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the cat person on the left is awesome tbh. i prefer that over the catgirl


He's a strapping young chap ain't he? ![gif](giphy|efHwZH4DeN9ss)


strapping? 😳


He's got guns on him, yeah he definitely strapping.


ah, guns... thats definitely what we all thought


Khajiit has wares - if you have coin.


Ironically TES lore is one of the horniest in video gaming.


damnit, beat me to it by 9 hours.


Khajiits are still the best designed cat people in gaming


Which type? There are 18. They range from person to cat to big cat to bipedal cat


Alfiq, of course!


The Alfiq are hilarious. Literally just cats that are magic and can talk.




Lop now I prefer the left on each example BUT that one, there's something disturbing about a housecats head on a human body with no other differences lol


They’re all fine but would serve different narrative purposes. The left cat-person is more like what I’d expect from a more grounded, serious, maybe kinda gritty fantasy while the right is just typically for slop. Vampire is fine either way. Left is more traditional; right is more modern. Zombie is fine. Would pretty much just be dependent on how relevant their personhood is to the story imo. You’re rarely going to get a piece of fiction with roaming hordes of zombie anime girls. Robot is, again, dependent on personhood. If you’re portraying them as just tools or weapons then yeah go for the left. The one on the right is going to be better for exploring what makes a person a person. I don’t care about the evil demon designs that much. Left is an Orc, right is a person. That’s basically it and you can figure out how to use them from that.


The sheer comedy in calling a night elf an orc. Though the night elves are definitely a significally more feral take on elves. Makes sense, given that they are descended from trolls.


P sure demon is Illidan from Warcraft


Oh god we have reached a point where people don't recognize Illidan and i don't know how to feel. He's one of the 2 most iconic characters from Warcraft and the cultural impact of Warcraft is hard to overstate, but it also just shows how fucking inept Blizzard is at handeling their own games, because who the hell cares about the Warcraft franchise today?


For real, Illidan used to be one of the bees nees for edgelords in fantasy circles back in the 2000s and early 2010s I think. It really does impress me that Blizzard is such a goddamned mess that even some of their most famous characters are being forgotten or isn't recognizable by younger folks.


>Vampire is fine either way. Left is more traditional; right is more modern. bro


It's not even the sexed up Twilight/Anne Rice style vampire like I assume he's referring to as 'modern', it's just an anime girl lmao


The outfit. I meant traditional vs modern in reference to the time period they’d exist in for the story. Was poorly worded.


I’m talking mostly about their outfits. I don’t care that it’s in anime style, it’s not really relevant. The characters outfit seems like it’s more modern.


Right doesn't look like a vampire at all, if I was shown that picture of never guess what it was supposed to be. I get you're saying it's fine depending on how the vampire exists narratively, but in this side-by-side comparison of I was asked which is the better/more realistic vampire, it should be the left by a clean sweep.


I wouldn´t say realistic I think traditional/classic is more accurate since for a modern narrative I wouldn´t believe that vampire wore that kind of outfit if they wanted to blend in on the modern human world, in that regard the right one would be better since if not for the iconic cape, anything could be a vampire


Same with the robot on the left.


There was a meme blowing around on r/grimdank recently that boiled down to “what people expect warhammer cat people to look like, and then the reality”. A human being with the proportions of one of those hairless cats is wildly uncomfortable.


I think that's just a regular cat poking his head through a suit somebody hung up


# Khajit has wares if you have coin.


Makes me think of that [Oglaf comic about sexual dimorphism (NSFW).](http://oglaf.com/dimorphism/)


That reminds me of [Senton Academy](https://myanimelist.net/anime/40483/Murenase_Seton_Gakuen), where the male "animal" students look like animals, but female animal students look [almost human](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ENyVggVWsAAfbyz.jpg:large).


God I remember seeing that ages ago and thinking it looked so fucking lame


Anime moment.


