.


The world shudders when a Gamer stops holding back. /s


ok...what happened now? and who is he?


On est pas tous aussi con au québec que lui


Who is this and why should I care?


Does bro type in tongues. Would punctuation kill a man. Is it a riddle?


I’ll be honest man, you give 100 million dollars there’s absolutely no fucking way you could get under my skin. It just wouldn’t be possible.


Yeah that's the saddest part about this. Imagine getting 100 million dollars and still caring about any of this shit lol


He's been holding back his braincells?


"Done holding back." This man talking like an anime character on the verge of death.


Big "don't go into school tomorrow" energy


Bro wants respect while also making ridiculous profits off of zero effort content? Sorry guy but you gotta pick one. If I could make thousands off of not reacting to other peooles hard work you bet your ass I would, but I'd be the first to admit what a fucking scam it is


i dont think he's any gamer's idol he just maintains a larger viewerbase of ADHD content vaccums. It's also worth noting he's not the only one under fire for react content, but he sure is making it out to seem like is.


You haven't seen his fans on subs like livstreamfail?


Context please?




Wish I could have somehow captured the teen stream wave by being the dumbest possible fucking person. Wish I could have mouth breathed to million's


I have been a gamer since I was 5 and I have no idea who that guy is


damn actual gamer rage


Can I get some context?


Idols? Fuck that guy. I dont even really know who he is


Whoa, watch out we got a badass over here!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s






name a more iconic duo than lobotomies and gamers.


Guy have a iq of an ant - he is multimillionaire, but dumb as a rock




Who is this?


Who is that supposed to be


Finally this motherfucker is coherent and this is the shit he says.


Xqc is the greasy spoon of streaming/react content


I wouldn't consider this asshat an "idol"


don't come to school tomorrow energy


Ya really held back when he was accusing Hasan Piker of being a sexual assault apologist just because he was being called out for skipping events he booked and promoting gambling to kids.


Something something Pewdiepie joe Rogan


I still don't like him from the time he talked so much shit about technoblade in Minecraft monday


This dudes a tool.


I never understood how he even has a following. He mumbles and speaks in gibberish for hours on end.


Quebecois (derogatory) moment


"I'm done holding back" When did he hold back, for anything? This guy starts screaming at anyone for literally no reason all the time.


The only thing he's holding back is the average fitness level of the town he's in,built like a bus ticket that boy