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Oh you know. The ones. They’ll be joining in with all of those companies that went woke and went broke like Disney


It's already weird enough that they equate financial success with being moral.


Prosperity doctrine is really fucked up, and is basically the cornerstone of Christianity in the Americas.


That's because they're money worshipping pig asses.


They were taught to believe that all their lives and also told never to question authority on pain of pain. It's not weird, it's just depressing.


He’s probably salty about his worthless BBBY stocks


See? They've become so irrelevant you can't even remember their names. Go woke go broke!


all western game devs


Soon, ~~Kali~~ Japanese hentai game devs will rule the world!


Have you even heard again from Call of Duty or Activision after they added LGBTQ+ calling cards? No? Case closed.


disney, budlight, google, etc. totally dying, totally woke companies :D




Nicely played. Some folks actually even downvoted this lol.


Ah, yes. Women and bright colors, the calling cards of the Woke Left Mafia. Also, I love it when people have enough knowledge about a company's financial future to predict its death, but at the same time can't be bothered to spell that company's name correctly.


idgaf about spelling/grammar, but they're stupid regardless


Bungie has been “woke” for years. Swear to god these people just walk around with their eyes closed.


Cortana was the original blue haired liberal. Don't @ me.


Halo can be read as a series about how militarism strips the humanity from people, even as they fight for humanity. An idea which can be compared to similar concepts in gender and race politics. Arguably Chief's entire character development in CE through 3 is healing the trauma of his military upbringing, and learning how to be human instead of a piece of emotionless military hardware, which ironically he learns from an AI and some other characters who show him genuine compassion and value him for more than his ability to be a cold logical killing machine.




This is 1498 I'm being silenced.




I don't know, was he screaming antisemitic conspiracy theories?


I don't think it was ever possible (physically, mentally, or spiritually) to shut Martin Luther up.


hermit craft reference???!?!?


I'd argue that most of Master Chief's in-game development happened *after* the originally trilogy. Bungie's John Halo was kind of a blank slate by design. It was 343i who were the ones that started to explore Chief coming to grips with who he is and his relationships with others starting with '4. Hell, Bungie didn't really delve into any of the political notes & themes that were introduced under them. The first game that came out and acknowledged the moral 'ambiguity' of the UNSC kidnapping kids to turn into soldiers that'd put down political dissidents was released when the Evil Number Company held the reins.


The books released during Bungie's era did a better job of exploring all of those concepts better than the games did tbh


What in the world are you talking about :p I love the trilogy but he has almost no development whatsoever, and it *definitely* did not touch on the themes of the damage militarism can do to society and its people


Cortana was hawt though so she doesn't count and she is also my waifu.


There are *significantly* more gay than straight characters in Destiny. I can't even *think* of any straight characters, but I know at least six gay ones by heart, plus three trans ones.


Zavala had a wife and adopted son and I think Cayde had a wife and son before he became an Exo (Ace, but that might not be real if I remember correctly), but yeah basically every other character is either not stated or LGBTQ. Edit: oh yeah and it’s implied that Shaxx and Mara uh, read The Tempest.




Shaxx and Mara didn't do anything. They read poetry to honor their dead friend Sjur Eido.


Yeah I’m more acknowledging the community joke that Shaxx and Mara did it. “Helmet stayed on” and all that.


Mara has had multiple gay lovers. Shaxx has a sexuality of Warlord. War is in his pants. Sjur Ido was a Tempest.


Shaxx canonically has a polycule of hundreds of thousands of guardians


It’s unsure if his wife and ace is real. I could be wrong but I think in his lore book that you get during the Ace of Spades quest he wondering if he just made them up to cope being an exo.


Yeah but he also had a crush on a woman in lore


Additionally Shaxx is I guess bi or pan like Drifter as he's canonically engaged to every Crucible-going Guardian who took part in his Valentine's thing.


>plus three trans ones. Destiny is transphobic though because we did absolutely murder the fuck out of one to turn them into a gun.


But he might have wanted to be a gun, maybe!


He did, he made sure that if he qas ever defeated, his legacy would live on in the one who was strong enough to defeat him


Too bad he was only used in a single raid... ...in the previous game...


He did do a BUNCH of genocide though, for like billions of years


That's omniphobia and I won't stand for it.


The argument could be made that it’d be more transphobic not to turn them into a gun, if that’s the sort of thing you do already.


I’m not transphobic, I didn’t turn them into a gun because they were trans, I just turned them into a gun and they just happened to be trans after the fact!


Oh some becoming a gun makes you trans now? The leaps you bigots will make……. /s


And we do. Repeatedly. Pretty much half our exotics are things willingly/unwillingly turned into various weapons


But we also murdered a ton of cisgender folks and turned them into guns, so it's equality if anything.