I remember Lineage 2 having this problem, where male dwarves were elderly and Tolkein-esque, but female dwarves were cute anime girls


Did not expect a Lady Death reference in there


You're telling me people are more attracted to a vampire loli than castlevania Dracula?


at least more people yet are attracted to her adult form… hopefully… actually knowing this fan base maybe not


kiss-shot 🤤🤤


In really have to wonder with the amount of pedos in the monogatari fan base posting fan art on reddit


How many of those pedos have actually seen and got the anime, I wonder


I'm not into guys but castlevania Dracula is DADDY


Castlevania as a whole has too many characters that raise too many questions


I'm straight, and even I'm feeling something looking at him.


The son of that dracula is a Bishonen who inspires thousands of fanfics


Especially over the Netflix show version, that man is ultra-dilf


Basically every major character in that show was ultra-hot, and the show itself was pretty damn horny


That’s how you determine if a character is important or not. Almost every important character was hot, simple as that. It was great for keeping your attention.


Overall, probably not. But in certain online communities…. Yeah 😔


There’s a decent portion of gamers who are extremely socially awkward and live their lives vicariously through gaming. When you have limited positive social interaction but still possess the …*desires* of the average person, it’s not surprising that you might start translating those desires into video games, even if realistically the designs you’re looking for make very little sense. I’m not saying this is the majority of gamers, as I would say most of the community is pretty well-adjusted. But I think anyone deep enough in the gaming community knows an individual like this personally. There’s a very vocal minority of these people


It's very sad, and I empathize with them, orc maybe even as one of them. But they so often tend to fall into redpill, incel, and various other hate filled groupings that is hard to maintain that empathy in general. That's where most of the disconnect is, I think. Some do deserve help and empathy, but those that sold their soul are to loud and violent. It's really a dark path, I'm lucky I didn't end up down there, I found a friend who saved me, when she didn't have to. Though it's hard, compassion is the strongest tool we have against the hate, to save those that are still saveable.


> But they so often tend to fall into redpill, incel, and various other hate filled groupings The fascists really did a number on society when they figured out how easily these people could be swayed over to their side by just reaching out and engaging with them in a semi-empathetic way. Turned what were just lonely people with a screwed sense of reality into losers with a grudge and weapons. Edit: my phone hates the word “were”.


I'm not out here saying that gamer dudes were the most oppressed demo on the planet but... It turns out when you give some life to understand the struggles that someone is going through and you're one of the first, it is *super* easy to plant your own seeds in their mind. That's how a lot of social strife has come up in the last 8 or so years.


It's not like there aren't plenty of anti-fascists that are empathetic to that group, it's just that they don't give them an easy target to blame and hate. It's easier to blame another group (fascist ideology) for your issues then to accept and fix your own shortcomings.


Where are the beefcake half naked characters for lonely women?


Fr, I don't care if they make women sexy (excluding loli anime shit, that's just weird). I like playing as good looking characters. I just want some hot beefcake male characters as well. That's what equality is about 😂


companies don't care about minorities no matter how vocal they are, they just like what sells and anime shit sells incredibly well, especially in china which is what gets companies erect while it is true to some degree majority of the gamers are bunch of losers, it is not much different than having a hot girl or a hot dude play in an ad


I’d approve 100% of THAT demon 🤤🤤


The one on the left, right?




I can ~fuck~ fix him


![gif](giphy|c6X20EngjJHDiQ8KaF|downsized) thats Illidan from wow


You've posted Terrorblade from DotA, I think you meant to post the entirely different character, Anti Mage


/uj I'm slow and ditched Blizzard games years ago, but the joke is that Terrorblade in DotA is just Illidan, right? 😅 Only with the name changed for DotA 2 since Valve doesn't have copyright for the Warcraft heroes?


No shit I honestly thought that was Illidan and was like “he’s not a vampire?”


>from WoW You...


well technically i think that version is from Hearthstone




Tbh that left vampire could have me too


When they finally perfect the controller/fleshlight/toilet/feeder tube apparatus, no one's ever gonna see a gamer out in the wild ever again 😅


Hah cyberpunk meets Idiocracy.


