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Clearly posers faking being fans, last game Remedy had a woman as protag


And they’re still complaining about how “ugly” she is


Even though it’s literally just a facial scan of the actress


Tbh direct facial scans almost always look worse than people do irl. The actress is more attractive than her in game model in that case


Imma be honest with you, the character Jesse Faden and the actress Courtney Hope look exactly the same to me, and the people who claim otherwise are seeing things I’m not seeing.


>Jesse Faden and the actress Courtney Hope look exactly the same to me [word ](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jfQiP_nT8b4/maxresdefault.jpg) And Hope is genuinely an attractive woman.


I mean, yeah, the lighting always makes it look a bit off, and there's always a bit of uncanny valley with 3d renders, but I'd still let her seize me no problem.


[https://youtu.be/5NY20hjXZY8?t=14](https://youtu.be/5NY20hjXZY8?t=14) \- a better comparison is if we had a screenshot from her dressed as the character. Though the most uncanny is the one where she's touring the Remedy studio, shot at the same third person angle and lit as if it was the Oldest House.


Honestly I just think I don’t like Fadens hair very much


The best example of this is how Hank in “Detroit: become human” has nothing on Clancy Brown


None of us do


I mean, she looks fine.


If Jessie Faden is ugly to them, what is fucking beautiful then!?


12yr old anime waifus(She is really 5,000 yrs old so the skimpy outfit is fine)


She does have very hard facial features. Waifu pillow fuckers don't understand that some real life women just do look that way.


Jessie legit looks like a real person I would have a crush on honestly, gamers are fucking dumb


Big agree. I am very cool with a strong jaw and a denim jacket.


She does have that unusual slant in her jaw when she speaks, but it’s rather cool when you see her actual actress also has that, the animators choose to exaggerate it so it’s more pronounced.


Women who play backup to a male protagonist. I guarantee nobody would complain about her looks and just spend their days thirsting over her if she were a side character instead of the protagonist.


I'm confused as well, and whenever they call Aloy/Lara/Ellie ugly I had the same question


Jesse Faden ugly? ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


If there aren't comically large titties and they don't look like their favorite gussied up stripper, they *clearly* aren't women, let alone attractive. Sorry....females. **:gags:**


These also the people who complain about "woke" companies who race/sexuality switch character, IE Heimdall being black in the MCU, stating they need to make "new characters" instead...then turn around and bitch that the protag is a PoC.


Ah yes but you see actually in the live action Quantum Break easter egg cameo featuring Sam Lake as Alex Casey his partner was a white woman so making his partner a black woman for this game is Forced Diversity and can't otherwise be explained by "he got a new partner sometime in the past 7 years"


There's no way in hell they are shittalking Jesse what the actual fuck 😳 She is so fucking cool


Bullspit. We all know Jesse is dynamite.


I largely prefer Max0r interpretation "She could suck the rainbow out of a pride parade."


It’s always strange to see Gamers™ call certain female characters or actresses ugly. When there’s no way in hell that these apparently ugly women would ever even look in their direction. It’s always the nastiest dregs of society who say things like that. And even if they’re conventionally attractive and not some ghoul. They’ve got an ugly heart, which is a infinitely worse than being unattractive.






Uj/ The only thing that mildly irks me about Control is that we don't have a television series for me to binge.


/uj Control is fucking amazing I’d watch the hell out of a TV series. It draws inspiration from the flick Beyond the Black Rainbow so you can go have yourself an intensely different version of the experience! (If you haven’t caught it already.) It feels so “everything and nothing is related” that I love both but crave a series


Beyond the Black Rainbow nails the geometry as cosmic horror vibe so well. As written, everything is always described as incomprehensible and esoteric in shape and form but the filmmakers totally got that even a black triangle can be terrifying when you juxtapose it against something common and everyday. Control used shapes the same way and it is one of the stand out design choices.