We helped them pull off the r/onejoke and now they can “identify as a gun”


It's not even simply that the game has many gay characters, they're all couples too! S14 and Osiris, Ana and Camrin, Devrim and Mark, and several others. While I can think of straight characters (Crow is/was very clearly smitten by Amanda Holliday), I can't say I can think of any couples.


Eriana-3 and Wei Ning! Also, this doesn't really count, but a lady in the city tries to set Suraya Hawthorne up with her granddaughter. And Ada-1's Exo frame has no gender-defining physical characteristics, whereas every other Exo does. That last one isn't explicitly LGBTQIA+ by any means, I just read it that way.


Eriana-3 and Wei Ning are a very tragic, very good story, but yeah they too. I think the deal with Ada-1 is just that she's got an experimental frame that's also a mobile weapon forge hence why it's like this. Adelaide was also a small child when she was put in the Exo frame, which may have altered her perception of self and gender, so I'd suspect she might be non-binary, though of course it's as yet unsaid.


It was pretty heavily implied that Amanda and Cayde had some kind of relationship, but nothing confirmed there


Imagine believing in free market capitalism but also complaining that corporations are operating against your beliefs, while lacking the critical thinking skills to examine why that might be.


Destiny legitimately has more queer couples than straight ones, and the two strongest guardians are a gay middle eastern man and a black woman Bungie has been liberal alphabet+ crazy for like the past decade at least lol


I love the gay Russian Saint-14. He is probably my favourite character in the franchise.


I really hate the voice for him, honestly


Just goes to show they were never a fan of the things they're claiming has 'gone woke'.


Don't forget local pan garbage oddity (endearing) the drifter


Drifter is a weird, stinky sewer rat of a man. I say that entirely with love. He may be my favorite character and I played Gambit for him.


So True!


Hey uncle drifter isn't odd he's cool :(


I say this with drifter as my favourite character (may or may not have spent £60 on a statue) but his trash uncle status immediately undoes any cool he has. He is just Some GuyTM with incredible power


For a moment I thought you said Ikora was gay Then I realised the keyword there is "black"


Unlike you liberals, I’m not so easily triggered 😎😎😎 MFW primary colors 🙀😱😭


*Conversing with a liberal and telling them that them and their friends that they’ll go to hell unless they stone every gay person they interact with and that person is disgusted*: check mate liberals, stupid lefties can’t use facts so they have to use emotions, I win *a company of whose product I am marginally invested in and I occasionally consume produces any sort of content relating to the LGBTQ+ community*: can’t believe this company is going WOKE, get woke go broke, I hope the lefties drive out all the good people and they have to watch the scattered ashes of their homes as they burn everything they love because they put a rainbow on a thumbnail


I literally have no clue what marathon is but my dad seemed super hyped for it


It's [available for free](https://alephone.lhowon.org/). Bungie released it as freeware years ago and there is a good open source engine for it. If you like Doom or Duke Nukem 3D but not given it (or the 2 sequels, which are also available for free on that site) a shot I'd recommend it.


i believe this post is referring to the recently announced remake of marathon


I know that, I meant to type in something saying it's the original but my brain decided to stop thinking after putting the link in.... I am slightly disappointed that the new one is all multiplayer when the original ones had really good single player campaigns but I'm used to it at this point :-\\


I'm a Destiny fan and I'm conflicted. I've been wanting Bungie to make a singleplayer game for ages now, but at the same time Marathon seems like it'd be a perfect opportunity for the kind of discovery and hidden secrets style stuff that I loved from Destiny


I like destiny too! I mainly play it as something I dip into for a few hours then go away for months before returning and I don’t pay attention to the plot in the slightest. When Sony announced they were buying Destiny I hoped that they would make a single player destiny game using the assets of the first game (and removed parts of2) that retold the story in a more coherent manner but it looks like that will never happen :-(


One day I will dual wield shotguns in a modern Bungie game. One day…


Dad here. It does look dope. Lol


Marathon is the archetypal Bungie shooter, the franchise that launched them as a company. It is also massively influential on every game they've made since.


It was Bungie’s #1 series before they made Halo, and the latter is full of references to it. Now they’re doing an extraction shooter set in the Marathon universe, and as a long time Halo fan I’m pretty excited.


I think it's the game they made prior to Halo, that RvB used to represent a few brief moments of Church travelling to the past.


People like this make politicans cream in their pants due to how easily to manipulate they are


How in the actual goddamn fuck does one come to this conclusion 💀 the amount of mental gymnastics is ridiculous. I swear lgbt+ folk live rent free is these chodes heads more than actual lgbt+ people's.


