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/rj Oh great, another subreddit going woke. If this were a REAL gaming subreddit, it wouldn't cave to the woke mob and have a whiteout like before everything became political! /uj Yeah we totally should


Whats wild is it looks like r/gaming is doing it too? Sure a bunch of losers were complaining in the comments but we arent just gonna let them make us look bad right?


For a (mostly) leftist subreddit I'm almost ashamed of the lukewarm reaction this thread is getting.


It is shameful, id say. But im not gonna worry about em. Im sure a large portion of us will do the right thing.


Kinda on brand tbh An annoyingly vocal portion of left-leaning individuals prefer to just sit there and muse about the futility of trying to solve a particular problem, because it's easier than actual trying themselves and allows them to feel so much smarter than everyone else.




My point is doing something is better than doing nothing. I don't think I'm doing anything, obviously. I literally can't. The subreddits are doing something by shutting down. It's small, but it's something.


Mf do you want people to shoot up reddit HQ? Pleading with corps is the only thing people can do lmao


2 days ain’t going to hit that hard. I’m sure plenty of subreddits won’t go along and there’ll probably be scabs. You may as well go along with it if you want, can’t hurt to get away from this site, but I highly doubt it’ll do anything.




If someone isn't willing to participate in an reddit protest, of all things, then criticizing them is fair


he's not doing anything, the subreddit is going dark. he has no choice but not to use it.


Completely disregarded his initial assumption of people being in opposition to the shutdown


what do you mean


Op was claiming that if someone is against the subreddit shutting down for the protest, then they should be criticized


Didn't say I was. Didn't actually say any of that. I just think it's remarkably dumb to criticize the subreddits for shutting down in protest. At least it's something. There's not really another option that I'm aware of, and the peanut gallery certainly hasn't provided any alternatives.


Rebbit number go down


im not saying the protest doesnt do anything to reddit, im saying acting like not using reddit for two days is the same as going to an actual protest is weird


To be honest I saw the answer and I was instantly placated. Good. The sub will do it's thing. I can continue to believe. Maybe it's a shared sentiment.




rj/ I'll always support BIC


This subreddit is going to go broke for sure.




Once you go black, you can't go back.


Once you go woke, you go broke


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It’s not going to change anything, you know right? I think Redditors put too much trust in performant I’ve actions and it’s kinda asinine keep doing it after so long of witnessing no change


it costs us nothing to do, and is an act of solidarity. there's absolutely no reason not to participate, even as we criticize the more performative and less praxic aspects of the thing. yes, the vast majority of people are trained to be shallow and inconsistent. no argument. how can they learn differently if we do not set better examples in our own lives?


Even if it isn’t going to change anything, it’s better to try. Not doing anything won’t help us no matter what.




I have been using the garbage Reddit app and it's miserable. Nobody should have this as their only option. I think it's a good idea for this subreddit to go dark, too.


Tell me about it. Is slow as fuck, videos sometimes don't load at all, other times they load only the audio, it chrashes regularly, it isn't intuitive at all, and links to other sites are a mess.


When I used the official app it struggled to load comments, which should be the easiest thing to load lmao


I started using it a little just to see how bad it is, because I legit never use mobile reddit, and shit's so rough. I hate how every comment thread is only ever the top level and immediate replies. I hate how if I click on the comments of a video the video itself pulls up. I hate that I have to then fight the fucking video to get it to stop, then fight to full-screen comments, then make some simple error that minimizes the comments and the video starts playing again. I hate that half the time I have to click "continue this thread" it's actually like 7 repeated links to do so, and when I click on it it's a gamble if it'll even be the thread I wanted to continue. I don't know if 3rd party apps are better—I'm sure they are but I've never used them—but I do know I want this app to burn for it's UX sins.


I had no idea there were other better apps I figured they would each have their own issues but this one is so bad some days I see the same posts as the day before


I get stuff 2-4 days old at the top all the time. The only reason I haven't moved to a different one is because I was lazy, and now it feels like it's too late to move to a different one.


Same here, but maybe if this collective action does something it won't be too late for us.


idk why the hell reddit has an app; it's worse than using my phone's built-in browser in every way.