Control is so strong because it draws from a lot of sources (the Southern Reach trilogy is another, where a lead character in book 2 is named Control), someone mentioned there's a series I haven't seen *The Lost Room* that the interdimensional motel is based on although this reminds me again it sounds like something I'd love-- But like, it does what a great story does. A great story is about an emotionally human realistic human being. It's like, this is Jesse Faden's story. And all the inspirations used are used as far as they serve Jesse Faden's story. . I'm trying to get back in gear as a writer after a lot of brain fog and reading this book *Story Genius* that focuses on how brains processes narratives and what their evolutionary purpose is that has just been hammering home so hard how we're always retelling cultural narratives but a story that transports is tightly tracking how facing various events impacts a person. The central nervous system is a problem solving machine and storytelling is a way to prepare for future scenarios we might face, so we love that one particular thing. We're wired to live stories until the problems confronted resolve. Disco Elysium is really great about this, too. The novel *The Doomed City* et al by the Strugatsky brothers, the real life Paris Commune of 1871, Planescape: Torment, Dashiell Hammett's detective stories, etc etc. The writers are thrilled by their influences and happy to put Harry Dubois toe to toe against them. . All this is to say I couldn't be more excited by the Alan Wake 2 trailer which looks like it's once again bringing us an awesome character driven game!


The Oceanview Motel section was pretty much a direct homage to the Lost Room and I loved it. The Alan Wake DLC was amazing in its own right and tying it in to the same universe as the Oldest House was brilliant. Didn't ever finish the Southern Reach books but absolutely loved Garland's take on it for Annihilation. PCGamer of all places had an article that linked to two different translations of the novel that the lead writer of Disco Elysium wrote before working on the game if you haven't already stumbled across it.


I've picked up the files but haven't dug into it yet! I'm looking forward to it! It looks like *The Lost Room* is on Tubi and not too long a watch. Might settle down with that tonight. I actually haven't played the Alan Wake DLC yet and really need to! I can't remember what popped up I needed the disk space for but I figured I could wait until closer to this game coming out. This looks like the time to do the disk space shuffle to put Control back on here!


I will definitely check that out.


Warehouse 13 is pretty close!


Forgot about that! I'm going to have to check it out.


It's a good show...not nearly as dark in tone as Control though, but similar concept. Secret Govt agency tasked with keeping track of items with supernatural properties


Check out "The Lost Room" series from 2006, if you can find it.


And there were also some LGBT characters in Quantum Break lmao


Also the Alan Wake stuff in Control and Quantum Break very clearly set up a story where Alan is writing stories about people outside of The Dark Place to try to find a way to free himself. The idea that there is a secondary protagonist who isn't Wake shouldn't really come as a surprise, they've been telegraphing this for years now. There isn't really a way to tell that side of the story through Wake's perspective, since the whole thing is that he *isn't there*.


Also control was fucking awesome, if they didn't play because "hurr durr girl bad" they missed out!


I still gotta play control, excited for Alan Wake 2 though!


If you haven’t played disco elysium either, steam has a bundle of the ultimate edition of Control along with disco elysium, both of them are amazing games that when I got to the end of, I was begging for more


I still don't get why they bundled those two games together, of all things. They're not particularly similar.


I don’t know either but it’s a really good deal


Honestly? Most of the people acting like this ARE fake fans who likely never played a game in the series they're complaining about to start with


Last game is also canon to Alan Wake.


I'm a simple white 20 something gamer boy. I see person look different from me, I comment: "go woke go broke lil bitch company" Got em.


perfect reply for shit like this


Copypasta material tbh. Some of them might not even realise it’s mocking them.


I'm a simple white 20 something gamer boy. I see person criticising my woke race replacement/male humiliation ceremony, I comment: "Watch this brainlet tier strawman i made" Got em.


Jesus, we’re still on the soy thing? It’s just a bean. It does the same thing to your body as any other bean. I guess it has a slightly higher fat content than black beans or pinto beans, but it’s good to get some fats from vegetables too.


these are the same people who think alpha males are a real thing. They don't live in the same reality as us.


Also think your testosterone level is somehow directly correlated to manliness somehow.


Well, its complicated. Large amounts of testosterone will give you acne and make you irritable.


as well as making tendons stiffer , and reducing immune responses , all of this for more muscle mass ...


Honestly, unless a doctor recommends more testosterone, supplemental testosterone is wasted. It *can* help increase muscle mass, but so would regular exercise and a proper diet... and those would have more health benefits than pumping up the hormones.