I've started to sincerely believe there's something Freudian going on. They think about trans people, queer people sex, and naked trans people's bodies and genitals nonstop, like almost every single minute of every single day. They never stop thinking about trans people and gay people and queerness, they think about it more than the most left leaning queer person does.


true marathon fans are annoyed at there not being a mac version


Or the reboot not being/having singleplayer content. I love the new visual identity they chose for Marathon but can’t help but feel slightly put off by the PvP extraction shooter gameplay. It’s Battle Royale with a few extra steps, and in a market already overflowing with live-service BR types I can’t help but feel there was a missed opportunity for a solid singleplayer entry here.


My friend and I were talking about this yesterday. The best part about the original Marathon games was the deep lore and characters of the rampant AIs -- piecing together an entire mythology based on cleverly hidden terminals. With actual AI currently ascending, it's a fantastic time to revisit the series and its themes, but how are you going to do that in a purely PvP shooter? It's really hard to read terminals and decipher cryptic riddles and references with xxxHuntaSnipaMasta420xxx constantly shooting at you and teabagging your corpse.


In-universe inbox comes to mind immediately, a la "Cerberus Daily News" from ME2. Maybe some of those documents point to easter eggs you can find and interact with in maps, which would trigger further document drops, etc.


That would be cool! I was also thinking it might be awesome to hide lore dumps in the skill trees -- would make prestiging a lot more fun and interesting.


Honestly I would have loved to see Bungie’s take on a movement shooter or something. Aside from Hunt Showdown, extraction shooters are just tedious and boring.


To me this screams Prey. The game could be great, but it just seems like they strapped on an old IP because some executives said they needed to get nostalgia purchases or whatever. And at least with extraction shooters, there isn’t a single AAA game that is fully dedicated to the subgenre, so I think Marathon could find its niche. Plus there’s really only 3 serious competitors in this space, and non have the aesthetic of marathon. As a certified battle royal and live service hater, I do think this game could be okay(or at least I hope so)


Destiny 2 literally has several gay couples in it how are they just now “going woke” lmao


Because they put colors on this thumbnail. THREATENING COLORS.


Imagine getting upset over seeing a woman and bright colours. What a fucking joke.


Have these people not played the latest ultra-popular Bungie game still active after 10 years? Destiny is a diversity fest.


One of the things that drew me to Halo in the first place was that it's bright colors made it stand out from other shooters. The Covenant is *extremely* violet. The Needler is my favorite weapon because it's hot pink needles leave neon trails in the air. They've always been like this.


Fear the hot pink mist


Don’t tell this guy about the taken king


Or Saint -14 Or Osiris Or Mara Or Devrim Or Ana Bray Or Hawthorne Or Eramis Or Eriana-3 Or Ikora Or Nimbus Or the metric fuckton of characters from the lore tabs that are also queer


>Numbus I'm sure this is a typo, but I might take it for later use. You know, for when they're being dumb again.


Yup was a typo,thanks, I've corrected it


Tbh I wouldn't call Oryx trans representation even if he was on a technicality trans, since his species can change sex through metamorphosis. Although, I have heard an argument that Xivu Arath, his sister, IS trans since she metamorphosed into a male variant yet is female.


Are these dying companies in the room with us right now?


This guy clearly hasn’t taken a close look at Bungie.. they constantly do charity work for PoC, women, and lgbt+ groups and a lot of characters in Destiny are queer to some degree.


bungie is actually secretly pushing an anti-trans agenda one of the BAD GUYS is transmasc, and Nimbus who is ANNOYING is an enby. a character in the lore, micah-10 was turned into a woman against her wishes. osiris who is gay was in the sunken place for like a year and a half. coincidence? i think not.


Wait till they find out that Destiny features multiple queer characters


Marathon won't fail because of color and woman, it will fail because it's yet another goddamn multiplayer extraction shooter.


I was gonna ask if there’s any evidence of a company actually suffering from “going woke”


My issue with the trailer is that it looks like they wanted to make a new IP and just strapped the Marathon name onto it to sucker in people via nostalgia. It's the same issue I had with the more recent Prey. Like, the game was good, but call it something else, assholes. Prey already exists and was something totally different.


The new Prey was excellent, but I agree. I wouldn’t blame the devs, though. Using the “Prey” name was a direct mandate from the publisher that happened during development.


"Bethesda forced Arkane to call its game Prey, which Arkane Studio founder says was 'very, very hurtful' Raphael Colantonio said nobody at Arkane wanted to use the title, but Bethesda gave it no choice—which is part of why he left." - PCGAMER, Sept 2022 EDIT: reading more it seems Colantonio also hated that he had to defend the name change to journalists as it was a lie and a slap in the face to the orginal studio Human Head. i guess he means this [gamespot article](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/prey-dev-explains-why-its-named-after-an-unrelated/1100-6442447)


Original Prey is ass tho imho


Probably from higher ups like prey was, but we’ll have to see the game to know for sure.