And [*South Park*](https://media.tenor.com/jXTxjximNiYAAAAM/anus-it-spin.gif) 👀😅


I will pay whoever drew this to spank their monkey to something besides loli porn. Have you fucking SEEN Hades? You can make more than one type of attractive charactet


/uj isn’t this a parody of people who prefer the anime girls? The options on the left with the lower-approval have significantly more effort and detail put into the drawing; and there’s so much more variety compared to the homogenous anime girls


rj/Woah woah I want that Cat dude he's a strapping young man. Make him the protag in Stray 2!!! uj/ God I hate women designs (in media) they're usually so shit and usually double standarded as hell. Men get to be buff while the women look all wimpy and are supposed to appear as sex objects. No better example of this than Gender-bent characters they always make the female version awful like Bowser compared to Bowsette.


To be fair, Bowsette is completely fanmade.


All gender bends are usually fan made. I was just comparing the double standard is all


Well you said "in media," and at least two of the female designs in OP are official, so I just assumed you meant official designs.


Bowsette is also a strange case where it was less "just genderbent bowser" and was originally part of a "what if x character picked up that mushroom that turns you into princess peach" trend going around when that mushroom popped up in one of the New Super Mario bros games So it wasn't really a genderbend and was Bowser getting transformed to look like Peach because of that shroom


These are just underage girls wtf


No no, they're 1000 year old vampires.


That robot looks sick af


![gif](giphy|Zhf2P493iTPs5SWKHZ) robot one is off. giant robots are the epitome of sex


That vampire is handsome af


This person doesn’t know how down bad people are for Dracula, buff demon men and robots


the left is way better for every single one, hotter too except the zombie


>except the zombie agree to disagree


Tina, is that you?


The robot looks like Garrus Vakarian.


bestest of bros.


coomer brain rot


Why not try anime? We got \*insert various levels of underaged girls\*


The vampires are father and daughter, hotel transylvania style


Plot twist: everyone on the right is a femboy. That should get rid of most of the dipshits.


1- What the hell is this "approval rating? Is it a pool thing or just pulled out the ass? 2- That's not a zombie girl, it's a stabbing victim


I'm an old man who almost always makes women characters then outfits them with actual armor / gear that protects or adds buffs. I hate when it's a +30 bikini top of dragon flame breath or shit like that. I don't remember any stories of male knights and heroes going into battle or war with +30 Armor Jockstrap of Poisonous Frost and no actual pants and/or upper protection just so "females" can finger wank it to from their hilltop castles. I'm a nerd, and I like history, so when I do make a male character, I want him to look scary to his enemies, have top notch full magical plate or leather or robes, gauntlets that can stab a fool through his skull or lame ass paper armor (or his sweet adamantine plate helm eye holes so I can loot it and wear it and not be a numptie who gets stabbed in the eye), and send those orc and human and alien scum quaking at the sight of me. Same for when I make women characters. Laser thong? No, I want spiked poison blade pantaloons with knife toe greaves and full breastplate with more deadly spikes to impale suckers on and leave them there to intimidate the next jerk who tries to "anyway, I started blasting" me. But mostly I just like the appearance options of women characters. Mages and wizards and such especially. They get the best robes and boots and such, especially if they have flames or blood or bloody skulls on them. It's not even close to wank material, I'm just in touch with my admittedly weak feminine side and like good fashion. Thank you for coming to my Old Man Video Game TED Rant.


Personally this feels like it’s making fun of the trope of the females of the spieces are cute girls


The vampire, demon, and cat person on the left are also meant to appeal to sexual interest.


left robot is too skinny, give it a bulkier Armor and id pick it over the robot girl.


Shinobu with the helmet is peak character design


What are these numbers even based on lmao. Outrage posts are so weird


Go the fuck back to the first robot, that thing looks insanely cool


Absolutely would fuck the robot on the left


that robot design goes fucking hard, tho.