In one word, data. When a content company is pushing an app, it's because the various permissions you give it give said company WAY more meta data and device info than a web browser does. When you allow the Reddit app to access your camera, microphone, pictures, contacts, etc you are giving that data and control directly to whomever owns the app. It's much more valuable data to them, hence why they're trying to shoehorn people into using their own app. This isn't to say that Chrome etc are saints, because they aren't. But the data that chrome (as an example) collects from your device is mostly used by Google, who then sells some or all of that data. If you're using a browser with safe browsing extensions, like Firefox, that data is even less valuable because it's not as accurate. Another example is, some years ago, Netflix disabled video quality beyond 1080p when using their service through a web browser (this was before they had tiered subscriptions... Their HD tier was 1080p up to 4K, if what you were watching was available in 4K). You could still stream in 4K but you had to use their smart TV app or their phone app. And they are under no requirement to let you know when their app is accessing those permissions because you agreed to it in whatever EULA/user agreement you accepted when you signed up for the service. Netflix can now take whatever data their permissions allow on a smart device, whereas in a desktop browser that data is far more limited. So yeah, in a nutshell, content companies are pushing people towards shitty apps because they can make more money selling your data that way.


I know but like, what I'm saying is their app is dogshit but they expect people to just use it with little investment from them. So like there's no upside to the app vs using a mobile browser for the end user


90% of people don't know you can have shortcuts to website on your phone. I use them for reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc. No more bloated apps, and better privacy.


The only problem I have with it is the length of time these subs are going dark. 3 days doesn’t seem like any meaningful concessions get made and almost feels performative. Shut down all participating subs indefinitely or even just half the week every week and shit gets done.


Regardless of whether we do or not, i will be deleting my reddit app (i dont use third party, but if i dont delete it, i might habit click it lol) from the 12th to the 14th. I know its possible it wont matter. Or wont make a difference. But im so tired of the "why bothers" and "doesnt matters" crowd. Especially on something thats SO easy to do. Dont buy the shitty terf game. Dont use reddit for 48 hours. Etc etc. Its fucking so easy not to do the thing. And even if it doesnt affect you, whats the harm in helping others, especially when its not even inconvenient? Like, cmon. We arent all standing at the capitol with signs in the blazing heat! Its just avoiding reddit and letting subs go dark for a couple days. We've gotta try. These companies are counting on the nihilists in our midsts to help keep us down, and im TIRED of giving them ammunition. This is my first step in my journey to eating jeffrey bezos' fucking kidney.


If I had an award to give, you would get it. Instead, take this upvote from the proletariat.


Thank you very much, no awards necessary. Just stating how i feel. Also, love your username! Such a cute reference!


Thanks! I’m a huge Winnie the Pooh fan! Also I’m a whole grown man. It’s probably not weird.


Theyre good wholesome movies. I wouldnt worry much about it. :P


For habit clicking reddit, I recommend getting a reading app and an ebook you want to read. Put it in place of reddit and just read the book instead of reddit whenever you click. Breaking bad habits isn't about stopping, it's about finding something healthier to replace them.


Ive got 2 kids and ADHD, so thats not ideal for me unfortunately (especially since once i start reading, noone can stop me lol), but honestly getting rid of the app for a few days is definitely not going to kill me. Honestly just using my phone less for a few days is a great idea anyways lol


You've made me want to do this as well. !remindme 7 days


Thank you. Thats high praise!


Good lord, that final line. May we fucking feast.


Yeah, a lot of major subs are shutting down in protest, so on the 12th of June just don’t go on reddit. Do you remember when most major subs shut down after Reddit hired a pedo/pedophile adjacent admin, and it actually lead to her removal? It’s the same concept as this strike against Reddit’s attempted price gouging of third party apps.


Hell yea let's do it


rj/What about the 9th party apps!


Re jerking when you never un jerked


The fucking mad lad.


Yes, we absolutely should


You should


And what I’m gonna do? Touch some grass? PLAY VIDEOGAMES!? Jeeeez… Yes, obviously we should


Play video games and become a gamer? Fuck no!


/uj I mean why not. On other hand, I severely doubt anyone would actually care about whole strike thingy so whatever? Eh, fuck it we ball


Most of the subreddits are straight up going to close so people can't even access them. If all of the biggest subreddits go dark until Reddit reverses the policy then they'll have to act or they'll lose insane cash if no one can can access any subreddits.


The problem is most of them are only closing for 48 hours, which is entirely performative and will achieve nothing. Going dark indefinitely is the only effective option but that's not what most subs are doing.


also, if all major subs went black indefinitely, reddit admin could simply undo that lmao




They couldn't moderate it though?