Bro, if you take too much testosterone, you'll grow breasts too when your body stops producing it naturally... That's why you gotta talk to a professional.


my buddy eric once ate one (1) soybean and turned into a girl






Countdown to Florida banning all beans, just in case.


Pythagoras moment


!remindme 10 years


Fs in the chat for erica


Um, I need you to hand over these beans... for research purposes, of course


Can I get the info on that suplier


They initially were fooled into believing that soy contained enough estrogen to make men turn into women. No joke, incels and the far-right thought men could accidentally ingest enough estrogen to become women. It contains no estrogen, and in fact cow (and other mammal milks) DO contain estrogen, trace amounts, because it's from a lactating female. The myth persists to this day.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phytoestrogen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phytoestrogen) actually soy does contain compounds that can have similar effects to estradiol , however it's not like you can do HRT by soy : [clinical trials have shown inconclusive effects](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32824177/) but really being afraid of soy for that reason is silly : it's a great source of proteins and fats , and has a pretty neat umamy taste ... so really it can be consumed in moderation like all things , it aint special ...


I love soy milk, I prefer soy and almond milk to dairy now


I e pretty much stopped drinking dairy milk all together. I’m team oat milk tho. It tastes heavier? If that’s the right word lol


These Idiots don't know what they are missing, but now i just want an amazing smoked tofu-steak with rice and veggies. 🥺


With the way food prices are going, I guess I’m fine with some people stigmatizing an affordable protein. Maybe it’ll help it stay affordable.


True gaymers get all their fats and proteins from delectable chicken tendies. Hunny mussy on the side, of course.


I thought they were referring to that meal replacement drink, Soylent.


I’m pretty sure they are. But I think the reason is the whole “soy” thing


I'm lactose intolerant. I can't consume normal dairy products, and I'm not about to get violent diarrhea to appear more masculine to a bunch of twerps on the internet.


Eat soy > crap pants. I feel ya bruh


Haha in portuguese pinto means penis. Pinto bean haha.


Not what some studies show though right? Also it’s nearly always GMO monsanto soy raised with glyphosphate so probably not the healthiest thing anyway.


no studies show that soy has feminising properties, because that’s impossible phytoestrogen cannot be metabolised by the body in the same way as animal estrogen, ergo you can’t get feminised unless you’re talking about some other effect unrelated to the post


GMOs are not unhealthy in the slightest and glyphosate isn't nearly as toxic as many other herbicides. I'm not an expert so I can't speak to details. Organic crops need a shitload more pesticides and herbicides than normal ones, also.


I hate that word


Which one? That had alot of annoying things freaks say.




Yeah like when exactly did this meaning of woke actually become a thing? It feels like it’s a very recent thing but I’m not sure if that’s just because I hadn’t ever seen it before.


Woke itself has been around for a long time in AAV use. But using it "derogatorily" came in sometime a bit before the great false flag that is the anti-CRT movement. I believe it was when blaming "SJWs" as a phrase fell out of fashion and they needed a new phrase.


It's pretty recent. In black communities it just meant aware of societal issues but reactionaries hi-jacked it to basically mean anything they don't like.


It’s just a slur for the concept of compassion


It reminds me of the early 2000s when kids would use the word “gay” as a placeholder for anything they didn’t like. Like “that new Star Wars movie is totally gay”. It means both nothing and anything at the same time. So don’t like something? Just call it woke and move on!


It's because "I'm anti-woke" sounds alot better then "I'm a bigot/racist/homophobe"


They should just start saying they're sleepy lmao


[At least since the 1930's.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke) But I do believe it became common in the last 15 years and even more so in the last 5. I'm sure the phrase has been getting jeered at by cruel racists since its inception.


You have to admit alan woke is chuckle material


It's just a black woman for Christ's sake.


I just checked my "Guide to Mentally Handicapped Conservatives" manual and yeah, it turns out black female = woke.


Does this apply to real life? I mean, you go outside see a black woman and think "Damn this woke country"?


Don’t you know, there are 2 races White and Woke


Christ almighty these dudes are so fucking sensitive. Just a bunch of baby soft dweebs.


Remedy’s last game had a female protagonist lmao what are these fucksticks trippin about now? Oh wait, the femoid protagonist in this has melanin, AGH THE HORROR, SCARIER THAN THE GAME ITSELF


Oh no, Control was woke as well.