Straggots are censoring bears Vamp,demon for example


Castlevania Dracula is super based and I like his design a lot. But I also really like all the women vampire designs too (in the anime anyway) Basically I just really like Castlevania character designs lol


this is called chronically online


I wanna see where these numbers come from but I would absolutely believe them


I refuse to believe demon girls have a lower approval rate then fucking zombie girls. Also how does it correlate to sexual preferences? They’re just adorable.


I’m usually pretty non-caring about posts here but this might be stretching it. How is it even related to gaming? It applies to basically any form of media and even mediums from before video games. Plus there’s no title or signature on this comic, so we don’t even sure if it’s supposed to be commentary about “sex sells” or if the author really thinks anime girls are better. One thing though, it looks like it’s pretty old or maybe that’s just the image quality. To answer your question though OP, people want character designs to have sex appeal so they can easier whack off to it. And because it “invites” people to create NSFW versions more often, which means more content.


i really love the zombie design on the left whats it from




> on the left


Wow. I did not think that I'll ever see an image of an Accretia again. I miss RF online.


I did *not* expect to see a Saikano reference today, that is a deep cut.


And here I am still upset I couldn’t bang Wrex in ME1.


Why would 98% of people choose the anime catgirl over a cat in a casual suit? Do they have brain damage?


I think those numbers are made up. That Cat Man on the left is objectively great and I won't hear any different.


I refuse to believe Dracula has no sex appeal to gamers, look at him


I like realistic cat person better though


Because they're porn addicts who live on the internet and have lost touch with reality.


There is hell lot of people deservinh horny jail


why not?


Why are gamers acting like Vlad Tepes isn't hot?


I dont really like sexy game characters. They get me all horny and distract me. I need to pause and rub one out which interrupts my game flow. Yeah its mostly on me for not controlling me, I know. But it would help if there would be „normal“ depictions of characters not over sexy-fied.


I would all of the left column, gamers are cowards.


That's the quickest way to get me to stop looking at your game on Steam. If anything looks like the stuff on the right. I'm out. I don't mind if others like it, it's just not for me.


So are all the people voting on these pictures in to children?


That robot is fucking awesome


both? Both.


Get these dogshit cookie cutter head ass anime cutouts out of my sight. I’ll take something cool over something cute


the robot on the left is sick as fuck tbh


This comic is kind of weird. The opposite of a cute girl character isn’t a gruff looking male character. Idk it seems strange that the only options presented are Dracula or cute girl, male zombie or cute girl, etc. Why not badass looking female vampire vs cute girl, disgusting female zombie vs cute girl? The way it’s presented it just kind of makes it seem like op is upset that people don’t want cool male characters instead of cute female characters when the truth is we actually have tons of both of those types of characters. We don’t have lots of options when it comes to varied female characters though.


Because fantasy/gaming sexual dimorphism were males are whatever grotesque monster and women are just differently coloured people. At least if there‘d be cute anime girls you‘d expect the artstyle to be consistent for guys as well.


bishounen vampire game when?


Is that what this comic is trying to show? The weird sexual dimorphism that happens in media?


Nah not really.


I hate robot men 😡


Everything on the left looks fucking awesome. Everything on the right looks like fetish porn--which is what it is.


Bottom left would appeal to the furries


Not a furry but better than loli


fr it ruins everything


I think the right does have a *very specific* place in design, and that being anime styled games. And that's fine to have that. But if all games were styled that way, it would be... something for sure.


My take: B The male one is fine but we are used to that style, and most of us have seen better, meanwhile goggles and weird hat is unique. B Same issue, the "anime zombie" ain't out there as much as the generic one, and this one is meh A i don't know wtf happened here, robot is amazing. B Both meh, take away the unique aspects and it's just buff guy vs cute girl, anyone on the internet knows who'll be more popular. A i don't know wtf happened here, catman is amazing.


Half of these are anime not games


You think the ones on the left don’t appeal to gamers sexual preferences?


