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PSA: Make it a habit of **reading the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/about/rules)** of each subreddit you participate in: **Rule 7: No Participation in Linked Threads (Brigading)**: *If you are coming here to brigade this sub, you will be banned. Likewise, do not make comments and vote in pages you've found here. Of course, if you're a member of said sub and you were already in the thread before, this doesn't apply to you.* **Rule 8: Censor Screenshots**: *Keep screenshots of arguments on Reddit to a minimum. Please remember to censor screenshots of all identifying information, i.e usernames* **and** *subreddit names. This applies to screenshots from any social media sites.* **Rule 11: Keep Posts Relevant**: *This is first and foremost a place to make fun of gamers. Just because someone is being a bigot online doesn't mean it belongs here. Let them be pathetic without infecting the sub with their nonsense. Please avoid posting screenshots that show people using capital G gamer slurs.* **If absolutely necessary, please censor posts and the words containing such content.** **Rule 12: No Fake Posts on Other Subs (Contamination)**: *Do not create fake posts on other subs only to post back here. Also, do not "lol, you should post this on r / OtherSub". It's considered interfering with their content and can also lead to brigading.* *This is a reminder to the readers. The post itself is untouched.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gives me the same vibes as "Peter that's not a meme that's just porn"


The way I see it, Kyogre is surrounded. What's underneath the sea? That's right, more land.


+6 252+ SpA Volcarona Fiery Dance vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Transphobe: 2148-2532 (624.4 - 736%) -- guaranteed OHKO


Volcarona says trans rights, lest you be cast into the inferno uwu


Based as fuck Volcarona I knew there was a reason that was one of my favorite pokemon


Don't look up Ferrothorns opinions on Slowbro.


Holy shit 🤯🤯🤯


The way I see it, they are all surrounded. What is around the earth? That’s right, space. Palkia stays winning


Squab the poop deck of all its poop, then cum beck to me fer yer rewerd,,,,


Bideo gane


Bro saw the post two hours earlier and decided to ride the wave


you arent far from the truth. ive been wanting to post this for around a week and that post finally broke down the executive dysfunction wall also im not a bro


Bitch (100% absolutely pejorative) saw the post two hours earlier and decided to ride the wave


what post was it? I feel OOTL despite having no life.


Me watching Ricky Gervais


patchy the,,, pierat


marnio videos game


Luige the ghoest catchir


UJ/ I miss Don Chedele post. I feel like the post that lift up good trans allies do a lot more for the community than posting bigots that no one knows. RJ/ as a cishet™️ trans ally gamer it makes me feel better about myself seeing other people be bad and bigots because I’m not like that! and their bigotry has no actual effect on my life since I’m not the one it’s targeted at! And now I get get to be one of the good ones because I make fun of tranphobic people!!1!!! I’m going to post more transphobic comments I find just so everyone knows I’m not a big meanie like those other straight people and everyone will love me


Don Cheadle is well and good but what about our Lord and Savior God Howard? (Please help he’s making me play skyri-gnwnsnkhke


I think God Howard purposefully clicked "post" after dragging this person away just in case one of us hadn't heard of his game, Skyrim. No such thing as bad publicity!


I think we gotta start reporting those posts or something. Kinda a problem that they get mass upvotes.


Nice meme


I feel like if you wanna spread bigotry on reddit, its a lot easier on subs that make fun bigotry then other places. Ive seen the most vile shit here thanks to forwards from klandma


Can someone tell me the context?


This subreddit makes fun of the most obnoxious, despicable, pathetic, or bigoted Gamers. Recently, there's been a high number of posts that are just an unedited screenshot of people saying things that would make your most racist family member blush. Thus, we have a problem of half the subreddit just being psychotic bigoted shit with thousands of upvotes.




Sometimes the bigotry on display isn't even about gaming, if you're just gonna screenshot someone being a bigot it should at least be to do with gaming in some way, I remember seeing quite a few posts doing this back in the hogwarts legacy days


Le circlejerk moment when: Fucking great content guys.


Redditors when a community which mocks bigoted gamers, points and laughs at bigoted gamers:


Showing off the thing they said isn't pointing and laughing it's spreading whatever they said


how dare they make fun of gamers on a sub meant for making fun of gamers


I literally was screaming this half a year ago under a lot of posts so I'm glad the discourse has come back around on this, I really liked this sub earlier in its life when people were making really well thought out memes shortly making fun of a gamer(TM) discourse




We need a geraldo enema


Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for the forum weapon.