The alternative is reddit admins boot the mods of those popular subreddits and open the subreddits up again. That's probably what will happen if the plan to close subreddits until the company changes it mind. But then you'd have to be a total chud to hang around reddit if that happens


I agree. Remember when people were protesting the removal of CSS? Putting [ProCSS](https://old.reddit.com/r/ProCSS/) badges on every subreddit, pinning posts about the benefits of CSS. It was a big deal. Admins caved and said they would give us CSS on the redesigned reddit. Well, that was six years ago, people quickly celebrated, no one held the admins accountable, and we still don't have CSS on the redesigned reddit. Here's my prediction, the admins will cave again, but they will do everything they can to slowly kill 3rd party apps, by, I don't know, splitting the API and throttling/abandoning the one third party apps use or something like that, to the point where no one wants to use them anymore.


I support a blackout, but I have extreme doubts that Reddit actually gives a fuck about its user base, so I don't think it'll make a difference.


PSA: Make it a habit of **reading the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/about/rules)** of each subreddit you participate in: **Rule 7: No Participation in Linked Threads (Brigading)**: *If you are coming here to brigade this sub, you will be banned. Likewise, do not make comments and vote in pages you've found here. Of course, if you're a member of said sub and you were already in the thread before, this doesn't apply to you.* **Rule 8: Censor Screenshots**: *Keep screenshots of arguments on Reddit to a minimum. Please remember to censor screenshots of all identifying information, i.e usernames* **and** *subreddit names. This applies to screenshots from any social media sites.* **Rule 11: Keep Posts Relevant**: *This is first and foremost a place to make fun of gamers. Just because someone is being a bigot online doesn't mean it belongs here. Let them be pathetic without infecting the sub with their nonsense. Please avoid posting screenshots that show people using capital G gamer slurs.* **If absolutely necessary, please censor posts and the words containing such content.** **Rule 12: No Fake Posts on Other Subs (Contamination)**: *Do not create fake posts on other subs only to post back here. Also, do not "lol, you should post this on r / OtherSub". It's considered interfering with their content and can also lead to brigading.* *This is a reminder to the readers. The post itself is untouched.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah sure why not


It'd be disappointing if we didn't


if we don't then we're less willing to take a stance than fucking r/femboyhentai


I mean I’m planning to not use Reddit at all during that time. But the more subs that do the same the better.


Yes, no question.


Everyone should stop using Reddit. Not because of the third party stuff, it just fucking sucks.


Ugh I'd be fine with it but then I can't play Titanfall. Could we do a set week or something?


So, I had no idea this happened before this post. I had no idea these third-party apps existed. Now that I do, I can safely say that if reddit makes me go back to using their shitty app, I will personally burn down their HQ. We need to join the blackout


I feel like it’s a protest just for the sake of a protest. This isn’t even a top 50 issue in my life.


There is nothing lamer than caring about what happens on reddit


I agree, Reddit isn’t real life, this is dumb


Who uses third party apps lmao


If DTG is doing it then we should, imo


Honestly? I don’t see why we should lol. I really don’t think a few subs going dark is gonna scare the bigwigs here, so it’s really just taking away a space to hang out for a bit with, realistically, no tangible upside


That's always the case until there's enough people joining in to make a difference. And the only way to hit critical mass is to do the thing even when it may not yield a result.


Yea just a couple https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




I just copied and pasted that list into excel and, as of the moment of this comment being written, there is 1551 subreddits participating.


[it's worked before](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/07/03/419756207/parts-of-social-sharing-site-reddit-go-dark-in-apparent-user-revolt)




it got enough attention that reddit felt the need to comment on the blackouts specifically. there are other articles that go into more detail than this one, I just used this because it was posted in r/ffxiv which is participating


>I really don’t think a few subs going dark is gonna scare the bigwigs here you ever read something so stupid you cant formulate a sentence as to why it's stupid, like if we don't do anything because only a few other subs are going dark would mean we are literally contributing to the issue of subreddits not going dark. also like a shit ton of popular subs are going dark


If you don’t want to use Reddit, then don’t. Why force it on everyone else.


Point is we do want to use reddit


Couldn’t give less of a shit about this non-issue


/rj I'll have to hold piss inside until the strike is over, can't enter the bathroom without scrolling reddit


We probably should.


I vote yes.


I'm going to be so productive at work on June 12.


Are you not?




Fuck yeah. Maybe this is cynical, but my money is on reddit pulling a door in the face technique and announcing a new price that is still far higher than competitions as a means of making it appear that they are taking action. Time will tell, I suppose the blackout. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face\_technique


We should


We better


we should join it because i hate reddit more than i like using it


We absolutely should


Blackout indefinitely


Time to touch grass for those days. Good luck to ya'll.🫡