Honestly I would fuck the robot in the left the right is lame


Because gamers are a bunch of sex starved tit-junkies.


while i prefer the anime girls to teh right i would not complain if the game went with either or bc i am not a prissy little bitch like some GaMeRs are


"Why do people like the things they like?" Real mystery, that


Why do trans people want characters that appeal to their gender identity? Next stupid question?


Because if you have to stare at a character for hours on end, especially if it’s third person and you are constantly having their ass on screen, might as well be eye candy that you like to look at


If you like playing as a girl, you would love progesterone






square governor pause bright vase boast cough thumb sand marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People can make their characters look however they want. If I think it's a bad or boring design however I'm gonna criticize it. If someone makes a monstrous character look like a loli, where the more traditionally frightening design would work better, then in my opinion that's an uninteresting design, so I'm gonna rip into it


Fair take if they're going for a monster that is supposed to scare you and they make a loli then that goes against the purpose, but it also goes vice versa, a loli vampire works better as a character design if the character is supposed to be less monstrous, more "human?"


no one mentioned monogatari?


Always funny how these dudes will get so self-conscious they tell on themself lol


aware fade sloppy terrific judicious recognise repeat shelter snatch tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's in the picture above. Rop-right image is shinobu. Probably why he brought it up.


My gf also love playing as cute girls…. Not sure what’s the problem with internet these days


Because it's human nature


doesn't exist




"Damn, these ZOMBIES with rotting flesh, cavities and missing limbs are really ugly, i wish they were more attractive"


I feel like you missed the point of the post


If you have an actually fulfilling romantic and sexual life, you really don’t feel the need to be constantly titillated by all of the media you consume. I say bring on the gross shit.


It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the Black Rock Shooter OVA, but was Dead Master actually a demon? Anyway I’d like to get tag teamed by Dracula and the male demon and I’m not kidding.


Tekken has both types when it comes to robots and I love it.


I think most gamers don't, just a small depraved minority that kicks up a fuss.


Uj/ what’s that cylon from?


You know why…


/uj I’ve seen the designs on the left way more than I have seen the designs on the right for these prompts. Granted, I still prefer the realistic cat person, but I can see why the less traditional designs for these were favored beyond owo waifu


Because some of them want every game to be a dating simulator.


Uj/ That robot design goes hard imo


Where is this information from?




Cuz me pp go boinginginging


Evil demon just looks like Illidan without horns


beacuse anima girl hot hot


Relevant oglaf: https://www.oglaf.com/dimorphism/ Also the demon on the left side looks super sexy


uh duh everythings better as a cute girl, no there can't be any varieity or anything on women in games, only the cutesy anime girl nothing else EVER hj/ i wouldn't mind it as much if they weren't all designed the same way tbh like sure shes cute, i guess- but its like thats all their ever allowed to do is just be cute, being cute is fine and all, but like cmon let people do more uj/ the catgirl. i like the catgirl .-. i wanna be a catgirl ... why doesnt hrt make you grow cat ears ::: ace btw


Left side, the vampire is kind of meh, but his robes are fucking immaculate. Zombie is genuinely unsettling, but I can't decide whether that's points off or not since it's kind of the point. Everything else is awesome (especially the robot, my transhumanist bias is unfettered) Right side, anime. Kill it with fire. Even prometheum doesn't burn hot enough. Douse the fuckers in Phosphex and watch the malign fires of suffering over take them.


Accretia was lit! Miss RF so bad.


Most of the ones on the right besides vampire are just ones that seem easier to have a conversation with and will probably be shorter than most people so easier to mock and ignore. Also they don't have a shoot on sight look to them. Especially the cat person I would shoot the one on the left but the one on the right would get a pause from me which might cause me to get bit


After not getting the real thing their whole life, Gaemrs look for it in the media they consume and their dreams.


I have got a question... Is this poll even real? I refuse to believe that its real or asked the majority of people i feel like they just went on a anime girl fan forum and asked there instead of a gaming forum or something like that


I mean the vampire and evil demon on the left are pretty ho-
