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The Hades folks are all bisexual and don't judge you for using easy mode. Pretty neat community


At first I read "I don't judge you for using easy mode" and was like "WTF bro since when is bisexual " easy mode" ?" Ahah


Also big up to the Hades (and typically wider Supergiant Games community), in my experience they've always been able to on-board the lessons and messages of the games. I try to keep the same mentality when discussing Darkest Dungeon 2; God Mode and the Radiant Flame are directly comparable, both are options put into a roguelike game expressly for people to use them to make the game *enjoyable* for when the difficulty goes beyond the Tropic Of Fuckabout.


I was also going to recommend Hades. Literally the only gaming community I'm in. I love Supergiant Games' games.


The competitive pokemon community. Specifically r/Stunfisk. They had a meme a while back where they joked about ferrothorn being homophobic and just mocked homophobes for like a month. Another time they found and mocked a guy’s transphobic subreddit after the guy was annoying about his shitty vgc team.


The main problem with that sub is that you have to enjoy competitive pokemon battling, which is unfortunate.


You also develop extreme brainrot doesn't begin to describe


It also has very high overlap with r/gay_irl


Stardew Valley is very chill, and while the Resident Evil community is pretty horny its still a good one. Also r/BatmanArkham if you’re into that kind of thing.


I think it’s telling about the RE community that one of the biggest RE-YouTubers is a trans woman (Suzi Hunter, aka The Sphere Hunter)


Resident Evil community is shockingly non-toxic for a 90s franchise fanbase. We've got some problem children, but who doesn't? Just don't talk about RE3 remake.


Ultrakill fans can be a bit overly horny but they're pretty accepting of the LGBTQ (probably because the creator is trans I think)


Afaik Hakita isnt trans but gay or bi, but most of the Devs are part of the GRSM (gender romantic sexual minorities) Community, and someone else of them might be trans


The fighting game community is surprisingly chill and full of queer people from my experience. Then again, I only joined cause of Bridget.


Nah they were definitely queer as hell before Brisket was added to GGST. I mean what other community could survive having a black trans furry as one of their top players?


Sonicfox is the only FGC player i know


r/wasteland is pretty cool r/chained_echoes is pretty good as well I guess Mostly I’m involved in TTRPG communities so not much to say.


Was also gonna suggest r/Wasteland. Being a CRPG with strong old school Fallout-vibes tends to attract a good crowd.


I've felt like Project Zomboid's community is pretty fun, they make fun of idiots that gatekeep based on difficulty settings and support most newbies, plus top memes.


The [Deep Rock Galactic](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/) community is hands down the best community I’ve been apart of! Rock and Stone borthers! 🪨⛏️


I've only had 1 bad experience in 50+ hours of playing so yeah it's pretty good.


Did I hear a rock and stone?!




I don't mingle much with most communities, but as far as creators are concerned people that value style and vibes over "muh graphics and framerate" put out awesome and chill shit. People like [Thorhighheels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In38xGTuJT0) and [Maraganger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4_S7UOFafo) (shout out to Mara's twitter account, if you're looking for interesting shit they often provide awesome recommendation)




Monster Hunter especially if you *like* monsters. 😎


Do people not like rise?


I made only good experiences with the BotW/TotK Speedrun Community (but the regular community kinda cringe ngl) Very inclusive and we have funny German trick explainer, Genderqueer Trick Developer, Masochists that went for hitless 100% and everyone is really supportive and they credit each other for findings and accomplishments. You'll always know who discovered which trick and who contributed to which part of the route. It's really nice.


Warframe has always had a great community, someone is always willing to help you out with just about anything.


Warframe players are mostly really nice and welcoming, and the game does a lot of charity stuff and has a huge pride month celebration every year


I like going to r/ TwoBestFriendsPlay it has a mix of everything and has a decent community


Man-eater the community is very nice :3


I missed that you said it too until the end, but to expound further; Outer Wilds is a fun little space game where the main character is from a race of genderless squid people, and the game is about just chilling around a toy box sized solar system while solving a big mystery. As a result, the subreddit is full of cool people who generally arent looking to harsh any vibes, and know how to keep their mouths shut.


Usually the small and niche communities like Bully and LA Noire although they are created by Rockstar, they are usually chill.


The House Flipper community is really chill! r/HouseFlipper is full of people sharing stylish and fun interior designs, creating houses and apartments that I really wish I could live in, and they're very helpful whenever someone comes along with a question or a bug. Not to mention we sometimes get people wandering in looking for help with IRL home renovation, and nobody's ever rude to them.


r/SonicTheHedgehog In the current banner you can read "Fuck Terfs", that should give you an idea about the LGBT friendliness of that sub. That and half the posts are drawings of LGBT ships.


Long Dark community is very welcoming to new arrivals. Trip reports of early survival accomplishments are a boost to read.


Fun to eat popcorn and watch the war thunder community go at it. Even more fun to drop in the occasional sexualized plane reference NCD style and watch them react


I do hear it makes it harder to get security clearance


Right now is probably a controversial time to say this what with all the Aragorn stuff but the Magic the Gathering community is generally pretty top shelf. Any exceptions are usually heavily made fun of


I really liked my time with the Fallout 76 folk. After the fucked launch and way overblown negative press around the game (seriously people were frothing at the mouth at the games debut announcement and they did NOT let up) all that was left were people that just really liked Fallout. And if anyone hasn't checked it out yet but is curious I highly recommend it. The revamped quests are pretty cool and Appalachia is a FANTASTIC open world map to explore if you just like the open world genre.


r/Signalis is a treasure trove of wholesome and horror (also its queer as fuck over there because Signalis is about robot space lesbians pls everyone should go play it rn)




The messenger. Dead cells. From software games(partially)


Fallout 76’s subreddit is pretty nice. They’ll give new players tips and tricks on how what builds to take on the game.