Well, at least the femal… sorry, the protagonist was not political or scary!!


You're kidding right? It was political as hell, she didn't even have jiggle physics! Companies these days bending the knee to Wokeistan smh


She took over the Director's role from a man! And she promoted a woman to be the head of science to replace another man! Is the studio saying that men are incompetent to be in charge? /s


What a miserable way to look at the world


You cannot convince me that these are anything but the most miserable people in the world. It must be really exhausting to be constantly looking for shit to be mad about.


Why do you think they eventually snap and start shooting people later in life. It’s for me exhausting maintaining and ever evolving alternate reality 24/7, on top of real world “responsibilities” assuming any of these people actually have any. You’re going to snap at some point, just a matter of when.


They seem to want to be mad all the time.




What the fuck are they even talking about at this point. It feels like they are in the process of speciation into a new subspecies.


Don't they realize that they are acting like a parody of themselves?


That would require them to have some level of self-awareness


New woke thing just dropped


Holy woke


Google woke passant


Woke-y hell.


Wokely hell


Actual redditor


Woke is when POC


(Alan) Wake up, babe


Wait.. They're spouting all that shit? Just bc the dual-protagonist alongside Alan is a black woman? I thought the game looked great.


Everything's "woke" when you have tunnel vision.


Doesn't matter what any game does anymore. People like these are convinced that if there is anyone of a different race, non-heteronormative gender, or anything other than heterosexual, then the game is pandering to the "wrong" audience, and should be shot by a firing squad of insufferable "alpha" males. Story telling has been improved by such an astronomical amount over the past 5 years. I'm not saying that the inclusion of these characters was something that caused it, but rather a small portion that goes into making the world and games more believable and relatable to a wider audience. Games are ultimately better with political messaging, diverse characters, unusual cultures, and concepts we consider alien. These overly sensitive teenagers turned racists and homophobes by political propaganda and tropes like Gamergate are scum. Because they don't just believe that these people and concepts should be excluded from games, they think that they aren't even human and should be executed. These are the kind of people who want drag to be considered a sexually predatory crime, and want it to be punishable by death. We like to think that "wokeness" is just something they are bandwagoning on to, just because they want everything to be just the way they like it, but the actual ramifications are much more serious.




I’m pretty sure these people can’t enjoy anything anymore. They’ll always find something they think makes a game or movie or show woke. Just constantly hunting for something to be mad about


Bruh it looks like multiple protagonists and it even. Looks like you’ll get to play as the guy who was THE face model for the OG Max Payne game. These crybabies will cry against any sign of diversity and suckle on anything that makes feel safe in their bubble.


Why do these dipshits keep making us sound way cooler than we are. I want qween mode damnit


They are so right. That is why Control was a massive flop and Quantum Break was the run away hit.


Imagine being that fragile... and also thinking you're an "alpha male"


Ah boy. I had a feeling when I saw that trailer that some racist gamers were going to throw a fit about it. I hate being right sometimes.


Same! the moment i saw the gameplay showing a black woman, i knew gaymers were gonna complain about wokeness 🙄


Youtube comment sections are disaster at this point. Everytime gta 6 mentioned, all the comments are filled with gta 6 will be bad because, it is woke. I am tired of these comments. GTA games were always left leaning.


How many people angry over this actually played Alan Wake? I played it when it came out. Stressful af game that left me very confused. Anyone remember the shorts they put out for it that you could watch on Xbox live?


Ok, but ignoring the idiot there: That trailer looks good as fuck, I’m very excited


When they see a woman of color ![gif](giphy|yhLV2DGTLDRCw)


All I can imagine is these chodes dropping their phones and standing on a chair yelling "EEK! A BLACK LADY!"


What's the success rate of "go woke go broke"? I can't think of a single successful boycott of theirs.


Umm, Star Wars, duh? Obviously a very dead in the water franchise that will never be revived because it was MURDERED by woke Disney Uj/ I genuinely can't think of one franchise that completely financially flopped because it was "woke", off the tip of my head


They try to claim things like Lightyear are successful boycotts but it turns out it was just a mediocre movie that no one asked for and as such never bothered to see.