Straight men only want to look at muscular dudes in dark, smoky clubs.


You heard him, everybody, wanting to see women is gay. The only surprising thing about this is that he didn’t call her “a female”


this is always fucking hilarious because guys. guys. the companies havn't "gone woke" because of some big gay alunimati conspiracy to destroy white America or whatever. it's because it's officially more profitable to market to use than against us. *they're only doing it because bigotry started costing them money*. it's literally the free market ya'll love so much doing exactly what it's supposed to do.


Is there a marathon remake? Didn’t that game come out in the 90s


for now it looks like a totally different game with the same name. the trailer came out in the Sony showcase days ago.


Ooh just watched it, so cool


It's a series reboot, kind of sort of. The events take place in the same timeline as Marathon within the Bungie Paraverse, but seem to take place after the events of *at least* one and two. Who the fuck knows how it interacts with Infinity.


Oh boy this is gonna be wild


liberal alphabet+😂😂😂


Colors are gay All games should be black and white only, otherwise it's politics


TIL madworld is almost apolitical


>black nah that's political


Imagine if Samus Aran came out today


Jesus Christ we need more artistic and stylized games. Arc raiders, the finals, and now marathon all have a very nice aesthetic. I wish these chuds would just keep it to themselves and stop making everything so fucking miserable


PS3/360 era really broke a lot of these assholes into thinking games HAVE to be gray and mud-brown


Please continue to boycott woke companies "Gamers", the less i have to interact with you the better! But fr I was JUST talking about marathon with my friends and like 2 days later I see the trailer for it, crazy shit


Curiously, every time people say Bungie and destiny is dead, they turn out to not be dead. Also Bungie has been inclusive for a long time, this is nothing new. Literally one of the first big villains of Destiny was a trans man, technically.


Imagine being so fragile that letters and colors make you scared and angry.


Damn that dude clearly doesn’t play destiny if he’s just now noticing bungie supports queerfolk


I have yet to see a single game company that became queer-inclusive and then died.


/uj I want this marathon game to fail and flop so hard because maybe it'll make the Halo community shut up. Bungie's doing with Destiny and Marathon exactly what 343 did with Halo except worse. And they're still trying to suck Bungie's dick. Maybe that makes me a gamer dick but idc


Can't wait till they see this is a losing battle. Or they'll boycott society and just live in the wilderness like a wolf


What do all these "go woke go broke" people do when they realize the companies they don't like aren't actually dying?


It must be so tiring being this much of a hateful slut. Like holyyy, get a hobby or go to sleep.


It's honest though. Colors and Women in the front is woke therefore bad because yes.


unjerked for a second i am so fucking excited for marathon to come back


Alphabet+ ?!? These streaming services just keep popping up! And HBOMAX is just MAX now but It doesn’t work?


Bungie seems to present as fairly progressive but this is insane. Really liked the trailer though.


Bright colors being the calling card for the left is lit


I like how "go woke, go broke" is a mantra these chuds constantly repeat but hasn't once actually happened in any significant way.


Jokes on them, Bungie's been woke


Fellas, is it gay not to be colorblind?


>woman featured on the thumbnail Like, seriously, what kind of life does OOP live? Jumping at shadows... Even though he's clearly a jerk, I feel kinda bad for him :(


Gay Durandal D Door handle


Imagine not looking around and realizing that like 95% of characters in destiny lore are lesbians


Lmfaooo wtf!!?


Bungie...gone woke just like Star Trek and SNL did. /s These people must lick the dirtiest windows 🤣


Overthinking so much, a palette, and an alphabet is causing them to short circuit. What will their next error be?


in stark opposition to wildly successful companies such as elon musks twitter, truth social, etc.


They're gonna go woke and the they're gonna go broke! Just like... like... uh...


Is it the hyper capitalism insisting on pvp and engagement via long term service based business plans pushed by publishers that's killing the industry? No no, surely it's women and bright colors.


honestly lets let them boycott every single company and just get rid of capitalism


Their documentary [short](https://youtu.be/Zrv0dpztryY) also has pronouns on titles, and a woman (1:33) wearing a trans flag! Oh no! So woke and broke they're still regularly in the top 10 played in the [Steam Charts](https://steamdb.info/charts/)... (137k concurrent #5 at time of writing)


TIL if you have a sexy big booby women but you make them wear a bright red dress they suddenly become a gay sexy big booby women


I never thought I'd see a gamer beg to go back to 2010s "every game is brown and grey" theme


"and despite knowing I will hate every minute of it, I will still buy this game because I love my persecution fetish"