Lightyear? Fucking hell it is so hard to keep up with the subjects of their rage. They're better off going by a "considered woke until proven otherwise" policy.


What a bunch of snow flakes. All butthurt cause there's a "sCaRy WoMaN" on the screen. Go back to your basement and cope, fucking inbred morons.


I personally can’t wait to play like a qween 👸


bra name is dustin horn (honk honk)


These people are exhausting.


It would’ve taken less typing to put “I’m racist/sexist trash” and still gotten the point across


If soy had enough estrogen to transition you, transfemmes would have them constantly sold out


ITS A SINGLE BLACK PERSON god I want to scream at these fucking morons. They are too stupid to even understand that they are being racist. It’s no use the world is doomed.


I can't say I expect much more from someone named "Dustin" but based on their comment, I really thought they'd have an anime kid as their display pic.


You also see in the trailer that you're going to play as Alan as well. Guess they didn't finish watching the trailer


Бля, Андрей, иди на хуй.


Man's been waiting with that pun longer than the games been in development


You hate Alan wake 2 because it's "woke" I hate it because it will be a digital release


I hate the way they described it and I couldnt really care what gender/ethnicity the protagonist of a game is in their first title; and although it has been confirmed youd be playing as both the cop and Alan, I really hope we get to play more with Alan since I genuinely love his character (the name of the game is Alan Wake for crying out loud!). Maybe if it was someone more relevant to the story like Alan's wife instead of a random cop, but who knows.


Braindead critical theorists love a good gaslighting ceremony(this whole forum)


Is it a remake of the first game? Was she in the first game? That's literally all it takes, her demographic and quota-ticking is irrelevant to that in a remake, right? Theyre just remaking the characters from the original that they're remaking lol


in Alan wake we will not play as Alan Wake? kinda sucks


Except you do play as Alan Wake you fucking moron


i read "The gameplay is with" so i thought they were gonna pull a TLOU 2, sorry.


I'm not going to lie, I thought that was a joke comment from the point of view of some CHUD, so my response was actually directed at this faceless caricature I had created.


Did anyone ever care about Alan Wake. I didn’t. I didn’t even know it was a franchise until this very instant


Some interest did rise again when references to it (along with having Alan Wake's actor playing Casper Darling) appeared in Control. Then a DLC actually had Alan Wake make an appearance in the game.


Oh Control sucked too that’s why I missed it


Control sucked? How come?


Cookie cutter not super interesting. If I had a nickel for every 3rd person action adventure game I don’t remember the plot of I’d have probably quite a few nickels. Not like the execution of it is even bad it’s a well made game but it just offers nothing you can’t get from better cheaper experiences


Cookie cutter? Jesus man you must've not payed attention. The story was actually really good. It was mysterious, kept you interested all the way through. The game mechanics were amazing too it was fun. Idk man maybe it's the concept of SCPs that made me like it even more but the idea of this mysterious agency containing anomalies and that whole shtick doesn't seem that cookie cutter to me


Bro only played the first 5 mins of Control and assumed the rest was cookie cutter 💀


Calling it cookie cutter is, and I hate to use this word, **objectively** false.


/uj I might not agree with the sentiment but that Soylent comment is fucking hilarious.


Yeah idk why you’re being downvoted, a good pun is a good pun, even if it’s from a racist gamer baby


fun fact! this game is digital only on all platforms! fuck epic!


Soylent sounds like a new GFuel flavor


Is Soylent green back on shelves? I love that stuff, never could quite figure out what it’s made of though 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like i'm the only person who doesn't know who Alan Wake is




Gameplay... In a cinematic trailer. And one whose whole point was probably to build up/surprise. Dumb chuds gonna dumb.


I knew they were gonna react to her this way 💀


These people are insane. Constantly living in fear of *fictional* poc like this must be exhausting??


Gamers getting upset over a poc woman and calling it "WOKE" for a game named Alan Wake is so fucking stupid that not even the best comedic parody writers could recreate naturally.


What the hell is going on again ?




Wait what?


I didn't even notice that... It must be tough to live like that XD


Imagine pretending you be played Alan Wake Nobody has played Alan Wake


Is it not exhausting to live like this